34 résultats pour "alluvial"
Définition du mot:
ALLUVIAL, -ALE, -AUX, adjectif.
d?grad?s... MAURICE WOLKOWITSCH, L'?levage dans le monde, 1966, page 153. Remarque : Alluvionnaire*, synonyme vieilli de alluvial, semble s'?tre employ? surtout en parlant de d?p?ts, alluvial ?tant progressivement r?serv? ? une ?tendue de terrain. STATISTIQUES?: Fr?quence absolue litt?raire?: 10.
fleuves et rivières.
Lorsque la pente, et par conséquent la vitesse d'un cours d'eau diminuent ou quand le débit baisse, l'organisme fluvial dépose sa charge en l'abandonnant sur le fond, lesalluvions les plus grossières étant immobilisées les premières, puis les particules de plus en plus fines d'amont en aval. Cette sédimentation diminue momentanément lacharge (on parle d’évolution par rupture de charges successives), surélève le fond, augmente la pente locale, ce qui permet une reprise de l'action érosive immédia...
fleuves et rivières1PRÉSENTATIONfleuves et rivières, cours d'eau permettant l'écoulement de l'eau sous l'action de la gravité, dans un lit limité par des berges.
Lorsque la pente, et par conséquent la vitesse d'un cours d'eau diminuent ou quand le débit baisse, l'organisme fluvial dépose sa charge en l'abandonnant sur le fond, lesalluvions les plus grossières étant immobilisées les premières, puis les particules de plus en plus fines d'amont en aval. Cette sédimentation diminue momentanément lacharge (on parle d’évolution par rupture de charges successives), surélève le fond, augmente la pente locale, ce qui permet une reprise de l'action érosive immédia...
Louisiana - geography.
lakes are on the Red River and its tributaries. In addition, small oxbow lakes are numerous in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Oxbow lakes are formed when a river cutsthrough the neck of one of its loops, or meanders, thus establishing a shorter course and leaving the former loop as a lake separate from the river. Louisiana also hassome artificially created reservoirs. C Coastline Louisiana’s long and irregular coastline extends along the Gulf of Mexico from the Pearl River on the east to the S...
Louisiana - USA History.
lakes are on the Red River and its tributaries. In addition, small oxbow lakes are numerous in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Oxbow lakes are formed when a river cutsthrough the neck of one of its loops, or meanders, thus establishing a shorter course and leaving the former loop as a lake separate from the river. Louisiana also hassome artificially created reservoirs. C Coastline Louisiana’s long and irregular coastline extends along the Gulf of Mexico from the Pearl River on the east to the S...
la partie nord du plateau de l’Ordos, ils sont recouverts d’un fin limon d’origine éolienne, le lœss. Peu compact, le lœss, épais de 200 m, est très sensible à l’érosion(ravinement), la surface des plateaux étant incisée par de nombreux ravins aux parois verticales. Débordant sur le Xinjiang, la Mongolie-Intérieure et le Gansu, le désert de Gobi est un désert de sable et de pierres de type continental. Il s’étend sur le plateau Mongol,situé entre 800 et 1 200 m d’altitude. La végétation devient...
Arkansas - geography.
temperature rises to the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F). C2 Precipitation Arkansas receives about 1,000 to 1,300 mm (about 40 to 50 in) of precipitation a year, and some areas receive even more. Most of the rain comes during winter andspring and at times is so heavy as to cause flooding. Snow is rare in the south but amounts to more than 250 mm (10 in) a year in the mountains. C3 Growing Season Arkansas has a long growing season. It averages 211 days for the state as a whole and ranges from 241...
Arkansas - USA History.
temperature rises to the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F). C2 Precipitation Arkansas receives about 1,000 to 1,300 mm (about 40 to 50 in) of precipitation a year, and some areas receive even more. Most of the rain comes during winter andspring and at times is so heavy as to cause flooding. Snow is rare in the south but amounts to more than 250 mm (10 in) a year in the mountains. C3 Growing Season Arkansas has a long growing season. It averages 211 days for the state as a whole and ranges from 241...
