1336 résultats pour "wars"
Benjamin Franklin - USA History.
Copley Medal for distinguished contributions to experimental science. Franklin also exerted a great influence on education in Pennsylvania. In 1749 he wrote thepamphlet Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania; its publication led to the establishment in 1751 of the Academy of Philadelphia, later to become the University of Pennsylvania. The curriculum he suggested departed considerably from the study of the Greek and Roman classics then in vogue. Instead itemphasized Engl...
Churchill: "The Sinews of Peace"
On March 5, 1946, in a
safeguards to make it effective, these powers would naturally be confided to that world organisation. Now I come to the second danger of these two marauders which threatens the cottage, the home, and the ordinary people—namely, tyranny. We cannot be blind tothe fact that the liberties enjoyed by individual citizens throughout the British Empire are not valid in a considerable number of countries, some of which are verypowerful. In these States control is enforced upon the common people by variou...
Franklin Pierce.
At the end of the war, Pierce returned home to his wife and six-year-old son. His law partnership had been dissolved, and he took a new partner. The new firm, like theold one, was highly successful. D Elder Statesman Pierce was by nature a politician. Although still in his early forties, as a retired U.S. senator he became New Hampshire's elder statesman and head of a group of lawyer-politicians called the Concord Clique, or the Regency. The group controlled the state's Democratic Party. Pierce...
Franklin Pierce
At the end of the war, Pierce returned home to his wife and six-year-old son. His law partnership had been dissolved, and he took a new partner. The new firm, like theold one, was highly successful. D Elder Statesman Pierce was by nature a politician. Although still in his early forties, as a retired U.S. senator he became New Hampshire's elder statesman and head of a group of lawyer-politicians called the Concord Clique, or the Regency. The group controlled the state's Democratic Party. Pierce...
Jahre alte Gräberfunde bei Aufhausen belegen, dass Niederbayern in der Jungsteinzeit dauerhaft besiedelt war. Im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. wanderten Kelten ins Gebietdes heutigen Bayern ein: Im Westen siedelten die Vindeliker, im Osten die Noriker und im Norden die Bojer, die jedoch später unter dem Druck einrückender Germanennach Böhmen abwanderten. Bedeutende keltische Oppida aus der späteren La-Tène-Zeit-Zeit (ab etwa 225 v. Chr.) waren Michelsberg bei Kelheim und insbesondereManching bei Ingols...
Ulysses S.
In the autumn of 1862, Grant began planning the drive on Vicksburg, Mississippi, the Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River, which was to yield one of hisgreatest military successes. After several unsuccessful attempts on Vicksburg during the winter, Grant devised a new strategy of attack. In April 1863 he marched hisarmy south along the west side of the river to a point well below the heavily defended city. There, with the aid of the Union river fleet, he crossed the river and began as...
Ulysses S.
In the autumn of 1862, Grant began planning the drive on Vicksburg, Mississippi, the Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River, which was to yield one of hisgreatest military successes. After several unsuccessful attempts on Vicksburg during the winter, Grant devised a new strategy of attack. In April 1863 he marched hisarmy south along the west side of the river to a point well below the heavily defended city. There, with the aid of the Union river fleet, he crossed the river and began as...
El Salvador - country.
III PEOPLE The Spanish subjugated the native population of El Salvador in the 16th century. Few Spanish women came to the country, however, so many Spanish men took NativeAmerican women as their mates. Today nearly 90 percent of the population is mestizo , of mixed European and Native American descent. People of purely Native American descent represent about 5 to 10 percent of the population, while people of European descent represent only about 1 percent. El Salvador’s population, 5.2 millio...
Einer seiner zahlreichen Schüler war Jean Dauberval, der in seinem Ballett La fille mal gardée (1789, Die schlecht behütete Tochter ) Noverres Ideen mit einem komischen Thema verknüpfte. Daubervals italienischer Schüler Salvatore Viganò war an der Mailänder Scala tätig und erarbeitete eine Vielzahl von ausdruckskräftigen Pantomimen, diegenau mit der Musik abgestimmt waren. Charles Didelot, ein französischer Schüler von Noverre und Dauberval, wirkte hauptsächlich in London und Sankt Petersburg...
