2849 résultats pour "for"
australienne, littérature.
Le roman populaire est représenté par Colleen McCulloughs (Les oiseaux se cachent pour mourir, 1977), Morris West (l'Avocat du diable, 1959, les Souliers de saint Pierre, 1963) ou Christina Stead (1902-1983) l'Homme qui aimait les enfants (1940). La critique étrangère a salué la Complainte de Jimmy Blacksmith (1972), l'histoire de la revanche d'un aborigène, de Thomas Keneally (né en 1935), et la Liste de Schindler (1982), qui retrace les conflits raciaux au cours de la Seconde Guer...
Organismes internationaux
remplir les obligations prévues par la Charte des Nations unies, signée à San Francisco le 12 juin 1945 . • États membres : 190 États. • Siège : New York (États -Unis). • A créé des organismes internationaux spécia lisés et aidés dans la réalisat ion de leurs tâches : Cnuted (Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement). Siège : Genève. Création : 1964 . FNUAP (UNFPA) . Fonds des NU pour la population (United Nations Fund f...
L'épreuve de philosophie au baccalauréat
1. L'homme et le monde : la conscience (séries L, ES et S); l'incons cient (séries L, ES et S); le désir (série L); les passions (séries L, ES et S); l'illu sion (série L); autrui (séries L, ES et S); l'espace (séries Let ES); la perception (série L); la mémoire (série L); le temps (séries L, ES et S); la mort (série L); l'existence (série L); nature et culture (série L); l'histoire (séries L, ES et S). 2. La connaissance et...
- Demeter
To have a conscience involves being conscious of the moral quality
ends up doing the right thing. Talk of a ‘perverted' conscience may mean that a person's ultimate convictions are judged to be perverse, as in the first strand identified; or that their capacity to know good from evil, in general or in the particular case, has been distorted or corrupted. Building on the above, we may note a third emphasis in the idea of conscience, to do with the care, intensity and frequency with which someone examines the moral credentials of their desires, feelings,...
Devolution in the UK
1) How did devolution happen? Devolution is not a new phenomena. There have been different forms of devolution in the UK for decades which responded to public demands. NI was the forerunner of devolution. In fact, in 1921 the Parliament of NI was created: Legislative power was transferred in large part from Westminster to the Parliament in Belfast . The first years were marked by a territorial conflict called The Troubles. Due to this violent 30 years conflict, the British gov diss...
Ape - biology.
previous infant has been weaned. This process—like all aspects of ape development—takes a remarkable length of time. A gibbon is weaned by the age of about 2years, while chimps take more than 4 years. Like young monkeys, young apes are carried by their mothers. They either cling to the mother's belly or, in the case ofolder chimps, ride on her back. In great apes, infant care is largely the job of the females, while in some gibbons the mother hands over responsibility to the fatherwhen the infan...
- Myths and heroes fiche
- power of music
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: ETERNAL RECURRENCE - Nietzsche
an imagined escape from the course of becoming.The element of challenge is just as evident in a powerful chapter of Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Third Part, ‘On theVision and the Riddle'). Zarathustra describes an episode in which he confronts his enemy, the dwarflike ‘spirit ofgravity', and initiates a contest of riddles. He points out a gateway which stands between two lanes, stretchingforwards and backwards into an infinite distance. The gateway, at which they come into conflict, has a name:‘Mom...
- Buzz Aldrin - astronomy.
mines, exploitation des.
atteindre 290 tonnes. Des pelleteuses plus petites chargent ensuite le charbon directement dans les camions. Le principal avantage de l'exploitation à ciel ouvert par rapport à l'exploitation souterraine est l'énorme gain de temps et de main-d'œuvre. Le rendement par homme-poste dans les mines à ciel ouvert est trois à quatre fois celui des mines souterraines. Dans les exploitations souterraines, on atteint la couche de charbon par des puits verticaux ou inclinés ou, si le gisement est situé dan...
