415 résultats pour "nam"
Big Bang Theory - astronomy.
hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen atoms can only absorb and emit specific colors, or wavelengths, of light. The formation of atoms allowed many other wavelengths of light,wavelengths that had been interfering with the free electrons prior to the cooling of the universe, to travel much farther than before. This change set free radiation thatwe can detect today. After billions of years of cooling, this cosmic background radiation is at about 3 K (-270°C/-454°F).The cosmic background radiation was first d...
Excerpt from Little Dorrit - anthology.
'That,' said the turnkey, 'is agen her.' 'She is so little used to go out alone,' said the debtor, 'that I am at a loss to think how she will ever make her way here, if she walks.' 'P'raps,' quoth the turnkey, 'she'll take a ackney coach.' 'Perhaps.' The irresolute fingers went to the trembling lip. 'I hope she will. She may not think of it.' 'Or p'raps,' said the turnkey, offering his suggestions from the top of his well-worn wooden stool, as he might have offered them to a...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Proserpine - anthology.
the furrow, the seed failed to come up; there was too much sun, there was too much rain; the birds stole the seeds—thistles and brambles were the only growth.Seeing this, the fountain Arethusa interceded for the land. 'Goddess,' said she, 'blame not the land; it opened unwillingly to yield a passage to your daughter. I can tellyou of her fate, for I have seen her. This is not my native country; I came hither from Elis. I was a woodland nymph, and delighted in the chase. They praised mybeauty, bu...
Japanese Art and Architecture
Otani Oniji as Eitoku
Otani Oniji as Eitoku is one of a number of woodblock prints created by the artist T? sh ?sai Sharaku between 1794 and
1795 during the Edo period in Japan.
Jō mon PotteryJapan’s J ōmon people, who thrived from 10,000 to 300 bc, made distinctive pottery for boiling, steaming, and storing food.The pots were made with coils of clay and then decorated by rolling carved sticks, plant fibers, or braided cords over theouter surface. This cord-marked (j ōmon) pottery gave the culture its name.Scala/Art Resource, NY The first settlers of Japan, the J ōmon people (10,000?-300? BC), named for the cord markings that decorated the surfaces of their clay vessel...
Lewis and Clark Expedition.
took a small detachment into present-day north central Montana, thinking that the course of the Marias River might provide an American claim to fur-rich country inwhat is now the Canadian province of Alberta. In August the groups reunited on the Missouri River, near the mouth of the Yellowstone. They arrived in St. Louis onSeptember 23, 1806. C Relations with the Native Americans and Spanish The Lewis and Clark Expedition made a journey through the homelands of native people. What American expl...
Lewis and Clark Expedition - explorer.
took a small detachment into present-day north central Montana, thinking that the course of the Marias River might provide an American claim to fur-rich country inwhat is now the Canadian province of Alberta. In August the groups reunited on the Missouri River, near the mouth of the Yellowstone. They arrived in St. Louis onSeptember 23, 1806. C Relations with the Native Americans and Spanish The Lewis and Clark Expedition made a journey through the homelands of native people. What American expl...
Paris (city, France) - geography.
and its vibrant public square, frequented by street performers, soon became among the most popular landmarks in the city. West of the Pompidou Center is Les Halles, the site of the central market of Paris from the 12th century until 1969. The market was subsequently replaced by the Forum LesHalles, a multilevel underground complex featuring a shopping mall, museums, the Paris film library ( vidéothèque ), and a sports center. The street level of Les Halles features a garden, the Jardin des Halle...
Ancient Egypt.
around 4500 BC. The style and decoration of the pottery found at these sites differ from those of pottery found in Upper Egypt. The northern type eventually fell out of use. Other differences between the peoples in Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt include the nature of their architecture and the arrangements for burial of the dead, thelatter perhaps signifying differing religious beliefs. B Unification and Early Dynastic Period By 3500 BC, the settlement of Hierakonpolis, located on the west bank...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Prometheus and Pandora - anthology.
The world being thus furnished with inhabitants, the first age was an age of innocence and happiness, called the Golden Age. Truth and right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any magistrate to threaten or punish. The forest had not yet been robbed of its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men builtfortifications round their towns. There were no such things as swords, spears, or helmets. The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labour inplo...
Warsaw - geography.
VI ECONOMY In addition to serving as Poland's leading administrative center, Warsaw is also a center for science, research, and higher education. Since World War II the city'sindustrial base has been developed, with diverse plants producing steel, cars, tractors, and consumer electronics. Warsaw is the second most important industrial regionin Poland (after Katowice in the south). Warsaw, more than anywhere else in the country, has benefited from the boom in construction and commerce that foll...
