2538 résultats pour "are"
Mesoamérica - historia.
Entre el 5000 y el 3000 a.C. la agricultura como dedicación exclusiva reemplazó a la caza y la recolección en Mesoamérica, y la gente comenzó a vivir en pobladospermanentes. Algunas áreas con recursos naturales abundantes podían mantener poblaciones estables que no tenían que recurrir a la agricultura. Por ejemplo, en las tierrasbajas ribereñas del golfo de México y el océano Pacífico, la vida sedentaria se basaba en la pesca y el marisqueo. Algunas regiones montañosas —como el valle de México,m...
to him, the eternal Son of God become man is at once human priest and victim, who perfects and replaces the OldTestament institutions of animal sacrifice. The author takes seriously the (atoning) purpose of those replacedinstitutions, and, while expounding the moral inadequacy of animal sacrifice (a view anticipated in the OldTestament prophets), theologizes the doctrine by centring atonement on the representative human achievement ofthe saviour. The effect of this metaphorical...
- Education
Ucrania - geografía.
Ucrania se divide en 24 provincias administrativas, entre las que se encuentran el distrito de la capital, así como la República Autónoma de Crimea. Kíev, la capital, es laciudad más importante del país, con una población estimada en 2.618.000 habitantes para 2003. Otras grandes ciudades son Járkov (1.445.173), Dniepropetrovsk(1.040.000), la antigua Yekaterinoslav, Donetsk (991.310), Odesa (989.468), Lvov (806.000) y Mariúpol (492.000). 3.3 Religión La mayor parte de los cristianos practicantes...
- Great Andromeda Spiral Galaxy - astronomy.
Panamá (república) - geografía.
3 POBLACIÓN Según estimaciones para 2008, Panamá contaba con una población de 3.292.693 habitantes, lo que daba al país una densidad demográfica de 43 hab/km². En 2005, el 58% de la población vivía en ciudades, es decir, era población urbana. Casi una cuarta parte de los panameños viven en solo dos áreas metropolitanas, Panamáy Colón. 3.1 Características de la población La República de Panamá presenta una población muy diversa. Según el censo de 2000, un 70% es mestiza criolla, el 10% es indíg...
Mao ZedongIINTRODUCTIONMao Zedong (1893-1976), foremost Chinese Communist leader of the 20th century and the principal founder of the People's Republic of China.
outside the government was also muted because the educated elite remembered the turmoil of the “Hundred Flowers” and “Antirightist” campaigns of 1957. Mao’srelationship with intellectuals was an uneasy one, and he was critical of the gap between the lives of the urban educated elite and the rural masses. These tensions wereamong the underlying causes of the Cultural Revolution, a period of social unrest and political persecution launched by Mao in 1966. Mao mobilized youth into the RedGuards to...
Mao Zedong.
outside the government was also muted because the educated elite remembered the turmoil of the “Hundred Flowers” and “Antirightist” campaigns of 1957. Mao’srelationship with intellectuals was an uneasy one, and he was critical of the gap between the lives of the urban educated elite and the rural masses. These tensions wereamong the underlying causes of the Cultural Revolution, a period of social unrest and political persecution launched by Mao in 1966. Mao mobilized youth into the RedGuards to...
Mao Zedong - History.
outside the government was also muted because the educated elite remembered the turmoil of the “Hundred Flowers” and “Antirightist” campaigns of 1957. Mao’srelationship with intellectuals was an uneasy one, and he was critical of the gap between the lives of the urban educated elite and the rural masses. These tensions wereamong the underlying causes of the Cultural Revolution, a period of social unrest and political persecution launched by Mao in 1966. Mao mobilized youth into the RedGuards to...
dialogue anglais fairtrade
demonstrations or we can help organizations as Oxfam with money. We can donate old stuff like cloths or toys. A - We should do it together one day. It will be really nice.
Paraguay (república) - geografía.
