443 résultats pour "homs"
Greek Mythology.
world in search of her; as a result, fertility left the earth. Zeus commanded Hades to release Persephone, but Hades had cunningly given her a pomegranate seed toeat. Having consumed food from the underworld, Persephone was obliged to return below the earth for part of each year. Her return from the underworld each yearmeant the revival of nature and the beginning of spring. This myth was told especially in connection with the Eleusinian Mysteries, sacred rituals observed in the Greektown of Ele...
Williams Breaks .
the 374-pound tuna he caught on an off day earlier this summer. If he missed .400, it was going to feel like a failed season.” The A's had been reluctant to pitch to Williams all season, walking him 14 times in the previous eight meetings. Philadelphia catcher Frankie Hayes, however, toldWilliams in his first at bat that the team was instructed to pitch right to him. In Williams's first four at bats he ripped three singles and one home run. In the ninth hereached on an error, making him 4-fo...
Greek Mythology
Temple of Apollo at Didyma
The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 bc).
A1 The Creation of the Gods According to Greek myths about creation, the god Chaos (Greek for “Gaping Void”) was the foundation of all things. From Chaos came Gaea (“Earth”); the bottomlessdepth of the underworld, known as Tartarus; and Eros (“Love”). Eros, the god of love, was needed to draw divinities together so they might produce offspring. Chaosproduced Night, while Gaea first bore Uranus, the god of the heavens, and after him produced the mountains, sea, and gods known as Titans. The Tita...
Honolulu - geography.
Much of Honolulu’s growth and development has concentrated along the southern coast of Oahu. This area is framed to the east by the remnants of a large extinct volcanoknown as Diamond Head and includes Waikiki, located west of Diamond Head; the downtown area, situated near Honolulu Harbor; Honolulu International Airport; andnewer communities in the western part of the island. Two parallel mountain ranges of volcanic origin, the Koolau and Waianae mountains, run north to south across much ofthe i...
A charge-coupled device (CCD) can be much smaller than a camera tube and is much more durable. As a result, cameras with CCDs are more compact and portablethan those using a camera tube. The image they create is less vulnerable to distortion and is therefore clearer. In a CCD, the light from a scene strikes an array ofphotodiodes arranged on a silicon chip. Photodiodes are devices that conduct electricity when they are struck by light; they send this electricity to tiny capacitors. Thecapacitors...
Nixon's Checkers Speech
Under attack for having used a secret campaign fund for his personal expenses, Richard M.
The first way is to be a rich man. I don't happen to be a rich man so I couldn't use that. Another way that is used is to put your wife on the payroll. Let me say, incidentally, my opponent, my opposite number for the Vice Presidency on the Democraticticket, does have his wife on the payroll. And has had her on his payroll for the ten years—the past ten years. Now just let me say this. That's his business and I'm not critical of him for doing that. You will have to pass judgment on that particul...
Minos and Scylla
se retrouve donc à la fois avec une tradition dynastique, et la participation du peuple. Cela peut poser problème en cas de mauvais résultat à un plébiscite, ça peut fragiliser la dynastie. Le régime fait donc beaucoup référence aux plébiscites de 51 et 52, mais on se gardera bien d'en organiser d'autres jusqu'en 1870. b) Démocratie La constitution de 1852 maintient des institutions représentatives et remet au suffrage des électeurs la désignation des membres de l’une des assemblées, le nou...
Festivals and Feasts.
The festivals of many ethnic and national groups are credited with the preservation of unique customs, folktales, costumes, and culinary skills. An interesting recentdevelopment is the merging of the arts, lore, and customs of various regions in Africa in the cultural festival known as Kwanzaa (Swahili kwanza, ”beginnings”). Introduced from Africa into the United States in 1977, this festival is celebrated with feasts and songs in the home for seven days and nights from December 26 toJanuary 1....
Child Labor.
