560 résultats pour "due"
Article de presse: Famélique et médiévale Ethiopie
" Il ne pleuvait presque pas depuis trois ans, dit Akalé Yimmer, du village de Wadla. En 1971, la récolte a été très mauvaise.En 1972, on a dû manger une partie des semences et même emprunter du grain pour survivre. En février 1973, les " petites pluies" n'ont pas eu lieu, qu'est-ce qu'on pouvait faire ? Moi, j'avais deux lopins de terre. Le premier, je l'avais hypothéqué pourpouvoir emprunter deux sacs de teff et, comme je n'ai pas pu rendre le grain, j'ai perdu mon champ. Le deuxième, j'ai dû...
Wolf - biology.
VIII RED WOLF The red wolf is smaller than the gray wolf. An adult red wolf stands about 65 cm (about 2 ft) high at the shoulder, measures 100 to 130 cm (3 to 4 ft) in lengthexcluding the tail, and weighs 20 to 36 kg (45 to 80 lb). It has long legs and ears and its head is not as wide as that of the gray wolf. The coat of red wolves varies incolor from light tan to black with reddish head, ears, and legs. Scientists have debated whether the red wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf, a separate...
virus (biologie) (faune & Flore).
À la suite de l’assemblage de leurs composants, les virus s’agglomèrent dans le cytoplasme, sous la surface de la membrane cellulaire. Pour certains, le processus delibération s’accompagne d’une destruction de la cellule infectée. C’est le cas des bactériophages, dont la sortie provoque la lyse des bactéries infectées. Pour d’autres, des bourgeons se forment sur la membrane cellulaire sans détruire la cellule, et les virus sortent, emportant le bout de membrane plasmique qui les entoure. L’infe...
Secrète, souvent repliée sur elle-même, la Chine depuis des
siècles fascine et inquiète l'Occident.
Himalaya Huang He Mandchourie Mongolie-Intérieure Shaanxi Shandong Shanxi Sichuan Tian Shan Tibet Xinjiang (région autonome ouïgoure du) Yangzi Jiang Les livres Chine - karst à tourelles, au Yunnan, page 1059, volume 2 Chine - Huang He (Le fleuve Jaune), page 1062, volume 2 Les aspects humains La population du pays, qui est composée à 92 % de Chinois Hans, et, pour les 8 % restants, de cinquante-quatre peuples, appelés minorités nationales, est très inégalement répartie. La côt...
Enr/Succ. M. Brigotte /A. Gillet 1 LES DROITS D'ENREGISTREMENT A/ GENERALITES 1. Définition Le droit d’enregistrement est un impôt qui se perçoit à l’occasion de l’enregistrement des actes ou écrits . - Il est perçu au profit de l’Etat (sauf pour tran smission à titre onéreux de biens immeubles et pour les donations : au profit des régions ). - Il est perçu lors de l’enregistrement d’actes ou écrits mais n’est pas la contrepartie de ce...
la constitution
Avec la renaissance va apparai t re le concept moderne d’état que nous appelons l’état- nation, c’est à cette époque historiquement que le pouvoir poli t iq ue va se consti t uer à l’in tér ieu r de ter r i to i res européens en lu t t an t d’une part contre l’émiet tement féodal et d’aut re part contre la prétent ion hégémonique du pape. A la fin du 17 ème siècle cela va abouti r à une conception à la fois...
L'atmosphère est la couche gazeuse qui entoure notre planète et qui s'étend de sa
surface jusqu'à une hauteur difficile à établir, mais que, par convention, on place à
environ 1 000 km d'altitude.
