416 résultats pour "she"
- Emily Dickinson.
- Sheryl Swoopes.
- Meryl Streep Meryl Streep, born in 1949, American motion-picture actor who is noted for her versatility.
- Meryl Streep.
- Althea Gibson Wins Wimbledon.
- A look in America's past
- Rosa Parks.
- Rosa Parks - USA History.
- Midnighters
- Artemis
- Aphrodite
- Grete Waitz.
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Niobe - anthology.
The Scipios' tomb contains no ashes now:The very sepulchres lie tenantlessOf their heroic dwellers; dost thou flow,Old Tiber! through a marble wilderness?Rise with thy yellow waves, and mantle her distress.'Childe Harold, IV. 79. As an illustration of this story there is a celebrated statue in the imperial gallery of Florence. It is the principal figure of a group supposed to have been originallyarranged in the pediment of a temple. The figure of the mother clasped by the arm of her terrifie...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Pyramus and Thisbe - anthology.
In Mickle's translation of the 'Lusiad' occurs the following allusion to the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, and the metamorphosis of the mulberries. The poet isdescribing the Island of Love: '… here each gift of Pomona's hand bestows In cultured garden, free uncultured flows,The flavour sweeter and the hue more fairThan e'er was fostered by the hand of care.The cherry here in shining crimson glows,And stained with lovers' blood, in pendent rows,The mulberries o'erload the bending boughs.' If...
- Mia Hamm.
- Mia Hamm Mia Hamm, born in 1972, American soccer player, one of the greatest female players in the history of the sport.
American Drummer, which Librarian Higgins orders especially for me.
blowjob?" Isaid, "I'venever evenmether." I know alot about birdsandbees, butIdon't know verymuch about thebirds andthebees. Everything Ido know Ihad to teach myself onthe Internet, becauseIdon't haveanyone toask. Forexample, Iknow thatyougive someone ablowjob by putting yourpenis intheir mouth. Ialso know thatdickispenis, andthat cock ispenis, too.Andmonster cock, obviously. Iknow thatVJsget wet when awoman ishaving sex,although Idon't know whattheygetwet with. I know that VJiscunt, andalso ass....
Cixous, Hélène
‘deconstructively' criticized symbolic practices that organize culture through hierarchically ordered oppositions such as nature/culture, speech/writing and man/woman (see Deconstruction ). These oppositions, themselves produced historically, were to be displaced into mere differences. The simultaneous exclusion in metaphysics of the terms ‘writing' and ‘woman' , argued for by Derrida , enabled her to coin the productive but controversial expression, ‘feminine writing' (écriture femi...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Echo and Narcissus - anthology.
So may'st thou be translated to the skies,And give resounding grace to all heaven's harmonies.' Milton has imitated the story of Narcissus in the account which he makes Eve give of the first sight of herself reflected in the fountain. 'That day I oft remember when from sleepI first awaked, and found myself reposedUnder a shade on flowers, much wondering whereAnd what I was, whence thither brought, and howNot distant far from thence a murmuring soundOf waters issued from a cave, and sprea...
- anglais
- Anglais C1
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Orpheus and Eurydice - anthology.
Now under hanging mountains,Beside the falls of fountains,Or where Hebrus wanders,Rolling in meanders,All alone,He makes his moan,And calls her ghost,For ever, ever, ever lost!Now with furies surrounded,Despairing, confounded,He trembles, he glows,Amidst Rhodope's snows.See, wild as the winds o'er the desert he flies;Hark! Hæmus resounds with the Bacchanals' cries.Ah, see, he dies!Yet even in death Eurydice he sung,Eurydice still trembled on his tongue:Eurydice the woodsEurydice the floodsEurydi...
the scarlet letter chap 21
Heste r is n 't m en ta lly w it h t h e P urit a n s a n ym ore . W e c a n a ls o lin k t h ese t w o q uo te s w it h an o th er s till p .2 11 " I t h ad t h e e ffe ct o f m akin g h er f a d e p ers o nally o ut o f s ig ht a n d outlin e;. .." , b esid es b ein g li f e le ss, t h e n arra to r t e lls u s t h at s h e's b eco m in g in vis ib le . T his quo te m ake s u s u n d ers ta n d t h at H este r f o rg ets h ers e lf a n d is n o lo ng er c a p...
biographie de shakira
Ce qu'elle va faire après : En 2013 elle participera à la saison 4 de The Voice US . Sa langue maternelle est l'espagnol, mais elle parle aussi couramment l'anglais et le portugais, ainsi qu'un peu d'italien, de français et d'arabe. Sa vie privée En 2010, Shakira a quitté le fils de l'ancien président argentin, Antonio de la Rua, avec qui elle vivait depuis 2000. Un cœur à prendre ? Pas du tout ! Depuis 2011, elle vit en couple avec le footballeur espagnol Gerard Piqué. Les anecdote...