States, are usually not subject to state laws because they do not fulfill residency requirements, and they are often unable to attend local schools, which have noprovisions for seasonal increases in school enrollment. Other children exempted from federal and state labor laws are children employed as actors and performers inradio, television, and motion pictures, as newspaper deliverers and sales personnel, or as part-time workers at home. IV INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS In the early 21st century, ch...
I told her, "The fall play this fall is Hamlet, in case you're interested.
wages war,andkisses withlips.Soinaway, themore youkisswith lips,themore human youare." "And themore you wage war?" ThenIwas thesilent one.Shesaid, "You're asweet, sweetboy."Isaid, "Young man.""ButIdon't thinkit'sa good idea." "Does ithave tobe agood idea?" "Ithink itdoes." "CanIat least takeapicture ofyou?" Shesaid, "That would be nice." Butwhen Istarted focusing Grandpa's camera,sheputherhand infront ofher face forsome reason. Ididn't want toforce hertoexplain herself, soIthought ofadifferent p...
The day after the renter and I dug up Dad's grave, I went to Mr.
longer feltlike Iwas moving inthe direction ofDad. I'mnot even sureIbelieved inthe lock anymore. The lastBlack Ivisited wasPeter. Helived inSugar Hill,which isin Hamilton Heights,whichisin Harlem. Aman wassitting on the stoop whenIwalked uptothe house. Hehad alittle baby onhis knee, whohewas talking to,even though babies don't understand language,obviously. "AreyouPeter Black?" "Who'sasking?" "OskarSchell." Hepatted thestep, which meant Icould sitnext tohim ifIwanted, whichIthought wasnice, butI...
Bob Dylan - Musik.
To RamonaMy Back PagesIt ain't Me Babe 1965 Bringing It All Back Home/Subterranean HomesickBlues Subterranean Homesick BluesMaggie's FarmLove Minus Zero/No LimitMr. Tambourine ManIt's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)It's All Over Now, Baby Blue 1965 Highway 61 Revisited Like a Rolling StoneTombstone BluesIt Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes aTrain to CryHighway 61 RevisitedJust Like Tom Thumb's BluesDesolation Row 1966 Blonde on Blonde Rainy Day Women #12 & 35One of Us Must Know (Sooner orLater)I W...
five or fifty minutes.
THE ONLY ANIMAL I read thefirst chapter of A Brief History ofTime when Dadwasstillalive, andIgot incredibly heavybootsabout how relatively insignificant lifeis,and how, compared tothe universe andcompared totime, itdidn't evenmatter ifIexisted at all. When Dadwastucking meinthat night andwewere talking aboutthebook, Iasked ifhe could thinkofasolution to that problem. "Whichproblem?" "Theproblem ofhow relatively insignificant weare." Hesaid, "Well, whatwould happen ifaplane dropped youinthe mid...
Art Nouveau
Detail of Art Nouveau Decoration
This detail of a door decoration from a building constructed in the early 20th century in Milan, Italy, illustrates the stylistic
themes associated with art nouveau.
Wallpaper by William MorrisIn the early 19th century manufacturers began to mass-produce wallpaper, and the quality of designs suffered. WilliamMorris, a British artist who had become interested in the design of household furnishings and items for everyday use,began to create handmade wallpapers that he integrated into the overall design of the home. This artichoke design isbased on stylized plant motifs, a common theme in art nouveau designs.Art Resource, NY Art nouveau in Britain evolved out o...
Please forward us your résumé, including previous research experience, graduate and postgraduate transcripts, and two
letters of recommendation.
could check iton this, too." Itold himIcould setupane-mail account forhim ifhe wanted. Hesaid, "Yeah?" Itook his device, whichIwasn't familiar with,butfigured outpretty quickly, andseteverything up.Isaid, "What doyou want fora user name?" Isuggested "Allen,"or"AllenBlack," oranickname. "Or'Engineer.' Thatcould becool." Heput hisfinger on his mustache andthought aboutit.Iasked ifhe had anykids. Hesaid, "Ason. Soon he'sgoing tobe taller thanme.Taller and smarter. He'llbeagreat doctor. Abrain surge...
Ireland - country.