2 La vapeur d’eau se concentre près de la surface terrestre, où elle peut atteindre 4 % du volume de toute l'atmosphère, mais elle est pratiquement absente au- dessus de 10 km. L’eau sous forme de vapeur n’est pas un constituant passif, mais elle interagit avec le rayonnement solaire et avec l’énergie réémise par la Terre chauffée par le Soleil. La quantité de vapeur d’eau qui peut rester dans l'atmosphère dépend de la température. En général, l’air chaud contient plus de vapeur d’eau que l’air...
vie, origine de la - paléontologie.
rudimentaires. Des structures semblables ont été obtenues depuis par d'autres chercheurs. La théorie d'Oparine fut confortée par les découvertes d'un paléontologistefrançais qui identifia des structures de ce type, datées de 3 milliards d'années : les coccoïdes, probables ancêtres des bactéries. En revanche, l'apparition des protéines cellulaires posait un problème plus embarrassant. La question était la suivante : quelle molécule est apparue en premier ? L'acidenucléique, indispensable à la syn...
On y invite le président du Conseil prussien au vu et au su de tous.
dans uneneutralité attentive,laissersedévelopper leconflit et,àl'instant qu'il jugera leplus propice, imposersamédiation. Alors,unchoix luisera offert, s'agissant degains territoriaux: unepartie delaRhénanie, leLuxembourg, laBelgique peut-être. Etilsera enmesure d'imposer une réorganisation del'Allemagne entrois tronçons, dontlataille variera enfonction decequi sesera passé sur leterrain militaire: laPrusse dominera, grossomodo,lesÉtats dunord duMain, l'Autriche ceuxdusud, et l'on prévoira entre...
secourisme - Mécedine.
une bonne circulation cérébrale, les pieds de la personne doivent être surélevés. Si la personne est inconsciente, il faut la placer en position latérale de sécurité. Dans le casd’une crise d’épilepsie, tout ce que le sauveteur peut faire est d’empêcher la victime de se blesser en attendant qu’elle se réveille spontanément. 6 HÉMORRAGIE En cas de blessure, un saignement par lésion artérielle se reconnaît par des jets en saccades de sang rouge vif. Au contraire, l’hémorragie veineuse provoque un...
Le volcan fascine.
Complétez votre recherche en consultant : Les corrélats Anaximandre Aristote Bunsen Robert Wilhelm Empédocle Etna Ferdinand Hekla Platon Pline - Pline l'Ancien Pompéi Sainte-Claire-Deville Henri Stabies Tazieff Haroun Terre - L'histoire de la Terre - Introduction Thalès Vésuve Les livres Tazieff Haroun, page 5054, volume 9 L'origine des magmas La synthèse des données fournies par différentes études a permis de caractériser la roche- mère des magmas,...
L'Ingénu De Voltaire
s'autocritiquer et à revoir leur rapport aux textes sacrés, car comme le mentionne Jacques Van Den Heuvel, dansVoltaire dans ses contes : «L'honnêteté foncière va de pair chez l'Ingénu avec la rectitude intellectuelle. Il estexempt de ces petits calculs, de ces compromissions qui font l'ordinaire de la vie civilisée [11]». Néanmoins, acquérirla faculté du discernement et de la pensée critique n'est pas chose facile comme le témoigne le parcours del'Ingénu. C'est par la confrontation...
énergie, économies d'.
La Communauté européenne mit alors en œuvre une politique privilégiant essentiellement deux pistes : le charbon et l’énergie nucléaire. Priorité fut d’abord donnée à la réduction de l’utilisation des combustibles fossiles, en particulier le pétrole. Face à la hausse du prix des carburants, on entreprit d’utiliser ces combustibles avec parcimonie ; en outre, des améliorations considérables furent réalisées quant au rendement énergétique dans les années 1980. De plus, les choix des consommateurs s...
Figure Skating World Champions.
1979 Vladimir Kovalev (USSR) 1980 Jan Hoffmann (East Germany) 1981 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1982 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1983 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1984 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1985 Alexandr Fadeev (USSR) 1986 Brian Boitano (United States) 1987 Brian Orser (Canada) 1988 Brian Boitano (United States) 1989 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1990 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1991 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1992 Viktor Petrenko (CIS) 1993 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1994 Elvis Stojko (Canada) 1995...
Figure Skating World Champions
Men's Individual Champions.
