2432 résultats pour "from"
Geoffrey Chaucer.
Chaucer the father of English poetry. Since the founding of the Chaucer Society in England in 1868, which led to the first reliable editions of his works, Chaucer'sreputation has been securely established as the English poet best loved after Shakespeare for his wisdom, humor, and humanity. Contributed By:Alfred DavidMicrosoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Magic in the 1980 NBA Finals.
Abdul-Jabbar racked up 33 points and 14 rebounds as the Lakers won game one in Los Angeles, 109-102. Erving responded in game two with 23 points, 7 assists,and 5 blocked shots as the 76ers evened the series with a 107-104 victory. The series flipped back to Philadelphia. The Lakers won game three, 111-101, and the76ers triumphed in the fourth contest, 105-102. Abdul-Jabbar poured in 40 points in game five, a 108-103 Lakers win that put Los Angeles ahead in the series, 3-2,needing only one win in...
Argentina Wins World Cup.
Dutch team responded with two unanswered goals to earn the victory. In the consolation match Brazil squeaked past Italy, 2-1, in what was the final high-profileappearance of Brazilian star Roberto Rivelino, a three-time World Cup participant. The championship match was held at Río de la Plata stadium in Buenos Aires on Sunday, June 25. In a classic match-up, a methodical, disciplined European teamplayed against a spontaneous, mercurial South American squad. According to Argentina's coach, Ce...
champ magnétique
By agreement, we call « north magnetic pole » the place where goes out the magnetic field and « south magnetic pole » the place where enters the magnetic field. Scientists found that the magnetic field enters in the north hemisphere and goes out in the south hemisphere. So, the north magnetic pole located in Canada is actually the south magnetic pole. However, because he is situated near the geographic north, we call it North Pole magnetic. Evolution of the Earth's magnetic field : Since the sev...
- Sahara - geography.
Brazil Wins Third World Cup In Soccer.
Playing their fifth consecutive game at Guadalajara's Jalisco Stadium, the Brazilians faced Uruguay in the semifinals on June 17. Uruguay struck first, capitalizingon a blunder by goalie Felix (Miéli Venerand Felix). Brazil equalized just before the half when midfielder Clodoaldo (Tavares Santana Clodoaldo) took a pass fromTostao and drove it home. It was all Brazil in the second half. Pelé constructed two late-game scores within 13 minutes, feeding Jairzinho and then Rivelino. The 3-1victory av...
Halloween traditions in southern colonies such as Virginia and Maryland. Irish immigrants helped popularize Halloween traditions throughout the United States in themid-19th century. As belief in many of the old superstitions waned during the late 19th century, Halloween was increasingly regarded as a children’s holiday. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, young people often observed Halloween by perpetrating minor acts of vandalism, such as overturning sheds or breaking windows.Beginning in th...
1976, Die Bedeutung der Kulturen des Niltals für die Eisenproduktion im subsaharischen Afrika, Wiesbaden.
Fassung derSpätzeit »,ZÄS 110,91-98. 1983b, Reund Amun. DieKrise despolytheistischen WeltbildsimÄgypten der18.-20. Dynastie, OBO51. 1983c, Sonnenhymnen inthebanischen Gräbern,Theben1,Mayence. 1984, Ägypten. Theologie undFrömmigkeit einerfrühen Hochkultur, Stuttgart. Michael ATZLER 1981, Untersuchungen zurHerausbildung vonHerrschaftsformen inÄgypten, HÄB16. Pierre AUFFRET 1981, Hymnes d'Égypte etd'Israël. Étudesdestructures littéraires,OBO34. Sydney AUFRÈRE 1982, «Contribution àl'étude delamorpho...
The Beatles - Musik.
1963 Please, Please Me Please, Please MeLove Me DoI Saw Her Standing ThereTwist and Shout 1963 With The Beatles It Won't Be LongAll My LovingPlease Mister PostmanRoll Over BeethovenI Wanna Be Your Man 1964 Meet The Beatles I Want To Hold Your HandThis Boy 1964 Something New Things We Said TodayAnd I Love Her 1964 A Hard Day's Night A Hard Day's NightCan't Buy Me LoveI Should Have Known Better 1964 Beatles for Sale I'm A LoserEight Days A WeekEverybody's Trying To Be MyBaby 1965 Help! Help!Youre...
- Luna (space program) - astronomy.
2 Critical commonsensism: a systematic treatment ‘The slogans are impressive enough, ' one may say, ‘but how are they to be applied? ' In setting out, one presupposes that, by contemplating various possible beliefs, we can find out that some of them logically imply others, that some contradict others, that some are such that they serve to confirm others (they make the others probable) and that some are such as to disconfirm others (they make the others improbable). Probability, as Peirce con...
- power of music
- Albania
- Anemia.
