415 résultats pour "nam"
Colorado (river, North America) - Geography.
sometime between AD 1300 and 1400, but their descendants, the Hopi and Pueblo people, continue to farm and irrigate using the river's waters. The first European to visit the river was probably Spanish soldier and explorer Francisco de Ulloa, who explored the mouth of the Colorado in 1539. In 1540 and 1541another Spaniard, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado, traveled through much of the region around the Colorado River. An exploring party from the Coronado expedition,led by Garcia López de Cárdenas,...
Programming Language.
Logic languages use logic as their mathematical base. A logic program consists of sets of facts and if-then rules, which specify how one set of facts may be deducedfrom others, for example: If the statement X is true, then the statement Y is false. In the execution of such a program, an input statement can be logically deduced from other statements in the program. Many artificial intelligence programs are writtenin such languages. IV LANGUAGE STRUCTURE AND COMPONENTS Programming languages use...
1967 Mars dans le monde (histoire chronologique)
SAMEDI ______ 18 Environnement. Naufrage du Torrey Canyon, un superpétrolier cha rg é de 119 000 tonnes de brut. au large des Cornouailles. La nappe de pétrole se répand rapidement le lo ng des côtes anglaises et gagne le littoral de la Bre tagne. MARDI 21 France. Les résiden ts de- la cité univer sitaire de Nanterre demandent la mixité des locaux. MARDI 28 Religion. Promulgation de l'encyclique Popu/orum Progressio sur le dévelop pement des peuple...
Qin Dynasty - History.
measurements. All of these contributed greatly to the Qin's new centralized economy. C Government The Qin government was totalitarian, based on the philosophy of Fajia (Legalism), which placed absolute power in the hands of the ruler, who governed by means of strict laws and harsh punishments. Practical reformers and scholars such as Shang Yang (d. 338 BC) and Han Fei (280?-233 BC) saw Legalism as a way to create a highly efficient, albeit ruthless, administrative apparatus. Qin Shihuangdi...
d’abord, puis les relations professionnelles et amicales partagées tout au long de cette année passée ensemble. • Sommaire [pic] [pic] Introduction générale L’entreprise, dés lors que son activité augmente, nécessite le recours à des salariés. Cette situation justifie la mise en place d’une gestion sociale, dans toute structure économique. Bien évidemment, le développement de cette structuration sociale va passer par des seuils qu’ils soient historiques ou liés à la taille de l’entrep...
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan (1167?
died in August 1227, in his summer quarters in the district of Qingshui south of the Liupan Shan (Liupan Mountains) in Gansu, China. IV THE MONGOL FORCES Genghis Khan unleashed a seemingly invincible military force. Although usually outnumbered, his forces prevailed on the battlefield through absolute discipline, a well-understood chain of command, superior mobility, and innovative military tactics. The Mongol forces were organized into several formations of 10,000 horse-mounted soldiers, the...
Genghis Khan.
died in August 1227, in his summer quarters in the district of Qingshui south of the Liupan Shan (Liupan Mountains) in Gansu, China. IV THE MONGOL FORCES Genghis Khan unleashed a seemingly invincible military force. Although usually outnumbered, his forces prevailed on the battlefield through absolute discipline, a well-understood chain of command, superior mobility, and innovative military tactics. The Mongol forces were organized into several formations of 10,000 horse-mounted soldiers, the...
Genghis Khan - History.
died in August 1227, in his summer quarters in the district of Qingshui south of the Liupan Shan (Liupan Mountains) in Gansu, China. IV THE MONGOL FORCES Genghis Khan unleashed a seemingly invincible military force. Although usually outnumbered, his forces prevailed on the battlefield through absolute discipline, a well-understood chain of command, superior mobility, and innovative military tactics. The Mongol forces were organized into several formations of 10,000 horse-mounted soldiers, the...
Kalifat - Geschichte.
Ab 750, beginnend mit Abu al-Abbas, hielten die Abbasiden fünf Jahrhunderte lang das Kalifat. Sie förderten die Wissenschaften und wachten streng über die Einhaltung derreligiösen Regeln. Unter ihrem Kalifat löste Bagdad Medina als Zentrum des theologischen Lebens ab; Wirtschaft und Handel gediehen prächtig, und das islamische Reicherlangte den Höhepunkt seiner materiellen und geistigen Kraft. Im späten 9. Jahrhundert gaben die abbasidischen Kalifen in wachsendem Maße Regierungsverantwortung an...
Excerpt from Troilus and Cressida - anthology.