1979 Vladimir Kovalev (USSR) 1980 Jan Hoffmann (East Germany) 1981 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1982 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1983 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1984 Scott Hamilton (United States) 1985 Alexandr Fadeev (USSR) 1986 Brian Boitano (United States) 1987 Brian Orser (Canada) 1988 Brian Boitano (United States) 1989 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1990 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1991 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1992 Viktor Petrenko (CIS) 1993 Kurt Browning (Canada) 1994 Elvis Stojko (Canada) 1995...
St. John's (city, Newfoundland and Labrador) - Geography.
St. John's (city,
coast of Newfoundland and Labrador have brought some hope of potential economic upturn for the port. St. John’s has an international airport, which connects the city to mainland Canada and points outside the country. The city is also the eastern terminus of the Trans-Canada Highway. Although traffic through the city’s harbor has diminished considerably, the port of St. John’s continues to serve as an important Canadian Coast Guarddepot and port of call for container ships. Passenger service on t...
en un point quelconque. 6 FONDATIONS Le plan de la structure d'un bâtiment dépend étroitement des caractéristiques géologiques du sol sur lequel il repose. Il est également lié aux éventuelles modifications d'un de ces facteurs par l'homme. 6. 1 Nature du sol Si un bâtiment doit être construit en zone à risque sismique, le sol doit être sondé jusqu'à une profondeur importante. Certains sols comme les alluvions ou les argiles peuvent se liquéfier lorsqu'ils sont soumis aux ondes de choc d'un tr...
radioastronomie - astronomie.
Des pouvoirs de résolution encore plus élevés peuvent être atteints en espaçant les antennes sur des milliers de kilomètres. Mais il devient alors plus difficile de transmettredirectement les signaux de chaque antenne en un lieu de traitement commun : les signaux captés par chaque antenne sont donc enregistrés, puis expédiés vers un centrede traitement informatique. Cette technique d'interférométrie à très large base (VLBI, pour Very Long Baseline Interferometry) requiert l'utilisation d'horloge...
Le mot "honneur" chez René DESCARTES
LES PASSIONS DE L'AME, TROISIEME PARTIE, ARTICLE 164. et ainsi on n'a pas seulement une très profonde humilité au regard de Dieu, mais aussi on rend sans répugnance tout l'honneur et lerespect qui est dû aux hommes, à chacun selon le rang et l'autorité qu'il a dans le monde et on ne méprise rien que les vices. LES PASSIONS DE L'AME, TROISIEME PARTIE, ARTICLE 168. et une honnête femme n'est pas blâmée d'être jalouse de son honneur c'est-à-dire de ne se garder pas seulement de mal faire ;...
brésilienne, littérature.
symboliste João da Cruz e Sousa, place le thème de la négritude et la douleur qui l’accompagne au cœur de sa problématique. Il est le représentant majeur du courant symboliste au Brésil (les recueils Missal et Broquéis, parus en 1893, sont les seules œuvres éditées de son vivant). 3. 3 Théâtre La production dramaturgique apparaît tardivement au Brésil. Au XIXe siècle, Gonçalves de Magalhães (1811-1882), d’inspiration romantique, signe la première tragédie brésilienne, Antônio José ou le...
MARIVAUX, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de : sa vie et son oeuvre
précis de l'histoire littéraire et de l'histoire des idées, des articles comme les « Pensées sur différents sujets » ou des journaux comme le Spe ctateur français, dans les quels Marivaux défend et illustre sa conception des devoirs de l'écrivain en laissant deviner toute sa passion pour la littérature. Les premiers succès En 1 717, Mari vaux se marie, et des problèmes maté riels, qu'il semble avoir ignorés jusque-là, se posent sou dain à lui. Lorsqu...
Excerpt from Othello - anthology.
MESSENGER. The Ottomites, reverend and gracious,Steering with due course toward the isle of Rhodes,Have there injointed with an after fleet. FIRST SENATOR. Ay, so I thought. How many, as you guess? MESSENGER. Of thirty sail; and now they do re-stemTheir backward course, bearing with frank appearanceTheir purposes toward Cyprus. Signor Montano,Your trusty and most valiant servitor,With his free duty recommends you thus,And prays you to believe him. DUKE. 'Tis certain then for Cyprus.Marcus Luccic...
