430 résultats pour "racé"
Dictionnaire en ligne:
DOMESTIQUE, adjectif et substantif.
siens mais il perdrait du même coup la considération qu'il avait pour sa propre personne (MARCEL AYMÉ, Le Passe- murailles, 1943, page 147 ). c) PHILOSOPHIE et POLITIQUE. [En parlant de la vie familiale, par opposition à la vie sociale] Les libertés publiques ont pour base et pour sauvegarde les moeurs domestiques (PIERRE-JOSEPH PROUDHON, La Pornocratie, 1865, page 2 ). — Emploi comme substantif. Le domestique (vieux). Synonymes : foyer, ménage. Son domestique était réglé comme l'intérieur d'un...
La protection de la nature et de ses ressources constitue aujourd'hui une nécessité pour
l'ensemble de l'humanité.
vivantes peuplant la biosphère sont encore à décrire. En outre, comme on estime que ces mêmes forêts perdront 90 % de leur surface au cours du prochain demi-siècle, si aucun frein n'est mis à leur destruction actuelle, il est possible d'estimer à plusieurs millions le nombre d'espèces vivantes que l'homme fera disparaître d'ici là. Au strict point de vue scientifique, les conséquences de l'extinction accélérée d'un aussi grand nombre d'espèces seront catastrophiques pour la recherche scie...
CHASSE1, substantif féminin.
ST?PHANIE F?LICIT? DUCREST DE SAINT-AUBIN, COMTESSE DE GENLIS, Les Chevaliers du Cygne, tome 2, 1795, page 67. ? D?termination par l'instrument ou le proc?d? utilis? pour chasser. ? Chasse aux engins (pi?ge, glu, volant). Chasse au miroir. Chasse au tir(?) (Dictionnaire de l'Acad?mie Fran?aise). Chasse ? l'appeau. Chasse au cours de laquelle on imite les cris des animaux pour les attirer (confer Fran?ois Vidron, La Chasse en plaine et au bois, 1945, page 100). Chasse ? l'aff?t (confer Fra...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
DESCENDANT, -ANTE, participe présent, adjectifet substantif.
descendant (...) [quand] le moment de la plus grande intensité est (...) au début (...) de l'élément accentué (Lexique de la terminologie religieuse (JULES MAROUZEAU) 1933 page 14 ). b) [En parlant de la lumière] Dont l'intensité va en décroissant La lumière descendante allongeait derrière eux [des camions] de longues ombres (ANDRÉ MALRAUX, L'Espoir, 1937, page 519 ). 4. Dont la valeur va en décroissant; dont les termes se présentent dans un ordre de valeur décroissant Une progression descendant...
Esposito Scores 100 Points.
they didn't want to surrender the historic point. New York goalie Ed Giacomin was in fine form. Esposito missed on his first ten shots of the night. One clanked offthe goal post, drawing a chorus of “oohs” and “ahhs” from the crowd. Finally, in the second period, Esposito beat Giacomin and right wing Bob Nevin to ring up point number 98. It was his 38th goal of the season. Later in the gameEsposito notched his 99th point on an assist to Bobby Orr. Obviously keyed up to break the record, Espo...
et la banquise s’étendait encore loin du rivage.
leur présence, et bien des années plus tard, on devait apprendre qu’ils occupaient depuis longtemps, en secret, certains retranchements des Monts Brumeux, barrant tous les cols qui livraient passage en Eriad or. En 2509, Celebrian, la femme d’Elrond, se rendit en pays Lórien par la porte de Rubicorne, lorsqu’elle tomba dans une embuscade tendue par les Orques qui s’emparèrent d’elle et l’emmenèrent captive, profitant de ce que la soudaineté de l’attaque avait éparpillé son escorte. Elladan...
à l'exception peut-être de Washington, D.
celles delavie urbaine ; sije contemplais aujourd’huilemême site,jeconstaterais peut-êtrequel’hybride troupeau a disparu : piétinéparune race plusvigoureuse etplus homogène degratte-ciel implantéssurces rives qu’une autostrade a fossilisées d’asphalte. À l’abri decette faune pierreuse, l’élitepauliste, pareilleàses orchidées favorites,formaituneflore nonchalante et plus exotique qu’ellenecroyait. Lesbotanistes enseignent quelesespèces tropicales comprennent desvariétés plus nombreuses quecelles...
African American History - U.