3 POBLACIÓN Paraguay tiene una población (según estimaciones para 2008) de 6.831.306 habitantes. La población creció un 25% entre 1992 y 2002. La densidad demográfica estimadaes sólo de 17 hab/km², una de las más bajas de América del Sur. Casi un 95% de la población paraguaya reside en la Región Oriental, mientras que la inmensa región del Gran Chaco está prácticamente despoblada. Un 42% de lapoblación vive en áreas rurales. 3.1 Características de la población La mayoría de la población es mes...
Líbano (república) - geografía.
Según estimaciones oficiales de 2008, la población del Líbano era de 3.971.941 habitantes; la densidad de 388 hab/km². Alrededor del 88% de la población vive en áreasurbanas. No hay censos oficiales posteriores al de 1932. 3.2 Principales ciudades La capital y principal puerto es Beirut, que cuenta con una población (según estimaciones para 2003) de 1.792.000 habitantes. Los dos importantes puertos y terminales deoleoducto, Trípoli (Tarabulus) y Sidón (Sayda) tienen respectivamente 212.900 y 14...
Ave - ciencias de la naturaleza.
© Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. Las mandíbulas de las aves actuales se alargan como picos sin dientes y están cubiertas con una capa córnea llamada la ranfoteca. En la mayoría de las especies es dura,pero también puede ser correosa, como en los andarríos y en los patos. La ausencia de dientes reduce el peso del cráneo. Anatomía del alaNomenclatura de las distintas plumas del ala de un ave. Las plumas de las alas son responsables tanto de la elevación como de lapropulsión...
Avión - ciencia y tecnologia.
flujo incide en el ala. También es proporcional, para valores medios, a la inclinación del ángulo de ataque del eje de la superficie de sustentación respecto al de la corrientede aire. Para ángulos superiores a 14 grados, la sustentación cambia con rapidez hasta llegar a la pérdida total cuando, por efecto de esos valores, el aire se mueveproduciendo torbellinos en la superficie de las alas. En esta situación se dice que el perfil aerodinámico ha entrado en pérdida. Cuando un avión está mantenie...
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), third president of the United States (1801-1809) and author of the Declaration of Independence.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Thomas Jefferson - USA History.
Jefferson was a poor speaker, but his literary talents made him a highly valued member of committees when resolutions and other public papers were drafted. Heemerged as the recognized author of the patriot cause in Virginia and indeed in the whole of the colonies. Jefferson's first public paper, however, was considered toostiff and formal, and it was rewritten. The paper was a response to the greeting of the new governor, Lord Botetourt, to the General Assembly. Jefferson, who nevertook criticis...
Ottoman Empire .
fleets at Suez, Egypt; though the Portuguese were not expelled, Selim did manage to prevent the establishment of a total Portuguese monopoly over the spice trade. Selim I died in 1520 after having spent most of his short reign on matters pertaining to the east. His son and successor Süleyman I (reigned 1520-1566) again turnedthe attention of the Ottomans to the west. In August 1521 Süleyman, later known as Süleyman the Magnificent, opened the road to Hungary by capturing Belgrade, aHungarian str...
Ottoman Empire - History.
fleets at Suez, Egypt; though the Portuguese were not expelled, Selim did manage to prevent the establishment of a total Portuguese monopoly over the spice trade. Selim I died in 1520 after having spent most of his short reign on matters pertaining to the east. His son and successor Süleyman I (reigned 1520-1566) again turnedthe attention of the Ottomans to the west. In August 1521 Süleyman, later known as Süleyman the Magnificent, opened the road to Hungary by capturing Belgrade, aHungarian str...
Odyssey Greek The epic poem by Homer that
describes the adventures of Odysseus on his homeward
voyage to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
turn his men back into their human forms. Under her spell, he dallied for a year on the island of the sorceress, who gave him warnings about the perils he would encounter on his way home. Odysseus in the Underworld - Mythology. After suffering under the spell of the witch-goddess Circe for a year, Odysseus and his crew grew restless and wanted to leave. On the advice of Circe, Odysseus and his crew visited the Underworld (1) to consult the ghost of the blind seer Tiresias. Tiresias had many wa...