Native American Religions.
In the worldview of most of the indigenous peoples of North America, there were also spiritual beings to be avoided. Native Americans of the Southwest in particular,such as the Navajo and Apache, dreaded contact with ghosts, who were believed to resent the living. These peoples disposed of the bodies of deceased relativesimmediately and attempted to distance themselves from the spirits of the dead, avoiding their burial sites, never mentioning their names, and even abandoning thedwellings in whi...
Pyramids (Egypt) - geography.
limestone debris left over from the construction work. When the workers had completed the pyramid and installed the pyramidion, or cap stone, ramps still covered the surface of the pyramid. As the workers dismantled the ramps from the top down, they slowly exposed the pyramid’s stone surface, which stonemasons smoothed and polished. When the ramp was gone, the pyramid wasdisplayed in its full majesty. B Interior The interior of the Great Pyramid is complex, with a series of passages leading t...
Pyramids (Egypt) - History.
limestone debris left over from the construction work. When the workers had completed the pyramid and installed the pyramidion, or cap stone, ramps still covered the surface of the pyramid. As the workers dismantled the ramps from the top down, they slowly exposed the pyramid’s stone surface, which stonemasons smoothed and polished. When the ramp was gone, the pyramid wasdisplayed in its full majesty. B Interior The interior of the Great Pyramid is complex, with a series of passages leading t...
White House - geography.
Each Thanksgiving, the pardoning of the turkey takes place in the Rose Garden. This ceremony of rescuing a turkey and sending it to a petting zoo began during HarryTruman’s term, although Abraham Lincoln is said to have set a precedent by sparing his son’s pet turkey from the oven. III INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE A large complex is needed for the many activities that take place at the White House. The White House has 132 rooms, 4 dining rooms, 35 bathrooms, 8 staircases, 3elevators, a clinic, a den...
Bear - biology.
programs sponsored by zoos or other breeding centers have attempted to breed giant pandas in captivity, although most of these programs have proved unsuccessful.Among the difficulties faced by captive breeders has been the problem of encouraging a female giant panda to mate with a selected male during the two to three daysof the year when she is most fertile, a period known as estrus. B Spectacled Bear Creamy-white rings surrounding the eyes give the spectacled bear its name. Its shaggy coat of...
C Offensive Techniques To be effective, boxers must have an assortment of punches that are coordinated with their footwork. Less powerful punches often serve the important role of settingup the fighter’s chief “weapons,” as boxing analysts sometimes call a boxer’s main offensive skills. C1 Feinting Moving the hands or head to confuse an opponent is called feinting. A smart boxer will first test the opponent by trying different feints, noting the reaction to each onebefore deciding which will b...
Planetary Science - astronomy.
III ORIGINS AND COMPOSITIONS OF PLANETS Astronomers believe that planetary systems are formed of elemental materials that were created in the interiors of giant stars. Some of this material comes from giantstars that shed material into space as they age. Most of the matter to form planets, however, comes from stars that explode as supernovas and spread debris enrichedwith the heavier chemical elements into space. According to the currently accepted views, the most likely first stage in the evo...
Serbia - country.
Minority groups speak their own languages, such as Albanian and Hungarian. Bosniaks generally speak Bosnian and write it with the Latin alphabet. Serbs are by tradition Orthodox Christians. The Roman Catholic and Protestant churches also have adherents in Serbia. Most of the ethnic Albanians of Kosovo areSunni Muslims ( see Sunni Islam), as are the Bosniaks of the Sandžak region. Bosniaks are descendants of Slavs who converted to Islam in the 15th and 16th centuries. B Education The leading in...
Cosmology - astronomy.
In 1917 American scientist Harlow Shapley measured the distance to several groups of stars known as globular clusters. He measured these distances by using amethod developed in 1912 by American astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. Leavitt’s method relates distance to variations in brightness of Cepheid variables, a class of starsthat vary periodically in brightness. Shapley’s distance measurements showed that the clusters were centered around a point far from the Sun. The arrangement of theclusters was...
Harry S.
B2 Presiding Judge Political machines, such as the Pendergast organization, were common to both parties in the 1920s. They were based on the spoils system, in which winning politiciansgave government jobs to those loyal party members who had helped them get elected. Using government jobs as rewards, politicians created efficient (and oftenalmost unstoppable) vote-getting “machines,” in which party loyalty was often more important than doing any work. Without local machine support a political ca...
Harry S.
