414 résultats pour "america"
Beuys, Joseph - sculpture.
7 RENOUER AVEC L’ENVIRONNEMENT Avant d’être artiste, Jospeh Beuys est avant tout un philosophe qui s’interroge sur les rapports que l’homme entretient avec son environnement, avec l’art, avec la société. L’homme en rupture avec son environnement est le thème central de son œuvre, qui provoque le spectateur, l’amène à une réflexion. Ses « actions » choquent, intriguent, ne laissent jamais indifférent : de la haine à l’admiration sans borne, les sentiments qu’elles inspirent ne sont jamais en dem...
Québec (city) - geography.
Old Québec SeminaryCannons in front of the old seminary of Québec in Sainte-Foy recall the community’s history as the site of a 1760 French victory overBritish troops. Founded as Le Séminaire de Québec in 1663, the institution was renamed Université Laval (University of Laval) in1852.Bruce Adams; Eye Ubiquitous/Corbis Québec has long been an important educational center. Laval University (Université Laval), chartered in 1852, is an outgrowth of the Grande Séminaire (1663), the firstCanadian inst...
It's a warm summer afternoon in a park or garden.
become the queens. When a honey bee finds food, it tells other honey bees. The bee comes back to the hive with nectar. Itthen performs a dance. The bee’s movements tell the other bees where to look for this nectar. BUMBLEBEES If you go on a picnic, a yellow and black bumblebee may buzz by. Bumblebees have thick, hairy bodies.Their hair helps keep them warm. Only the queens live through the winter, however. The workers anddrones die. Like honey bees, bumblebees live in colonies. Bumblebees like t...
primavera con esquina rota
SARRAZIN Elena EL TITULO El autor nos explica el título, una metáfora, en uno de los fragmentos llamados “Extramuros”. Santiago, un preso político es amnistiado. Después de cinco años en los que ha perdido su vida, separado de su familia, sufriendo la tortura, la soledad y luchando contra la locura, después de cinco años de invierno, llega la primavera, el renacimiento, la esperanza. Va a recuperar su vida, pero nunca estará completa, no podrá salir ileso de fatídica experiencia. La vida, frágil...
Perú - (exposé en espagnol).
unidos ¡sin argamasa ni cemento! Tras la muerte de Huayna Cápac (1525) heredaron el trono Huáscar y Atahualpa , cuyas luchas internas facilitaron al español Francisco Pizarro conquistar el debilitado imperio. El Perú se convirtió en el más importante de los virreinatos españoles en América hasta que, a principios del siglo XIX, los colonos se sublevaron contra España. En 1824 Simón Bolívar derrotó a los españoles y fundó la República de Alto Perú . ¿Sabías que Bolívar también destacó...
Miami (Florida) - geography.
Port of MiamiThe Dante B. Fascell Port of Miami-Dade, known simply as the Port of Miami, is one of the world’s leading passenger ports. Tourism isan important part of Miami’s economy, and many tourists board cruise ships at the Port of Miami.F. Stuart Westmorland/Photo Researchers, Inc. Miami’s economy, until recently dominated by tourism, is increasingly diversified. Tourism still plays a significant role, with more than 10 million visitors staying overnightin Miami-Dade County each year. A siz...
Halifax (Nova Scotia) - Geography.
During World War I (1914-1918) Halifax again became a military bastion. Huge convoys of ships assembled at the inner harbor (Bedford Basin) to prepare for sailingthrough the submarine-infested North Atlantic. On December 6, 1917, a munitions ship arriving to join a convoy collided with another vessel at the Narrows leading intothe Basin. A massive explosion resulted, killing nearly 2000 people and devastating the whole north end of the city. In World War II Halifax played a vital role in the All...
AN AMPHIBIAN’S LIFE Amphibians that live in cold places spend most of their time trying to keep wet and warm. In hot places,they try to keep wet and cool and usually come out only at night. During the day, they stay under rocksor logs or in the ground. Amphibians hibernate (become inactive) during cold winters. They become inactive in hot places during the summer. Almost all grown-up amphibians are meat eaters. Frogs and salamanders have sticky tongues. They flickout their tongues to catch ins...