Fiches de synthèse Vaisse Relations internationales
CHAPITRE 1 : NAISSANCE ET CONFRONTATION D’UN MONDE BIPOLAIRE (1945-1955) Introduction : La Seconde Guerre mondiale affaiblit le continent européen qui perd son rôle prééminent. - cela confirme les conséquences de la Première Guerre mondiale - ce déclin est dû au fait que les combats ont particulièrement affecté l’Europe. Cela se traduit par : - la perte de puissance des grands pays européens (Fr, Ang …) - l’émergence de deux supergrands pouvant faire figures de modèles...
Gothic Art and Architecture
Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris
Notre Dame Cathedral, in Paris, was begun in 1163 and completed for the most part in 1250.
and by external arches, called flying buttresses. Consequently, the thick walls of Romanesque architecture could be largely replaced by thinner walls with glass windows,and the interiors could reach unprecedented heights. A revolution in building techniques thus occurred. With the Gothic vault, a ground plan could take on a variety of shapes. The general plan of the cathedrals, however, consisting of a long three-aisled nave interceptedby a transept and followed by a shorter choir and sanctuary,...
Endocrine System.
thermostat. When the heat in a house falls, the thermostat responds by switching the furnace on, and when the temperature is too warm, the thermostat switches thefurnace off. Usually, the change that a hormone produces also serves to regulate that hormone's secretion. For example, parathyroid hormone causes the body toincrease the level of calcium in the blood. As calcium levels rise, the secretion of parathyroid hormone then decreases. This feedback mechanism allows for tight controlover hormon...
Endangered Species - biology.
Red List database assesses the status of, and threats to, animal species worldwide. To add to this and other biodiversity databases, nongovernmental organizationssuch as Conservation International and World Wildlife Fund conduct periodic rapid assessments (focused, intensive evaluations) of biodiversity in varioushotspots— regions like Madagascar that are both rich in endemic species and environmentally threatened. This information is used in the administration of international agreements such...
?stanbul - geography.
İstanbul hosts a number of annual cultural events. The İstanbul Cultural Festival, held in the summer, offers music and dance performances in more than 50 venuesthroughout the city, including outdoors at Rumelihisar ı. The city also hosts a summer jazz festival. Turkey is one of the world’s largest producers of motion pictures, anda highly regarded international film festival takes place in İstanbul during the early months of the year. V RECREATION With increasing modernization, recreation is...
Assisted Suicide.
regardless of the fairness of the procedures used (substantive due process). In the Glucksberg case, the Court indicated that the liberty interest protected by the 14th Amendment does not encompass the right to determine the timing and manner of one’s own death. The Court’s decision means that each state may determine whetheror not to prohibit or permit (and otherwise regulate) assisted suicide. In 2006 the Court upheld Oregon’s law permitting physician-assisted suicide. In a 6-to-3 decision,...
Somalia - country.
A Agriculture Livestock raising is the principal occupation in Somalia. The size of livestock herds began to recover in the mid-1990s after falling during the country’s civil war. Sheepand goats are the most numerous livestock, with smaller numbers of cattle. The principal crops grown are corn, sorghum, sugarcane, cassava, and bananas. B Forestry and Fishing While most wood is cut for fuel, Somalia’s major forestry export products before the 1990s were frankincense and myrrh. Fish is an import...
International Criminal Court.
only exercise its jurisdiction when a national court is unwilling or unable to carry out the investigation or prosecution. For example, the ICC might intervene when agovernment’s judicial system has collapsed or is actively shielding a person from criminal responsibility. The court may hold accountable any person aged 18 or older at the time of the crime without regard to the individual’s official duties or functions. Therefore, heads ofstate, legislators, and other high-ranking government offic...
man who profoundly influenced the history of the world. See Spread of Islam. Muhammad’s home, the Arab city of Mecca, was a major religious center and site of the revered sanctuary and shrine, the Kaaba. According to legend, the ancientreligious patriarch of the Hebrew Bible, Abraham, and his son, Ishmael, built the shrine using foundations laid by the first human being and father of humankind, Adam.During Muhammad’s years there, from about AD 570 to 622, Mecca was also an environment of spir...