In their day-to-day lives, slaves and servants shared similar grievances and frequently formed alliances. Advertisements seeking the return of slaves and servants whohad run away together filled colonial newspapers. When a slave named Charles escaped in 1740, the Pennsylvania Gazette reported that two white servants, a 'Scotch man' and an Englishman, escaped with him. Sometimes interracial alliances involved violence. During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, slaves and servants took up armsagainst Na...
tribu) et Exogame (qui choisit un conjoint à l'extérieur de sa propre tribu); et aussi, les termes techniques Cryptogame, Gamète, Phanérogame (voir un dictionnaire spécialisé). N.B. « Game » veut bien dire mariage, et non pas «femme». GAMME. n. (de la lettre grecque gamma, qui désignait la première note de la «gamme »). En musique, échelle des notes ou des sons. Par analogie, série plus ou moins homogène de toutes sortes de réalités. Gamme des couleurs(série naturelle des tons su...
Définition et usage du mot:
BEAU, BEL, BELLE, BEAUX, adjectif et substantif.
· [En parlant d'une collectivité, d'un groupe] Une belle race (de personnes, d'animaux). · Locution périphrastique. Le beau sexe. Les femmes. Synonyme : le sexe féminin : Ø 7. Ainsi sous la domination de l'homme, le beau sexe était tout pareil à un troupeau bien conduit, et si bien morigéné, que ce troupeau en était arrivé à faire lui-même sa police, et à chasser spontanément de sa masse toutes les têtes indociles, toutes les brebis galeuses. VALÉRY LARBAUD, Fermina Marquez, 1911, page 67. SY...
clonage (Biologie et Anatomie).
le noyau somatique. C’est en quelque sorte un jumeau de cet organisme, mais produit à l’âge adulte. Si cette technique fait depuis 1996 l’objet de nombreuses expériences sur des mammifères variés, elle est cependant loin d’être au point. Tout d’abord, seule une infimepartie (quelques pour cent à peine) des embryons clonés se développent normalement et arrivent à terme. De surcroît, parmi ces derniers, une forte proportion développe,au cours de sa croissance ultérieure, diverses pathologies et m...
- Roger Garaudy L'AVENIR: MODE D'EMPLOI ( Extraits )
C Lotteries Lotteries are another form of gambling. In a lottery, tickets are sold for a set amount and a share of the proceeds is returned to the winners, usually through a randomdraw. Most games allow players to pick their own numbers or let a computer randomly pick for them. Lotteries offer a wide variety of games, including weekly drawings,instant “scratch” tickets, daily games, and superlottos with prizes increasing until there is a winner. Large lottery prizes sometimes exceed $100 millio...
Greek Mythology
Temple of Apollo at Didyma
The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 bc).
A1 The Creation of the Gods According to Greek myths about creation, the god Chaos (Greek for “Gaping Void”) was the foundation of all things. From Chaos came Gaea (“Earth”); the bottomlessdepth of the underworld, known as Tartarus; and Eros (“Love”). Eros, the god of love, was needed to draw divinities together so they might produce offspring. Chaosproduced Night, while Gaea first bore Uranus, the god of the heavens, and after him produced the mountains, sea, and gods known as Titans. The Tita...
Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901).
homesteaders against pressure from the powerful railroads. He fought vigorously for Civil War veterans, supported high taxes on imports (called tariffs), payments todisabled and opposed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped Chinese immigration to the U.S. for 10 years ( see Immigration: From 1840 to 1900 ). He also introduced 101 special pension and relief bills in six years. Harrison's name was well known by the Republican National Convention in 1884. In spite of this, Congressman and forme...
Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) - Histoire
homesteaders against pressure from the powerful railroads. He fought vigorously for Civil War veterans, supported high taxes on imports (called tariffs), payments todisabled and opposed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped Chinese immigration to the U.S. for 10 years ( see Immigration: From 1840 to 1900 ). He also introduced 101 special pension and relief bills in six years. Harrison's name was well known by the Republican National Convention in 1884. In spite of this, Congressman and forme...
Jimmy Carter.
B Election of 1976 Carter apparently decided as early as 1972, halfway through his four-year term as governor, that he would seek the presidency of the United States. Soon after the1972 election, his campaign manager drew up a detailed campaign strategy. Carter followed the plan closely, beginning an exhausting schedule of campaigning as soonas his gubernatorial term ended. When Carter formally announced in January 1975 that he was a candidate for president, he had almost no national reputation...