American black bears live in Canada, the United States, and northern Mexico. Scientists think there maybe as many as 700,000 black bears in the United States. American black bears eat grasses, berries,acorns, and walnuts. BROWN BEAR Brown bears have fur that is light or dark brown. They also have a big hump on their shoulders. Theirsnout is turned upward. Brown bears live in Asia, Europe, and North America. Grizzly bears are a kind ofbrown bear. Brown bears are among the largest bears. Large mal...
Montréal - geography.
Place Jacques-Cartier, MontréalPlace Jacques-Cartier is named for the French explorer who was one of the first Europeans to venture into Canada in the 16thcentury. It is a popular spot in the city of Montréal, Québec’s largest city.R.E. Murowchick/Photo Researchers, Inc. French influence lasted for a time after the British conquest of 1760, as shown by some late 18th-century houses. British influence came to prevail, however, and most ofOld Montréal is in fact a Victorian Style city, probably th...
La vida de las hormigas - (exposé gratuit en espagnol).
Cuando se ven amenazados, los soldados reaccionan de diversas maneras según las especies. Unos atacan a sus adversarios con susgrandes mandíbulas; otros, como las hormigas rojas, se apoyan sobre sus patas traseras, doblan su abdomen y proyectan sobre losintrusos un veneno ácido (el ácido fórmico). Hay hormigas que no permanecen toda la vida en el hormiguero, sino que se desplazan de un sitio a otro. Los soldados se encargan deproteger al resto de las hormigas durante los desplazamientos. En otra...
Rana - ciencias de la naturaleza.
Rana excavadoraLas patas cortas y fuertes de esta rana son adecuadas para cavar. Se entierra en la arena del desierto del sur de Australia para eludirel calor y queda sumida en un estado similar a la hibernación. Otras lo hacen para esconderse o tender emboscadas. Muchas tienen elhocico afilado o dedos espatulados, que les ayudan a cavar.Kathie Atkinson/Oxford Scientific Films La mayoría de las ranas, en especial los machos, emiten sonidos. Al expulsar el aire de los pulmones, éste hace vibrar l...
Frank Lloyd Wright.
C Usonian Houses Wright achieved his goal of low-cost, democratic American architecture with his Usonian houses of the 1930s. Usonia was Wright’s term for the United States of North America, with an i added for a pleasing sound. The Usonian house had a simple design, usually with an L-shaped floor plan. This plan separated the noisier living space on one leg of the L from the quieter bedroom space on the other leg. The floor was made of concrete slabs, typically in a square grid of 4 by 4...
Goose - biology.
Branta comes from a German word meaning “burned” and all of the geese in this genus have black plumage somewhere on their bodies. The brant, a sea goose that also belongs to this genus, is found on both coasts of North America. Brants are darker than barnacle and Canada geese and similar in size to the smallest Canadageese. Like the Canada and barnacle goose, the brant nests in Arctic regions. But unlike them, it winters chiefly on salt water. Instead of the white cheeks of Canadaand barnacle g...
harmoniously with the equipment to perform a graceful and error-free routine. There are also two team events in which five competitors perform together. At thehighest international levels, rhythmic gymnastics is judged on a 30-point scale rather than with the traditional 10-point scoring system. IV TRAMPOLINE Trampoline first appeared in the Olympics as a medal sport at the 2000 Games in Sydney, Australia, with a men’s individual event and a women’s individual event.Contestants bounce up and d...
Gold - chemistry.
producers of gold during this period. Spain's domination in South America resulted, in the 16th century, in a large increase in gold produced in the New World; someresulted from simple seizure of gold from the Native Americans, who had long mined the metal. In the same century Mexico contributed about 9 percent of the totalworld production. Gold was discovered in Australia in February 1851, and rich fields were found there. By the middle of the 19th century the United States produced a considera...
Dog Family - biology.
muzzles, long and bushy tails, and large ears. Many foxes hunt by stalking prey and then leaping on it with a distinctive, stiff-legged pounce. Once thought to besolitary animals, foxes are now known to live in groups of up to six individuals. The remaining canids are each highly distinctive. Raccoon dogs and bush dogs are the least doglike canids in appearance. Raccoon dogs, found in eastern Asia, havestubby legs, a stout body, short ears, shaggy fur, and a black face mask that resembles a racc...