Pô (plaine du), bassin alluvial de l'Italie du Nord, drainé par le Pô et ses affluents.
par la tradition artisanale médiévale (armures milanaises), le travail des textiles (soie), l'essor industriel lombard et piémontais s'est réalisé à l'époque de la constitution de l'unité politique italienne, avec l'ouverture des liaisons ferroviaires transalpines, et a abouti à la formation du « triangle industriel ». C'est là le foyer majeur de l'industrie nationale, avec la capitale de l'automobile, Turin, l'agglomération industrielle et financière de Milan, le débouché maritime de Gê...
China - country.
North China lies between the Mongolian Steppe on the north and the Yangtze River Basin on the south. It stretches west from the Bo Hai gulf and the Yellow Sea to theeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Administratively, North China includes Beijing and Tianjin municipalities; Shandong and Shanxi provinces; most of Hebei, Henan,and Shaanxi provinces; and portions of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Gansu provinces. Humans have lived in the agriculturally rich region of Nor...
Mississippi - geography.
The climate of Mississippi is characterized by long, hot, and humid summers and generally mild winters. The higher lands in the northeast are usually cooler than otherareas of the state. D1 Temperature Average January temperatures range from about 6° C (about 42° F) in northeastern Mississippi to about 12° C (about 54° F) along the Gulf Coast. No part of the stateis entirely free from freezing temperatures, but prolonged periods of extreme cold rarely occur. Temperatures more than 15° C (30° F)...
Mississippi - USA History.
The climate of Mississippi is characterized by long, hot, and humid summers and generally mild winters. The higher lands in the northeast are usually cooler than otherareas of the state. D1 Temperature Average January temperatures range from about 6° C (about 42° F) in northeastern Mississippi to about 12° C (about 54° F) along the Gulf Coast. No part of the stateis entirely free from freezing temperatures, but prolonged periods of extreme cold rarely occur. Temperatures more than 15° C (30° F)...
India - country.
delta in the north, are intensely farmed. B Rivers and Lakes The rivers of India can be divided into three groups: the great Himalayan rivers of the north, the westward-flowing rivers of central India, and the eastward-flowingrivers of the Deccan Plateau and the rest of peninsular India. Only small portions of India’s rivers are navigable because of silting and the wide seasonal variation inwater flow (due to the monsoon climate). Water transport is thus of little importance in India. Barrages,...
À la jonction de l'Afrique, de la Méditerranée et de l'Europe, le
Maroc, peuplé d'Arabes et de Berbères, est un pays islamique
depuis le VII e siècle.
plateau central, élément du socle primaire, où les oueds s'enfoncent profondément jusqu'à l'Océan, isolant une région aux portes mêmes de la capitale ; puis le Dir (le « poitrail »), piémont aux terres riches en eau s'étendant de Beni-Mellal jusqu'au sud de Marrakech ; enfin, la plaine triangulaire du Sous débouchant sur l'Atlantique à Agadir. Mais l'originalité du Maroc tient surtout à la grande étendue des plaines atlantiques (Chaouïa, Doukkala, Abda), qui s'intercalent entre...
En même temps que le lit s'approfondit, il s'élargit parfois. Les berges inscrites dans des matériaux meubles s'éboulent quand elles sont imbibées d'eau, lors des crues ; lescourants les frappent, en particulier dans les courbes, les faisant reculer tandis que les sinuosités s'exagèrent. Ainsi se forment et évoluent les méandres. Cet élargissementdu lit relève de l'érosion latérale. L'eau opère un tri en fonction de sa compétence, ou capacité de transport (taille maximale des alluvions que le co...
érosion - géologie et géophysique.
En même temps que le lit s'approfondit, il s'élargit parfois. Les berges inscrites dans des matériaux meubles s'éboulent quand elles sont imbibées d'eau, lors des crues ; lescourants les frappent, en particulier dans les courbes, les faisant reculer tandis que les sinuosités s'exagèrent. Ainsi se forment et évoluent les méandres. Cet élargissementdu lit relève de l'érosion latérale. L'eau opère un tri en fonction de sa compétence, ou capacité de transport (taille maximale des alluvions que le co...
Colorado - geography.
