2559 résultats pour "existante"
- « La démocratie est-elle nécessaire au développement économique? »
Wireless Communications.
were large, heavy units. After the invention of the transistor in 1948, radios shrank in size to small handheld radio transceivers. Public two-way radios with severalfrequency options are widely available as well. Usually limited in range to a few miles, these units are great aids for such mobile professionals as construction workers,film crews, event planners, and security personnel. Simpler two-way radios, called walkie-talkies, have been popular children’s toys for years. Most walkie-talkiesb...
Souvent considérée comme un volet secondaire de l'histoire proprement dite, l'histoire
des techniques n'a suscité la création que d'un petit nombre de chaires magistrales et ne fait
pas l'objet de multiples publications.
repos – ce qui empêcha pendant deux millénaires toute possibilité d'établissement d'une dynamique cohérente (étude des mouvements sous l'effet des forces qui les produisent). Il fallut attendre 1687 pour que Newton établisse que la charge tractée s'arrêtait sous l'effet des forces de frottement, mais qu'un corps libre et non sollicité dans l'espace décrivait, quant à lui, un mouvement rectiligne uniforme, inaugurant ainsi l'approche de la dynamique théorique et de l'ensemble de la mécanique r...
Jamaica - country.
majority, the Church of God, Baptists, Anglicans, Seventh-day Adventists, Pentecostalists, and Roman Catholics predominate. Several well-established Jewish, Muslim,and Hindu communities exist. A number of popular sects, such as Pocomania and Rastafarianism, are a significant and famous feature of the national religious life. C Education School attendance by children between the ages of 6 and 11 is nearly universal, and 84 percent of all 12- to 18-year-olds attend secondary institutions. In 2000...
- science et vie politique
Colour and qualia
Faced with the dilemmas posed by subjective colour for physicalist doctrine, some philosophers opt for eliminativism, the doctrine that subjective colour is not a genuine, or real, phenomenon after all. On this view the source of the puzzle is a conceptual confusion; a tendency to extend our judgments concerning objective colour, what appear to be intrinsic properties of the surfaces of physical objects, onto the properties of our mental states. Once we see that all that is happening ‘inside'...
Cheetah - biology.
animals such as zebras. Unlike most cats, cheetahs hunt during the day, when lions and hyenas that compete with them for prey are less likely to be active. Still,scientists in Tanzania have observed that cheetahs lose 10 to 13 percent of their kills to lions and hyenas. Alerted by the panic of a gazelle herd or by the circling ofvultures, lions and hyenas close in and easily drive the more timid cheetah away from a fresh kill. A cheetah usually stalks prey to within about 10 m (about 33 ft) and...
- Alexis de Tocqueville
Guyana - country.
European patterns of living. People of mixed African and European ancestry form a distinct group in Guyana, maintaining closer social ties to the European communitythan to the African Guyanese community. Asians from the Indian subcontinent began to arrive in the 19th century, following the abolition of slavery in Guyana, to work as indentured and contract laborers. Theycontinued to arrive until 1917, when Britain outlawed indentured servitude. Thousands of Indians chose to remain in Guyana after...
- Le commerce international
Iranian Art and Architecture
Iranian Art and Architecture, the visual arts of Iran.
The first great development of ancient Persian architecture took place under the Achaemenid dynasty during the Persian Empire, from about 550 to 330 BC. Remains of Achaemenian architecture are numerous, the earliest being ruins at Pasargadae, the capital city of Cyrus the Great. These ruins include two palaces, a sacred precinct, acitadel, a tower, and the tomb of Cyrus. The palaces were set in walled gardens and contained central columnar halls, the largest of which was 37 m (111 ft) in length...
Europe - geography.
movement of a segment of the Earth’s crust against the stable shield during the Caledonian orogeny (about 500 to 395 million years ago) raised the mountains of Ireland,Wales, Scotland, and western Norway. Subsequent erosion has rounded and worn down these mountains in the British Isles, but the peaks of Norway still reach 2,472 m(8,110 ft). The second major geological region, a belt of sedimentary materials, sweeps in an arc from southwestern France northward and eastward through the Low Countri...
From "Resistance to Civil Government" - anthology.
intending it, as God. A very few—as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men—serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it. A wise man will only be useful as a man, and will not submit to be “clay,” and “stop a holeto keep the wind away,” but leave that office to his dust at least: “I am too high born to be propertied,To be a second at control,Or useful serving-man and instr...
Bill of Rights.
accused has the right to “confront”—that is, to cross-examine witnesses who testify against him or her at trial. Those accused also have a right to subpoena (compel)supporting witnesses to testify in court and to have a lawyer assist in their legal defense. G Seventh Amendment In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall beotherwise re-examined in any Court of the United Stat...
Bill of Rights - U.
accused has the right to “confront”—that is, to cross-examine witnesses who testify against him or her at trial. Those accused also have a right to subpoena (compel)supporting witnesses to testify in court and to have a lawyer assist in their legal defense. G Seventh Amendment In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall beotherwise re-examined in any Court of the United Stat...