VII HOUSING, TRANSPORTATION, AND CLOTHING Inuit homes are of two kinds: walrus or sealskin tents for summer and huts or houses for winter. Winter houses are usually made of stone, with a driftwood orwhalebone frame, chinked and covered with moss or sod. The entrance is a long, narrow passage just high enough to admit a person crawling on hands and knees.During long journeys some Canadian Inuit build igloos, winter houses of snow blocks piled in a dome shape (the term igloo comes from the I...
Pez - ciencias de la naturaleza.
Anatomía externa de un pezEsta ilustración muestra las principales características anatómicas externas de los peces. Algunas especies no tienen todas las aletasque aparecen en la ilustración y otras carecen de escamas u opérculo.© Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. En general, los peces tienen forma ahusada, con el cuerpo moderadamente aplanado en los lados y más afilado en la zona de la cola que en la de la cabeza. Sus principalesrasgos son el juego de vértebras repetido en s...
Igneous Rock.
As a magma cools, the first crystals to form will be of minerals that become solid at relatively high temperatures (usually olivine and a type of feldspar known asanorthite). The composition of these early-formed mineral crystals will be different from the initial composition of the magma. Consequently, as these growing crystalstake certain elements out of the magma in certain proportions, the composition of the remaining liquid changes. This process is known as magmatic differentiation.Sometime...
Golf, outdoor game in which individual players use specially designed
caddie or caddy. (Caddies, once an integral feature of the game, have now been replaced on many courses by motorized carts and pull carts.) In England the game was made popular by the attention given it by James VI of Scotland, later James I of England, and his son Charles I. In the 18th century the first golf associations were established. They included the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers (founded 1744) in Edinburgh, Scotland;the Saint Andrews Society of Golfers (1754) in Saint Andrew...
Honey Bee - biology.
B Reproduction and Development The queen controls the sex of her offspring. When an egg passes from her ovary to her oviduct, the queen determines whether the egg is fertilized with sperm from thespermatheca. A fertilized egg develops into a female honey bee, either worker or queen, and an unfertilized egg becomes a male honey bee, or drone. The queen lays the eggs that will develop into more queens in specially constructed downward-pointing, peanut-shaped cells, in which the egg adheres to the...
Physical therapy helps patients with paralytic polio stretch and move affected muscles. This movement minimizes the atrophy, or shrinkage, of affected muscles andlimbs and builds strength. Exercises can also retrain working muscles to compensate for other muscles that have permanently lost the ability to move. Rehabilitativetherapy trains patients to use braces, crutches, and other devices that provide support and aid mobility. V PREVENTION OF POLIO Immunization with polio vaccine is the best w...
Political Parties in the United States.
quickly enabled the Republican Party to overpower the Know-Nothings. Although the Republicans lost their first campaign for the presidency in 1856, they triumphed in1860 with former congressman Abraham Lincoln. The Republican victory resulted in part from the division of the Democratic Party into Northern and Southern factions,each of which ran its own presidential candidate, and in part from their success at attracting Whigs and Know-Nothings who had opposed the Republicans in 1856.During the C...
cancers, Hodgkin’s disease and leukemia. Unfortunately, human activities have greatly reduced biodiversity around the world. The 20th century encompasses one of the greatest waves of extinction, orelimination of species, to occur on the planet. The greatest threat to biodiversity is loss of habitat as humans develop land for agriculture, grazing livestock, industry,and habitation. The most drastic damage has occurred in the tropical rain forests, which cover less than seven percent of the Earth’...
Spanish-American War.
A Blockade of Cuba The Navy’s basic job was to blockade the island of Cuba. If the Spanish army could be cut off from seaborne supplies from Spain, it could not maintain itself for longagainst the Cuban insurgents, let alone prepare to fight the U.S. forces. To maintain a successful blockade, the U.S. Navy would have to control the sea approaches toCuba. To accomplish this, the United States determined that the Spanish navy had to be destroyed wherever it was found. Thus the U.S. war objectives...
From "Resistance to Civil Government" - anthology.
intending it, as God. A very few—as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men—serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it. A wise man will only be useful as a man, and will not submit to be “clay,” and “stop a holeto keep the wind away,” but leave that office to his dust at least: “I am too high born to be propertied,To be a second at control,Or useful serving-man and instr...
Dolphin (aquatic mammal) - biology.
