3729 résultats pour "georg"
Richard Nixon.
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
Richard Nixon
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
- EXCUSE, substantif féminin.
espace, exploration de l' - astronomie.
d’un géant, habitant de l’étoile Sirius, et du secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie de la planète Saturne. En 1865, Jules Verne publie De la Terre à la Lune, dans lequel son génie visionnaire s’exprime par une description proche d’une réalité qui se concrétisera un siècle plus tard. Dans un genre radicalement différent, l’écrivain anglaisH.G. Wells publie en 1898 la Guerre des mondes, puis en 1901 les Premiers Hommes dans la Lune. Au début du XXe siècle, les pionniers du cinéma de fiction p...
Frankreich - geographie.
beschränkt wird. Eine weitere gravierende Beeinträchtigung der Fauna besteht darin, dass Frankreich den Massenfang von Vögeln für kulinarische Zwecke erlaubt, 1997schätzte man die Zahl der hier getöteten Vögel auf 70 Millionen. Hinzu kommt, dass zwei Drittel der Waldflächen nur als Niederwald entwickelt sind. Hier finden vor allemArten wie Feldhasen, Fasane und Rebhühner geeigneten Lebensraum. In den Hochwäldern leben Rothirsche, Rehe, Wildschweine und Rotfüchse, in höheren Lagen der AlpenGämsen...
delta. Le Congo, avec ses 4 400 km, baigne une grande partie de l'Afrique centrale. Il naît en Zambie et coule vers le nord sous le nom de Lualaba. Il oblique vers l'ouest puis versle sud-ouest pour se jeter dans l'océan Atlantique. Le troisième grand fleuve africain, le Niger, en Afrique occidentale, est long d'environ 4 200 km ; son cours supérieur n'est navigable que pendant la saison des pluies. LeNiger, qui prend sa source sur le plateau du Fouta-Djalon, coule vers le nord et l'est en forma...
Malthus, nature's check was “positive”: “The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must insome shape or other visit the human race.” The shapes it took included war, epidemics, pestilence and plague, human vices, and famine, all combining to level theworld's population with the world's food supply. The only escape from population pressure and the horrors of the positive check was in voluntary limitation of population, no...
- BOUCHÉE, substantif féminin.
CHENILLE, substantif féminin.
? En chenille. Cette fleur en chenille Qui met sa grappe blonde aux bras des ch?taigniers (ROBERT, COMTE DE MONTESQUIOU-FEZENSAC, Les Hortensias bleus, 1896, page 79 ). ? Par m?taphore. ? [Par r?f?rence ? la voracit? de cet animal] L'affectation, cette chenille qui d?vore les germes et les boutons les plus verts (ALFRED DE MUSSET, Le Temps, 1831, page 138 ). ? [Par r?f?rence ? sa forme] La petite chenille jaune du tramway s'avance sur deux fils m?talliques (PAUL MORAND, New-York...
Cosmology - astronomy.
In 1917 American scientist Harlow Shapley measured the distance to several groups of stars known as globular clusters. He measured these distances by using amethod developed in 1912 by American astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. Leavitt’s method relates distance to variations in brightness of Cepheid variables, a class of starsthat vary periodically in brightness. Shapley’s distance measurements showed that the clusters were centered around a point far from the Sun. The arrangement of theclusters was...
CHEMINÉE, substantif féminin.
s'installer ? l'int?rieur, sous leur manteau, pour parler] Sous (le manteau de) la chemin?e. En secret et en dehors des voies normales. Toutes les infamies qui se pratiquent sous le manteau d'une chemin?e ou autrement (HONOR? DE BALZAC, Le P?re Goriot, 1835, page 131 ). Entrons dans un m?nage O?, sous la chemin?e, on b?cle un mariage (AUGUSTE BARBIER, Satires, Matrimonium, 1865, page 131) : ? 2.... il est comme ces grands seigneurs qui ont une charge honoraire, et les entr?es aux jours de gal...
drame et art dramatique.
Par la suite, les comédies traitant d’un sujet athénien, aussi bien que les tragédies à thème philosophique, perdent de leur attrait. On voit alors se développer une forme de comédie locale (appelée comédie nouvelle), dont il ne subsiste qu’un seul exemple complet : l’Avare ou le Misanthrope (317 av. J.-C.), de Ménandre. Ces pièces sont construites autour d’une situation familiale mêlant amour, argent et quiproquos, et de types sociaux fortement dessinés et faciles à identifier : le père avare...
drame et art dramatique - littérature.
Par la suite, les comédies traitant d’un sujet athénien, aussi bien que les tragédies à thème philosophique, perdent de leur attrait. On voit alors se développer une forme de comédie locale (appelée comédie nouvelle), dont il ne subsiste qu’un seul exemple complet : l’Avare ou le Misanthrope (317 av. J.-C.), de Ménandre. Ces pièces sont construites autour d’une situation familiale mêlant amour, argent et quiproquos, et de types sociaux fortement dessinés et faciles à identifier : le père avare...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
- AIGUILLE, substantif féminin.