- Oxygen - chemistry.
historia teatro
death, judgement, heaven, and hell - perilously familiar. The cycles stress the goodness and the grace of God, but they also point to his awesome power and the justice of his purposes. They trace the history of the divine will from the fall of Lucifer, through the creation of the world and the fall of Adam, to Christ's acts of redemption. They end with a calculated bang as God's 'for-thoght' is fulfilled in the ending of 'all erthely thyng'. English theatre had its formal beginnings in the L...
Cuba - geografía.
3.1 Características de la población, religión y lengua La población cubana está conformada principalmente por los siguientes grupos: un 51% es mulata, un 37% es básicamente descendiente de españoles, un 11% es negra yun 1% es de origen chino. No existe población inmigrante considerable, pues casi la totalidad de sus habitantes ha nacido en el país. Un 76% de la población se clasificacomo urbana. La esperanza de vida es de 75 años para los hombres y de 79,6 para las mujeres. Cuba es el país con...
Especies amenazadas - ciencias de la naturaleza.
El lobo rojo, especie amenazadaEste cánido sólo se encuentra en Texas y en el sureste de Estados Unidos. Si bien hace unos años se podía encontrar sin problemas,actualmente es una especie en peligro de extinción.Jim Tuten/Animals Animals En la Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas 2007, elaborada por la UICN, se incluyen 16.306 especies amenazadas conocidas en todo el planeta, que corresponden a 7.850especies animales y a 8.456 especies de plantas, hongos y algas. Según esta fuente, hay 1.094 mamífe...
Infrared Space Observatory - astronomy.
know how often these disks occur around stars to help them understand how common it is for planets to form. ISO found several previously unknown stars with disks.ISO also detected olivine, a silicate mineral found in Earth’s own rocky mantle, in the comet Hale-Bopp, which was visible from Earth in 1996 and 1997. The discovery ofolivine in the comet suggests that the comet and Earth have a similar origin. The satellite also detected the first evidence of water outside of the solar system inplanet...
Portugal - geografía.
3.2 Ciudades principales Lisboa, con una población (según el censo de 2003) de 1.962.000 habitantes, es la capital, la mayor ciudad y el principal puerto marítimo de Portugal. Otras ciudadesimportantes son: Oporto (263.131 habitantes), la segunda ciudad del país y un importante puerto marítimo; Coimbra (148.474 habitantes), un destacado centro industrial;Braga (112.039); Setúbal (113.937); y Faro (58.051), localizada en el área turística del Algarve. 3.3 Religión e idioma Aproximadamente el 94...
It was twelve weekends earlier that I'd gone to visit Abe Black in Coney Island.
the boardwalk, likefunnel cakesandcotton candyandhotdogs. Itwas analmost perfect day,except thatAbedidn't know anything aboutthekey orabout Dad.Hesaid hewas driving intoManhattan andcould givemearide ifIwanted one. Itold him, "Idon't getincars with strangers, andhow didyou know Iwas going toManhattan?" Hesaid, "We're not strangers, andIdon't know howIknew." "Doyouhave anSUV?" "No.""Good. Doyou have agas-electric hybridcar?" "No." "Bad." While wewere inthe carItold himallabout howIwas going tomee...
Contaminación atmosférica - ciencias de la naturaleza.
nitrógeno, y de un 30 a un 40% de las partículas en suspensión emitidos a la atmósfera en Estados Unidos proceden de las centrales eléctricas que queman combustiblesfósiles, las calderas industriales y las calefacciones. Un 80% del monóxido de carbono y un 40% de los óxidos de nitrógeno e hidrocarburos emitidos proceden de lacombustión de la gasolina y el gasóleo en los motores de los coches y camiones. Otras importantes fuentes de contaminación son la siderurgia y las acerías, las fundicionesde...
Civil Law.
Beginning in the 15th century, many European countries extensively colonized North and South America, Africa, and parts of Asia ( see Colonialism and Colonies). Colonial expansion spread the civil law system as colonizers imposed their system of law on their colonies. After achieving independence, some former colonies retainedthe legal system established by the colonizer. For example, the African nation of Senegal has retained the civil law system established by France. Other former colonieschos...