F Plants and Animals Ireland’s animal life does not differ markedly from that of England or France. Over many centuries of human settlement almost all of Ireland’s natural woodlands werecleared, and indigenous animals such as bear, wolf, wildcat, beaver, wild cattle, and the giant Irish deer (a type of fallow deer) gradually disappeared. However, thehardy and versatile Connemara pony, Ireland’s only native pony breed, has been used by Irish farmers since prehistoric times. The great auk, or gar...
Giraffe - biology.
One of the most striking elements of giraffe behavior is the duel between males fighting for mating privileges. Giraffe duels are among the most extraordinary in theanimal kingdom. They start when two males approach each other and begin to rub and intertwine their necks. This behavior—known as necking—allows the opponentsto assess each other’s size and strength. Often, necking alone is enough to establish seniority. If not, the rivals begin to exchange blows with their heads. Each giraffebraces...
- madame de bovary
Columbus (Ohio) - geography.
A balance among manufacturing, technology, research, and financial activities has helped Columbus’s economy to continue to boom. Much of the city’s expansion resultsfrom its function as a sophisticated service center. By 1990 manufacturing occupied only 12 percent of the area’s labor force. That contrasted with services, includinggovernment, finance, and transportation and utilities, which accounted for almost 60 percent of all employment. The two largest employers in Columbus are state governme...
Georgia (state) - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Georgia (state) - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Great Lakes - Geography.
of 1972 and 1978, have focused on water-quality problems in the Great Lakes. The International Joint Commission on the Great Lakes, established under the BoundaryWaters Treaty, implements and oversees these agreements and has limited authority to regulate obstructions or diversions of boundary waters that would affect thenatural level or flow of lake waters. B Exotic Species The fish populations of the lakes have changed dramatically in the 20th century; changes were wrought at first by overfis...
What am I going to do, I need more room,
children's section,themore Ilooked athim, themore unsure Iwas, themore Iwanted itto be him, hadhegone towork instead ofto his death? Myhands shookagainst thechange inmy pockets, Itried nottostare, Itried nottoreach my arms outinfront ofme, could itbe, did herecognize me,he'd written, "Itismy great hopethatourpaths, however long and winding, willcross again." Fiftyyears laterhewore thesame thickglasses, I'dnever seenawhiter shirt,hehad ahard time letting goofbooks, Iwent uptohim. "Idon't speak,"...
nation. Il en découle un deuxième aspect de la contrainte extérieure : les marges de manœuvres des politiques économiques sont écoule réduites. Prenons l'exemple d'un gouvernement qui cherche à réduire le chômage en relançant l'économie par une augmentation des dépenses publiques et une reprise de la consommation et de l'investissement grâce à une baisse des ntation taux d'intérêt. On peut craindre que sa politique échoue. En effet, la relance risque d'être inflationniste, la demande...
American Drummer, which Librarian Higgins orders especially for me.
blowjob?" Isaid, "I'venever evenmether." I know alot about birdsandbees, butIdon't know verymuch about thebirds andthebees. Everything Ido know Ihad to teach myself onthe Internet, becauseIdon't haveanyone toask. Forexample, Iknow thatyougive someone ablowjob by putting yourpenis intheir mouth. Ialso know thatdickispenis, andthat cock ispenis, too.Andmonster cock, obviously. Iknow thatVJsget wet when awoman ishaving sex,although Idon't know whattheygetwet with. I know that VJiscunt, andalso ass....
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar (100-44
Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal in Rome's transition from republic to empire.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
Julius Caesar.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
John Tyler.
A “His Accidency” Tyler was summoned to Washington, D.C., as acting president. The Constitution seemed unclear as to whether Tyler should now merely assume the duties of thepresident until new elections were held, or whether he should in fact assume the office of president. Tyler chose the latter view and on April 6 had himself sworn in aspresident. This procedure, later taken for granted, exposed Tyler to much censure and abuse. Throughout his term, Whigs and Democrats alike denounced his acti...