Tunisia - country.
mixture of Berber and Arab stock, and they regard themselves as Arabs. Nearly everyone speaks Arabic. The population of Tunisia is concentrated in the coastal plain. It is fairly dense in the hilly north, but the arid plateau, basin, and south are thinly settled. About two-thirds of the country’s people live in urban areas. A Principal Cities The capital and largest city of Tunisia is the seaport of Tunis. Other important cities include Sfax, a port and center of trade on the eastern coast; Sūs...
L'oeuvre de Baudelaire
1 BAUDELAIRE Né à Paris en 1821, Charles BAUDELAIRE était le fils d’un aimable sexagénaire disciple des philosophes et amateur de peinture. Sa mère, veuve en 1827, se remarie l’année suivante avec le commandant Aupick, futur général, ambassadeur et sénateur sous l’Empire. Révolté par ce mariage, l'enfant, qui ne s'entend pas avec son beau-père, est mis en pension à Lyon, puis au Lycée Louis-le-Grand. C’est un élève cynique, singulier, qui éprouve de « lourdes mélancolies », un « sentime...
Roman Catholic Church.
comprehensiveness of its doctrinal tradition. Locating its beginnings in the earliest Christian communities and refusing to acknowledge any decisive break in its history,the Roman Catholic Church considers itself heir to the theological traditions of the apostolic, patristic, medieval, and modern periods. The church does not in principleexclude any theological method, and since the encyclical of Pope Pius XII Divino Afflante Spiritu (1943) it has officially sanctioned modern principles of exeg...
Chemical Reaction - chemistry.
Many groups of elements occur so often as ions that they are given names: nitrate, NO 3-; sulfate, SO 42-; and phosphate, PO 43-. The suffix -ate usually indicates the presence of oxygen. The positive ion, NH 4+, is called ammonium, as in NH 4Cl, ammonium chloride, or (NH 4)3PO4, ammonium phosphate. Rules for naming more complicated compounds exist, but many compounds have been given trivial names—for example, Na 2B4O7·10 H 2O, borax—or proprietary names—F(CF 2)nF, Teflon. These nonsystemat...
One of the greatest challenges caused by air pollution is global warming, an increase in Earth’s temperature due to the buildup of certain atmospheric gases such ascarbon dioxide. With the heavy use of fossil fuels in the 20th century, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have risen dramatically. Carbon dioxide and othergases, known as greenhouse gases, reduce the escape of heat from the planet without blocking radiation coming from the Sun. Because of this greenhouse effect,average glob...
- Commentaire: HEGEL - L'art est-il langage ?
2 Au sein de la physiologie se développèrent de nouvelles sciences. Au cours du XIX esiècle, par exemple, les recherches sur la chimie des êtres vivants connurent un progrès considérable, au point que pour beaucoup la physiologie finit par signifier « chimie physiologique ». Au début, il s’agissait d’études sur des problèmes particuliers de l’être vivant, mais, au cours du XIX esiècle et dans les premières années du XX esiècle, on parvint à dresser un tableau assez clair des transformations...
Rain Forest.
dropped into the heart of the forest by helicopters. Suspended from the crane’s long, movable arm is a large gondola that functions as a mobile treetop laboratory.Moving from tree to tree, forest researchers collect specimens, conduct experiments, and observe life in the canopy frontier. The highest stratum of the rain forest is made up of the emergent trees, those individuals that stick up above the forest canopy. Emergents, which do not form acontinuous layer, are usually the giants of the for...
- Droit administratif
Madrid - geography.
stores and offices on the first one or two levels. While many people rent their apartments, most own them and participate in cooperatives that maintain the building.Because living spaces are small by American standards, madrileños do most of their socializing in the streets, bars, restaurants, and parks of their neighborhoods. Onlya few very wealthy areas north of the city have single family houses with gardens and yards similar to those in American suburbs. Many of the newest neighborhoodsare c...
pensée il ne peut pas ne pas être. Celui qui comprend que Dieu est de cette manière ne peut donc pas penser qu'il ne soit pas (saint Anselme, Proslogion IV, 229 B). Saint Thomas a gr-oupé les preuves de l'existence de Dieu dans la Somme théologique (1265-1272) et la Somme contre les Gentils (vers 1260). b) Attributs de Dieu. Ils sont de deux catégories. • Les attributs absolus. Ce sont la simplicité, l'immutabilité (absence de...
- la nuit des temps de rené barjavel
Biographie de Saint ANSELME
Anselme de C antorbéry, ce théologien novateur qui a voulu prouver Dieu pour mieux croire en lui. Né à A oste — en Piémont — Anselme (1033-1109) entreà l'abbaye des Bénédictins du Bec — dans l'Eure —, dont il devient abbé en 1078, avant de devenir archevêque de C antorbéry en 1093. L'essentiel de saproduction littéraire se situe entre 1070 et 1109, production considérable où Anselme s'inspire de la tradition augustinienne. C 'est dans le Proslogion(1077), terme signifiant Exposé ou A llocution,...
- Text - science as a vocation
World Energy Supply.