Although the rivers of Colorado are navigable only by small boats, they are important as a source of irrigation water for use in Colorado and adjoining states. However,the water level of the rivers fluctuates seasonally and from year to year. The level is generally low in winter and high in spring and summer, during the runoff of meltedsnow from the mountains. Colorado has no large lakes of natural origin, but there are numerous small lakes in the mountains. The largest bodies of water in Colora...
Colorado - USA History.
Although the rivers of Colorado are navigable only by small boats, they are important as a source of irrigation water for use in Colorado and adjoining states. However,the water level of the rivers fluctuates seasonally and from year to year. The level is generally low in winter and high in spring and summer, during the runoff of meltedsnow from the mountains. Colorado has no large lakes of natural origin, but there are numerous small lakes in the mountains. The largest bodies of water in Colora...
Texas - geography.
D Climate Eastern Texas has a humid subtropical climate, while a semiarid low latitude climate prevails in central areas, and an arid low latitude climate in the extreme west. Alongthe coast the climate is much milder, with fewer extremes in temperatures. Hurricanes sometimes hit the coastal areas of Texas from late July through September, andtornadoes are common in north-central Texas in April and May. D1 Temperature Summers are hot throughout the state, and temperatures exceeding 35°C (95°F)...
Texas - USA History.
D Climate Eastern Texas has a humid subtropical climate, while a semiarid low latitude climate prevails in central areas, and an arid low latitude climate in the extreme west. Alongthe coast the climate is much milder, with fewer extremes in temperatures. Hurricanes sometimes hit the coastal areas of Texas from late July through September, andtornadoes are common in north-central Texas in April and May. D1 Temperature Summers are hot throughout the state, and temperatures exceeding 35°C (95°F)...
Montana - geography.
(191 sq mi), is Montana’s largest lake, and the largest natural freshwater lake in the contiguous states west of the Mississippi River. C Climate Climatic regions in Montana coincide roughly with the two major physiographic regions. In western Montana, as compared with the eastern plains area, winters tend tobe milder while summers are cooler. Precipitation is more evenly distributed throughout the year in the west, and it is cloudier and somewhat more humid in all seasons.In addition, the grow...
Montana - USA History.
(191 sq mi), is Montana’s largest lake, and the largest natural freshwater lake in the contiguous states west of the Mississippi River. C Climate Climatic regions in Montana coincide roughly with the two major physiographic regions. In western Montana, as compared with the eastern plains area, winters tend tobe milder while summers are cooler. Precipitation is more evenly distributed throughout the year in the west, and it is cloudier and somewhat more humid in all seasons.In addition, the grow...
Bangladesh - country.
F Environmental Issues Waterborne diseases such as cholera are a serious threat to public health in Bangladesh. Until the 1970s, many of Bangladesh’s people became sick from drinkingpolluted water drawn from surface rivers. Aid agencies such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) built shallow wells throughout the country to help provide asafe source of drinking water to Bangladesh’s poor. In the 1990s, however, it was discovered that many of these wells were contaminated by arsenic, a...
Vietnam - country.
E Natural Resources Vietnam’s most valuable natural resource is its land, particularly the fertile, alluvial soils in the Red and Mekong deltas. Some 29 percent of the land is currently beingcultivated. Vietnam has some valuable mineral resources, including gold, iron, tin, zinc, phosphate, chromite, apatite, and anthracite coal. Most deposits are located in the northernpart of the country. Few attempts were made to extract these minerals until the French takeover of Vietnam at the end of the 1...
Missouri - geography.
Saint Francois Mountains, at the eastern end of the crest of the dome. Only in these mountains have the sedimentary rocks been sufficiently eroded away so that theunderlying igneous rocks are exposed. They form the rounded, knoblike peaks of an old mountain range. The peaks project, in isolation or in clusters, between 230 and300 m (750 and 1,000 ft) above the surrounding sedimentary basins. One of these knobs, Taum Sauk Mountain, reaches 540 m (1,772 ft) above sea level and is thehighest point...
Missouri - USA History.
Saint Francois Mountains, at the eastern end of the crest of the dome. Only in these mountains have the sedimentary rocks been sufficiently eroded away so that theunderlying igneous rocks are exposed. They form the rounded, knoblike peaks of an old mountain range. The peaks project, in isolation or in clusters, between 230 and300 m (750 and 1,000 ft) above the surrounding sedimentary basins. One of these knobs, Taum Sauk Mountain, reaches 540 m (1,772 ft) above sea level and is thehighest point...