John Tyler
A “His Accidency” Tyler was summoned to Washington, D.C., as acting president. The Constitution seemed unclear as to whether Tyler should now merely assume the duties of thepresident until new elections were held, or whether he should in fact assume the office of president. Tyler chose the latter view and on April 6 had himself sworn in aspresident. This procedure, later taken for granted, exposed Tyler to much censure and abuse. Throughout his term, Whigs and Democrats alike denounced his acti...
New York - geography.
The Adirondack province consists of a large highland area occupying 26,000 sq km (10,000 sq mi) in the northeastern quarter of the state. The region is domelike inshape, with the higher elevations toward the east. The western Adirondack province is more a rugged hill region and not truly mountainous. Geologically, this area isrelated to the Laurentian Upland, or Canadian Shield, which lies north of the St. Lawrence River, for it is composed of the same very old igneous rocks, principallygranite...
New York - USA History.
The Adirondack province consists of a large highland area occupying 26,000 sq km (10,000 sq mi) in the northeastern quarter of the state. The region is domelike inshape, with the higher elevations toward the east. The western Adirondack province is more a rugged hill region and not truly mountainous. Geologically, this area isrelated to the Laurentian Upland, or Canadian Shield, which lies north of the St. Lawrence River, for it is composed of the same very old igneous rocks, principallygranite...
From The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - anthology.
'Wherebouts?' says I. 'Down to Silas Phelps's place, two mile below here. He's a runaway nigger, and they've got him. Was you looking for him?' 'You bet I ain't! I run across him in the woods about an hour or two ago, and he said if I hollered he'd cut my livers out—and told me to lay down and stay where Iwas; and I done it. Been there ever since; afeard to come out.' 'Well,' he says, 'you needn't be afeard no more, becuz they've got him. He run off f'm down South, som'ers.' 'It'...
New Jersey - geography.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
New Jersey - USA History.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
From Robinson Crusoe - anthology.
How strange a Chequer-Work of Providence is the Life of Man! and by what secret differing Springs are the Affections hurry'd about as differing Circumstancespresent! To Day we love what to Morrow we hate; to Day we seek what to Morrow we shun; to Day we desire what to Morrow we fear; nay even tremble at theApprehensions of; this was exemplify'd in me at this Time in the most lively Manner imaginable; for I whose only Affliction was, that I seem'd banished from humanSociety, that I was alone, cir...
Kolkata - geography.
area, and trains have north-south lines with a few east-west connections. There are two major train terminals: Sealdah in the east central part of Kolkata and Hāoraacross the river from the Central Business District. Electric trams operate in Kolkata proper. The aging buses, trains, and tram cars suffer from overloading, creatinguncomfortable rides. Subway construction started in 1972 and became operational with 7 km (4.3 mi) of line in 1984. By 1995 all of the subway’s 16.4-km (10.2-mi)route fr...
- On the road
alcohol than other people. The use of alcohol and drugs often worsens the symptoms of schizophrenia, resulting in relapses and hospitalizations. IV CAUSES Schizophrenia appears to result not from a single cause, but from a variety of factors. Most scientists believe that schizophrenia is a biological disease caused by geneticfactors, an imbalance of chemicals in the brain, structural brain abnormalities, or abnormalities in the prenatal environment. In addition, stressful life events maycontri...
In each of the first nine frames the bowler rolls one or two balls. If the bowler knocks down all ten pins with the first ball, he or she has rolled a strike, the best roll possible. An X is recorded on the scoresheet or screen, and the bowler receives ten points (the number of pins knocked down) plus a bonus of the number of pins thebowler knocks down in his or her next two bowls. The maximum possible score in a strike frame, therefore, is 30: the strike followed by two more strikes on subseq...
Illinois - geography.
the state before joining the Mississippi River at Grafton. The Illinois has been deepened and straightened and forms part of the Illinois Waterway. The watershed between rivers that flow into the Mississippi river system and rivers that flow into the Great Lakes is low and in many places is not easily discernible. Inwhat is now the Chicago area, explorers had little difficulty portaging, or carrying, their canoes over the low watershed between the Des Plaines River, which flows intothe Illinois,...