Jacksonville (Florida) - geography.
Jacksonville is a center for business, manufacturing, finance, insurance, culture, and medicine in northeastern Florida and nearby Georgia. It is also a major deepwater portof entry that has long been the home of important United States Navy facilities, including the Mayport Naval Station and the Jacksonville Naval Air Station. The IntracoastalWaterway passes through the city. Jacksonville is Florida’s most industrialized city. Drawing on the raw materials produced by the region’s farms, forests...
Excerpt from Barnaby Rudge - anthology.
Mr. Dennis rolled lazily over upon his breast, and resting his chin upon his hand in imitation of the attitude in which Hugh lay, said, as he too looked towards thedoor: “ Ay, ay, you knew him, brother, you knew him. But who'd suppose to look at that chap now, that he could be the man he is! Isn't it a thousand cruel pities, brother,that instead of taking his nat'ral rest and qualifying himself for further exertions in this here honourable cause, he should be playing at soldiers like a boy?...
Nicklaus-Watson Match.
until 1977, primarily because golf officials felt that there weren't enough hotel rooms in the area to attract and accommodate the crowds. But officials finally relented,deciding that the majestic course deserved to stage golf's most noble tournament. The sun shone brightly over this scene for the July event. Nicklaus and Watson were both on the leader board after the first two rounds with identical scores of 68-70-138. Their dramatic play began in the third round, on Friday. Nicklaus jumped...
nation. Il en découle un deuxième aspect de la contrainte extérieure : les marges de manœuvres des politiques économiques sont écoule réduites. Prenons l'exemple d'un gouvernement qui cherche à réduire le chômage en relançant l'économie par une augmentation des dépenses publiques et une reprise de la consommation et de l'investissement grâce à une baisse des ntation taux d'intérêt. On peut craindre que sa politique échoue. En effet, la relance risque d'être inflationniste, la demande...
- ancestor worship
Frank Lloyd Wright.
C Usonian Houses Wright achieved his goal of low-cost, democratic American architecture with his Usonian houses of the 1930s. Usonia was Wright’s term for the United States of North America, with an i added for a pleasing sound. The Usonian house had a simple design, usually with an L-shaped floor plan. This plan separated the noisier living space on one leg of the L from the quieter bedroom space on the other leg. The floor was made of concrete slabs, typically in a square grid of 4 by 4...
German Literature
German Literature, literature written in the German language from the 8th century to the present, and including the works of German, Austrian, and Swiss authors.
Till EulenspiegelThe medieval peasant Till Eulenspiegel appears in many German folktales as a trickster who outwits people in positions ofauthority. In this image his first name is spelled Tyll.Keystone Pressedienst GmbH The rise of the middle class in the 14th and 15th centuries and the struggles of the peasants against the nobility culminated in the great 16th-century religiousrevolution known as the Reformation. This movement was reflected in literature, especially by Martin Luther, whose tra...
- Numerals I INTRODUCTION Numerals, signs or symbols for graphic representation of numbers.
Fur Trade in North America - Canadian History.
Injured by the competition from the North West Company, the Hudson’s Bay Company changed its methods in the late 18th century and began extending its operationsinland. After a period of intense and often violent conflict, the two companies merged in 1821 under the charter of the Hudson’s Bay Company. The trade monopoly andpower to govern that had been originally given to Hudson’s Bay in 1670 were extended to all British-held territory west of Rupert’s Land. The company dominated mostof present-d...
Excerpt from Titus Andronicus - anthology.
For that they will not intercept my tale.When I do weep they humbly at my feetReceive my tears and seem to weep with me,And were they but attirèd in grave weedsRome could afford no tribunes like to these.A stone is soft as wax, tribunes more hard than stones.A stone is silent and offendeth not,And tribunes with their tongues doom men to death.But wherefore stand'st thou with thy weapon drawn? LUCIUS. To rescue my two brothers from their death,For which attempt the Judges have pronouncedMy everla...
- On the road
roman noir américain - littérature.
