327 résultats pour "redi"
Native American Architecture.
B Relationship to the Universe and Nature A more profound difference between European American and Native American perceptions lay in how human beings saw themselves in relationship to the universe andin what they believed their responsibilities were to the natural world and to each other. Most European Americans saw themselves as separate from creation andadversaries of nature, ever struggling to conquer and subdue nature and force it to yield to their will. Native Americans saw themselves as...
Native American Architecture
Native American Architecture, traditional architecture of the peoples of who lived in North America before Europeans arrived.
Mound Builders who resided in the area.John Elk III/Bruce Coleman, Inc. Another mound building culture, named Hopewell, also appears to have originated in Ohio but expanded west to Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma, south to Louisiana,Mississippi, and Alabama, east to Georgia and the Appalachian Mountains, and north to Wisconsin, Michigan, and lower Ontario in Canada. The Hopewell culture lastedfrom about 200 BC to 400 AD. Hopewell people built large, linear mounds to create enclosures in geometrical...
Iowa - geography.
Okoboji, Lost Island, Silver, and West Swan lakes. In addition, reservoirs have been created by damming several smaller Iowa rivers. There are a number of largereservoirs behind dams on the Mississippi River along the Iowa state line. C Climate Iowa’s climate is characterized by warm, generally moist summers and cold winters. Temperatures vary considerably from season to season and, at times, from day today. However, monthly averages are relatively uniform throughout the state and usually vary...
Iowa - USA History.
Okoboji, Lost Island, Silver, and West Swan lakes. In addition, reservoirs have been created by damming several smaller Iowa rivers. There are a number of largereservoirs behind dams on the Mississippi River along the Iowa state line. C Climate Iowa’s climate is characterized by warm, generally moist summers and cold winters. Temperatures vary considerably from season to season and, at times, from day today. However, monthly averages are relatively uniform throughout the state and usually vary...
Sun - astronomy.
A The Sun’s Place in the Milky Way The Milky Way Galaxy contains about 400 billion stars. All of these stars, and the gas and dust between them, are rotating about a galactic center. Stars that arefarther away from the center move at slower speeds and take longer to go around it. The Sun is located in the outer part of the galaxy, at a distance of 2.6 × 10 17 km (1.6 × 10 17 mi) from the center. The Sun, which is moving around the center at a velocity of 220 km/s (140 mi/s), takes 250 million y...
Nevada - geography.
The Truckee, Carson, and Walker rivers flow out of the Sierra Nevada, thread their way around several of the desert ranges, and also end in closed basins. The Walkerflows into Walker Lake, the Carson into Lahontan Reservoir. The major part of the Truckee’s flow is now diverted to Lahontan Reservoir, although as required by lawsome of it empties into Pyramid Lake. Because these three streams flow constantly, the lakes into which they empty never dry up. Winnemucca Lake formerly receivedoverflow w...
Nevada - USA History.
The Truckee, Carson, and Walker rivers flow out of the Sierra Nevada, thread their way around several of the desert ranges, and also end in closed basins. The Walkerflows into Walker Lake, the Carson into Lahontan Reservoir. The major part of the Truckee’s flow is now diverted to Lahontan Reservoir, although as required by lawsome of it empties into Pyramid Lake. Because these three streams flow constantly, the lakes into which they empty never dry up. Winnemucca Lake formerly receivedoverflow w...
Massachusetts - geography.
mi). Other large artificial lakes include Wachusett Reservoir, East Brimfield Reservoir, and Cobble Mountain Reservoir. Assawompsett Pond, covering about 10 sq km(about 4 sq mi), is the largest natural lake. North Watuppa Pond and Long Pond are other large natural lakes. Lake Chaubunagungamaug, near Webster, is usuallycalled Webster Lake, because the Algonquian name is difficult to pronounce and spell. The full version of the Native American name is said to be the longest place-namein North Amer...
Les personnages
dans Candide
Les commentateurs ont dit et redit que les personnages
dè Candide n'étaient que des marionnettes, Voltaire...
Les personnages dans Candide Les commentateurs ont dit et redit que les personnages dè Candide n'étaient que des marionnettes, Voltaire tirant toutes les ficelles. Cela ne paraît pas exact. L'auteur est derrière ses personnages, certes, mais ceux-ci apparaissent bien vivants, en chair et en os : et là encore, vérité physique et vérité psychologique sont toujours suffisament respectées pour nous obliger à les accepter telles quelles, sans discussion possible. CANDIDE Les deux aspects de la cand...
- Anemia.
