358 résultats pour "légale"
Article de presse: La mise à mort du socialisme à la chilienne
par la réforme agraire. Le Parti national exalte le " devoir de désobéissance " et entre en émulation avec la DC pour harcelerAllende. El Mercurio affole l'opinion. Le dirigeant conservateur Onofre Jarpa (aujourd'hui à la tête du cabinet Pinochet) déclare :" Allende a cessé d'être président constitutionnel du Chili. " Le 29 juin, c'est le tancazo, le " coup des tanks ", autre tentative deputsch d'un régiment de blindés qui encercle le palais présidentiel de la Moneda et fait plusieurs morts avan...
acte uniforme sur les suretés
Journal Officiel de l’Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires CHAPITRE 4 - GAGE DE MEUBLES CORPORELS 26 Section 1 - Constitution du gage 26 Section 2 - Effets du gage 27 Section 3 - Extinction du gage 31 Section 4 - Dispositions particulières à certains gages 31 Sous-section 1 - Gage du matériel professionnel et des véhicules automobiles 31 Sous-section 2 - Gage de stocks 32 CHAPITRE 5 - NANTISSEMENT DE MEUBLES INCORPORELS 33 Section 1 - Nantissement de créance 33 Se...
manuel ressources humaines stmg delagrave corrige
2 Couverture et mise en page : PCA Toute représentation, traduction, adaptation ou reproduction, même partielle, par tous procédés, en tous pays, faite sans autorisation préalable est i\ llicite et exposerait le contre venant à des poursuites judiciaires. Réf. : loi du 11 mars 1957, alinéas 2 et 3 de l’article 41. Une représentation ou reproduction sans autorisation de l’édite\ ur ou du Centre Français d’Exploitation du droit de Copie (20, rue des Grands-Augustins, 7500\ 6 Paris)...
Article de presse: Budapest : l'explosion
Les troupes soviétiques, apparemment vaincues et démoralisées, commencent à se retirer de Budapest. Inattendue, malpréparée, improbable, la révolution semble victorieuse. Dans les rues de Budapest, on pourchasse ouvertement les membres del'AVH, la sinistre police de sécurité. Des scènes d'atrocités se produisent le 30 octobre devant le bâtiment du comité local duparti, place de la République. Le jour même de l'attaque, Janos Kadar et le nouveau présidium semblent avoir franchi le Rubicon. Ils...
histoire des idées politiques
• Sensibilité chez les romains à la dimension mythologique et poétique mais ils restent des guerriers et des cultivateurs • Fondus factus est : évocation du travail héroïque sur la terre/ Héroïsme romain = fructification de la terre → naissance de la propriété ; conquête du sol • Cuirite : + ancien citoyen celui qui habite dans la cité, qui participe à la fondation et à la vie de la cité. Cuires = lance donc défense → défense de la terre conquise : signe de propriété / Fermier é...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
DEVOIR2, substantif masculin.
sur la philosophie de Kant, 1857, page 17 ). — Par métonymie. Celui, celle dont le ressort principal est la conscience du devoir. Être le Devoir en personne, être l'incarnation du Devoir : Ø 3. Je suis celui que rien n'arrête, (...) Je suis le poëte farouche, L'homme devoir,... VICTOR HUGO, Les Contemplations, tome 2, 1856, page 188. — Locutions et expressions. La déclaration des Droits et des Devoirs, à tout droit répond un devoir, comme de droit et de devoir (conformément à ce qui relève du d...
- Cours d"introduction en droit
- Le droit administratif des biens
comme celle de 1848.
s'opposant àlui que lorsqu'il estcertain den'en subir aucun dommage. Insensiblement, subrepticement, ilva préparer leterrain defaçon quel'Assemblée sera,soitcontrainte devenir àrésipiscence, soitsuffisamment affaiblie pourqu'ilpuisse l'écarter deson chemin. Pour l'heure, lechemin deLouis Napoléon, sespartenaires, sesadversaires etses ennemis l'onttracé unefois pour toutes, etsans aucun égardpourlui. La fonction queluiaconfiée lepeuple nedure pasplus... detrois ansetdemi, courte période aucours d...