Jimmy Carter
B Election of 1976 Carter apparently decided as early as 1972, halfway through his four-year term as governor, that he would seek the presidency of the United States. Soon after the1972 election, his campaign manager drew up a detailed campaign strategy. Carter followed the plan closely, beginning an exhausting schedule of campaigning as soonas his gubernatorial term ended. When Carter formally announced in January 1975 that he was a candidate for president, he had almost no national reputation...
Popular Music
Satchmo Sings "Back O' Town Blues"
One of the founders of instrumental jazz music, American Louis Armstrong, known as Satchmo, also profoundly influenced
vocal jazz and popular song.
disseminating popular music until the 1920s remained printed sheet music. By the late 19th century, the music-publishing business was centralized in New York City,particularly in an area of lower Manhattan called Tin Pan Alley. “After the Ball” (1892) by Charles K. Harris, the first popular song to sell 1 million copies—in this case, ofsheet music—inspired rapid growth in the music-publishing industry. Composers were hired to rapidly produce popular songs by the dozens, and the techniques ofFost...
Cold War.
With this, all the countries of Eastern Europe were under Communist control, and the creation of the Soviet bloc was complete. The events of 1948 contributed to agrowing conviction among political leaders in both the United States and the USSR that the opposing power posed a broad and fundamental threat to their nation’sinterests. The Berlin blockade and the spread of Communism in Europe led to negotiations between Western Europe, Canada, and the United States that resulted in the NorthAtlantic...
Cold War .
With this, all the countries of Eastern Europe were under Communist control, and the creation of the Soviet bloc was complete. The events of 1948 contributed to agrowing conviction among political leaders in both the United States and the USSR that the opposing power posed a broad and fundamental threat to their nation’sinterests. The Berlin blockade and the spread of Communism in Europe led to negotiations between Western Europe, Canada, and the United States that resulted in the NorthAtlantic...
Cold War - U.
With this, all the countries of Eastern Europe were under Communist control, and the creation of the Soviet bloc was complete. The events of 1948 contributed to agrowing conviction among political leaders in both the United States and the USSR that the opposing power posed a broad and fundamental threat to their nation’sinterests. The Berlin blockade and the spread of Communism in Europe led to negotiations between Western Europe, Canada, and the United States that resulted in the NorthAtlantic...
Horse - biology.
Horses reach sexual maturity at about one and a half years. The estrous cycle in the mare—a mature female horse—typically lasts 21 days. During the first five days ofthe cycle, the mare is usually receptive to mating. The estrous cycle stops during winter and resumes in the spring, which is the start of the breeding season. Astallion—a mature male horse—approaching a mare in estrus engages in various courtship rituals. These include uttering nickering sounds and sniffing and licking themare’s ge...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
Women's Rights.
In 1840 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton traveled to London to attend the World Anti-Slavery Convention. Upon arrival, however, the women were barred fromparticipating in the conference and forced to sit behind a curtain. This experience of discrimination inspired them to organize the first women’s rights convention. Thisconvention met in Seneca Falls, New York, on July 19 and 20, 1848. The Seneca Falls Convention attracted more than 200 women and approximately 40 men. For theconvention,...
Ronald Reagan.
deposed shah of Iran to enter the United States for medical treatment, a group of Iranian revolutionaries stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehrān and held 53 Americansas hostages. United States media publicized the plight of the hostages and Carter’s failure to win their release. They were eventually released in January 1981, on theday of Reagan’s inauguration. The contrast between the television personalities of the two candidates was also very important. Carter’s stiff, nervous manner had never bee...
Ronald Reagan - USA History.
deposed shah of Iran to enter the United States for medical treatment, a group of Iranian revolutionaries stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehrān and held 53 Americansas hostages. United States media publicized the plight of the hostages and Carter’s failure to win their release. They were eventually released in January 1981, on theday of Reagan’s inauguration. The contrast between the television personalities of the two candidates was also very important. Carter’s stiff, nervous manner had never bee...
Criminal Procedure.
B State Criminal Procedure A person prosecuted in the courts of a particular state on a charge of violating the criminal laws of that state is subject to state criminal procedure. State criminalprocedure is found in the constitution, statutes, rules, and judicial decisions of that state. Furthermore, portions of the U.S. Constitution are applicable to state criminaldefendants. State constitutions generally guarantee a state criminal defendant most of the same rights that a federal defendant is...
- la division du travail