2193 résultats pour "internationaler"
- Franco, Francisco
Togo - geographie.
Gemäß der Verfassung von 1980 war der Rassemblement du Peuple Togolais (RTP) die einzig zugelassene Partei. Seit 1991 sind auch Oppositionsparteien zugelassen. Die wichtigsten waren bzw. sind die Union togolaise pour la démocratie (UTD) und das Comité d’action pour le renouveau (CAR) sowie die Union des Forces du Changement (UFC). 6 WIRTSCHAFT Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) beträgt 2 206 Millionen US-Dollar (2006; Dienstleistungen 35,3 Prozent, Industrie 22,9 Prozent, Landwirtschaft 41,8...
Zambia - country.
The Livingstone Museum, at Livingstone, has a collection relating to the archaeology and natural history of southern Africa. The Institute for African Studies of theUniversity of Zambia publishes studies relating to central Africa. IV ECONOMY The wealth of Zambia is based largely on mining in the rich copper belt, and downturns in copper prices have severely damaging economic consequences. Someprocessing and manufacturing has been started since independence, and during the 1970s attempts were...
Los Angeles - geography.
size and population) among all the cities in Los Angeles County. It is irregular in shape because it has grown over the years through the annexation of surrounding territoryand cities. The city proper is shaped like a lighted torch, its narrow handle extending north from the Port of Los Angeles to downtown Los Angeles, and its flames flickeringirregularly to the north, west, and northwest. Several separate cities—such as Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Culver City—are partly or completely surro...
chemin de fer - transports.
cinq ans à partir du 1 er janvier 1938, avait, entre autres missions, celle d'assurer le service public de transport. Sous l'effet de cette nationalisation, près de 10 000 km — plus du quart du réseau total — furent ainsi soustraits au trafic des voyageurs entre 1938 et 1940, en raison de la première concurrence routière, celle de l'autocar. Cette contraction des réseaux ferroviaires s'opéra en particulier dans les régions peu accidentées et d'habitat dispersé de l'Ouest et du Sud-Ouest, mais...
Bill Clinton.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
Bill Clinton - USA History.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
cours droit constitutionnel l1
Ex= lors des élections, on peut les appréhender sous le droit constitutionnel en terme de validité par exemple, on peut aussi les appréhender sous l’angle de la science politique. 1959-> on appréhendait l’étude de la constitution sous l’angle de la science politique dans la mesure où la constitution n’était pas appréhendée sous un enseignement distinct de ce dernier. Avant 1958 la constitution -> une norme sans sanction dite « mole ». Il faut attendre la 5 ème République avec la créatio...
Précocement indépendants, nés des courants migratoires les
plus variés fondus grâce au melting-pot, épris de libertés
démocratiques, persuadés de la supériorité du capitalisme libéral,
dotés de ressources abondantes, les États-Unis conservent leur
rôle de superpuissance.
suprême s'appelle la « Court of Appeals », les cours d'appel prennent le nom de « Appelate Courts » et les tribunaux de première instance, celui de « Supreme Courts ». Il n'existe pas de vraie hiérarchie entre les tribunaux fédéraux et les tribunaux des États de l'Union. Toutefois, en cas de divergence profonde sur un point de droit important entre les différents États, la Cour suprême des États-Unis peut accepter de juger une affaire sur pourvoi contre une décision de Cour suprême d'un...
Labor Unions in the United States - U.
National Guard troops were used against the strikers, with the result that the strike was lost and the union that conducted it virtually destroyed. In 1894 a strike by theAmerican Railway Union against the Pullman Palace Car Company was defeated by an injunction issued under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which made acombination or contract in restraint of trade illegal. Thereafter employers used injunctions with increasing frequency and effectiveness as an antistrike weapon. See also Hours...
Luxemburg - geographie.
musische und technische Schulen. Viele luxemburgische Studenten sind an Hochschulen in Frankreich und Belgien immatrikuliert. Der Alphabetisierungsgrad beträgt100 Prozent. 4.1 Medien In Luxemburg gibt es 6 Tageszeitungen mit einer Auflage von insgesamt 135 000 Exemplaren; von diesen erscheinen vier in der Hauptstadt, darunter das demKatholizismus nahe stehende, 1848 gegründete zweisprachige Organ Luxemburger Wort/La Voix du Luxembourg mit einer Auflage von 82 000 Exemplaren, die kommunistisch...