Kalifat - Geschichte.
Ab 750, beginnend mit Abu al-Abbas, hielten die Abbasiden fünf Jahrhunderte lang das Kalifat. Sie förderten die Wissenschaften und wachten streng über die Einhaltung derreligiösen Regeln. Unter ihrem Kalifat löste Bagdad Medina als Zentrum des theologischen Lebens ab; Wirtschaft und Handel gediehen prächtig, und das islamische Reicherlangte den Höhepunkt seiner materiellen und geistigen Kraft. Im späten 9. Jahrhundert gaben die abbasidischen Kalifen in wachsendem Maße Regierungsverantwortung an...
Kosovo-Konflikt - Geschichte.
Entgegen den ursprünglichen Erwartungen, Milosević werde sich binnen weniger Tage der Übermacht der NATO beugen, ließ er sich weder durch die massiven Luftschläge,denen die jugoslawische Armee nichts entgegenzusetzen hatte, noch durch zahlreiche Vermittlungsbemühungen und Friedenspläne zum Einlenken bewegen. Die NATOkonzentrierte ihre Angriffe zunächst auf militärische Ziele vor allem in Serbien; doch je länger der Krieg andauerte, desto mehr nahm die NATO auch Ziele ins Visier, dieallenfalls no...
Physik - Physik.
mathematische Methoden zur Berechnung von Mond- und Sonnenfinsternissen entwickelt; diese Methoden wurden aber eher als religiöse Geheimnisse verstanden. DieserGlaube an die prinzipielle Verstehbarkeit der Natur ist bis heute die Grundlage aller Naturwissenschaften. Noch bestand eine untrennbare Einheit von belebter und unbelebter Natur. Leben, so Thales (ca. 585 v. Chr.), sei allmählich aus unbelebter Materie im Wasser entstanden.Dies ist durchaus als Vorläufer der Darwin’schen Evolutionstheori...
Henry VIII
Henry VIII (1491-1547), king of England (1509-1547), the image of the Renaissance king as immortalized by German artist Hans Holbein, who painted him hands on
hips, legs astride, exuding confidence and power.
that was completed by 1540. The crown then took possession of all their property, paying small pensions to the approximately 10,000 monks and nuns who weredeprived of their homes. In a reversal of roles, many towns were forced to assist the same people who had once provided charity to the less fortunate. To pay for hiscontinued wars, Henry sold the former monastic lands to nobles and gentry, who thereby gained an interest in the success of Henry’s reformation and becamedependent upon the king. T...
Henry VIII.
that was completed by 1540. The crown then took possession of all their property, paying small pensions to the approximately 10,000 monks and nuns who weredeprived of their homes. In a reversal of roles, many towns were forced to assist the same people who had once provided charity to the less fortunate. To pay for hiscontinued wars, Henry sold the former monastic lands to nobles and gentry, who thereby gained an interest in the success of Henry’s reformation and becamedependent upon the king. T...
Henry VIII .
that was completed by 1540. The crown then took possession of all their property, paying small pensions to the approximately 10,000 monks and nuns who weredeprived of their homes. In a reversal of roles, many towns were forced to assist the same people who had once provided charity to the less fortunate. To pay for hiscontinued wars, Henry sold the former monastic lands to nobles and gentry, who thereby gained an interest in the success of Henry’s reformation and becamedependent upon the king. T...
Italienische Literatur (Sprache & Litteratur).
Einer der herausragenden Künstler der Frührenaissance war der humanistische Gelehrte und Dichter Francesco Petrarca. Mit ihm trat ein neues Lebensgefühl in dieabendländische Kultur ein. Im Unterschied zu Dante und anderen mittelalterlichen Denkern wie dem italienischen Vertreter der Scholastik, Thomas von Aquin, und demfranzösischen Philosophen Pierre Abélard, lag Petrarca weniger daran, die Texte der Klassiker der Antike für seine eigenen Absichten zu verwenden, als vielmehr aus demGeist der Kl...