In the 1990s, oil production by non-OPEC countries remained strong and production by OPEC countries rebounded. The result at the end of the 20th century was aworld oil surplus and prices (when adjusted for inflation) that were lower than in 1972. Experts are uncertain about future oil supplies and prices. Low prices have spurred greater oil consumption, and experts question how long world petroleum reservescan keep pace with increased demand. Many of the world’s leading petroleum geologists beli...
La nouvelle Héoloise etude de texte
« jouissance » que nous apportent l'espoir et le charme de l'illusion vaut mieux que la réalité elle-même. Après avoir affirmé que l'état d'attente, lorsque nous sommes dominés par un désir, par un espoir et une illusion est un état qui apporte un bonheur qui permet de remplacer le bonheur que nous procure la réalité, il prend un exemple inverse pour appuyer son argumentation, il montre le malheur que provoque une absence de désir. Il prend l'exemple d'une personne qui « n'a plus rien à...
- Primo Levi, Si c'est un homme
Cancer (medicine).
unable to repair the DNA damage, p53 instructs the cell to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis , putting a stop to runaway cell division before it starts. Programmed cell death is a normal part of cell life and is tightly controlled by many genes, primarily p53. In a cancerous cell, one or more mutations prevent these genes from doing their jobs. When mutated, p53 allows a cell to continue to divide, even with damaged DNA.This can lead to additional mutations in proto-oncogenes or tumor...
Wisconsin (state) - geography.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Wisconsin (state) - USA History.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Oklahoma - geography.
portion and the Panhandle are classified as a steppe, where precipitation, typically 250 to 500 mm (10 to 20 in), is the controlling characteristic. January is usually the coldest month with an average of about 3°C (38°F) and extremes from -33°C (-27°F), the lowest ever recorded, to 33°C (92°F). Summer arelong and hot with temperatures in the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F) common from May until September across the state. The growing season varies from less than 180days in the western Panhandle to...
Oklahoma - USA History.
portion and the Panhandle are classified as a steppe, where precipitation, typically 250 to 500 mm (10 to 20 in), is the controlling characteristic. January is usually the coldest month with an average of about 3°C (38°F) and extremes from -33°C (-27°F), the lowest ever recorded, to 33°C (92°F). Summer arelong and hot with temperatures in the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F) common from May until September across the state. The growing season varies from less than 180days in the western Panhandle to...
they do not share any basic terms. B Sanātana Dharma Evidence from inscriptions indicates that Hindus had begun to use the word dharma for their religion by the 7th century. After other religions of Indian origin also began to use this term, Hindus then adopted the expression san ātana dharma to distinguish their dharma from others. The word san ātana, meaning immemorial as well as eternal, emphasized the unbroken continuity of the Hindu tradition in contrast to the other dharmas . The Bu...
Michigan - geography.
The interior location of Michigan in the northern part of North America results in a continental climate, characterized by four definite seasons with moist, mild to hotsummers and snowy, cold winters. Winds off of Lakes Michigan and Superior in winter create heavy snow accumulations in nearby areas. The tempering effects of LakeMichigan account for the presence of the state’s famous fruit-growing belt along the lake’s shore. Since the water is colder than the land in spring, the westerly windspa...
Michigan - USA History.
The interior location of Michigan in the northern part of North America results in a continental climate, characterized by four definite seasons with moist, mild to hotsummers and snowy, cold winters. Winds off of Lakes Michigan and Superior in winter create heavy snow accumulations in nearby areas. The tempering effects of LakeMichigan account for the presence of the state’s famous fruit-growing belt along the lake’s shore. Since the water is colder than the land in spring, the westerly windspa...
- Chine
Arizona - geography.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
Arizona - USA History.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
Europe .
D Vegetation Although much of Europe, particularly the west, was originally covered by forest, the vegetation has been transformed by human habitation and the clearing of land.Only in the most northerly mountains and in parts of north central European Russia has the forest cover been relatively unaffected by human activity. On the otherhand, a considerable amount of Europe is covered by woodland that has been planted or has reoccupied cleared lands. The largest vegetation zone in Europe, cuttin...
Europe - Geography.
D Vegetation Although much of Europe, particularly the west, was originally covered by forest, the vegetation has been transformed by human habitation and the clearing of land.Only in the most northerly mountains and in parts of north central European Russia has the forest cover been relatively unaffected by human activity. On the otherhand, a considerable amount of Europe is covered by woodland that has been planted or has reoccupied cleared lands. The largest vegetation zone in Europe, cuttin...
Willard Quine
De quelques principes philosophiques de Quine : sciences de la nature et logique extensionnelle. Les thèses de Quine s'enchaînent et se soutiennent mutuellement, sans pour autant prétendre former un systèmeexclusif et définitif. Il faut résister à l'idée d'en donner une “ axiomatisation ” unique, dans la mesure où Quine ainsisté sur la souplesse des théories, qui peuvent se réadapter et se réorganiser suivant les besoins. Sa philosophieest en effet semblable à la démarche scientifique qu'ell...