- Droit commercial
Kazakhstan - country.
mismanagement. Between 1949 and 1991 the Soviet government conducted about 70 percent of all of its nuclear testing in Kazakhstan, mostly in the northeastern area near the city ofSemipalatinsk (now Semey). Nearly 500 nuclear explosions occurred both above and below ground near Semipalatinsk, while more than 40 nuclear detonationsoccurred at other testing grounds in western Kazakhstan and in the Qyzylqum desert. More than 1 million of Kazakhstan’s inhabitants were exposed to dangerous levelsof ra...
Österreichischer Film.
6 DER NACHKRIEGSFILM Am 27. April 1945 bekam Österreich seine Selbständigkeit zurück. Auf die wiedererlangte Freiheit reagierte das österreichische Kino jedoch nicht mit neuen Ideen. In denNachkriegsjahren wurden vor allem Reise- und Heimatfilme produziert, durch die sich die Bewohner der zerbombten Städte an einem Stück heiler Welt erfreuen konnten.Als erster Wien-Film nach dem 2. Weltkrieg wurde 1946 unter der Regie von Geza von Cziffra Glaube an mich gedreht, eine sentimentale Liebesgeschi...
Federal Reserve System.
and their powers were also expanded. For example, discount rates now had to be approved periodically by the board. Sales and purchases of governmentsecurities—the open-market operation that previously had been managed solely at the discretion of the presidents of the reserve banks—were centralized in the FederalOpen Market Committee (FOMC), consisting of the seven governors, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four other reserve bank presidentsserving on a rotating basis....
Kamerun - geographie.
Nach der 1972 in Kraft getretenen und seither mehrfach geänderten Verfassung ist Kamerun eine Präsidialrepublik. Das Land ist zwar auch seit der grundlegendenVerfassungsänderung von 1996 weiterhin ein Einheitsstaat, tendiert aber zu einer stärkeren Dezentralisierung. 5.1 Exekutive Staatsoberhaupt und zugleich Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte ist der Präsident, der vom Volk für eine Amtszeit von sieben Jahren gewählt wird (einmalige Wiederwahlmöglich). Der Präsident ernennt den Ministerpräsiden...
Warren G.
In his few campaign speeches, Harding relied mainly on the political effectiveness of bland generalities. Sometimes his statements were deliberately confusing. Forexample, he promised internationally minded voters that he would support an “association of nations,” while at the same time he promised “America first!” toisolationists. In this way he won the support of influential Republicans who believed in the League of Nations as well as those who opposed it. Harding's inoffensive standon the lea...
- droit administratif
Six general landform regions are distinguishable in Canada: the Appalachian Region, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Canadian Shield, the Great Plains,the Canadian Cordillera, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B1 Appalachian Region and Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands Eastern Canada consists of the Appalachian Region and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands. The Appalachian Region embraces Newfoundland Island, NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the G...
Canada - country.
Six general landform regions are distinguishable in Canada: the Appalachian Region, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Canadian Shield, the Great Plains,the Canadian Cordillera, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B1 Appalachian Region and Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands Eastern Canada consists of the Appalachian Region and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands. The Appalachian Region embraces Newfoundland Island, NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the G...
Canada - Canadian History.
Six general landform regions are distinguishable in Canada: the Appalachian Region, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Canadian Shield, the Great Plains,the Canadian Cordillera, and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. B1 Appalachian Region and Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands Eastern Canada consists of the Appalachian Region and the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Lowlands. The Appalachian Region embraces Newfoundland Island, NovaScotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the G...
- Suisse
Comoros - country.
Since 1981 the currency has been the Comorian franc. The Comorian franc had a fixed exchange rate with the French franc of 50 to 1 until 1994, when the rate was changed to 75 Comorian francs to 1 French franc. In 2006, the Comorian franc exchanged at an average of 392 to U.S.$1. Transport between the islands is mostly by air, and there is an international airport at Hahaia on Njazidja where jets can land. Road networks have been built betweenmost of the main island settlements, but the mountai...
« La gratitude est no n seulement la plus grande des vertus, mais c’est également la mère de tous les autres. » Emil Cioran, philosophe et écrivain Merci à mon directeur de mémoire, Mme Christine Bracquenier et à mes proches, pour leur soutien et leur grande patience. Introduction Avant d’entrer pleinement dans le cœur de notre travail de recherche, il convient de présenter le contexte qui a amené ce travail. Contexte et choix de l’objet de recherche 2
Asia - Geography.
Borneo, the world’s third largest island after Greenland and New Guinea. To the southeast is the Timor Sea separating the Asian island of Timor from the Australiancontinent. The Indian subcontinent is flanked by the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. The island of Sri Lanka and the much smaller Maldives andNicobar Islands trail away to the south. The Arabian Sea’s Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea form an arc along the western rim of Asia...