Phoenix (city, Arizona) - geography.
alfalfa, durum wheat, vegetables, citrus and other fruits, and beef and dairy cattle. The health service industry is a large and growing part of the city’s economy. United States State Capitals© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Phoenix is served by interstate highways 10 and 17, the Southern Pacific and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroads, and Sky Harbor International Airport. In its early years, Phoenix became popular as a haven for winter visitors from North America’s colder...
- Sonoran Desert - geography.
Value of Art
exactly as good as each other. Sometimes, but not always, the most that can be said about the comparativeranking of two works, whether of the same art form or of different art forms, is that they are of roughly the sameorder of merit. For example,Vermeer's Head of a Girl is undoubtedly a better work than Murillo's The Young Beggar , andMozart's Symphony in G Minor (KV 550) is better than Schubert's Symphony in C Minor ; but if it is conceded that neither the Vermeer nor the Mozart can...
Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat de
years he also came under the influence of Euler, Fontaine, the Bernouillis and, above all, of the distinguished mathematician and academician, Jean Le Rond D'Alembert , who became his patron. He was elected Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences in 1773, and in 1782 became a member of the French Academy. An enthusiastic supporter and theorist of the Revolution, he played an important role in the drafting of the Déclaration des droits in 1789. Suspected later of being a Girondin, he w...
mention," I stirred my coffee.
GOOGOLPLEX As for the bracelet Momworetothe funeral, whatIdid was Iconverted Dad'slastvoice message intoMorse code,andI used sky-blue beadsforsilence, maroon beadsforbreaks between letters,violetbeads forbreaks between words,and long andshort pieces ofstring between thebeads forlong andshort beeps, whichareactually calledblips,Ithink, or something. Dadwould haveknown. Ittook menine hours tomake, andIhad thought aboutgivingitto Sonny, the homeless personwhoIsometimes seestanding outsidetheAllia...
Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
IV PRIME MINISTER After the resignation of Lester Pearson as leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau was chosen as his successor, and on April 20, 1968, he became prime minister. He calleda general election and showed himself to be a brilliant campaigner, projecting an image of youthful charm and vitality. He argued for a united Canada with equal rightsfor French- and English-speaking citizens and opposed special status for any province. The voters gave him a substantial majority over Robert Stan...
Pierre Elliott Trudeau - Canadian History.
IV PRIME MINISTER After the resignation of Lester Pearson as leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau was chosen as his successor, and on April 20, 1968, he became prime minister. He calleda general election and showed himself to be a brilliant campaigner, projecting an image of youthful charm and vitality. He argued for a united Canada with equal rightsfor French- and English-speaking citizens and opposed special status for any province. The voters gave him a substantial majority over Robert Stan...
College Football Bowl Games.
1995 Alabama 24Ohio State 17 1996 Tennessee 20Ohio State 14 1997 Tennessee 48Northwestern 28 1998 Florida 21Penn State 6 1999 Michigan 45Arkansas 31 2000 Michigan 37Florida 34 2001 1 Michigan 31Auburn 28 2002 Tennessee 45Michigan 17 2003 Auburn 13Penn State 9 2004 Georgia 34Purdue 27 2005 Iowa 30Louisiana State 25 2006 Wisconsin 24Auburn 10 2007 Wisconsin 17Arkansas 14 2008 Michigan 41Florida 35 1. In 2001 its name was changed from Citrus Bowl to Capital One Bowl. . Champs Sports Bowl.Year Winn...
- Cocker Spaniel.
Kangaroo - biology.
ungulates, they have evolved multi-chambered stomachs containing bacteria that can break down plant cell walls and release the nutritious cell contents. V SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Kangaroo social life is poorly understood, as few species have been studied in detail. Small species, such as potoroos, bettongs, and musky rat-kangaroos, tend to besolitary and widely dispersed, with a male's territory encompassing those of several females. The animals come together briefly for mating, and mother and offs...
- Prometheus
- Halley's Comet - astronomy.
Extreme Sports.
racing events are the Raid Gauloises and the Eco-Challenge. Created in 1989 by French journalist Gerard Fusil, the Raid Gauloises is a grueling two-week adventure racein which five-person teams cross rugged and remote terrain. The inaugural Raid was held in New Zealand, and subsequent races have been staged in Costa Rica,Madagascar, Borneo, and Chile. The race has five separate stages designed to fit each location’s unique terrain. Stages may require horseback riding, white-waterpaddling, mounta...
Bogdanov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
difference from the materialism, dialectical and historical, which he admired in the works of Plekhanov , 'the father of Russian Marxism' . By the time that Lenin learned the difference - talking with Plekhanov in Swiss exile - Bogdanov and he had become leaders of the emergent Bolshevik faction within the Russian Social Democratic Party. Though Plekhanov was a major figure in the rival Menshevik faction, Lenin still considered him the greatest teacher of orthodox Marxist philosophy. Bogdan...
- The Communist Manifesto
- Diego Maradona.