Scientists have observed dolphins displaying three types of caregiving behaviors: standing by, excitement, and supporting. In standing-by behavior, dolphins remain inthe vicinity of an injured or ill companion without offering aid. In excitement behavior, dolphins swim swiftly in circles around an injured dolphin, responding aggressivelytoward threats to the injured animal. For instance, they may bite harpoon lines or charge boats that come too close to the animal. In supporting behavior, one or...
Qing Dynasty - History.
The Manchus also dealt with the problem of Russian expansion into northeastern Asia. In 1689 the Treaty of Nerchinsk was signed by an envoy from the Manchu courtand a Russian representing Peter the Great. The treaty, the first between China and a Western country, established territorial boundaries and defined rules ofcommerce for the two powers. Through the mid-18th century, the Manchus continued to consolidate their power. In 1720 the Qing ruler sent forces to fight the Mongols in Tibet and the...
Great Depression in the United States - U.
prices would continue to rise and they could soon sell their stocks at a profit. The widespread belief that anyone could get rich led many less affluent Americans into the market as well. Investors bought millions of shares of stock “on margin,” arisky practice similar to buying products on credit. They paid only a small part of the price and borrowed the rest, gambling that they could sell the stock at a highenough price to repay the loan and make a profit. For a time this was true: In 1928 the...
higher living standard for their people. The World Bank made loans to developing countries for dams and other electrical-generating plants, harbor facilities, and otherlarge projects. These projects were intended to lower costs for private businesses and to attract investors. Beginning in 1968 the World Bank focused on low-cost loansfor health, education, and other basic needs of the world’s poor. B International Monetary Fund The IMF makes loans so that countries can maintain the value of thei...
Mammal - biology.
On land, mammals live in many different habitats, and at a wide range of altitudes. Many mammals dig burrows as refuges or as places to raise their young, but somehave developed a largely subterranean lifestyle, feeding on small animals or plant roots beneath the soil's surface. These animals, including moles and mole-rats, digthrough the ground either with spadelike front paws or with their teeth, and they detect danger by being highly sensitive to vibrations transmitted through the soil.Most m...
Olympic Games.
the next decade nearly all the ISFs abolished the distinction between amateurs and professionals, accepting so-called open Games. One of the most visible examples of the policy change came in 1992, when professional players from the National Basketball Association (NBA) were permitted to play inthe Summer Games in Barcelona, Spain. Professionals from the National Hockey League (NHL) became eligible to participate beginning with the 1998 Winter Olympics inNagano, Japan. V CEREMONIES The Olymp...
North Dakota - geography.
Bismarck, the growing season averages 134 days, as the average date of the last killing frost is May 11 and that of the first killing frost is September 22. The length ofthe growing season drops to about 110 days in the northerly reaches of the state. The long periods of summer sunshine at this latitude, providing as much as 16 hoursof daylight in summer, help crops to mature quickly, thus compensating somewhat for the relatively short growing season. Temperatures in the north are, on the averag...
North Dakota - USA History.
Bismarck, the growing season averages 134 days, as the average date of the last killing frost is May 11 and that of the first killing frost is September 22. The length ofthe growing season drops to about 110 days in the northerly reaches of the state. The long periods of summer sunshine at this latitude, providing as much as 16 hoursof daylight in summer, help crops to mature quickly, thus compensating somewhat for the relatively short growing season. Temperatures in the north are, on the averag...
Wisconsin (state) - geography.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Wisconsin (state) - USA History.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Mississippi - geography.
The climate of Mississippi is characterized by long, hot, and humid summers and generally mild winters. The higher lands in the northeast are usually cooler than otherareas of the state. D1 Temperature Average January temperatures range from about 6° C (about 42° F) in northeastern Mississippi to about 12° C (about 54° F) along the Gulf Coast. No part of the stateis entirely free from freezing temperatures, but prolonged periods of extreme cold rarely occur. Temperatures more than 15° C (30° F)...
Mississippi - USA History.
The climate of Mississippi is characterized by long, hot, and humid summers and generally mild winters. The higher lands in the northeast are usually cooler than otherareas of the state. D1 Temperature Average January temperatures range from about 6° C (about 42° F) in northeastern Mississippi to about 12° C (about 54° F) along the Gulf Coast. No part of the stateis entirely free from freezing temperatures, but prolonged periods of extreme cold rarely occur. Temperatures more than 15° C (30° F)...
Wyoming (state) - geography.
