3893 résultats pour "nationalisme"
Antelope - biology.
antelopes still display complex patterns of behavior, although much of it is instinctive rather than learned. In open habitats, antelopes run a high risk of predation (being preyed upon). To survive they use several kinds of defensive strategy, including living in herds. Herd living ensures that many pairs of eyes and ears are on the alert for danger. Herd living also gives individuals a better chance of avoiding attack, because predators canchoose from many potential targets. When danger thre...
Histoire de la ville de Rome
• le cœur historique , sur la rive gauche du Tibre , abrite le centre géographique de la ville qui se situe sur la piaua Venezia , non loin de l'intersection des deux grandes artères, le Corso VIttorio Emanuele Il et la via del Corso . Cette dernière remonte jusqu 'à la piaua del Popolo : là, il suffit d 'emprunter le pont Regina Marghertta pour rejoindre piaua della libertà et la ctté du Vatican. • Circuler à Rome est difficile, en déptt de l'aménagemen...
Arctic - Geography.
The Arctic is not a frozen desert devoid of life on land or sea, even during the cold, dark winter months. Spring brings a phenomenal resurgence of plant and animal life.Low temperatures are not always the critical element—moisture, the type of soil, and available solar energy are also extremely important. Some animals adapt well toArctic conditions; for instance, a number of species of mammals and birds carry additional insulation, such as fat, in cold months. Arctic summers with extended dayli...
Capital Punishment.
deterrent effect. Capital punishment advocates note that because the death penalty is reserved for the most aggravated murders, the deterrent effect of capitalpunishment on such crimes may not be apparent in data on homicide rates in general. Supporters also urge that the conflicting results of various studies indicate thatthe deterrent effect of the death penalty cannot not be proven or disproven with any certainty. They maintain that in the absence of conclusive proof that the threat ofexecuti...
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), third president of the United States (1801-1809) and author of the Declaration of Independence.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson - USA History.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Detroit - geography.
of German and Irish immigrants. In the first half of the 20th century, the percentage of foreign-born residents declined, even though many immigrants arrived fromeastern Europe. During World War II (1939-1945), both whites and blacks were attracted from the South to work in the city’s defense industries. In 1950 foreign-bornand black residents each made up about 16 percent of the total population. In the five decades after 1950, the city lost almost half of its population, as many white resident...
John Adams.
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
John Adams
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
John Adams - U.
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
- Danemark
LGV Tours-Bordeaux
chantier, pour un investissement total de 7,8 milliards d'euros. C'est le plus important chantier français d'infrastructures annoncé pour la décennie. Le financement est réalisé de la manière suivante : les collectivités publiques, c'est-à-dire l'Etat et les collectivités territoriales, et l'Union Européenne doivent assurer 44,6% du financement tandis que le reste doit provenir du Réseau Ferré de France (26,3%) et du concessionnaire (29,1%). Ainsi la société concessionnaire est le groupement L...
- Pérou
- la division du travail
- Bismarck, Pensées et souvenirs (extrait 1)
- Code Pénal 315 P
Native Americans of North America.
addition to smallpox and measles, explorers and colonists brought a host of other diseases: bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, pleurisy, mumps,diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, yellow fever, and various sexually transmitted infections. Despite the undisputed devastation wreaked on Indian populations after European contact, native populations showed enormous regional variability in their response todisease exposure. Some peoples survived and, in some cases, even...
Native Americans of North America - Canadian History.
addition to smallpox and measles, explorers and colonists brought a host of other diseases: bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, pleurisy, mumps,diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, yellow fever, and various sexually transmitted infections. Despite the undisputed devastation wreaked on Indian populations after European contact, native populations showed enormous regional variability in their response todisease exposure. Some peoples survived and, in some cases, even...