Labor Union.
B The Legal Environment The legal environment, which permits certain types of union activities and prohibits others, also influences the extent of union organization. States with right-to-worklaws have much lower unionization rates than other states. In the United States, the states with the lowest unionization rates are North Carolina, South Carolina, SouthDakota, and Arkansas—states that have right-to-work laws. In 2000 the unionization rate in these states ranged from 4.44 percent to 6.7 per...
N é en 1895 dans le sous-sol du Grand Café, à Paris, attraction foraine comme son
ancêtre la lanterne magique, le cinéma, un siècle plus tard, est déjà riche d'une histoire et
d'une mythologie, d'oeuvres classiques et de créateurs incontestés.
Une première séance, non commerciale, eut lieu à Paris le 22 mars 1895 ; on projeta la Sortie des ouvriers de l'usine Lumière . Le 1 er juin 1895, toujours en privé, Louis Lumière présenta à Lyon plusieurs films, dont l'Arroseur arrosé . À partir du 28 décembre de la même année, les séances publiques et payantes, à Paris, eurent un tel succès que les Lumière mirent immédiatement en fabrication deux cents appareils. Ces boîtes légères étaient à la fois des caméras permettant d'impressionner...
Paris (city, France) - geography.
Théâtre Musical de Paris and the Théâtre de la Ville. Just north of the Hôtel de Ville is the Pompidou Center, also known as Beaubourg, an arts complex devoted to modern and contemporary art and design. The structure,in steel and glass and featuring brightly colored, exposed pipes and ducts, is the work of Italian architect Renzo Piano and British architect Richard Rogers. Itscontroversial pop-art design contrasts sharply with the overall gray hue of the city, and was criticized by many followin...
Supreme Court of the United States.
The Constitution does not specify formal qualifications for membership on the Supreme Court. From the beginning, though, justices have all been lawyers, and mostpursued legal and political careers before serving on the Court. Many justices served as members of Congress, governors, or members of the Cabinet. One president,William Howard Taft, was later appointed chief justice. Some justices came to the Court from private law practice, and others were appointed from positions as lawprofessors. Man...
In Britain, Robert Owen, a philanthropic Welsh manufacturer, strove against the social problems brought about by the Industrial Revolution and sought to improve thewelfare of workers. As manager of a cotton mill, he enhanced the environment of his workers by improving their housing, modernizing mill equipment for greater safetyand sanitation, and establishing low-priced stores for the workers and schools for their children. Owen believed that workers, rather than governments, should createthe in...
Communism .
In Britain, Robert Owen, a philanthropic Welsh manufacturer, strove against the social problems brought about by the Industrial Revolution and sought to improve thewelfare of workers. As manager of a cotton mill, he enhanced the environment of his workers by improving their housing, modernizing mill equipment for greater safetyand sanitation, and establishing low-priced stores for the workers and schools for their children. Owen believed that workers, rather than governments, should createthe in...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
- ENVERS2, substantif masculin
- ENVERS2, substantif masculin. À L'ENVERS, locution adverbiale.
- DEPUIS, préposition et adverbe.
France - country.
In both the Paris and Aquitaine basins, fertile soils derived from limestone and wind-deposited dust, called loess, have supported prosperous agriculture since ancienttimes. Other lowlands in France are scattered and relatively small. They include the Alsace Plain in the east, bordering Germany, the valley of the Rhône River in thesoutheast, and the Languedoc Plain along the Mediterranean coast. A2 Uplands France contains several regions of uplands, the worn down remains of ancient mountain sys...
CONSCIENCE, substantif féminin.
conscience correspond exactement ? la puissance de choix dont l'?tre vivant dispose; elle est coextensive ? la frange d'action possible qui entoure l'action r?elle?: conscience est synonyme d'invention et de libert?. Or, chez l'animal, l'invention n'est jamais qu'une variation sur le th?me de la routine. HENRI BERGSON, L'?volution cr?atrice, 1907, page 264. ? [La conscience en tant qu'elle est pr?t?e ? l'univers dans les visions po?tiques, animistes] Dans toute la Nature, il [l'artiste] s...
1917 Décembre (Histoire chronologique)
TECHNIQUES ET SCIE'\n:s LUNDI 10 Physique. Le prix Nobel est remis au physicien britannique Charles G lover Barkla pour ses recherches sur la pola risation et le pouvoir pénétrant des rayons X. * Astronomie. L'astronome George Helery Hale et le poète Alfred Noyes inaugurent sur le mont Wilson en Cali fornie le plus grand télescope à ce jour au monde. CULTURE ET C0\1\ll '\JC \TIO'\ SAMEDI 1 Cinéma. Fondation d.: la Socié té des auteurs de films...