Engel - Religion.
Das Christentum stellte die Existenz der Engel nie in Frage, setzte sich aber dennoch intellektuell mit ihnen auseinander, wobei es vor allem um eine Präzisierung undHarmonisierung der oft widersprüchlichen biblischen Aussagen über die Engel ging, aber auch um eine Abgrenzung der christlichen Engelsvorstellung von denphilosophischen Strömungen der Zeit, vor allem der Gnosis und des Neuplatonismus. Von der Antike bis zum Mittelalter war daher jeder Theologe bemüht, seinen Teil zu einer Systematis...
Native American Policy.
of white settlement dominated policy during the second quarter of the 19th century. IV REMOVAL PERIOD The idea of moving Native Americans to a different part of the country was not new. After the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, President Thomas Jefferson had suggestedthat tracts of land in this vast new territory could be given to native peoples if they agreed to cede their lands in the eastern part of the country. Transfers occurred in apiecemeal way, but no consistent removal program developed u...
Manhattan Project - U.
other possible uses of nuclear energy, such as using uranium to operate large power plants or, perhaps, as power sources for ships or submarines. Then Nazi Germanyinvaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and Europe plunged into war. The scientists realized that any plans to build large-scale nuclear power plants would have to waituntil the war was over. Two weeks after the invasion of Poland, Hitler made a radio speech in which he threatened Britain with “a weapon against which there is no defense.”...
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar (100-44
Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal in Rome's transition from republic to empire.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
Julius Caesar.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
Sizilien - geographie.
oströmischen/byzantinischen Kaisers Justinian I., des Großen, Sizilien und nachfolgend Italien. Unter byzantinischer Herrschaft wurde Sizilien zu einem zentralenHandelsplatz im Mittelmeer. Das von Justinian geschaffene Verwaltungssystem förderte die Selbständigkeit Siziliens im Rahmen der zu Byzanz gehörigen Gebiete Italiens,so dass die weltlichen und kirchlichen Großgrundbesitzer – die römische Kirche war durch Schenkungen zum größten Grundherrn auf Sizilien aufgestiegen – ihreMachtstellung aus...
Andrew Jackson.
against a resolution praising President George Washington’s administration. Jackson claimed that Washington’s policy toward Native Americans was too lenient and thatJay’s Treaty, concluded with the British under Washington’s administration, was too damaging to American interests. After one year in the House, Jackson was elected to fill out an unexpired term in the U.S. Senate, the other chamber of the Congress of the United States. He servedfrom September 1797 to April 1798 and then retired to p...
Andrew Jackson
against a resolution praising President George Washington’s administration. Jackson claimed that Washington’s policy toward Native Americans was too lenient and thatJay’s Treaty, concluded with the British under Washington’s administration, was too damaging to American interests. After one year in the House, Jackson was elected to fill out an unexpired term in the U.S. Senate, the other chamber of the Congress of the United States. He servedfrom September 1797 to April 1798 and then retired to p...
Andrew Jackson - USA History.
against a resolution praising President George Washington’s administration. Jackson claimed that Washington’s policy toward Native Americans was too lenient and thatJay’s Treaty, concluded with the British under Washington’s administration, was too damaging to American interests. After one year in the House, Jackson was elected to fill out an unexpired term in the U.S. Senate, the other chamber of the Congress of the United States. He servedfrom September 1797 to April 1798 and then retired to p...
Military Religious Orders .
Hospitalers’ charitable functions were playing a secondary role to their military duties. Successes in war defending the Holy Land enriched the order with vast gifts ofproperty in Europe and Palestine. In the 12th century the Hospitalers acquired three impressive fortresses in Palestine at Krak des Chevaliers, Belvoir, and Margat. Atthe height of their power in the 13th century, the Hospitalers regularly supplied 500 knights to defend the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem against the Empire. The Crusad...
Jimmy Carter.