Asia - History.
Borneo, the world’s third largest island after Greenland and New Guinea. To the southeast is the Timor Sea separating the Asian island of Timor from the Australiancontinent. The Indian subcontinent is flanked by the Bay of Bengal on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west. The island of Sri Lanka and the much smaller Maldives andNicobar Islands trail away to the south. The Arabian Sea’s Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea form an arc along the western rim of Asia...
- Insanity planning
Slowenien - geographie.
Sprache ausstrahlende Anstalt Radiotelevizija Ljubljana . Der Empfang dieser Sender ist gebührenpflichtig; ein Teil der Kosten wird durch Werbung aufgefangen. 5 VERWALTUNG UND POLITIK Slowenien ist gemäß der Verfassung von 1991 eine parlamentarische Republik. Die Loslösung von Jugoslawien erfolgte durch ein Referendum vom 23. Dezember 1990, beidem 90 Prozent der Bevölkerung für die Unabhängigkeit von der jugoslawischen Föderation stimmte. Nationalfeiertage sind der 25. Juni (Tag der Souveräni...
Elfenbeinküste - geographie.
Kakao als auch für Kaffee. Weitere Agrarprodukte, hauptsächlich für den lokalen Bedarf, sind Maniok, Reis, Mais, Hirse, Erdnüsse und Yamswurzeln. Die Regierung fördertdie Anlage von Palmöl- und Kautschukplantagen sowie den Anbau von Zuckerrohr, Baumwolle und Sojabohnen. Die Produktion von Nutzholz hat große Bedeutung für die Wirtschaft der Elfenbeinküste. Zu den wichtigsten Exporthölzern gehören Mahagoni, Iroko, Sipo, Obeche undMakore. Entlang der Küste wird Fischfang betrieben. 6.2 Bergbau und...
Burkina Faso - country.
powers to promote the welfare of the people. The Lobi live in the southwest as farmers and hunters. Defiant of newcomers, they live in small terraced fortifications. The Bobo are chiefly farmers, artisans, and metalworkers living in large villages in the west-central part of the country. The Gourounsi are mainly artisans and farmers in the south-central areas. Their society is lesshighly structured than that of the other Voltaic groups. Christianity has made substantial inroads among them. The M...
Ukraine - country.
a major hazard, especially to Ukraine’s water supply. The Chernobyl’ complex was finally shut down completely in December 2000, with the financial assistance ofWestern nations. The funds were to pay for the completion of two other nuclear power plants that would produce enough power to make up for the loss of the powersupply from the Chernobyl’ plant. III PEOPLE OF UKRAINE The population of Ukraine was estimated in 2008 at 45,994,287, giving the country a population density of 76 persons per s...
Extinction (biology) - biology.
III ROLE OF MASS EXTINCTION IN EVOLUTION Historically biologists—most famous among them British naturalist Charles Darwin—assumed that extinction is the natural outcome of competition between newlyevolved, adaptively superior species and their older, more primitive ancestors. These scientists believed that newer, more highly evolved species simply drove less well-adapted species to extinction. That is, historically, extinction was thought to result from evolution. It was also thought that this...
- Les effets de la mondialisation économique sur le marché de l'emploi.
planétologie - astronomie.
été la première indication de l’existence d’un champ magnétique très intense sur une planète autre que la Terre (le champ magnétique de Jupiter est 17 000 fois supérieur àcelui de la Terre). Le rayonnement radio décimétrique (de fréquence comprise entre 1 000 MHz et 3 000 MHz) émis par Jupiter est interprété comme l’émission synchrotronde particules chargées relativistes, piégées dans le champ magnétique jovien interne. Ainsi, les ceintures de radiations joviennes ont-elles été découvertes deux...
Jemen - geographie.
1990 wurden die Demokratische Volksrepublik Jemen und die Arabische Republik Jemen zur Republik Jemen vereint. Die Gesetzgebung beruht auf der Scharia (demislamischen Recht). Die Islamische Präsidialrepublik wird nach der 1994 verabschiedeten und im Februar 2001 letztmals geänderten Verfassung regiert. Staatsoberhaupt ist der für eine Amtszeit von sieben Jahren direkt gewählte Präsident. Er ist Vorsitzender des vom Parlament gewählten fünfköpfigen Präsidialrates. AlsLegislativorgan fungiert das...
Brazil - country.
occasional droughts. Brazil contains a wealth of mineral and plant resources that have not yet been fully explored. It possesses some of the world’s largest deposits of iron ore and containsrich deposits of many other minerals, including gold and copper. Brazil’s fossil fuel resources are modest, but this limitation is offset by the considerable hydroelectricpotential of the nation’s many rivers. Although Brazil is an important producer of tropical crops, areas of highly fertile land are limited...