B2 Presiding Judge Political machines, such as the Pendergast organization, were common to both parties in the 1920s. They were based on the spoils system, in which winning politiciansgave government jobs to those loyal party members who had helped them get elected. Using government jobs as rewards, politicians created efficient (and oftenalmost unstoppable) vote-getting “machines,” in which party loyalty was often more important than doing any work. Without local machine support a political ca...
Armenia (country) - country.
because of ethnic tension brought on by a secessionist conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region inhabited predominantly by Armenians in western Azerbaijan. In thereverse direction, many Armenian refugees entered Armenia from Azerbaijan during the conflict. Armenia’s official state language is Armenian, an Indo-European language with no surviving close relatives. It has a unique 38-letter alphabet that dates from the early5th century. Of its many spoken dialects, the most important are Eastern or Y...
Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire, political entity of lands in western and central Europe, founded by Charlemagne in
800 and dissolved by Emperor Francis II in 1806.
acquired the imperial title and an area running from the North Sea through Lotharingia (Lorraine) and Burgundy to northern Italy; Louis II received East Francia (theGerman duchies of Saxony, Swabia, and Bavaria). In 870 Lothair’s middle kingdom was divided by the Treaty of Mersen, which gave Lotharingia to East Francia and therest to West Francia. This division created the foundation for today’s states of Germany and France, respectively; however, in the 9th century these were highly fractured d...
Holy Roman Empire .
acquired the imperial title and an area running from the North Sea through Lotharingia (Lorraine) and Burgundy to northern Italy; Louis II received East Francia (theGerman duchies of Saxony, Swabia, and Bavaria). In 870 Lothair’s middle kingdom was divided by the Treaty of Mersen, which gave Lotharingia to East Francia and therest to West Francia. This division created the foundation for today’s states of Germany and France, respectively; however, in the 9th century these were highly fractured d...
Dwight D.
maneuvers in Louisiana in 1941, he played a leading role as a staff officer, adding to his reputation and securing him a promotion to brigadier general. On December 7,1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and the next day the United States entered World War II against the Axis Powers (Japan, Germany, and Italy). A weeklater, the army’s new chief of staff, General George C. Marshall, called Eisenhower to Washington, D.C., and put him in charge of the War Plans Division. Opinions differed on...
Egyptian Art and Architecture - USA History.
The kings of the 1st Dynasty (2920 BC-2770 BC) were buried in the cemetery of their ancestors at Abydos in southern Egypt. Their burial sites were built of mud brick (bricks baked in the sun) and consisted of two parts: a tomb in the desert where the king was buried, and a rectangular funerary enclosure at the desert's edge, whererituals were performed. A pair of stone slabs called stelae marked the tombs and bore the name of the royal occupant. In the 2nd Dynasty (2770 BC-2649 BC), most r...
Bulgaria - country.
E Climate Most of Bulgaria has a continental climate, with cold winters and hot summers. The climate in general is more severe than in other European areas of the samelatitudes, and the average annual temperature range is greater than that of neighboring countries. Severe droughts, frosts, winds, and hail storms frequently damagecrops. A Mediterranean climate, with dry summers and mild, humid winters, prevails in the valley of the southwestern Rhodope Mountains; the northern limit of theclimati...
Woodrow Wilson.
daughters. In 1885 Wilson also accepted a position with the newly opened Bryn Mawr College, a school for women near Philadelphia. Wilson was not particularly patient with womenas intellectual associates and did not enjoy his teaching duties. He was, however, able to pursue his writing. A University Professor In 1888 Wilson left Bryn Mawr for a professorship in history and political economy at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. There, in 1889, he published The State, a lengthy textbook analyz...
Woodrow Wilson
daughters. In 1885 Wilson also accepted a position with the newly opened Bryn Mawr College, a school for women near Philadelphia. Wilson was not particularly patient with womenas intellectual associates and did not enjoy his teaching duties. He was, however, able to pursue his writing. A University Professor In 1888 Wilson left Bryn Mawr for a professorship in history and political economy at Wesleyan University in Connecticut. There, in 1889, he published The State, a lengthy textbook analyz...
Pennsylvania - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes There are three major river basins in Pennsylvania: the Susquehanna, the Ohio, and the Delaware. Together they drain more than 90 percent of Pennsylvania’s landarea. Most of eastern and central Pennsylvania is drained by the Susquehanna and Delaware systems. The western part of the state is drained by the Allegheny andMonongahela rivers, which join at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio. In addition to the three major river basins, short streams flowing into Lake Erie drain the north...