Gambia - geographie.
Der Gambia ist über eine Strecke von etwa 240 Kilometern von der Mündung flussaufwärts schiffbar. Wichtigster Hafen ist Banjul. Das Straßennetz hat eine Länge von rund3 742 Kilometern (2004), von denen 1 720 Kilometer ganzjährig befahrbar sind. Durch den Bau einer größeren Hauptstraße hat sich die Bedeutung des Flusses alsHaupttransportweg verringert. Gambia hat keine Eisenbahnlinie. Ein internationaler Flughafen befindet sich in Yundum bei Banjul. 6.5 Tourismus Seit den siebziger Jahren des 20...
voluntary cooperation. The health of a democracy depends not only on the structure of its institutions, but also on the qualities of its citizens: for example, their loyalties and how they view potentially competing forms of national, ethnic or religious identities; their ability to work with others who are different from themselves; their desire to participate in public life; their willingness to exercise self-restraint in their economic demands and in personal choices affecting their health an...
Table of Contents I) Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..page 3 II) Photometry……………………………………………………………………page 4 to 6 III) Gratings equations………………………………………………………page 7 to 9 IV) Method and material………………………………………………….page 10 to 11 V) Experimental procedure………………………………………………page 12 to 16 VI) Light source spectrum…………………………………………………page 17 to 18 VII) Analysis, results and explanation of laser, led, tungsten operation a) Laser diode……………………………………………………………..page 19 to 22 b) LED (...
Ethnic Groups in Canada - Canadian History.
Ontario and the Atlantic provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island). Most of the Irish live in rural areas of NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, and Québec. The Welsh are by far the smallest group among the British Canadians, and they have also settled inthe Atlantic provinces and Ontario. B Culture The language spoken by British Canadians is mostly English, but some Welsh speak their own Celtic language and some Scots, Gae...
- Passive
man in the other room called again, this time extremely loudly, like he was desperate, but she didn't pay any attention,
ike she didn't hear it, or didn't care.
panicky, andsometimes they'drun.They remembered hundredsofcalls. Thousands. Theremight noteven bealimit. Isn't thatfascinating?" "Itis." "Because what's really fascinating isthat she'd playthecall ofadead elephant toits family members." "And?""Theyremembered." "Whatdidthey do?" "They approached thespeaker." "I wonder whattheywere feeling." "Whatdoyou mean?" "Whentheyheard thecalls oftheir dead, wasitwith lovethat they approached thejeep? Orfear? Oranger?" "Idon't remember." "Didthey charge?" "Id...
Eritrea - geographie.
Eritrea gliedert sich in sechs Regionen (Zoba), die über eigene Provinzverwaltungen verfügen: Anseba, Debub, Debubawi Keyih Bahri, Gash Barka, Maakel und Semenawi Keyih Bahri. 5 WIRTSCHAFT Traditionell hat die Landwirtschaft große Bedeutung; wichtigste Anbauprodukte sind Tabak, Getreide, Kaffee und Baumwolle. Allerdings ist Ackerbau bzw. der ganzjährigeAnbau von Nutzpflanzen lediglich auf 5,6 Prozent (2003) der Landesfläche möglich. Während der Herrschaft der Italiener und Briten im 19. und f...
Interstellar Matter - astronomy.
silhouette of a cloud of dust. At other times, it blocks only a percentage of the light from behind it, a process known by astronomers as extinction . The long, narrow dark lanes in the Milky Way as seen from Earth are examples of extinction. The amount of extinction is different for different wavelengths of light. A2 Reddening Starlight that does not get completely absorbed by interstellar dust can still be changed by the dust’s effects. As light passes through less dense patches of interstel...
- Anschluss
view that people ought to prefer their own self-interest to any other principle of conduct, was first developed in ananarchist direction by the Young Hegelian Stirner . Extending Feuerbach's argument against religion to strike at all notions of ‘the sacred', Stirner ( 1845 ) argues that people's potential for self-realization is impeded by the very idea of ethical obligation. Among the various ‘spooks' that restrict our lives at present, the state, with its demand forobedience, is one of the mo...