Book Publishing
Book Publishing, manufacture, publication, and distribution of books.
they use advanced printers and binding techniques to run off as many books as required. Printing only as many books as needed allows companies to save money, andbeing able to store books digitally means that books can be printed whenever necessary, keeping them in print indefinitely. B Marketing and Distribution Once the book has been made, it is ready for distribution. Traditionally, trade books have been sold primarily by salespeople calling on bookstores across the countryand taking orders f...
Moçambique - geographie.
bestehende Volksversammlung. Mit der im November 1990 in Kraft getretenen neuen Verfassung wurde ein Mehrparteiensystem eingeführt. 1992 wurde Moçambiques ersteOppositionspartei, die Nationale Widerstandsbewegung Moçambiques (Renamo), zugelassen. Staatsoberhaupt ist der Präsident, der für eine Amtszeit von fünf Jahren direkt gewählt wird. Die 250 Abgeordneten des Parlaments (Assembleia da República) werden für vier Jahre gewählt. Der Staat gliedert sich verwaltungsmäßig in zehn Provinzen und d...
Australia - country.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
Australia - Geography.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
Traumatismes profonds pour les générations d'hommes qui en furent les acteurs et les
victimes, les guerres mondiales resteront comme les événements les plus marquants du
XXe siècle.
Les corrélats alliance - Triple-Alliance Alsace-Lorraine balkaniques (guerres) Bosnie-Herzégovine Bosnie-Herzégovine - Histoire Entente cordiale François-Ferdinand de Habsbourg Jaurès Jean Sarajevo Serbie Serbie - Histoire 1914-1916 : l'échec de la guerre de mouvement. Les Alliés comme les Empires centraux imaginaient une guerre courte, sans implication des civils. L'Allemagne appliqua aussitôt le plan Schlieffen : dans une manœuvre d'enveloppement par la Belgique, ses troupes défe...
- Cours d'institutions juridictionelle
Scramble for Africa.
additional territorial grabs. The most significant of these rules stated that colonial powers were obligated to notify each other when they claimed African territory.Further, subsequent “effective occupation” of the claimed area was necessary for the claim to remain valid. Through it all, as Europeans negotiated their rights toAfrican territory, not a single African was present. Once the conference was over, it was clear that a European Scramble for African territories was underway. Southern Afr...
Tschechische Republik - geographie.
Ostrau (1990), Budweis ( České Bud ějovice, 1991) und Aussig ( Ústi nad Labem, 1991). 1995 wurden Studiengebühren eingeführt. 4.2 Kultureinrichtungen Die Karls-Universität besitzt die größte Bibliothek der Tschechischen Republik; das Nationalmuseum in Prag ist das bedeutendste Museum des Landes. Das Kloster vonStrahov ist für seine umfangreichen Archive bekannt. Auch in Brünn (Brno) und Olmütz (Olomouc) gibt es in Palästen und öffentlichen Gebäuden untergebrachteBibliotheken und Museen. Mit...
Federal Republic of Germany - country.
B Rivers and Lakes Rivers have played a major role in Germany’s economic development. The Rhine River flows in a northwesterly direction from Switzerland through much of westernGermany and The Netherlands into the North Sea. It is a major European waterway and a pillar of commerce and trade. Its primary German tributaries include theMain, Mosel, Neckar, and Ruhr rivers. The Oder (Odra) River, along the border between Poland and Germany, runs northward and empties into the Baltic; it provides an...
- Chine
European Union .
safeguard the interests of the member states, a common assembly with advisory authority only, and a court of justice to settle disputes. D European Economic Community (EEC) In 1957 the participants in the ECSC signed two more treaties, known as the Treaties of Rome. These treaties created the European Atomic Energy Community(Euratom) for the development of peaceful uses of atomic energy and, most important, the European Economic Community (EEC, often referred to as the CommonMarket). The EEC tr...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
Turkey - country.
has a general elevation of 900 to 1,500 m (3,000 to 5,000 ft) above sea level. The eastern highlands region is the most mountainous and rugged portion of Turkey; Mount Ararat (Ağrı Da ğı) is the highest peak in the country at 5,165 m (16,945ft). Many Christians and Jews believe it to be the same Mount Ararat mentioned in the Bible as the place where Noah’s ark came to rest. The eastern highlands are thesource for both the Tigris (Dicle) and Euphrates (Fir āt)—two of southwestern Asia’s principal...