Illinois - USA History.
the state before joining the Mississippi River at Grafton. The Illinois has been deepened and straightened and forms part of the Illinois Waterway. The watershed between rivers that flow into the Mississippi river system and rivers that flow into the Great Lakes is low and in many places is not easily discernible. Inwhat is now the Chicago area, explorers had little difficulty portaging, or carrying, their canoes over the low watershed between the Des Plaines River, which flows intothe Illinois,...
Millard Fillmore.
B Vice President of the United States During the first half of 1850, Fillmore as vice president presided over the United States Senate (the upper chamber of Congress) as angry debates raged betweenNorthern and Southern sectionalists over the status of slavery in the recently acquired lands. His fairness and sense of humor in the chair were not enough to restorepeace among the contending senators. The antislavery faction, led by Senator Seward (the former governor of New York) and Senator Salmon...
Millard Fillmore
B Vice President of the United States During the first half of 1850, Fillmore as vice president presided over the United States Senate (the upper chamber of Congress) as angry debates raged betweenNorthern and Southern sectionalists over the status of slavery in the recently acquired lands. His fairness and sense of humor in the chair were not enough to restorepeace among the contending senators. The antislavery faction, led by Senator Seward (the former governor of New York) and Senator Salmon...
African American History - U.
In their day-to-day lives, slaves and servants shared similar grievances and frequently formed alliances. Advertisements seeking the return of slaves and servants whohad run away together filled colonial newspapers. When a slave named Charles escaped in 1740, the Pennsylvania Gazette reported that two white servants, a 'Scotch man' and an Englishman, escaped with him. Sometimes interracial alliances involved violence. During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, slaves and servants took up armsagainst Na...
Indianapolis - geography.
Amateur athletic competitions are frequent in Indianapolis. Each summer it is the site for the finals of the Hoosier State Games, with athletes of all ages and skill levelscompeting in 21 sports. In 1987 Indianapolis hosted the Tenth Pan American Games, and is often the site for numerous Olympic trials and collegiate sportschampionships. Among the many sports facilities are those for tennis, bicycle racing, skating, and track and field. The city’s professional football team, the Indianapolis Col...
man who profoundly influenced the history of the world. See Spread of Islam. Muhammad’s home, the Arab city of Mecca, was a major religious center and site of the revered sanctuary and shrine, the Kaaba. According to legend, the ancientreligious patriarch of the Hebrew Bible, Abraham, and his son, Ishmael, built the shrine using foundations laid by the first human being and father of humankind, Adam.During Muhammad’s years there, from about AD 570 to 622, Mecca was also an environment of spir...
Herman Melville
Herman Melville
These lines (recited by an actor) begin the novel Moby Dick (1851), by Herman Melville.
short novel Billy Budd in manuscript form. Melville’s death in New York City on September 28, 1891, went virtually unnoticed. None of his books was still in print. VI MELVILLE’S EARLY WORKS With the exception of Mardi , all of Melville’s early books are narratives of maritime adventure based upon his own experiences and on his wide reading. Although London publisher John Murray accepted Typee for his Home and Colonial Library as a strictly factual account of South Seas travel, he was lar...
Warsaw - geography.
VI ECONOMY In addition to serving as Poland's leading administrative center, Warsaw is also a center for science, research, and higher education. Since World War II the city'sindustrial base has been developed, with diverse plants producing steel, cars, tractors, and consumer electronics. Warsaw is the second most important industrial regionin Poland (after Katowice in the south). Warsaw, more than anywhere else in the country, has benefited from the boom in construction and commerce that foll...
- Midnighters
Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini threatened to order his tens of thousands of armed Black Shirts to occupy Rome if he were not asked to form the new government. Bands of Fascists beganmoving towards the capital in what would become known as the March on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III at first leaned towards declaring a state of emergency andsending the army against the Fascists, but powerful interest groups, state officials, and army leaders convinced him that Mussolini should be given the chance to endwhat they consi...