Game Theory
Game Theory, mathematical analysis of any situation involving a conflict of interest, with the intent of indicating the optimal choices that, under given conditions, will
lead to a desired outcome.
C Zero-Sum Games A game is said to be a zero-sum game if the total amount of payoffs at the end of the game is zero. Thus, in a zero-sum game the total amount won is exactly equal tothe amount lost. In economic contexts, zero-sum games are equivalent to saying that no production or destruction of goods takes place within the “game economy” inquestion. Von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern showed in 1944 that any n-person non-zero-sum game can be reduced to an n + 1 zero-sum game, and that such n...
Introduction Droit Civil
Selon cette vision des choses on va avoir des infos très importantes sur la fonction centrale de la Constitution. Fonction centrale de la Constitution. C'est un auteur célèbre qui a synthétisé cette fonction centrale de la Constitution. C'est l'autrichien Hans KELSEN qui en 1934 écrit un ouvrage dans lequel il synthétise le rôle de la Constitution en matière de l'organisation de l'ordre juridique. "La théorie pure du droit" Ici KELSEN il indique que la fonction organisationnelle de la Consti...
- Droit civil : les personnes et la famille
- Il est de jurisprudence constante que la liberté est la règle et les restrictions de police, l'exception, commentez
- Licence
Droit des sociétés approfondi - DROIT SPECIAL DES SOCIÉTÉS
DROIT DES SPECIAL DES SOCIÉTÉS INTRODUCTION GENERALE : caractéristiques générales des sociétés par actions Ce cours va se concentrer spécialement sur les sociétés par actions, on parle aussi de sociétés de capitaux, elles sont aux nombres de 3 : - Les SA : sociétés anonymes, Les SAS : sociétés par actions simplifiées, Les SCA : sociétés en commandite par action. Ces trois formes sociales appartiennent aux sociétés commerciales qui se différencie des sociétés de personnes pour pl...
Article R. 763-1 du code du travail : commentaire
agence titulaire dune li- cence speciale et ayant obtenu un agrement lui permettant d'engager des enfants, I'autorisation prea- 'able de la Commission nest pas exigee. Conditions de tra- vail : Si I'enfant est scola- rise, iI ne part travailler que pendant les jours de repos hebdomadaires autres que le dimanche. Pendant les vacances scolaires, itne part etre employe plus de la mokie de ses vacances et en respectant certaines durees joumalieres. S'il n'est pas encore scolarise, it ne peut pas etr...
Marchandisation du vivant et propriété intellectuelle.
Il est dans un premier temps important de comprendre le lien entre l'essor des biotechnologie et leslogiques du marché. A) Du savoir universel à la propriété intellectuelle.Le problème de la propriété intellectuelle ne date pas d'hier. Il remonte à la controverse entreDiderot et Condorcet. Le premier insistait pour dire que les auteurs étaient les propriétaires de leurstextes. Il identifiait l'écriture à une oeuvre de création personnelle qui mérite d'être protégée.Condorcet lui défend une autre...
- Droit administratif
set up to monitor the economy and provide advice to the president and Congress. Between 1945 and 1990 nine cyclical swings in unemployment occurred; all weresmaller than the 1930s depression. During this period the unemployment rate was as low as 2.9 percent (1953) and as high as 9.7 percent (1982). Because of cutbacksin the unemployment insurance program and changes in the nature of employment during the 1980s, however, only 37 percent of jobless workers received benefits in1990. Fears that the...
migration, déplacement de populations se déroulant à la fois dans le temps et dans l'espace.
contraint ainsi près de 7 millions de musulmans à quitter l’Inde pour le Pakistan et 6 millions d’hindous à refluer vers l’Inde. En Algérie, les accords d’Évian de 1962précipitent le rapatriement en France de plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes. Dans le même temps, les anciens courants dirigés vers les États-Unis, le Canada,l’Australie, la Nouvelle-Zélande et l’Argentine sont partiellement rétablis, tandis que, phénomène nouveau, les pays industrialisés européens qui connaissent une for...
- droit administratif
American Revolution.
C1 The South Southern agriculture was founded on the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, and corn in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, and of rice and indigo (a blue dye) in SouthCarolina and Georgia. There was a large demand for these crops in Europe. These crops were cultivated with the help of black slaves imported from Africa. The whiteplanter class in the South was the most powerful, both politically and economically. C2 The North Wheat was the main cash crop of the mid-Atlantic colonies...