- From Bulfinch's Mythology: Pegasus and the Chimera - anthology.
- L'enseignement/apprentissage de la grammaire en contexte universitaire - Compte rendu de stage FLES
Enseignement / apprentissage de la grammaire en contexte universitaire, compte rendu de stage FLES
américaine, littérature.
le moi, la nature et la mort, se situe entre la tradition romantique américaine et la tradition calviniste de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. 3. 2 La guerre de Sécession américaine et la fin du XIX e siècle Non sans humour, Abraham Lincoln parlait de l’auteur de la Case de l’oncle Tom (1852), Harriet Beecher-Stowe, comme de « la petite femme qui a provoqué cette grande guerre ». Plus qu’une grande œuvre littéraire, ce roman fut surtout l’expression du profond sentiment abolitionniste des Nordistes....
Louis Battles Schmeling.
overpowered, Schmeling managed only to land three lackluster blows. “It was no fight,” wrote a New York Daily News reporter. “It was a slaughter, so one-sided and ending so abruptly, expert and customer alike felt cheated of thrills.” To the endless delight of most Americans, this time it was Schmeling who could not leave the ring under his own power. Louis's savage body blows literally brokeSchmeling's back in two places. Schmeling's performance was so disastrous that his handlers disable...
- Vega (space program) - astronomy.
Vanuatu - country.
and Luganville. V GOVERNMENT Vanuatu is governed under a constitution that came into effect with the republic’s independence in 1980. The president of Vanuatu serves as head of state, a largelyceremonial office. The president is elected by Vanuatu’s parliament and the heads of regional government councils. The parliament, or legislature, is a single-chamberbody whose membership has increased several times since independence; in 1998 the parliament had 52 members. Members of parliament are chose...
- Painful case
Hubbell Strikes Out Five.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Simbabwe - geographie.
5 VERWALTUNG UND POLITIK Nach der Verfassung von 1980 ist Simbabwe eine Präsidialrepublik. Bis zu seiner Suspendierung 2002 bzw. seinem Austritt aus der Gemeinschaft 2003 war das LandMitglied des Commonwealth of Nations. 5.1 Exekutive Die Exekutive liegt beim Staatspräsidenten. Er wird für eine Amtszeit von fünf Jahren (seit 2008; davor sechs Jahre) direkt gewählt und hat sowohl das Amt desStaatsoberhauptes als auch das des Regierungschefs inne. Der Präsident ernennt den Vizepräsidenten und di...
- biography
- antiaircraft weapons
- la société de l’information
- Hawk (bird) - biology.
- Frank Capra.
toujours d'accepter son identité jusqu'à ce qu'elle révèle la ceinture de chasteté. Elle lui dit alors de son voyage douloureux. Mériaduc tente de garder la reine sous son contrôle, mais il est contrarié et finalement tué par Guigemar. "Équitan" est un lai breton, un type de poème narratif, écrit par Marie de France dans le courant du 12ème siècle. Le poème fait partie de ce qui est collectivement connus comme Les Lais de Marie de France. Comme les autres lais dans la coll...
- yakusas
- Révolution industrielle
Joyner Breaks World Records.
track. In the 200 meters Griffith Joyner set an Olympic record with a time of 21.76 seconds in the quarterfinals; broke the world record in the semifinals with a time of21.56 seconds; and then, 100 minutes later, again broke the record with a time of 21.34 seconds in the finals. She added another gold medal as a member of the U.S.4 x 100 relay team and a silver medal as part of the 4 x 400 relay team. Her three gold medals and one silver made her one of the stars of the U.S. team. Microso...
- Passage 1 the fifth child
- Don Shula.
- Surveyor (spacecraft) - astronomy.
- church and state
- Biotechnology - biology.