Dans Tous des voleurs (Thieves Like Us, 1937), Edward Anderson dénonce, à travers le récit d’une fulgurante histoire d’amour entre deux jeunes hors-la-loi, le néofascisme qui prospère sur le terreau de la dépression économique. Gerald Kersh décrit le calvaire d’un petit voyou sans envergure avec les Forbans de la nuit (Night and the City, 1938). David Goodis écrit à vingt et un ans un roman sur le mal de vivre d’une jeunesse américaine antiraciste et antifasciste, Retour à la vie (Retr...
- Streetcar
Modern Art
American Gothic
American Gothic was painted by the 20th-century American artist Grant Wood in 1930.
while at the other side a woman in black appears to mourn the end of her participation in the dance. Click on the buttonsto learn more.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. In view of this diversity, it is difficult to define modern art in a way that includes all of 20th-century Western art. For some critics, the most important characteristic ofmodern art is its attempt to make painting and sculpture ends in themselves, thus distinguishing modernism from earlier forms of art that had con...
Ojo - ciencias de la naturaleza.
Músculos extrínsecos del ojoVista lateral del ojo, donde se puede observar los músculos extrínsecos unidos directamente al globo ocular que permiten elmovimiento del ojo. Los cuatro rectos están alineados con sus puntos de origen, mientras que los dos oblicuos se insertan en lasuperficie ocular formando un ángulo.© Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. En general, los ojos de los animales funcionan como unas cámaras fotográficas sencillas. La lente del cristalino forma en la reti...
Silk Road - History.
and high in value because they were carried on the backs of the limited number of camels in each caravan. Thus, of necessity they were luxury items, not bulky rawmaterials or essential goods for daily use. The oases and towns along the route, which were located in or near remote areas, profited from the Silk Road trade and reliedon it for their existence. The great empires of Persia, China, and Rome, however, could easily have survived without the commerce in luxury goods. V SPREAD OF RELIGION A...
which became a seed.
BEAUTIFUL ANDTRUE Mom made spaghetti fordinner thatnight. Ronatewith us.Iasked himifhe was stillinterested inbuying meafive-piece drum setwith Zildjian cymbals. Hesaid, "Yeah. Ithink thatwould begreat." "Howabout adouble basspedal?" "Idon't know whatthatis,but Ibet wecould arrange it."Iasked himwhy hedidn't havehisown family. Momsaid,"Oskar!" I said, " What? " Ron putdown hisknife andfork andsaid, "It'sOK." Hesaid, "Idid have afamily, Oskar.Ihad awife anda daughter." "Didyougetdivorced?" Helau...
Confederation of Canada - Canadian History.
Québec conference seemed in many ways to give Macdonald the centralized union he wanted. The federal government would control banking, finance, defense,transportation, and commerce among the provinces. It would also have far greater powers of taxation than the provincial governments would have. In private,Macdonald predicted that the central government would be so strong that it would soon swallow up the provinces completely. Yet the Québec resolutions were vague or contradictory enough to give...
Polonia - geografía.
Bialowieza, que cruza la frontera con Bielorrusia. Los lobos y el oso pardo viven en las montañas más altas, mientras que el alce y el ciervo son bastante numerosos en laszonas de lagos; urogallos, lagópodos y cigüeñas negras habitan en áreas de cereales, marismas y bosques. Los lagos del interior y los cursos fluviales mantienenconsiderables cantidades de peces. 2.6 Temas medioambientales A principios de la década de 1990, cuando Polonia surge como estado democrático libre e independiente, su...
Battle of Waterloo.
In the meantime, Grouchy had failed to overtake Blücher's army. At about 10 PM on June 17, Grouchy's scouts informed him that the Prussians, instead of retreating east to Namur, had turned northwest, seeking apparently a juncture with Wellington. Grouchy's message of warning to Napoleon brought the reply, sent at 10 AM on June 18, that Grouchy should keep trying to make contact with the Prussians. Grouchy's pursuit was slovenly and unhurried, and he failed to locate the enemy. On the morning o...