8 résultats pour "760"
Grèce antique, art de la - beaux-arts.
Jusqu'aux environs de 320 av. J.-C., l'architecture, la peinture et la sculpture de grand format ont un caractère public, que leur destination soit religieuse ou civile. Toutefois, les monuments funéraires privés peuvent relever du grand art, et les arts décoratifs jouent un rôle important dans la sphère privée. Une famille ordinaire possède plusieurs vases de terre cuite peinte de belle facture ; les plus riches, de la vaisselle de bronze et des miroirs souvent décorés. Vases grecs Découvert...
China - geografía.
permiten la ubicación de puertos naturales. Hacia el sur de las colinas de Nan Ling está la depresión del Xi Jiang, una zona montañosa de suelos poco fértiles; sin embargo,los numerosos arroyos de la región están bordeados por valles aluviales planos y fértiles. La amplia planicie deltaica del Zhu Jiang (río Perla) se conoce comúnmente comodelta de Cantón. 2.1. 6 La meseta Tibetana En el extremo suroeste de China está la alta meseta del Tíbet, enmarcada por montañas; es la meseta más elevada de...
New Mexico - geography.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
New Mexico - USA History.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
Le Calendrier
Le Temps Hébraïque se définit par rapport aux mouvements de la lune
et du soleil.
Chaque mois ou presque comporte son ou ses événements religieux tels que la fête, le jeûne ou autre commémoration : — Tichri (septembre-octobre) comporte Roch Hachana (le Nouvel An), Yom Kippour et Soukkot (la fête des Cabanes) ; — ‘Hechvan (octobre-novembre) est le seul mois de l’année qui ne compte aucun événement religieux. On l’appelle à cause de cela Mar’hechvan, qui signifie Amère ‘Hechvan ; — Kislev (novembre-décembre) comporte ‘Hanouka, la fête des Lumières ; — Tévet (décembre-janvier) c...
American black bears live in Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. Scientists think there maybe as many as 700,000 black bears in the United States. American black bears eat grasses, berries,acorns, and walnuts. BROWN BEAR Brown bears have fur that is light or dark brown. They also have a big hump on their shoulders. Theirsnout is turned upward. Brown bears live in Asia, Europe, and North America. Grizzly bears are a kind ofbrown bear. Brown bears are among the largest bears. Large mal...
California - geography.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...
California - USA History.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...