American Revolution - U.
C1 The South Southern agriculture was founded on the cultivation of tobacco, wheat, and corn in Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina, and of rice and indigo (a blue dye) in SouthCarolina and Georgia. There was a large demand for these crops in Europe. These crops were cultivated with the help of black slaves imported from Africa. The whiteplanter class in the South was the most powerful, both politically and economically. C2 The North Wheat was the main cash crop of the mid-Atlantic colonies...
POUVOIRS DE GUERRE ET CIRCONSTANCES EXCEPTIONNELLES - C. E. 28 juin 1918, HEYRIES, Rec. 651 (commentaire d'arrêt)
manière la plus éclatante, non seulement l'existence d'une légalité spéciale aux temps de crise, mais encore saprééminence sur la légalité tout court.D'autres décisions se fondèrent, à l'époque, en fait ou en principe, sur la même théorie (cf. Dames Dol et Laurent,28 févr. 1919, et nos observations). Le Conseil d'État devait faire de multiples applications de la jurisprudenceHeyriès pendant la seconde guerre mondiale et la période qui l'a immédiatement suivie. L'ensemble de ces...
commanded to face the Kaaba, an ancient shrine in the city of Mecca. The Qur’an also refers to the recitation of parts of the Qur’an as a form of prayer. However, evenwith its numerous references, the Qur’an alone does not give exact instructions for this central ritual of prayer. The most detailed descriptions of the rituals for prayer derive from the example set by the prophet Muhammad and are preserved in later Islamic traditions. Somedetails of these rituals vary, however all Muslims agree t...
Horse Racing.
interested parties claim the same horse at the same price, lots are drawn to determine the winning offer. Knowledgeable owners and trainers may use claiming races toobtain, at bargain prices, horses whose former owners underestimated the potential of their animals. Two other types of contests are match races and walkovers. A match race pits only two horses, almost always that season’s most successful racers, in a head-to-headduel. A walkover occurs when only one horse has not been scratched (w...
- Cours droit bancaire
African American History - U.
In their day-to-day lives, slaves and servants shared similar grievances and frequently formed alliances. Advertisements seeking the return of slaves and servants whohad run away together filled colonial newspapers. When a slave named Charles escaped in 1740, the Pennsylvania Gazette reported that two white servants, a 'Scotch man' and an Englishman, escaped with him. Sometimes interracial alliances involved violence. During Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, slaves and servants took up armsagainst Na...
Vice President of the United States.
naval operations. Located in northwest Washington at Massachusetts Avenue and 34th Street, the three-story Queen Anne-style house is within easy driving distance ofCapitol Hill and the White House. The vice president receives an annual salary of $189,300. The vice president has a staff and offices in the Everett M. Dirksen Senate Office Building, near the Capitol, toassist with legislative matters, as well as a personal office near the Senate lobby. The vice president also has staff and offices...
A Early Monetary Regulations In the American colonies, coins of almost every European country circulated, with the Spanish dollar predominating. Because of the scarcity of coins, the colonists alsoused various primitive mediums of exchange, such as bullets, tobacco, and animal skins. Many of the colonies issued paper money that circulated at varying rates ofdiscount. The first unified currency consisted of the notes issued by the Continental Congress to finance the American Revolution. These no...
Mexican Revolution.
growing economic and social difficulties. Although Madero called for free and democratic elections, and a ban on reelection at all levels of government, he offered little tourban workers seeking higher wages and better working conditions, or to indigenous people seeking the restoration of their traditional lands. Madero’s intention was tolead a political rebellion, not a social revolution. Despite the political nature of the plan, it became a rallying point for poor and working-class Mexicans, m...
Dominican Republic - country.
Manatees and sea turtles also live in Dominican waters. Common birds include blue herons, glossy ibis, flamingos, and brown pelicans. E Environmental Issues Urban dwellers of the Dominican Republic enjoy good access to safe water, but rural communities do not. While current water use is low relative to available resources,water shortages do occur. Although deforestation was once a serious problem in the Dominican Republic, by the beginning of the 21st century, the annual rate of deforestation h...
