268 résultats pour "paine"
AVOIR1, verbe.
? [Avec un substantif, attribut de l'objet, pr?c?d? des pr?positions comme ou pour] Avoir pour demeure un ancien presbyt?re. ? Locution. Avoir de quoi. Poss?der suffisamment d'argent pour parvenir au but recherch? (le plus souvent donn? par le contexte ou par un infinitif suivent cette locution?: avoir de quoi payer, de quoi vivre)?: ? 5. Qui sait si vous aurez de quoi vous marier? EUG?NIE DE GU?RIN, Journal intime, 1838, page 221. ? 6. Pour tous, c'est-?-dire pour tous ceux qui avaien...
Alzheimer's Disease.
compared residents of Ibadan, Nigeria, who eat a mostly low-fat vegetarian diet, with African Americans living in Indianapolis, Indiana, whose diet included a variety ofhigh-fat foods. The Nigerians were less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease compared to their U.S. counterparts. Some researchers suspect that health problems suchas high blood pressure, atherosclerosis (arteries clogged by fatty deposits), high cholesterol levels, or other cardiovascular problems may play a role in the devel...
From "The Metamorphosis" - anthology.
As all this was running through his mind at top speed without his being able to decide to leave his bed—the alarm clock had just struck a quarter to seven—therecame a cautious tap at the door behind the head of his bed. 'Gregor,' said a voice—it was his mother's—'it's a quarter to seven. Hadn't you a train to catch?' Thatgentle voice! Gregor had a shock as he heard his own voice answering hers, unmistakably his own voice, it was true, but with a persistent horrible twittering squeakbehind it lik...
Socrates suffered in the comedy of Aristophanes. Throughout history, opposition to comedy and laughter has been strongest in societies which emphasize physical restraint, decorum and conformity. Many medieval monastic orders had statutes forbidding laughter. The Puritan and Victorian eras saw many condemnations of comedy and laughter. The more authoritarian the regime, the greater its suppression of comedy. Hitler even set up ‘joke courts' to punish those who made fun of his regime - one Berl...
From The Hunchback of Notre Dame - anthology.
If then we were to attempt to penetrate through this thick and obdurate bark to the soul of Quasimodo; if we could sound the depths of this bungling piece oforganization; if we were enabled to hold a torch behind these untransparent organs, to explore the gloomy interior of this opaque being, to illumine its obscure cornersand its unmeaning cul-de-sacs, and to throw all at once a brilliant light upon the spirit enchained at the bottom of this den; we should doubtless find the wretch in some mi...
Dog, mammal generally considered to be the first domesticated animal.
French word for butterfly because it has ears that resemble butterfly wings, is a happy, friendly dog, suitable for small living spaces. The final dog group, nonsporting ,includes a wide variety of purebreds that differ in size, coat, overall appearance, and personality, from the shorthaired spotted dalmatian to the curly-haired poodle. V DOG BEHAVIOR Instinctive behaviors of the domestic dog are comparable to those of its wild relatives, the wolf, coyote, fox, and jackal. Unlike trained behavi...
Dog - biology.
French word for butterfly because it has ears that resemble butterfly wings, is a happy, friendly dog, suitable for small living spaces. The final dog group, nonsporting ,includes a wide variety of purebreds that differ in size, coat, overall appearance, and personality, from the shorthaired spotted dalmatian to the curly-haired poodle. V DOG BEHAVIOR Instinctive behaviors of the domestic dog are comparable to those of its wild relatives, the wolf, coyote, fox, and jackal. Unlike trained behavi...
Stress (psychology).
blood flow is diverted from the internal organs and skin to the brain and muscles. Breathing speeds up, the pupils dilate, and perspiration increases. This reaction issometimes called the fight-or-flight response because it energizes the body to either confront or flee from a threat. Another part of the stress response involves the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, parts of the brain that are important in regulating hormones and many otherbodily functions. In times of stress, the hypothal...
Cancer (medicine).
unable to repair the DNA damage, p53 instructs the cell to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis , putting a stop to runaway cell division before it starts. Programmed cell death is a normal part of cell life and is tightly controlled by many genes, primarily p53. In a cancerous cell, one or more mutations prevent these genes from doing their jobs. When mutated, p53 allows a cell to continue to divide, even with damaged DNA.This can lead to additional mutations in proto-oncogenes or tumor...
The body defends itself against foreign proteins and infectious microorganisms by means of a complex dual system that depends on recognizing a portion of the surfacepattern of the invader. The two parts of the system are termed cellular immunity, in which lymphocytes are the effective agent, and humoral immunity, based on theaction of antibody molecules. When particular lymphocytes recognize a foreign molecular pattern (termed an antigen), they release antibodies in great numbers; other lymphocy...
Ear, organ of hearing and balance. Only vertebrates, or animals
line or rotates in any direction. Each canal also contains sensory areas with sensory hair cells that project into a cone-shaped cap of gelatin. Two of the semicircularcanals are in a vertical position and are used to detect vertical movement, such as jumping or falling. The third canal is horizontal and detects horizontal movement,such as turning or spinning. The action of the canals depends on the inertia of the fluid inside. When the motion of the body changes, the fluid lags behind, causing...
The hypothalamus lies beneath the thalamus on the midline at the base of the brain. It regulates or is involved directly in the control of many of the body's vital drivesand activities, such as eating, drinking, temperature regulation, sleep, emotional behavior, and sexual activity. It also controls the function of internal body organs bymeans of the autonomic nervous system, interacts closely with the pituitary gland, and helps coordinate activities of the brain stem. D Brain Stem The brain st...
Human Disease.
disease can be transmitted through food infected with mutated proteins. B Spread of Infectious Disease Some pathogens are spread from one person to another by direct contact. They leave the first person through body openings, mucous membranes, and skin wounds,and they enter the second person through similar channels. For example, the viruses that cause respiratory diseases such as influenza and the common cold are spreadin moisture droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. A hand that...
Commercial campgrounds serve as campsites for RV and car campers on the outskirts of national and state parks and along highways throughout North America.Owners of commercial campgrounds charge campers on a daily or weekly basis, and provide campsites equipped with hookups for electricity and water. They may alsoprovide such amenities as showers, laundry facilities, or a swimming pool. Many commercial campgrounds belong to a club or network that allows its members toreserve campsites in advance....
- victor hugo napoléon le petit
- Midnighters
Texte du bac francais (EAF)
ADM Communication Baccalauréat de français Page 2 sur 174 Étude de quarante sonnets.............................................................................................................51 Vers dorés..................................................................................................................................51 Bataille navale...........................................................................................................................52 Midi............
Exode 12
16. Le premier jour, vous aurez une sainte convocation ; et le septième jour, vous aurez une sainte convocation. On ne fera aucun travail ces jours-là ; vous pourrez seulement préparer la nourriture de chaque personne. 17. Vous observerez la fête des pains sans levain, car c'est en ce jour même que j'aurai fait sortir vos armées du pays d'Égypte ; vous observerez ce jour comme une loi perpétuelle pour vos descendants. 18. Le premier mois, le quatorzième jour du mois, au soir, vous mangerez des p...