Zazie Dans Le Métro
tandis qu'elle lui parle de son intérêt pour Charles, dont elle regrette seulement qu'il soit «trop romantique». Puis, alors queGridoux est seul, «le type» vient lui acheter un lacet ; mais le cordonnier le lui refuse et lui demande : «Flic ou satyre». L'autreassène : «Le tonton est une tata», mais, «solennellement», Gridoux affirme le contraire, tout en révélant que «Gabriel danse dansune boîte de pédales déguisé en Sévillane» et ‘'LaMort du cygne'’ «comme à l'Opéra». «Le type» prétend n'avoir...
Frog (animal).
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
Frog (animal) - biology.
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
Skin, outer body covering of an animal. The term skin
III SKIN APPENDAGES In humans, the skin appendages, or structures embedded in the skin, include hair, nails, and several types of glands. Glands are groups of cells that produce andsecrete substances needed by other parts of the body. In other vertebrates, the skin appendages include scales (in fish and reptiles) and feathers (in birds). Together,the skin and the skin appendages are known as the integumentary system of the body. A Hair Hair is a distinguishing characteristic of mammals, a gro...
Ocean and Oceanography.
of sediment. When studied in sedimentary core samples, which can represent many millions of years of deposits, they provide a detailed and continuous history of theearth’s environmental changes. The record is particularly informative for the most recent 2 million to 5 million years, during which major fluctuations in global climatehave occurred. Successive ice ages can be traced by the relative scarcity or abundance of the shells of warm-water and cold-water diatoms in various layers of asedimen...
Ocean and Oceanography - Geography.
of sediment. When studied in sedimentary core samples, which can represent many millions of years of deposits, they provide a detailed and continuous history of theearth’s environmental changes. The record is particularly informative for the most recent 2 million to 5 million years, during which major fluctuations in global climatehave occurred. Successive ice ages can be traced by the relative scarcity or abundance of the shells of warm-water and cold-water diatoms in various layers of asedimen...
Bhutan - country.
languages ( see Indo-Iranian Languages) and follow Hinduism. Nepalese people constitute a significant portion of Bhutan’s population. They are the most recent settlers, occupying south central and southwestern Bhutan. TheNepalese are mainly Rai, Gurung, and Limbu ethnic groups from the eastern mountains of Nepal. Nepalese immigration has been banned since 1959, when theBhutanese government feared the minority would become too populous. Nepalese are not permitted to live in the central Middle Hi...
Labor Unions in Canada - Canadian History.
job. Before collective bargaining begins, workers elect a bargaining committee. The bargaining committee determines the workers’ demands and strategy innegotiations with the employer. Local unions usually are part of national or international unions. These national and international unions employ a staff for organizing workers at the local level, doingresearch, educating union members about labor and political matters, and working with local union leaders. Unions hold regular conventions of dele...
Ukraine - country.
a major hazard, especially to Ukraine’s water supply. The Chernobyl’ complex was finally shut down completely in December 2000, with the financial assistance ofWestern nations. The funds were to pay for the completion of two other nuclear power plants that would produce enough power to make up for the loss of the powersupply from the Chernobyl’ plant. III PEOPLE OF UKRAINE The population of Ukraine was estimated in 2008 at 45,994,287, giving the country a population density of 76 persons per s...
ever-finer method of reducing material to the nanoscale size. Instead, nanostructures would be assembled atom by atom and molecule by molecule, from the atomiclevel up, just as occurs in nature. However, assembly at this scale has its own challenges. In school, children learn about some of these challenges when they study the random Brownian motion seen in particles suspended in liquids such as water. Theparticles themselves are not moving. Rather, the water molecules that surround the particles...
Croatia - country.
III PEOPLE OF CROATIA The total population of Croatia at the time of the 1991 census was 4,784,265; a 2008 estimate was 4,491,543. During and after the war ethnic Serbs fled Croatia whileethnic Croats moved in. Croatia’s population growth rate in 2008 was -0.04 percent, despite population gains due to immigration. Croatia’s natural population growthrate, which measures births and deaths, has been negative since 1998. Life expectancy at birth was 75 years in 2008. The population density in 2008...
