3 résultats pour "aguinaldo"
- Aguinaldo, Emilio
Les Philippines (Travaux Personnels Encadrés – HISTOIRE & CIVILISATION) Des Négritos à Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
• l'intransigeance des dirigeants espagnols radicalise l'élan réformiste qui évolue en un mouvement révolutionnaire exigeant non plus l'assimilation , mais l'indépendance des Philippines, au besoin en prenant les armes. • Ainsi voit le jour en 1892 , une société nationaliste secrète, la Katipunan (terme tagalog signifiant «asso ciation »), visant l'indépendance totale par la révolte ouverte, qui essaime rapidement des groupes en province. • Découverte pa...
Manila - geography.
Manila played an important role in trade as a port for the Manila galleons, huge trading ships that carried goods from Manila to Acapulco, Mexico (then part of NewSpain). During this time, Chinese merchants settled in Manila and became middlemen for other trade from China. By the 1590s the Chinese had become aneconomically important community. Many Chinese, aware of the political and social advantages enjoyed by the Roman Catholics in the colony, converted to Catholicismand married Filipino wome...