L’eau qui retourne à la rivière en aval du barrage ne doit pas avoir la possibilité de creuser ou d’éroder ni le lit de la rivière, ni d’affecter la fondation du barrage par effet decavitation. Ainsi, des plans d’eau, appelés bassins de rétention, sont prévus pour réduire la vitesse de l’eau, et donc son énergie cinétique. Ces bassins constituent unélément majeur du barrage. Le bassin en tablier et le bassin à chocs sont des structures courantes, permettant de diminuer l’énergie élevée de la chu...
Guyana - country.
European patterns of living. People of mixed African and European ancestry form a distinct group in Guyana, maintaining closer social ties to the European communitythan to the African Guyanese community. Asians from the Indian subcontinent began to arrive in the 19th century, following the abolition of slavery in Guyana, to work as indentured and contract laborers. Theycontinued to arrive until 1917, when Britain outlawed indentured servitude. Thousands of Indians chose to remain in Guyana after...
Asie, continent du monde, regroupant 46 pays répartis sur six
On pourrait comparer le cœur du massif montagneux de l’Asie à une gigantesque roue, dont les rayons sont formés par de grands cours d’eau qui s’écoulent dans toutes lesdirections. Sept d’entre eux figurent parmi les douze plus longs fleuves du monde. Prenant naissance au nord et au nord-est du massif, la Lena, l’Ienisseï et l’Ob se jettentdans l’océan Arctique. Ils ont auparavant traversé de larges plaines alluviales. Vers l’ouest, des rivières comme l’Ili, le Syr-Daria et l’Amou-Daria dévalent...
Tennessee (state) - geography.
The climate of Tennessee is characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and abundant rainfall. C1 Temperature Average July temperatures range from less than 21° C (70° F) in the Blue Ridge region to 27° C (80° F) at Nashville and Memphis. Maximum daytime temperatures insummer often rise above 35° C (95° F) in central and western Tennessee. Daytime temperatures in the mountains rarely rise above 32° C (90° F). Summer nights tendto be warm and muggy in central and western Tennessee, but temperatu...
Tennessee (state) - USA History.
The climate of Tennessee is characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and abundant rainfall. C1 Temperature Average July temperatures range from less than 21° C (70° F) in the Blue Ridge region to 27° C (80° F) at Nashville and Memphis. Maximum daytime temperatures insummer often rise above 35° C (95° F) in central and western Tennessee. Daytime temperatures in the mountains rarely rise above 32° C (90° F). Summer nights tendto be warm and muggy in central and western Tennessee, but temperatu...
Massachusetts - geography.
mi). Other large artificial lakes include Wachusett Reservoir, East Brimfield Reservoir, and Cobble Mountain Reservoir. Assawompsett Pond, covering about 10 sq km(about 4 sq mi), is the largest natural lake. North Watuppa Pond and Long Pond are other large natural lakes. Lake Chaubunagungamaug, near Webster, is usuallycalled Webster Lake, because the Algonquian name is difficult to pronounce and spell. The full version of the Native American name is said to be the longest place-namein North Amer...
North Carolina - geography.
The drainage divide in North Carolina follows the Blue Ridge range on the eastern margin of the mountain region. This is called the “Eastern Continental Divide.” West ofthis divide, rivers drain into the Mississippi River through the Tennessee River and other tributaries of the Ohio River. The French Broad, the largest, and the LittleTennessee flow into the Tennessee River. The New River flows into the Kanawha River of West Virginia which in turn flows into the Ohio River. Most of the state’s ri...
North Carolina - USA History.
The drainage divide in North Carolina follows the Blue Ridge range on the eastern margin of the mountain region. This is called the “Eastern Continental Divide.” West ofthis divide, rivers drain into the Mississippi River through the Tennessee River and other tributaries of the Ohio River. The French Broad, the largest, and the LittleTennessee flow into the Tennessee River. The New River flows into the Kanawha River of West Virginia which in turn flows into the Ohio River. Most of the state’s ri...