Blacks in Latin America.
Throughout Latin America and the Caribbean the slave population declined at the astonishing rate of 2 to 4 percent a year; thus, by the time slavery was abolished, theoverall slave population in many places was far less than the total number of slaves imported. The British colony of Jamaica, for example, imported more than 600,000slaves during the 18th century; yet, in 1838, the slave population numbered little more than 300,000. The French colony of Saint-Domingue (present-day Haiti)imported mo...
Canadian Parliament.
government’s legislative program. Members of Commons can also present a motion in response to the Budget Speech, which reviews the government’s economicrecord, taxation, and expenditure plans, and to Supply Motions, which concern budgets for individual departments. If a majority of MPs support a no-confidence motion,the government must resign. Also, if Parliament rejects a significant government proposal, the government is expected to resign and request the governor-general to call an election....
James Madison.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison - USA History.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
Holocaust, the almost complete destruction of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II (1939-1945).
relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. Hewrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal. IV UNIQUENESS OF NAZI ANTI-SEMITISM The linking of anti-Semitic accusations to race struggle is what made Nazism so genocidal. The Nazis believed the Jews were responsible for what they regarded as thedegeneracy of modern...
Holocaust .
relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. Hewrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal. IV UNIQUENESS OF NAZI ANTI-SEMITISM The linking of anti-Semitic accusations to race struggle is what made Nazism so genocidal. The Nazis believed the Jews were responsible for what they regarded as thedegeneracy of modern...
humans, such as tools, pottery, and buildings) and human fossils (preserved bones). They also examine past environments to understand how natural forces, such as climate and available food, shaped the development of human culture. Some archaeologists study cultures that existed before the development of writing, a time knownas prehistory . The archaeological study of periods of human evolution up to the first development of agriculture, about 10,000 years ago, is also called paleoanthropology....
Medical Ethics.
medical profession. In recent years, however, the field of medical ethics has struggled to keep pace with the many complex issues raised by new technologies for creating and sustaininglife. Artificial-respiration devices, kidney dialysis, and other machines can keep patients alive who previously would have succumbed to their illnesses or injuries.Advances in organ transplantation have brought new hope to those afflicted with diseased organs. New techniques have enabled prospective parents to con...
Albania - country.
Joining the international community in its concern over the degradation of the environment, Albania is party to international agreements concerning biodiversity, climatechange, and wetlands. III THE PEOPLE OF ALBANIA In 2008 Albania’s population estimate was 3,619,778, resulting in an average density of 132 persons per sq km (342 per sq mi). More and more people have left ruralareas for urban ones, particularly in the northern districts, such that in 2005 some 45 percent of the population live...
Library (institution).
rooms, special galleries for exhibitions, auditoriums for lectures or concerts, computer rooms, children’s rooms, photocopy rooms, and classrooms. A3 Lending Materials As part of their mission to provide information resources to the community, public libraries allow users to borrow items from their collections for limited amounts of time.To be eligible to borrow public library materials, a user must register her or his name, address, and other basic information with the local library’s circulat...
- Pour Être Juste, Suffit-Il D'obéir Aux Lois?
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
English playwright and poet William Shakespeare, who lived in the late 1500s and early 1600s, is regarded as the greatest
dramatist in the history of English literature.
Avon, Warwickshire, a prosperous town in the English Midlands. Based on this record and on the fact that children in Shakespeare’s time were usually baptized two orthree days after birth, April 23 has traditionally been accepted as his date of birth. The third of eight children, William Shakespeare was the eldest son of John Shakespeare, a locally prominent glovemaker and wool merchant, and Mary Arden, thedaughter of a well-to-do landowner in the nearby village of Wilmcote. The young Shakespeare...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
Israel (country) - country.
harbor in the northern part of the country, and Ashdod, an artificial deepwater port to the south, serve as the main seaports on the Mediterranean. The port of Elat onthe Gulf of Aqaba provides Israel’s only access to the Red Sea, making it extremely important to the country’s shipping interests. D Natural Resources Although much of Israel’s desert regions contain poor soils, the northern Negev, the coastal plains, and the interior valleys provide patches of productive soils. Anestimated 18 per...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...