Enter Pandarus and Cressida, veiled PANDARUS. Come, come, what need you blush? Shame's a baby. ( To Troilus ) Here she is now: swear the oaths now to her that you have sworn to me. ( To Cressida ) What, are you gone again? You must be watched ere you be made tame, must you? Come your ways, come your ways; an you draw backward, we'll put you i'th'fills. ( To Troilus ) Why do you not speak to her? ( To Cressida ) Come, draw this curtain, and let's see your picture. Alas the day, how loath you are...
Kelmscott Chaucer
The Kelmscott Chaucer was published in 1896 by William Morris' company, the Kelmscott Press.
B Medieval European Books Illustration of Saint Mark in the Ebbo GospelsThis is a page from the illuminated manuscript known as the Ebbo Gospels (about 816-835). It depicts Saint Mark lookingheavenward for inspiration as he writes his gospel account, and is drawn in an expressive, energetic style typical ofmedieval art of that period. The full name of the Ebbo Gospels is the Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims. This pagemeasures about 25 by 20 cm (about 10 by 8 in).Bridgeman Art Library, Lo...
Drug, substance that affects the function of living cells, used
normalizing chemical activity in the emotional centers of the brain. Antianxiety drugs, also referred to as tranquilizers, treat anxiety by decreasing the activity in theanxiety centers of the brain. Sedative-hypnotic drugs are used both as sedatives to reduce anxiety and as hypnotics to induce sleep. Sedative-hypnotic drugs act by reducing brain-cell activity.Stimulant drugs, on the other hand, increase neuronal (nerve cell) activity and reduce fatigue and appetite. Analgesic drugs reduce pain...
Excerpt from Timon of Athens - anthology.
Ha? A drum? Th' art quick,But yet I'll bury thee. Thou'lt go, strong thief,When gouty keepers of thee cannot stand.Nay, stay thou out for earnest. He keeps some of the gold, and buries the rest Enter Alcibiades, with drum and fife, in warlike manner; and Phrynia and Timandra ALCIBIADES. What art thou there? Speak. TIMON. A beast, as thou art. The canker gnaw thy heartFor showing me again the eyes of man! ALCIBIADES. What is thy name? Is man so hateful to theeThat art thyself a man? TIMON. I am M...
- Bao Dai
Miami (Florida) - geography.
VI EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS Colleges and universities in the area include the University of Miami, Florida International University, Barry University, St. Thomas University, and Florida MemorialCollege. Miami-Dade Community College, one of the nation’s largest two-year colleges, has six campuses in the region. Leading museums include the Historical Museumof Southern Florida, the Miami Museum of Science, the Miami Art Museum, the Lowe Art Museum on the campus of the University of M...
La crise économique touche toutes les entreprises, aussi bien celles de la sphère financière que celles de la sphère réelle, entrainant une réactivation des politiques interventionnistes de la part des gouvernements. Devant le risque systémique qu’a fait peser sur le système financier mondial la faillite de Lehman Brothers, les gouvernements ont mis en œuvre des mesures d’aide à leurs banques nationales, prêts de plusieurs milliards d’euros aux grands établissements financiers de la place...
Excerpt from The Winter's Tale - anthology.
Of all that hear me, and my near'st of kinCry fie upon my grave! LEONTES. I ne'er heard yetThat any of these holder vices wantedLess impudence to gainsay what they didThan to perform it first. HERMIONE. That's true enough,Though 'tis a saying, sir, not due to me. LEONTES. You will not own it. HERMIONE. More than mistress ofWhich comes to me in name of fault I must notAt all acknowledge. For Polixenes,With whom I am accused, I do confessI loved him as in honour he required:With such a kind of lov...
- États-Unis
Djibouti (country) - country.
l’Unité et de la Démocratie (FRUD; Front for the Renewal of Unity and Democracy) represents the Afar minority. The Parti National Démocratique (PND; Democratic National Party) and the Parti du Renouveau Démocratique (PRD; Democratic Renewal Party) are both small opposition parties favoring democratic reforms. VI HISTORY Djibouti lies at a major global crossroads where, some 100,000 years ago, early humans migrated from Africa to the Middle East. Livestock herding, which remainsimportant...
"Little Red Riding Hood"
The popular children's story "Little Red Riding
seemed important to them. Thus, the Grimms postulated a common Indo-European origin for folktales, and the German philologist Theodor Benfey as well as theScottish writer William Clouston believed that stories diffused by way of travelers migrating east and west from India. Such theories, however, have proven incompleteand inadequate. Nevertheless, the research of these and other scholars greatly stimulated interest in folklore and folktales. The German scholar Max Muller held thatmyths originat...
Giant Panda - biology.
In 2007 conservationists announced that a parasitic roundworm was responsible for a significant number of the panda deaths reported in the wild since 1990. Theparasite Baylisascaris schroederi causes the disease visceral larval migrans, which results in bleeding in the lungs, the liver, and the intestines, and can also affect the brain. It is not known if other recent pandas deaths were caused by the same parasite or by a different contagious disease. Loss of habitat from deforestation is forc...
