280 résultats pour "minutes"
Les femmes
Si la force de travail salariée tend à se féminiser sur le plan mondial, les femmes continuent d'être moins payées que les hommes, d'être touchées plus massivement par la précarité, d'être victimes de violences au travail et dans la famille: "Au niveau mondial, au moins une femme sur trois a été battue, contrainte à avoir des rapports sexuels, ou maltraitée de quelque autre manière, le plus souvent par quelqu'un de sa connaissance, y compris son mari ou un autre membre de sa famille. Une...
From Gulliver's Travels - anthology.
break my Bonds; but again, when I felt the Smart of their Arrows upon my Face and Hands, which were all in Blisters, and many of the Darts still sticking in them;and observing likewise that the Number of my Enemies encreased; I gave Tokens to let them know that they might do with me what they pleased. Upon this, theHurgo and his Train withdrew, with much Civility and chearful Countenances. Soon after I heard a general Shout, with frequent Repetitions of the Words, Peplom Selan, and I felt gre...
William Shakespeare: Romeo und Julia (Sprache & Litteratur).
For then, I hope, thou wilt not keep him long,But send him back.L a d y C a p u l e t. [Within.] Ho, daughter! are you up? J u l i e t. Who is’t that calls? is it my lady mother?Is she not down so late, or up so early?What unaccustom’d cause procures her hither? FÜNFTE SZENE Juliens Zimmer. (Romeo und Julia.) J u l i a. Willst du schon gehn? Der Tag ist ja noch fern.Es war die Nachtigall und nicht die Lerche,Die eben jetzt dein banges Ohr durchdrang;Sie singt des Nachts auf dem Granatbaum dor...
Excerpt from Nicholas Nickleby - anthology.
After some half-hour's delay Mr Squeers reappeared, and the boys took their places and their books, of which latter commodity the average might be about one toeight learners. A few minutes having elapsed, during which Mr Squeers looked very profound, as if he had a perfect apprehension of what was inside all the books,and could say every word of their contents by heart if he only chose to take the trouble, that gentleman called up the first class. Obedient to this summons there ranged themse...
- Bel Ami (Intégrale)
mention," I stirred my coffee.
GOOGOLPLEX As for the bracelet Momworetothe funeral, whatIdid was Iconverted Dad'slastvoice message intoMorse code,andI used sky-blue beadsforsilence, maroon beadsforbreaks between letters,violetbeads forbreaks between words,and long andshort pieces ofstring between thebeads forlong andshort beeps, whichareactually calledblips,Ithink, or something. Dadwould haveknown. Ittook menine hours tomake, andIhad thought aboutgivingitto Sonny, the homeless personwhoIsometimes seestanding outsidetheAllia...
Astronomy - astronomy.
Telescopes may use either lenses or mirrors to gather visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects. Those that use lenses arecalled refracting telescopes, since they use the property of refraction, or bending, of light ( see Optics: Reflection and Refraction ). The largest refracting telescope is the 40-in (1-m) telescope at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, founded in the late 19th century. Lenses bend different colors of light by d...
Thomas Edison.
While Edison was working on the electric light, he made a scientific discovery that would become important to future generations. Edison noticed that particles of carbonfrom the filament blackened the insides of his light bulbs. This effect was caused by the emission of electrons from the filament, although Edison made the discoverybefore he and other scientists knew the electron existed. Not until 1897 did British physicist J. J. Thomson prove that the blackening observed by Edison was caused b...
Thomas Edison - USA History.
While Edison was working on the electric light, he made a scientific discovery that would become important to future generations. Edison noticed that particles of carbonfrom the filament blackened the insides of his light bulbs. This effect was caused by the emission of electrons from the filament, although Edison made the discoverybefore he and other scientists knew the electron existed. Not until 1897 did British physicist J. J. Thomson prove that the blackening observed by Edison was caused b...
- Primo Levi, Si c'est un homme
- Lifehack
Excerpt from Barnaby Rudge - anthology.
Mr. Dennis rolled lazily over upon his breast, and resting his chin upon his hand in imitation of the attitude in which Hugh lay, said, as he too looked towards thedoor: “ Ay, ay, you knew him, brother, you knew him. But who'd suppose to look at that chap now, that he could be the man he is! Isn't it a thousand cruel pities, brother,that instead of taking his nat'ral rest and qualifying himself for further exertions in this here honourable cause, he should be playing at soldiers like a boy?...
- la nuit des temps de rené barjavel
- Midnighters
5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 6!
new movie? Iwrote, "What's happened?" andshowed itto ayoung businessman watchingthetelevision, hetook asip of his coffee andsaid, "Nooneknows yet,"hiscoffee haunts me,his"yet" haunts me.Istood there, aperson inacrowd, was Iwatching theimages, orwas something morecomplicated happening?Itried tocount thefloors above where the planes hadhit,the fire had toburn upthrough thebuildings, Iknew thatthose people couldn't besaved, andhow many were onthe planes, andhow many wereonthe street, Ithought andth...