The basins, which lie in the rain shadow of mountains, are very dry, with an average annual precipitation of about 250 mm (about 10 in) or less; the Great Plains regionhas an annual average of about 380 mm (about 15 in), and the Black Hills region receives slightly more. Thunderstorms and hailstorms are relatively frequent insummer. The annual snowfall ranges from about 500 mm (about 20 in) in the Bighorn Basin to well over 5,100 mm (over 200 in) in the higher mountains, where annualprecipitatio...
Wyoming (state) - USA History.
The basins, which lie in the rain shadow of mountains, are very dry, with an average annual precipitation of about 250 mm (about 10 in) or less; the Great Plains regionhas an annual average of about 380 mm (about 15 in), and the Black Hills region receives slightly more. Thunderstorms and hailstorms are relatively frequent insummer. The annual snowfall ranges from about 500 mm (about 20 in) in the Bighorn Basin to well over 5,100 mm (over 200 in) in the higher mountains, where annualprecipitatio...
South Africa - country.
The major soil zones are conditioned largely by climatic factors. In the semiarid north and west, soils are alkaline and poorly developed. In the southern part of WesternCape Province, rain falls mostly in the winter months, and soils there form slowly and are generally thin and immature. The moderate temperatures and summer rainfallof the High Veld and eastern coastal areas create conditions for more productive organic decomposition, leading to dark, fertile soils, or chernozems, similar to tho...
"The United States
of America (2)
L' essentiel du cours
Key dates
The jirst British colony, Virginia, starts importing African...
"The United States of America (2) L' essentiel du cours Key dates The jirst British colony, Virginia, starts importing African slaves. The Amërican ê/iifî War The industrial 'Union States' in the North Led by Abraham Lincolnfought the 'Confederate States' in the South. The southern states did not want to abo/ish s/avery and so intended to secede from the United States. ln 1862, Lincoln proclaimed the abolition of slavery. ln 1865, The fast slaves werefreed. Harlem Renaissance An arti stic moveme...
- Deriva continental - geographia.
- El español de las dos orillas - antología.
investigac ion
Reforzó su teoría con pruebas antropológicas y culturales sobre la similitud entre las culturas polinésicas y americanas: puentes colgantes, hachas de mando llamadas " toqui ", base dialéctica, ojos negros y rasgados, cabello grueso y recto, casi nula vellosidad corporal, etc. Esta teoría recibe el nombre de Teoría polinésica, Teoría del orígen múltiple o Teoría océanica inmigracionista. Fases y períodos históricos Mayas La historia de los mayas se divide en etapas o períodos, cada uno co...
Océano Atlántico - geografía.
noreste de América del Sur. La pesca por unidad de superficie es mucho más abundante en el Atlántico que en los demás océanos. El mar de los Sargazos constituye un ejemplo destacado de flora marina; está situado en una sección oval del Atlántico norte que se extiende desde las Antillas a las Azoresal sur, y queda limitado al oeste y norte por la corriente del Golfo (aproximadamente hasta las costas de Terranova por el norte). En su superficie es relativamente fácilencontrar marañas de algas de c...
- Depresiones y cordilleras - geographia.
Latin American Architecture
Oldest Cathedral in the Western Hemisphere
The oldest cathedral in the Western hemisphere is the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, constructed between 1512 and
1541 in Santo Domingo, now the capitol of the Dominican Republic.
Colonial FortressThe imposing fortress of San Felipe de Barajas, in the foreground, was built in the mid-17th century to defend the colonialport settlement of Cartagena. Modern day Cartagena, Colombia, can be seen in the background.Dave G. Houser/Post-Houserstock/Corbis The use of architecture and urban planning as tools of European conquest is a recurrent theme in Latin American history. King Philip II of Spain ordered town plannersto use a grid or checkerboard plan for the layout of new towns...
Los seis continentes - (exposé en espagnol).
La cumbre más elevada es el Kilimanjaro, con casi 5.600 m de altitud. El río Nilo (algo más de 6.670 km de longitud) es el más largo de este continente ¡y del mundo! El país más extenso es Sudán, y el más poblado es Nigeria, donde se localiza Lagos, una inmensa ciudad que, junto con El Cairo (Egipto), destaca por su población: ambas aglomeraciones tienen unos 15 millones de habitantes. ANTÁRTIDA, EL MÁS HELADO La Antártida es el cuarto continente más grande del planeta. Es el único qu...