S'informer: un regard critique sur les sources et modes de communication
Possible pose d’affiche sur les portes des églises ou des villes. Les informations peuvent être de toutes natures ( politique, guerre, économique, maladie ). Les historiens médiévistes disent de cette société qu’elle a besoin incessamment d’être informé, ils détestent les rumeurs ( bandits, sectes, pilleurs, enlèvement de femmes du seigneur, nouveaux impôts… ) ces rumeurs créent des violences entraînant la recherche de boucs émissaires ( lépreux, sorcières, soldats... ) et le manque de savoi...
- Fox (animal) - biology.
Le personnage de roman du XVIIe siècle à nos jours
La question de l’homme dans les genres de l’argumentation du XVIe siècle à nos jours Les formes de l’argumentation La réflexion sur l’homme à travers les textes argumentatifs La versification et formes poétiques Les différents types de vers Les vers pairs : six syllabes = hexasyllabe ; huit syllabes = octosyllabe ; dix syllabes = décasyllabe ; douze syllabes = alexandrin . Les vers impairs : Le pentasyllabe (vers de cinq syllabes) L' heptasyllabe (vers...
- Internet - (exposé gratuit en espagnol).
- Louis Riel - Canadian History.
- Woodpecker - biology.
La psychopathologie - approche
inconscient quoique issu du Moi, système contenant des éléments refoulés par le Moi sous la presssion de la réalité (agent critique, intériorisation des interdits et des exigences) La névrose "névrose et psychose" - FREUD (1924) En psychanalyse, la névrose est défini par FREUD comme une "affection psychogène où les symptômes sont l'expression symbolique d'un conflit psychique trouvant ses racines dans l'histoire infantile du sujet constituant des compromis entre le désir et la défense" psycho...
- Science en anglais : le coeur humain
- Supergiant (star) - astronomy.
11 Famous food mascots and their stories
Snap! Crackle! Pop! Brand: Rice Krispies Year Introduced: 1933 In homage to the distinctive sound that emits from a bowl of Rice Krispies cereal once it's doused in milk, Kellogg's introduced the company's first food mascots: Snap! Crackle! Pop! These tiny gnomes first appeared in print ads in the early 1930s and became fixtures on the cereal box by 1939. Though they're best known as an inseparable trio, the best way to distinguish between them is by the hats they wear. Snap! always wea...
- Filloux et Freud
- Français 2nde: Séance 1 : L’autobiographie
Cattle - biology.
head, and the leading states are Texas, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, Iowa, Colorado, and California. Dairy cattle in the United Statesare estimated to number 9.2 million head; the leading states are California, Wisconsin, New York, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Texas, Idaho, New Mexico, Ohio, and Iowa. See also Animal Husbandry; Branding; Diseases of Animals. Contributed By:Perry Thomas CuppsMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights r...
Métis - Canadian History.
authority in the Northwest Rebellion. As in 1869, they were worried about title to their river lots, which were unsurveyed and were therefore omitted from the surveyadopted by the Department of the Interior. The Métis demanded a distribution of land and scrip, as had occurred in Manitoba after 1870. The Métis action at Batoche encouraged several bands of indigenous nations (Cree, Assiniboine, and Sioux) to take up arms. Threatened with a general rising across theNorthwest Territories, the Canadi...
- Commentaire L'Orage de Brassens
- Il est bien dommage aujourd'hui, Joe, que tu n'aies pas un peu plus profité, quand nous apprenions nos leçons ici,
n'est-ce pas ?
Je redis encore unefoisavec chaleur quec’était undes vilains côtésdelanature humaine. Jeme trompais dans l’application demon raisonnement, maisplustard, lescirconstances m’ontprouvé sajustesse, etjem’éloignai de Biddy, encontinuant d’avancerdanslapetite allée,etBiddy rentra danslamaison. Jesortis parlaporte dujardin, et j’errai auhasard jusqu’à l’heuredusouper, songeant combienilétait étrange etmalheureux quelaseconde nuitdema brillante fortunefûtaussi solitaire ettriste quelapremière. Mais lema...
- Lire Le Clézio sur Internet. La lecture réticulaire, des nouveaux itinéraires et horizons nouveaux
Gottfried von Straßburg: Tristan (Sprache & Litteratur).
nu gienc ouch Tristan zehantbegrüezen unde beschouwendie liehten sîne vrouwen.und alse er zuo z’ir nider gesazund redeten diz unde dazvon ir beider dingen,er bat im trinken bringen.Nune was dâ nieman inneâne die küniginnewan cleiniu juncvrouwelîn.der einez sprach: „seht, hie stât wînin disem vezzelîne.”nein, ezn was niht mit wîne,doch ez ime gelîch waere.ez was diu wernde swaere,diu endelôse herzenôt,von der si beide lâgen tôt.nu was aber ir daz unrekant.si stuont ûf und gie hin zehant,dâ daz tr...
Coffee - biology.