Nova Scotia - Geography.
summer. Nova Scotia receives an average of more than 1,140 mm (45 in) of rain annually, with the Atlantic shore receiving 1,400 mm (55 in) or more. Most of the provincereceives about 1,900 mm (about 70 in) of snow, and considerable winter precipitation comes in the form of rain or ice storms. The average temperature in January, thecoldest month, is generally about -4°C (about 25°F) near the coast and somewhat colder toward the interior. The average temperature in July, the hottest month, isabout...
Nova Scotia - Canadian History.
summer. Nova Scotia receives an average of more than 1,140 mm (45 in) of rain annually, with the Atlantic shore receiving 1,400 mm (55 in) or more. Most of the provincereceives about 1,900 mm (about 70 in) of snow, and considerable winter precipitation comes in the form of rain or ice storms. The average temperature in January, thecoldest month, is generally about -4°C (about 25°F) near the coast and somewhat colder toward the interior. The average temperature in July, the hottest month, isabout...
Ottoman Empire .
fleets at Suez, Egypt; though the Portuguese were not expelled, Selim did manage to prevent the establishment of a total Portuguese monopoly over the spice trade. Selim I died in 1520 after having spent most of his short reign on matters pertaining to the east. His son and successor Süleyman I (reigned 1520-1566) again turnedthe attention of the Ottomans to the west. In August 1521 Süleyman, later known as Süleyman the Magnificent, opened the road to Hungary by capturing Belgrade, aHungarian str...
Ottoman Empire - History.
fleets at Suez, Egypt; though the Portuguese were not expelled, Selim did manage to prevent the establishment of a total Portuguese monopoly over the spice trade. Selim I died in 1520 after having spent most of his short reign on matters pertaining to the east. His son and successor Süleyman I (reigned 1520-1566) again turnedthe attention of the Ottomans to the west. In August 1521 Süleyman, later known as Süleyman the Magnificent, opened the road to Hungary by capturing Belgrade, aHungarian str...
Antarctica - Geography.
The maximum area of sea ice surrounding Antarctica each winter varies from year to year. A marked decline during the 1970s appears to have reversed in more recentdecades, except in the Antarctic Peninsula area. This area has lost almost 40 percent of its sea ice since the start of the 1980s. Sea ice is important to marine life. Krillfeed on algae that live under the sea ice and are released when the ice melts in spring and summer. In turn, many marine animals feed on krill. Emperor penguinsbreed...
Le due memorie di Jean-Jacques Rousseau
bartolo anglani Le due memorie di Jean-Jacques Rousseau1 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between memory and oblivion in Rousseau’s Confessions, in the belief that oblivion is not simply memory loss, but that it plays an active role in the construction of memory itself. We will analyse some episodes of the above mentioned autobiography, focusing first of all on that of the broken comb, which in the author’s memory performs the function – rather l...
South Dakota - geography.
C1 Temperatures Average January temperatures are everywhere less than -4° C (24° F) and decrease to less than -12° C (10° F) in some northern sections. The January temperaturesin Sioux Falls range from -16° to -4° C (3° to 24° F). Nightime lows of -29° C (-20° F) occur during most winters. July averages are in the low and middle 20°s C (lowand middle 70°s F) throughout most of the state, and are somewhat lower in the Black Hills. The average temperature range in Sioux Falls in July is 17° to 30...
South Dakota - USA History.
C1 Temperatures Average January temperatures are everywhere less than -4° C (24° F) and decrease to less than -12° C (10° F) in some northern sections. The January temperaturesin Sioux Falls range from -16° to -4° C (3° to 24° F). Nightime lows of -29° C (-20° F) occur during most winters. July averages are in the low and middle 20°s C (lowand middle 70°s F) throughout most of the state, and are somewhat lower in the Black Hills. The average temperature range in Sioux Falls in July is 17° to 30...