A cornerstone of modern psychoanalytic theory and practice is the concept of anxiety, which institutes appropriate mechanisms of defense against certain dangersituations. These danger situations, as described by Freud, are the fear of abandonment by or the loss of the loved one (the object), the risk of losing the object's love,the danger of retaliation and punishment, and, finally, the hazard of reproach by the superego. Thus, symptom formation, character and impulse disorders, andperversions,...
Rhythm-and-Blues Music
Tina Turner
American singer Tina Turner began performing rhythm-and-blues music in a band led by her former husband, Ike Turner,
in the 1960s.
thousands of black Americans migrated from the rural South to Midwest, Northeast, and West Coast cities. In popular music, new styles were created to meet thechanging tastes of this demographic group, leading to the development of the urbane sounds of R&B. The profound sociological changes of the World War II period were accompanied by two significant technological developments: the invention of the electric guitar in thelate 1930s and the discovery of the German-invented tape recorder by the mu...
God, the center and focus of religious faith, a holy
C Islam Islam arose as a powerful reaction against the ancient pagan cults of Arabia, and as a consequence it is the most starkly monotheistic of the three biblically rootedreligions. The name Allah means simply “the God.” He is personal, transcendent, and unique, and Muslims are forbidden to depict him in any creaturely form. The primary creed is that “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the apostle of Allah.” Allah has seven basic attributes: life, knowledge, power, will, hearing, se...
Courts in the United States.
The term circuit derives from the original structure of these courts. Under the Judiciary Act of 1789, trials of certain cases were required to be held before three-judge circuit courts consisting of two Supreme Court justices and the federal trial judge in the district court. In addition to their regular duties, Supreme Court justices were required to ride circuit, traveling from district to district within their assigned circuit, often covering great distances. In 1891 Congress establishe...
Excerpt from Henry IV - anthology.
PRINCE HAL. Or an old lion, or a lover's lute. FALSTAFF. Yea, or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe. PRINCE HAL. What sayest thou to a hare, or the melancholy of Moorditch? FALSTAFF. Thou hast the most unsavoury similes, and art indeed the most comparative rascalliest sweet young prince. But Hal, I prithee trouble me no more withvanity. I would to God thou and I knew where a commodity of good names were to be bought. An old lord of the Council rated me the other day in the street aboutyou, sir,...
days and disappear in seven to ten days. However, coughing and fatigue may persist for two or more weeks. Death from influenza itself is rare. But influenza can aggravate underlying medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease. Invading influenza viruses produceinflammation in the lining of the respiratory tract, damage that increases the risk that secondary infections will develop. Common complications include bronchitis,sinusitis, and bacterial pneumonia, occurring most frequently in olde...
Beetle - biology.
cut, or crush prey. Beetles that consume nectar from flowers use tubelike mouthparts to suck up nectar like a primitive straw. C Thorax The thorax, the body region behind the head, consists of three segments that provide attachments for the legs and wings. Each segment of the thorax carries a pair oflegs. The middle segment also bears the stiff wing sheaths called elytra, and the hind segment holds the membranous hind wings. D Legs Beetles have six jointed legs, each leg with five parts. The f...
Memory (psychology).
memory span —how many items people can correctly recall in order. Researchers would show people increasingly long sequences of digits or letters and then ask them to recall as many of the items as they could. In 1956 American psychologist George Miller reviewed many experiments on memory span and concluded that peoplecould hold an average of seven items in short-term memory. He referred to this limit as “the magical number seven, plus or minus two” because the results of thestudies were so consi...
Solar System - astronomy.
dwarf planets according to the IAU because they have rounded shapes from their own gravity but have not cleared their neighborhoods in space of other objects—bothorbit through the Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune containing thousands of small icy bodies. Pluto and Eris are composed of layers of ice around a rocky core.Ceres qualifies as a dwarf planet because it is spherical but is found in the asteroid belt, a zone between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter that contains thousands of smallrocky...
United Arab Emirates - country.
III PEOPLE Most people living in the UAE (known as Emiris) are Arabs, a large majority of whom are city and town dwellers. A small number are nomadic (having no permanent home). The population has grown dramatically since the mid-1960s, largely due to the influx of oil workers to the country. Four-fifths of the UAE’s inhabitants areforeign workers and their families. The UAE also has a very youthful population, due to the large numbers of young foreign workers, a cultural preference for larg...
Bengali Script
India developed a number of different writing systems over the course of its history.
A Pictographic and Ideographic Systems Early systems of writing used pictures to represent things and then to represent the sounds of those things. Pictographic writing, in which a simplified picture of the sunstood for the word sun, was probably the first step toward a written language. Chinese began as a pictographic language. To represent abstract ideas, the Chinese writing system combined pictographs. For example, the pictographs for sun and tree were combined to represent the concept of...