States law, the addition of chicory or any other substance must be clearly stated on the brand label. IV HISTORY Exactly where and when coffee was first cultivated is not known, but some authorities believe that it was grown initially in Arabia near the Red Sea about AD675. Coffee cultivation was rare until the 15th and 16th centuries, when extensive planting of the tree occurred in the Yemen region of Arabia. The consumption of coffee increasedin Europe during the 17th century, prompting the...
Ocean and Oceanography - geography.
gravity, so the level of the ocean will be lower over valleys. Using this method, a complete survey of the ocean floor was accomplished in less than two years. Maps madefrom data on the level of the ocean surface have been compared with maps made with direct depth measurements and the two types have corresponded well. Using sonar, depth measurements are made by measuring the time for a sound wave to travel from the surface of the ocean to the ocean floor, and to return ( see Sounding). Often sev...
Great White Shark - biology.
The great white shark is a rare species that takes long to reach sexual maturity and that reproduces slowly. Populations cannot easily increase if depleted. The biggestthreat to great whites comes from being unintentionally caught in fishing nets. Some targeted fisheries and sport fishing for great white sharks also occur. Trade ingreat white shark products includes the jaws (which can sell for thousands of dollars as curios), individual teeth, and leather from its skin. Fins from all sharks, in...
Hayes Wins Olympic Marathon.
entered the stadium,” Pietri told the New York Times after the race. “When I heard the people cheering and knew I had nearly won, a thrill passed through me and I felt my strength going.” Visibly confused, Pietri stood for a moment before making a wrong turn—heading left instead of following a red cord to the right. Officials tried to redirect thedelirious runner, but only after several attempts did he correctly change his course. “He staggered along the cinder path like a man in a dre...
Aves de corral - ciencias de la naturaleza.
La gallina es uno de los primeros animales domésticos que se mencionan en la historia escrita. Se hace referencia al animal en antiguos documentos chinos que indican que“esta criatura de Occidente” había sido introducida en China hacia el año 1400 a.C. En tallas babilónicas del año 600 a.C. aparecen gallinas, que son también mencionadaspor los escritores griegos primitivos, en especial por el dramaturgo Aristófanes en el año 400 a.C. Los romanos la consideraban un animal consagrado a Marte, su d...
La notion d'évolution des espèces n'a pas été seulement un problème d'ordre
scientifique, mais a soulevé des débats d'ordre religieux, philosophique et politique.
Empédocle fixisme Galien Claude génération spontanée Redi Francesco sciences (histoire des) - Le temps - La naissance du temps profond transformisme La notion d'espèce naturelle. L'inventaire des espèces est en faveur du transformisme. Cet inventaire conduit à définir la notion d'espèce, notion ancienne et empirique qui ne devint rigoureuse qu'avec John Ray en 1686. Pour ce dernier, les espèces sont inaltérables : « Jamais une espèce ne naît de la semence d'une autre, et réciproquement....
confess, I've never thought too much about giving lessons.
unpopularity atschool, Grandma's coupons,storagefacilities, peoplewhodon't know whattheInternet is,bad handwriting, beautifulsongs,howthere won't behumans infifty years—" "Whosaidthere won't behumans infifty years?" Iasked her,"Are youanoptimist orapessimist?" Shelooked ather watch andsaid, "I'm optimistic. " "Then Ihave some badnews foryou, because humansaregoing todestroy eachother assoon asitbecomes easyenough to,which will bevery soon." "Whydobeautiful songsmakeyousad?" "Because theyaren't t...
Hassan II, le roi qui a conjugué absolutisme et ouverture
Premier complot Devenu juriste, Moulay Hassan conseille son père. Il participe à la rédaction du discours du Trône de 1952, considéré commela charte du nationalisme marocain. L'épreuve de force est engagée entre le palais et la résidence générale. Celle-ci encourage lesintrigues du glaoui, pacha de Marrakech, à la tête des conjurés, qui proclament sultan un fantoche, Mohammed Ben Arafa.Mohammed V refuse l'ultimatum du général Guillaume le sommant d'abdiquer. Le 20 août 1953, il est arrêté ave...
- II - Réactions d'oxydo-réduction 1 - Variation d'enthalpie libre associée à une réaction d'oxydo-réduction 1.
Duck - biology.
from water. When ducks feed they push their tongue against the top of their mouth to squeeze water through the lamellae, leaving the food behind. Mergansers arefish-eating ducks with slender bills that are notched on the edges like the blade of a saw. These saw-toothed beaks help the ducks catch and hold their slippery prey. VI COURTSHIP AND REPRODUCTION Ducks form pairs long enough to mate, but most species find new mates each year. In a few species, including buffleheads and whistling ducks,...
baudelaire analyse L'ennemi
Baudelaire highlighting the time that passes through a progression from the past to the present, the discouraging record of this stormy youth is underlined by the past composed «on fait» (vers 3) and by the proposition of consequence to the present. The metaphor continues in the mention of a nature which has undergone the meteorological elements in their destructive character, the past having left traces: a life ravaged by «le tonnerre et la pluie», by the blows of fate and the daily g...