Wars of Yugoslav Succession.
of Yugoslav succession was over. In January 1992 members of the European Community (EC; after 1993 the European Union, EU) recognized Slovenia’s independencealong with that of Croatia. The United States and other countries did so shortly thereafter. IV THE WAR IN CROATIA As the Yugoslav army withdrew from Slovenia in July 1991, a second and far more serious conflict erupted in Croatia. But the road to war in Croatia began more than ayear earlier. In April and May 1990 the Croatian Democratic U...
Wars of Yugoslav Succession .
of Yugoslav succession was over. In January 1992 members of the European Community (EC; after 1993 the European Union, EU) recognized Slovenia’s independencealong with that of Croatia. The United States and other countries did so shortly thereafter. IV THE WAR IN CROATIA As the Yugoslav army withdrew from Slovenia in July 1991, a second and far more serious conflict erupted in Croatia. But the road to war in Croatia began more than ayear earlier. In April and May 1990 the Croatian Democratic U...
The highest elevations in Africa are found in the various ranges of East Africa. After Kilimanjaro, the next highest peaks are Mount Kenya (5,199 m/17,057 ft), north ofKilimanjaro in central Kenya; Margherita Peak (5,109 m/ 16,762 ft) in the Ruwenzori Range on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC); Ras Dashen (4,620 m/ 15,157 ft) in the Ethiopian Highlands of northern Ethiopia; Mount Meru (4,565 m/ 14,977 ft), close to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; and MountElgon (4,...
Africa - Geography.
The highest elevations in Africa are found in the various ranges of East Africa. After Kilimanjaro, the next highest peaks are Mount Kenya (5,199 m/17,057 ft), north ofKilimanjaro in central Kenya; Margherita Peak (5,109 m/ 16,762 ft) in the Ruwenzori Range on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC); Ras Dashen (4,620 m/ 15,157 ft) in the Ethiopian Highlands of northern Ethiopia; Mount Meru (4,565 m/ 14,977 ft), close to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; and MountElgon (4,...
La « propriété intellectuelle » (Travaux Pratiques Encadrés – Droit & Société)
De plus, les producteurs ont le droit de contrôler , même après une première commercialisation, la circulation de leurs disques ou vidéos, à travers la location notamment. Ce monopole d'exploitation est de cinquante ans après la fixation sonore ou visuelle. droit de propriété . En principe, c'est le créateur qui est titulaire des droits, cependant, lorsqu'un salarié réalise un dessin ou modèle dans l'exercice de ses fonctions ou sous les instructions...
Other managed-care companies pay therapists a set fee to meet with a client for up to a specified maximum number of sessions depending on the nature of theproblem, free of interference from case reviewers. For example, a managed-care firm may pay a therapist $200 to hold up to eight sessions with a person. If the clientuses all eight sessions, the therapist normally loses money. But if treatment stops after two or three sessions, the therapist makes a profit. This relatively new system iscontrov...
- Droit commercial
Criminal Law.
for rehabilitative treatment for the offender. On the other hand, the goals of punishment may at times conflict. The retributive and deterrence theories call for theinfliction of unpleasant experiences upon the criminal, including harsh prison treatment; but the prison environment may not be conducive to, or may even defeat,rehabilitation. No one theory of punishment addresses all the goals of criminal law. A combination of theories and goals plays a part in the thinking of the legislators who e...
L'histoire d'Allemagne
DE LA PRUSSE A t:EMPIRE LA RIVAUTE AUTRICHE-PRUSSE • la Prusse envisage de créer une Petite Allemagne (sans l'Autriche) fondée sur l'économie. Elle crée un marché unique allemand, le Zollverein (1834), auquel adhèrent une vingtaine d'États allemands du Nord. • l'Autriche s'oppose alors à la Prusse en privilégiant les alliances avec les royaumes du Sud (Bavière et Wurtemberg). réunie à Frandort, siège de la diète, organise l'élection d'une Assemblée...