Pennsylvania - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes There are three major river basins in Pennsylvania: the Susquehanna, the Ohio, and the Delaware. Together they drain more than 90 percent of Pennsylvania’s landarea. Most of eastern and central Pennsylvania is drained by the Susquehanna and Delaware systems. The western part of the state is drained by the Allegheny andMonongahela rivers, which join at Pittsburgh to form the Ohio. In addition to the three major river basins, short streams flowing into Lake Erie drain the north...
Alkane Alkyne
Définition : On appelle particule élémentaire toute particule indivisible (cette notion est évidemment liée à l'état des connaissances actuelles). Les protons, les neutrons et les électrons sont des particules élémentaires. Charge élémentaire : La charge élémentaire est la plus petite charge électrique susceptible d’exister de façon stable. Sa valeur est e=1,60× 10 −19 C . Remarque : Toute charge électrique q est égale à un multiple de la charge élémentaire. q=n×e avec n entier...
- Error (22053): Illegal character '>' Error (25327): Illegal character '>' Error (25349):
Citations sur le plaisir
Citations ou concepts philosophiques: Le plaisir © Gael Beringuet 2012 -2013 2 « Non, je ne l'aurais assurément pas commis seul, j'ai donc aimé aussi la compagnie de ceux avec qui je l'ai commis » Les Confessions « Mais puisque ce fru it ne me faisait pas plaisir, ce plaisir résidait pour moi dans la faute même, dans ce péché commis en compagnie » Les Confessions Balzac « He suis catholique et j’ai peur de l’enfer mais je vou...
350. Nam fuit anœ Hele,uun c11nnus tanerrima belli cama
Car l'orifice d'une femelle avait été avant Hélène une cause
350. Nam fuit anœ Hele,uun c11nnus tanerrima belli cama Car l'orifice d'une femelle avait été avant Hélène une cause sinistre de guerre Ce vers est emprunté à Horace (Satires, 1, 3, 107) et la presque totalité des commentateurs soulignent la valeur métonymique du te1111e cunnus, en se référant à d'autres passages de l'œuvre où la femme est désignée par son organe sexuel (cf. Satires, l, 2. 36 ; 1, 2, 69- 71) : toutefois, dans cet extrait, le tt;11r1e conserve toute sa force et veut insister, com...
- Hô Chi Minh (Nguyên Tat Thanh.
Nam hospes nuUus ta,n in amici hospiti11111 devorti potest, /
quin, ubi triduum continuum f uerit, iam odiosum skt
Nam hospes nuUus ta,n in amici hospiti11111 devorti potest, / quin, ubi triduum continuum f uerit, iam odiosum skt Si ami que l'on soit de l'hôte chez qui l'on descend, on n'est pas trois jours chez lui, qu'on est déjà désagréable Cette phrase est empruntée à Plaute (Miles, 741 sq.). La gnome, qui possède un équivalent dans une loi de la Didachè ( 12, 2) laquelle prescrivait d'héberger un hôte de passage seulement pour deux ou trois jours, est encore bien vivante dans notre tradition proverbiale...
Duras (Marguerite Donnadieu, dite Marguerite),
1914 -1996,
née à Gia Dinh (Viêt-nam), écrivain et cinéaste français.
Née dans l'Indochine de...
Duras (Marguerite Donnadieu, dite Marguerite), 1914 -1996, née à Gia Dinh (Viêt-nam), écrivain et cinéaste français. Née dans l'Indochine de la colonisation française, près de Saigon, elle y vécut son enfance et son adolescence auprès de sa mère, qui devait être l'un des personnages majeurs de son oeuvre. Installée en France en 1932, elle fit des études de droit et de mathématiques. Après la guerre, pendant laquelle elle participa à la Résistance, elle se consacra à l'écriture, malgré des activi...
Somnia ne cures, nam mens humana quod optat, /dum vigi-lat sperat, per somnum (somnium) cernit id ipsum
Somnia ne cures, nam mens humana quod optai,/ dum vigi/at sperat, per somnum (somnium) cernit id ipsum Ne te soucie pas des songes de la nuit : ce que l'homme désire, Il l'espère quand il est éveillé et il le voit réalisé quand il rêve Ce distique de Caton (2, 31) jouit d'une fortune particulière au MoyenAge: cf. le De imaginibus de Charlemagne (3, 26 [PL 98, l l 72a]); Jean de Salisbury (Policraticus, 2, 16 [Pl 199. 423d]) : Reinier de Saint-Laurent (Lacrymae, PL 204, 163c); l'incipit d'un...
- Annam - encyclopédie.
- businesse english
- Tôn Ðuc Thắng
- Tonkin.
- Hô Chí Minh-Ville.
- Cochinchine.
- Hô Chí Minh
- Viêt-minh
- Hanoï.
- Indochine, guerre d'
- Hanoï