- Présentation des acteurs de la presse quotidienne gratuite
Supernova - astronomy.
The term hypernova has been proposed for an extremely massive core-collapse supernova—possibly more than 100 times the mass of the Sun. A hypernova is thought to form a black hole. Just before it explodes, a hypernova may release a huge burst of gamma rays in a jet from the rotating black hole at its center. These jets mayexplain the so-called long gamma-ray bursts detected by astronomers. According to some researchers, massive stars with over 40 solar masses may sometimescollapse directly int...
- On the road
- Madame bovary
History of Chemistry - chemistry.
even better distillation apparatus than the Arabs had made and to condense the more volatile products of distillation. Among the important products obtained in thisway were alcohol and the mineral acids: nitric, aqua regia (a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric), sulfuric, and hydrochloric. Many new reactions could be carried outusing these powerful reagents. Word of the Chinese discovery of nitrates and the manufacture of gunpowder also came to the West through the Arabs. The Chinese atfirst use...
- victor hugo napoléon le petit
War of 1812 - History.
the thorough training they received in handling guns was far ahead of contemporary British standards. As hostilities loomed, Congress authorized a regular army of 35,000 men, but when the United States officially declared war in June 1812, the actual land force was lessthan 10,000 and nearly half of these soldiers were raw recruits. The existing troops were also widely scattered in small garrisons. The government planned tosupplement this regular force with 50,000 volunteers and 100,000 militiam...
War of 1812 - U.
the thorough training they received in handling guns was far ahead of contemporary British standards. As hostilities loomed, Congress authorized a regular army of 35,000 men, but when the United States officially declared war in June 1812, the actual land force was lessthan 10,000 and nearly half of these soldiers were raw recruits. The existing troops were also widely scattered in small garrisons. The government planned tosupplement this regular force with 50,000 volunteers and 100,000 militiam...
Insect - biology.
they almost always have six legs. In some insects, such as beetles, the legs are practically identical, but in other insects each pair is a slightly different shape. Still otherinsects have specialized leg structures. Examples are praying mantises, which have grasping and stabbing forelegs armed with lethal spines, and grasshoppers andfleas, which have large, muscular hind legs that catapult them into the air. Mole crickets’ front legs are modified for digging, and backswimmers have hind legs de...
- Pierre et Jean
- Émile Zola LA CURÉE (1872)
Au retour, dans l'encombrement des voitures qui rentraient par le bord du lac, la calèche dut marcher au pas.
mondaines envoiture découverte, menaçaitdeseterminer parune soirée d’unefraîcheur aiguë. Un moment, lajeune femme restapelotonnée, retrouvantlachaleur deson coin, s’abandonnant aubercement voluptueux de toutes cesroues quitournaient devantelle.Puis, levant latête vers Maxime, dontlesregards déshabillaient tranquillement lesfemmes étaléesdanslescoupés etdans leslandaus voisins : – Vrai, demanda-t-elle, est-cequetulatrouves jolie,cette Laure d’Aurigny ? Vousenfaisiez unéloge, l’autre jour,lorsqu’o...
Fußballweltmeisterschaft, internationales Fußballturnier der Nationalmannschaften, das alle vier Jahre ausgetragen wird.
Österreichs an das nationalsozialistische Deutschland wurde von höchster Stelle die Nominierung eines gemeinsamen Teams befohlen. Trainer dieser deutsch-österreichischen Mannschaft war Sepp Herberger, der nach dem Misserfolg bei den Olympischen Spielen 1936 in Berlin Otto Nerz abgelöst hatte. Herberger stand vor derAufgabe, aus zwei eingespielten Mannschaften ein neues Team zu formen. Das Experiment misslang, und Deutschland unterlag in einem Wiederholungsspiel gegen dieSchweiz mit 2:4, nachdem...
- la société de l’information
Dictionnaire en ligne:
DURANT, préposition; DURANT QUE, locution conjonctivale.
Ø 3.... et il [Hippolyte] nageait à sec sur le carreau en se débattant et en se lamentant Pour les enfants ces jeux-là sont tout un drame, toute une fiction scénique (...) qu'ils miment et rêvent durant des heures entières, et dont l'illusion les gagne et les saisit véritablement. AURORE DUPIN, BARONNE DUDEVANT, DITE GEORGE SAND, Histoire de ma vie, tome 2, 1855, page 251. ß ) Durant + substantif (de forme ou de valeur déverbale et durative) désignant. Durant + substantif (de forme ou de vale...