B Election of 1976 Carter apparently decided as early as 1972, halfway through his four-year term as governor, that he would seek the presidency of the United States. Soon after the1972 election, his campaign manager drew up a detailed campaign strategy. Carter followed the plan closely, beginning an exhausting schedule of campaigning as soonas his gubernatorial term ended. When Carter formally announced in January 1975 that he was a candidate for president, he had almost no national reputation...
Jimmy Carter
B Election of 1976 Carter apparently decided as early as 1972, halfway through his four-year term as governor, that he would seek the presidency of the United States. Soon after the1972 election, his campaign manager drew up a detailed campaign strategy. Carter followed the plan closely, beginning an exhausting schedule of campaigning as soonas his gubernatorial term ended. When Carter formally announced in January 1975 that he was a candidate for president, he had almost no national reputation...
Österreichische Literatur (Sprache & Litteratur).
Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Ein BriefHugo von Hofmannsthals so genannter Chandos-Brief über die Unmöglichkeit, mit Worten das Wesentliche der Dingwelt zu erfassen,steht am Anfang einer spezifisch österreichischen Sprachskepsistradition, die bis zur Gegenwartsliteratur, namentlich bis zu PeterHandke, weiterreicht. Am Ende des Briefs steht der Wunsch nach einer unmittelbaren „Sprache des Herzens”, die keiner vomIndividuellen abstrahierenden Worte oder starren Begrifflichkeiten mehr bedarf. Parallel zu...
National Parks and Preserves.
Some ibex raised in Italy’s 700 sq km (220 sq mi) Gran Paradiso National Park (1922) were transferred to aid herd restoration elsewhere in the country. Switzerlandreturned lynx to Swiss National Park to keep red deer populations in check. The growth of national parks also enabled many European countries to restore forests thathad given way to industrialization by the early 20th century. Africa’s wildlife was hunted heavily from the late 19th century well into the 20th century. By 1920 big-game h...
Litauen - geographie.
5.2 Außenhandel Der Übergang von staatlich gelenkter Planwirtschaft zur Marktwirtschaft wurde anfangs von Produktionseinbrüchen und hohen Inflationsraten begleitet. Die Aufhebung derWirtschaftsbeziehungen mit den früheren Sowjetrepubliken traf die Wirtschaft Litauens stark; das Bruttoinlandsprodukt sank 1992 um rund 25 Prozent. Erst in der jüngerenVergangenheit stellte sich ein stabiles Wirtschaftswachstum ein. Ausgeführt werden vorwiegend Maschinen, Lebensmittel und Textilien; die wichtigsten...
American Westward Movement - U.
British expansion. However, Native Americans of the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley lashed out against the English in an attempt to preserve their independence, theirland, and their way of life. With the Ottawa chief Pontiac as their most visible leader, the tribes waged a bloody and costly war. As a result, the British governmentdecided to keep the white settlers apart from the Native Americans. It issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763, banning all white settlement beyond the Appalachians andstatin...
Spanische Literatur (Sprache & Litteratur).
4.2 Prosa Ab etwa 1530 entstanden bemerkenswerte Prosatexte mystischer Provenienz, darunter die des Dominikanermönchs Fray Luis de Granada. Als bedeutendste Vertreterin derreligiösen Prosa des 16. Jahrhunderts gilt die Karmeliterin Teresa von Ávila, die u. a. die Unterweisungsschrift Camino de perfección (Wege der Vollkommenheit, gedruckt 1583) und die mystisch-kontemplative Beschreibung Castillo interior (1577, Die Seelenburg ) verfasste. Der wichtigste Theologe des goldenen Zeitalters w...
Gaius Julius Caesar - Geschichte.
45 v. Chr. wurde Caesar auf zehn Jahre zum Konsul gewählt und mit weiteren Ehrungen und Vollmachten ausgestattet: So hatte er die Oberaufsicht über sämtlicheStreitkräfte, durfte Robe und den Goldkranz des siegreichen Feldherrn ständig tragen und hatte als Pontifex Maximus die Entscheidungsgewalt über sämtliche religiösenBelange. Seine Herrschaft beinhaltete ein breit angelegtes Reformprogramm zur Neuordnung des Staates und der Provinzen. Unter anderem reformierte er den Kalender,versorgte seine...