Vladimir Lenin
Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), Russian revolutionary leader and theorist, who presided over the first government of Soviet Russia and then that of the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR).
with Japan ( see Russo-Japanese War). A string of military defeats and the strains placed on society by the war made for a tense atmosphere in Saint Petersburg, and by the beginning of 1905 various segments of Russian society, including students and liberal members of the nobility, were calling for political reform. When an unarmedcrowd of workers marched to the city’s Winter Palace on January 9 (or January 22, in the Western, or New Style, calendar) to submit a petition to Emperor Nicholas II,s...
Vladimir Lenin.
with Japan ( see Russo-Japanese War). A string of military defeats and the strains placed on society by the war made for a tense atmosphere in Saint Petersburg, and by the beginning of 1905 various segments of Russian society, including students and liberal members of the nobility, were calling for political reform. When an unarmedcrowd of workers marched to the city’s Winter Palace on January 9 (or January 22, in the Western, or New Style, calendar) to submit a petition to Emperor Nicholas II,s...
Vladimir Lenin .
with Japan ( see Russo-Japanese War). A string of military defeats and the strains placed on society by the war made for a tense atmosphere in Saint Petersburg, and by the beginning of 1905 various segments of Russian society, including students and liberal members of the nobility, were calling for political reform. When an unarmedcrowd of workers marched to the city’s Winter Palace on January 9 (or January 22, in the Western, or New Style, calendar) to submit a petition to Emperor Nicholas II,s...
- Midnighters
Horse - biology.
Horses reach sexual maturity at about one and a half years. The estrous cycle in the mare—a mature female horse—typically lasts 21 days. During the first five days ofthe cycle, the mare is usually receptive to mating. The estrous cycle stops during winter and resumes in the spring, which is the start of the breeding season. Astallion—a mature male horse—approaching a mare in estrus engages in various courtship rituals. These include uttering nickering sounds and sniffing and licking themare’s ge...
German Literature
German Literature, literature written in the German language from the 8th century to the present, and including the works of German, Austrian, and Swiss authors.
Till EulenspiegelThe medieval peasant Till Eulenspiegel appears in many German folktales as a trickster who outwits people in positions ofauthority. In this image his first name is spelled Tyll.Keystone Pressedienst GmbH The rise of the middle class in the 14th and 15th centuries and the struggles of the peasants against the nobility culminated in the great 16th-century religiousrevolution known as the Reformation. This movement was reflected in literature, especially by Martin Luther, whose tra...
Mountain Climbing.
teeth on one side, and a straight, flat, metal blade called an adze on the other. Ice axes have many uses. One of the most common is to help the climber stay balanced on steep slopes. The climber swings the axe with a short, quick movement to lodge the pick in snow or ice, creating a secure anchor. If a climber should slip and beginsliding down a snowfield, a self-arrest can be performed by turning face down on the snow and burying the pick in the snow surface. The climber’s weight over the...
Abolitionist Movement.
The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), widely seen as revolutions by citizens against oppressive rulers, transformed thisEnlightenment assertion into a call for universal liberty and freedom. The successful slave revolt that began in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791 was part of this revolutionary age. Led by François Dominique ToussaintLouverture, black rebels overthrew the colonial government, ended slavery in the colony, and in 1804 established th...
Abolitionist Movement - U.
The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), widely seen as revolutions by citizens against oppressive rulers, transformed thisEnlightenment assertion into a call for universal liberty and freedom. The successful slave revolt that began in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791 was part of this revolutionary age. Led by François Dominique ToussaintLouverture, black rebels overthrew the colonial government, ended slavery in the colony, and in 1804 established th...
John Adams.
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
John Adams
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
John Adams - U.
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
Lithuania - country.
pollution. III PEOPLE Ethnic Lithuanians constitute about 80 percent of the country’s population. The proportion of Lithuanians increased slightly in the first years after the dissolution of theSoviet Union—many Lithuanians returned to their homeland from that country and abroad while some Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians left the country. Russiansand Poles constitute the country’s largest minority groups, each accounting for roughly 7 percent of the population. Jews were the largest mino...
Safety is very important to all skiers, and all Alpine resorts have a ski patrol. The ski patrol’s responsibility is to take care of injured skiers, to mark hazardous spots ontrails, to make sure that trails are in good condition before opening them, and, at times, to act as traffic police in congested areas. Skiers are also responsible for takingtheir own safety into consideration, as well as that of others. Anyone who participates in the sport should be aware of the Skier’s Responsibility Code...
Rhode Island - geography.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
Rhode Island - USA History.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
- The Alchimist