Cours de Droit privé
2 TRONCHET, PORTALIS, MALLEVILLE, BIGOT DE PREMENEU. Le projet élaboré par cette commission fut ensuite communiquer pour observation au tribunal de cassation et aux tribunauxd'appel et enfin transmis aux conseils d'état pour être définitivement mis au point. Le projet définitif issu de ses travaux fut votépar le conseil législatif, cette loi abroge du même coup tous les textes antérieurs relatifs aux matières concernés. Le code de 1804 est dominé par un esprit transactuel entre les...
Astronomy - astronomy.
Telescopes may use either lenses or mirrors to gather visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects. Those that use lenses arecalled refracting telescopes, since they use the property of refraction, or bending, of light ( see Optics: Reflection and Refraction ). The largest refracting telescope is the 40-in (1-m) telescope at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, founded in the late 19th century. Lenses bend different colors of light by d...
Aboriginal Australians - History.
Until Europeans began to settle in Australia in 1788, the Aboriginal way of life was supported by hunting, gathering, and fishing. Like other hunting and gatheringpeoples, Aboriginal people had an extremely detailed knowledge of their environment, especially plant ecology and animal behavior. The deep connection betweenAboriginal people and the natural world influenced every part of their culture, including their food gathering, tools, trade, religion, art, music, language, and socialorganizatio...
cours S2 L1 droit de la famille
INTRODUCTION I - L’identification du droit de la famille On a tendance à considérer qu’il existe trois piliers du droit civil : la famille le contrat la propriété Le contrat (art 1100-1) et la propriété (art 544) ont une définition dans le Code civil mais la notion de famille ne dispose pas de définition. Le livre 1er du code civil “Des personnes” va parler du mariage, du divorce, de la filiation, de l’autorité parentale. Cela relève du droit de la famille mais ils ne sont pas ab...
- Primo Levi, Si c'est un homme
- Article de presse: Jacques Chirac réforme les armées
Egypt - country.
Egypt has a wide variety of mineral deposits, some of which, such as gold and red granite, have been exploited since ancient times. The chief mineral resource ofcontemporary value is petroleum, found mainly in the Red Sea coastal region, at Al ‘Alamayn (El ‘Alamein) on the Mediterranean, and on the Sinai Peninsula. Otherminerals include phosphates, manganese, iron ore, and uranium. Natural gas is also extracted. D Plants and Animals The vegetation of Egypt is confined largely to the Nile Delta,...
New Brunswick - Geography.
Grand Lake, the largest lake in New Brunswick, is in the lowlands, east of Fredericton. Most other lakes are located in the northern and southwestern parts of NewBrunswick. D Climate New Brunswick has a continental climate that is moderated by maritime influences in the coastal areas. As a result, coastal regions are slightly warmer in the winter andslightly cooler in the summer than are interior regions. Annual temperature variations are large, with the January mean usually at least 25 to 28°C...
New Brunswick - Canadian History.
Grand Lake, the largest lake in New Brunswick, is in the lowlands, east of Fredericton. Most other lakes are located in the northern and southwestern parts of NewBrunswick. D Climate New Brunswick has a continental climate that is moderated by maritime influences in the coastal areas. As a result, coastal regions are slightly warmer in the winter andslightly cooler in the summer than are interior regions. Annual temperature variations are large, with the January mean usually at least 25 to 28°C...
La maltraitance infantile (Travaux Pratiques Encadrés – Droit & Société)
• Parmi les formes de maltraitance au sens propre , le nombre d'abus sexuels recensés est en légère hausse au cours des toutes dernières années . Ils représentent désormais la principale cause de maltraitance. • Cette augmentation est sans doute liée en partie à un meilleur repérage des cas, du fait des nombreuses campagnes de sensibilisation organisées en direction des professionnels et du grand public. l'OBLIGATION DE DÉNONCER LA MALTRAITANCE • D'une...
- Guerre mondiale, Seconde
- Guatemala
- Sri Lanka
- la nuit des temps de rené barjavel