Physiocracy is the term applied to a school of economic thought that suggested the existence of a natural order in economics, one that does not require direction from the state for people to be prosperous. The leader of the physiocrats, the economist François Quesnay, set forth the basic principles in his Tableau économique (1758), in which he traced the flow of money and goods through the economy. Simply put, this flow was seen to be both circular and self-sustaining. More important, however...
Shanghai - geography.
language. V EDUCATION AND CULTURE Shanghai is one of China’s leading centers of learning and culture. The metropolitan area is home to more than 40 institutions of higher learning. These include some ofChina’s most famous universities, such as Fudan University (founded in 1905), Tongji University (1907), and the East China Normal University (1951). A large branch ofthe Chinese Academy of Sciences is located in Shanghai, and extensive research is undertaken in areas such as semiconductors, laser...
Nashville - geography.
May event has grown into a major festival. In September the city hosts the Tennessee State Fair. One of Nashville's principle attractions is Opryland, a complex of entertainment and broadcasting facilities that offers live music shows, a resort and convention center,and shopping outlets. Since 1974 it has been the home to the Grand Ole Opry radio show, a country-music production that has not missed a broadcast since 1925. Percy Park and Edwin Warner Park provide open space, trails, playing field...
Migration - Politik.
Für die Migranten ergeben sich fundamentale und vielseitige Veränderungen ihrer Lebensverhältnisse, die davon abhängen, welche Verhältnisse sie in den Regionenvorfinden, in die sie einwandern, ob sie als Eroberer, Arbeit suchender, politischer Flüchtling oder gar Deportierter ankommen, und ob sie als Individuen, in einem sozialenZusammenhang oder als ganze Bevölkerungsgruppe ein neues Dasein gründen. Sofern sie nicht als Angehörige der politischen, kulturellen oder wirtschaftlichen Elite alsBere...
Migration - Geschichte.
Für die Migranten ergeben sich fundamentale und vielseitige Veränderungen ihrer Lebensverhältnisse, die davon abhängen, welche Verhältnisse sie in den Regionenvorfinden, in die sie einwandern, ob sie als Eroberer, Arbeit suchender, politischer Flüchtling oder gar Deportierter ankommen, und ob sie als Individuen, in einem sozialenZusammenhang oder als ganze Bevölkerungsgruppe ein neues Dasein gründen. Sofern sie nicht als Angehörige der politischen, kulturellen oder wirtschaftlichen Elite alsBere...
Universität (von lateinisch universitas magistrorum et scholarium: Gesamtheit der Lehrenden und Lernenden), wissenschaftliche Hochschule, an der akademische
Abschlüsse erworben werden können.
Scholarenprivileg, das den wandernden Korporationen aus Lehrern und Schülern eine gewisse Rechtssicherheit verschaffte. 4.2 Die Entstehung der Universität im Mittelalter Universitäten im engeren Sinn sind Schöpfungen des europäischen Mittelalters, wo sie zur Wahrung der Rechte von Lehrenden und Lernenden gegründet wurden. DieUniversität Bologna entstand 1088 als Rechtsschule und gilt als erste Universität der Welt; die Schüler und Lehrer bildeten um 1200 einen genossenschaftlichenZusammenschlus...
Feudalism, contractual system of political and military relationships existing among members of the nobility in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages.
lord”; thus, it was not rebellion for a subvassal to fight against his lord’s lord. In England, however, William the Conqueror and his successors required their vassals’vassals to take oaths of fealty to them. B Duties of a Vassal Military service in the field was basic to feudalism, but it was far from all that the vassal owed to his lord. When the lord had a castle, he might require his vassals togarrison it, a service called castle-guard. The lord also expected his vassals to attend his cour...
Republic (government).