- Governor-General of Canada.
- Painful case
- american
- Athene
From Bulfinch's Mythology: The Golden Fleece - anthology.
It remained to lull to sleep the dragon that guarded the fleece, and this was done by scattering over him a few drops of a preparation which Medea had supplied. Atthe smell he relaxed his rage, stood for a moment motionless, then shut those great round eyes, that had never been known to shut before, and turned over on his side,fast asleep. Jason seized the fleece and with his friends and Medea accompanying, hastened to their vessel before Æetes the king could arrest their departure, andmade the...
Mardonios, commandant l’armée perse, envahit de nouveau l’Attique et incendie Athènes, les Spartiates retardent le plus possible leur intervention, dans l’espoir de terminer un mur qui barre l’isthme péloponnésien. Puis, ils envoient finalement une armée qui combat au côté des alliés dans la bataille victorieuse de Platée. Dès 478, les Spartiates se retirent de la coalition et se recentrent sur les affaires strictement péloponnésienne, poussés par les alliés qui se plaignent de la cond...
- oliver twist
- Opening Brooklyn follies
- Shirley Temple Shirley Temple, born in 1928, American motion-picture actor, considered one of the most successful child stars in the history of film.
- Shirley Temple.
- Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, born in 1945, leader of the nonviolent movement for human rights and the restoration of democracy in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.
toujours d'accepter son identité jusqu'à ce qu'elle révèle la ceinture de chasteté. Elle lui dit alors de son voyage douloureux. Mériaduc tente de garder la reine sous son contrôle, mais il est contrarié et finalement tué par Guigemar. "Équitan" est un lai breton, un type de poème narratif, écrit par Marie de France dans le courant du 12ème siècle. Le poème fait partie de ce qui est collectivement connus comme Les Lais de Marie de France. Comme les autres lais dans la coll...
- Demeter
- Billie Jean King.
- Billie Jean King Billie Jean King, born in 1943, American tennis
- Some Different Kinda Books
- Anglais devoir 01
After forever, I got out of bed and went to the closet where I kept the phone.
After forever, Igot out ofbed andwent tothe closet where Ikept thephone. Ihadn't takenitout since theworst day.It just wasn't possible. A lot ofthe time Ithink about thosefourandahalf minutes between whenIcame home andwhen Dadcalled. Stan touched myface, which henever did.Itook theelevator forthe last time. Iopened theapartment door,putdown my bag, andtook offmy shoes, likeeverything waswonderful, becauseIdidn't knowthatinreality everything wasactually horrible, becausehowcould I?Ipetted Buckmin...
- Michelle Kwan Michelle Kwan, born in 1980, American figure skater, one of the world's dominant skaters in the 1990s and early 2000s.
- Compte fantastique en anglais
Excerpt from The Winter's Tale - anthology.
Of all that hear me, and my near'st of kinCry fie upon my grave! LEONTES. I ne'er heard yetThat any of these holder vices wantedLess impudence to gainsay what they didThan to perform it first. HERMIONE. That's true enough,Though 'tis a saying, sir, not due to me. LEONTES. You will not own it. HERMIONE. More than mistress ofWhich comes to me in name of fault I must notAt all acknowledge. For Polixenes,With whom I am accused, I do confessI loved him as in honour he required:With such a kind of lov...
positive, so I pointed at the roses in the vase on the table.
"Do youhave acard foryourself?" He slid out adrawer. "So doyou have acard formy dad?" "Thomas Schell,right!" "Right." Hewent tothe'S drawer andpulled ithalfway out. His fingers ranthrough thecards likethefingers ofsomeone muchyounger than103."Sorry! Nothing!" "Couldyou double-check?" Hisfingers ranthrough thecards again. Heshook hishead. "Sorry!" "Well,whatifacard isfiled inthe wrong place?" "Thenwe'vegotaproblem!" "Coulditbe?" "Ithappens occasionally! MarilynMonroe waslostinthe index for more t...
La crise économique touche toutes les entreprises, aussi bien celles de la sphère financière que celles de la sphère réelle, entrainant une réactivation des politiques interventionnistes de la part des gouvernements. Devant le risque systémique qu’a fait peser sur le système financier mondial la faillite de Lehman Brothers, les gouvernements ont mis en œuvre des mesures d’aide à leurs banques nationales, prêts de plusieurs milliards d’euros aux grands établissements financiers de la place...
- Commentaire Phyllis et Rosamond
Analyse Twelfth Night de William Shakespeare (en anglais)
woman : Viola, herself in love with Orsino; and as if it was not enough, Malvolio and Sir Andrew are as well in love with Olivia and both believe they have a chance. Illyria seems to be in a total fever. Shakespeare shows that these passions only create confusion, that one has to deal with them with a lot of measure, self-control and reason. Therefore he truly celebrates order. In addition to love, identity is as well a very big source of disorder and confusion in Twelfth Night. Shakespeare...