Metabolismo - ciencias de la naturaleza.
Tanto los sistemas mecánicos como los orgánicos desprenden también grandes cantidades de energía calorífica y proporciones pequeñas de energía útil. El músculo animalrinde casi una caloría útil por cada cuatro desprendidas en forma de calor. Pero, en los organismos animales el calor no se desperdicia por completo, pues es muy necesario—sobre todo en los animales de sangre caliente— para conservar la temperatura del cuerpo y para inducir las reacciones metabólicas, que a temperaturas más bajas se...
Babe Ruth.
earned. But Ruth’s boyish exuberance, compassion for hospitalized children, and personal warmth and generosity endeared him to most people. During the 1926 World Seriesagainst the St. Louis Cardinals, Ruth received word that one of his fans, a boy named Johnny Sylvester, was hospitalized and extremely ill. Ruth wrote the boy atelegram and promised to hit a home run for him in that day’s game. Ruth made good on his promise with not only one, but three homers. And even at the height offame and for...
Penguin - biology.
B Parents and Offspring Once female penguins lay their eggs, both the parents incubate the eggs. The incubation period varies according to species, ranging from 33 days for the little penguinto about 63 days for the emperor penguin. In most medium-sized penguins incubation takes 35 to 38 days. The incubation routine is highly variable among penguinspecies, although in general both sexes participate in incubation and feeding of young. Male and female Adélie penguins take turns incubating their e...
Ancient Egypt - history.
The Nile River runs through the ancient city of Thebes in eastern Egypt. For a time, beginning in 2040 bc, Thebes was the capital ofEgypt.Farrell Grehan/Photo Researchers, Inc. According to inscriptions and documents found by archaeologists, the Egyptians called their country Kemet, meaning “the Black Land,” a reference to the dark, fertile soil that remained after the Nile floodwaters had receded. They also used another term, Deshret, or “the Red Land,” a designation for the desert sands th...
Djibouti (country) - country.
l’Unité et de la Démocratie (FRUD; Front for the Renewal of Unity and Democracy) represents the Afar minority. The Parti National Démocratique (PND; Democratic National Party) and the Parti du Renouveau Démocratique (PRD; Democratic Renewal Party) are both small opposition parties favoring democratic reforms. VI HISTORY Djibouti lies at a major global crossroads where, some 100,000 years ago, early humans migrated from Africa to the Middle East. Livestock herding, which remainsimportant...
Endangered Species - biology.
Red List database assesses the status of, and threats to, animal species worldwide. To add to this and other biodiversity databases, nongovernmental organizationssuch as Conservation International and World Wildlife Fund conduct periodic rapid assessments (focused, intensive evaluations) of biodiversity in varioushotspots— regions like Madagascar that are both rich in endemic species and environmentally threatened. This information is used in the administration of international agreements such...
Ancient Egypt.
around 4500 BC. The style and decoration of the pottery found at these sites differ from those of pottery found in Upper Egypt. The northern type eventually fell out of use. Other differences between the peoples in Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt include the nature of their architecture and the arrangements for burial of the dead, thelatter perhaps signifying differing religious beliefs. B Unification and Early Dynastic Period By 3500 BC, the settlement of Hierakonpolis, located on the west bank...
pitcher or argue a call with an umpire. Two or more coaches, positioned closer to the field, assist the manager by communicating with the players. For example,managers may decide what pitches should be thrown, when batters should swing at a pitch, and how runners should move around the bases. The manager relays thesedecisions through special hand signals that the coaches repeat to communicate to the players. Umpires are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the rules of play. They rule on...
- On the road
India - geografía.
valiosas de madera, entre ellas la teca. En las tierras bajas pantanosas hay grandes regiones de jungla impenetrable y también a lo largo de las laderas bajas de los Ghatesoccidentales. La vegetación del Decán es menos exuberante, pero a través de toda la península se pueden encontrar espesuras de bambú, palmera y árboles caducifolios. Las selvas, llanuras, colinas y montañas de la India están habitadas por gran variedad de vida animal. Los felinos están bien representados, con tigres y panteras...
Scramble for Africa.
additional territorial grabs. The most significant of these rules stated that colonial powers were obligated to notify each other when they claimed African territory.Further, subsequent “effective occupation” of the claimed area was necessary for the claim to remain valid. Through it all, as Europeans negotiated their rights toAfrican territory, not a single African was present. Once the conference was over, it was clear that a European Scramble for African territories was underway. Southern Afr...