South African Republic (1852) and the Orange Free State (1854), were finally annexed by Britain after the Boer War (1899-1902). Both in the United States and otherrepublics, however, the passage of the century was generally marked by democratization of the electoral process through the enlargement of the electorate. Two waves of new-state formations occurred in the 20th century—the first one after World War I, the second after World War II. Most of the newly independent statesestablished themsel...
corrigé allemand
Objectifs linguistiques a. Faits de langue : – la proposition subordonnée relative – les compléments de lieu b. Lexique : – les pays et les nationalités – le lexique des sentiments c. Phonologie : les diphtongues Objectif culturel Les destinations de vacances des Allemands Script (MP3 Élève piste 15, CD Classe 1 piste 19, manuel p. 148) Am 10. März ging die weltgrößte Tourismus- Messe in Berlin zu Ende. Und da gibt es 2012 wieder einen neuen Reiserekord: 54 Millionen Deutsche unternahm...
Benito Mussolini.
Mussolini threatened to order his tens of thousands of armed Black Shirts to occupy Rome if he were not asked to form the new government. Bands of Fascists beganmoving towards the capital in what would become known as the March on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III at first leaned towards declaring a state of emergency andsending the army against the Fascists, but powerful interest groups, state officials, and army leaders convinced him that Mussolini should be given the chance to endwhat they consi...
Benito Mussolini .
Mussolini threatened to order his tens of thousands of armed Black Shirts to occupy Rome if he were not asked to form the new government. Bands of Fascists beganmoving towards the capital in what would become known as the March on Rome. King Victor Emmanuel III at first leaned towards declaring a state of emergency andsending the army against the Fascists, but powerful interest groups, state officials, and army leaders convinced him that Mussolini should be given the chance to endwhat they consi...
Manila - geography.
Manila played an important role in trade as a port for the Manila galleons, huge trading ships that carried goods from Manila to Acapulco, Mexico (then part of NewSpain). During this time, Chinese merchants settled in Manila and became middlemen for other trade from China. By the 1590s the Chinese had become aneconomically important community. Many Chinese, aware of the political and social advantages enjoyed by the Roman Catholics in the colony, converted to Catholicismand married Filipino wome...
Amerikanischer Bürgerkrieg - Geschichte.
4 KRIEG UND AUSWÄRTIGE BEZIEHUNGEN Zur Unterstreichung ihres Anspruchs auf Unabhängigkeit erwartete die Konföderation vom Ausland die diplomatische Anerkennung und Unterstützung. Die Bemühungenrichteten sich dabei besonders auf Großbritannien und Frankreich. Die Zuversicht dies zu erreichen, nährte sich im Wesentlichen aus dem Umstand, dass die Textilindustriendieser beiden Mächte weitgehend von Baumwollimporten aus den Südstaaten abhängig waren. England z. B. importierte 75 Prozent der benötig...
Croatia - country.
III PEOPLE OF CROATIA The total population of Croatia at the time of the 1991 census was 4,784,265; a 2008 estimate was 4,491,543. During and after the war ethnic Serbs fled Croatia whileethnic Croats moved in. Croatia’s population growth rate in 2008 was -0.04 percent, despite population gains due to immigration. Croatia’s natural population growthrate, which measures births and deaths, has been negative since 1998. Life expectancy at birth was 75 years in 2008. The population density in 2008...
Protestantismus - Religion.
scheiterte das Marburger Religionsgespräch zwischen Luther und Zwingli über das Verständnis des Abendmahls (womit alle Versuche, eine große Allianz der deutschenProtestanten zu schaffen, beendet waren). Auch das Verständnis der Kirche bestimmt sich vor allem vom Wort her. Zentral war von Anfang an der Gedanke der Erwählungdes Menschen in Jesus Christus, dessen Heil in keiner Weise von seinem guten Willen oder seiner Disposition abhängt. Daraus entwickelte sich die klassischereformatorische Lehre...
Vienna - geography.
V HISTORY Throughout its existence Vienna has been a frontier post. Originally a Celtic settlement (Vindobona), it was taken over by the Romans in the 1st century BC and fortified by Emperor Augustus as part of the defenses against the Germanic tribes that lived north of the Danube. In the 5th century AD, however, the Romans evacuated thearea. In the 9th century Austria became part of the renewed Roman Empire of Charlemagne, and in 976 Emperor Otto II granted it to the Babenberg family. By the...