1986 résultats pour "âgée"
Où est la poésie ?
- De penser que la poésie ne peut plus être envisagée de manière quantitative mais qualitative. La poésie est partout. Paradoxalement en cessant d’être transgénérique, elle est pourtant partout. II. La poésie est partout ? Toute localisation de la poésie est très problématique : elle ne se définit plus par des contenus poétiques, par des sujets nobles, ni par un lexique poétique. De même le poète est tombé du ciel des nuées comme le dit F. Ponge , « La Terre...
- France (histoire)
L'Autriche, alpestre, germanophone et catholique, est un pays
issu d'un vaste empire, et membre aujourd'hui de l'Union
Le peuplement de l'Autriche mêle au substrat celto-romain les apports des Huns, Germains, Slaves et Magyars. La religion catholique est encore pratiquée avec ferveur par une population presque entièrement de langue allemande. Le territoire est peu densément peuplé ; si Vienne concentre plus de 20 % de la population nationale, l'Autriche demeure un pays de bourgades, aux rares grandes villes. La montagne alpine se dépeuple à peine, grâce au tourisme et à la petite industrie. La vie économique. A...
Dominica - country.
Other crops are being promoted to diversify the economy away from reliance on bananas. They include coffee, cacao, mangoes, citrus fruit, and root vegetables. Pumice is quarried and exported on Dominica. Manufacturing is on a small scale and largely limited to the processing of farm products. The main manufactured goodsare fruit juices, alcoholic beverages, soap, and essential oils. The island also has electronic assembly plants, data-processing companies, and garment manufacturers. The governme...
Sweden - country.
mi) and is Sweden’s second largest lake, after Vänern. The two lakes, together with several smaller lakes, rivers, and canals, form an internal water route called theGöta Canal. Built in the early 19th century, the Göta Canal extends for about 386 km (about 240 mi) and provides a scenic transportation link between the Baltic Sea,at Stockholm, and the Kattegat. Sweden’s other large lakes in the district include Mälaren, Hjälmaren, and the famously picturesque Siljan. D Climate Although one-seven...
- Introduction historique à l'histoire du droit
- Japon
étoile - astronomie.
L’atmosphère d’une étoile désigne l’ensemble du gaz transparent aux rayonnements électromagnétiques et lié à l’étoile par les forces de gravitation. 5.2 Photosphère La basse atmosphère d’une étoile débute à la photosphère, caractérisée par une certaine valeur de la température. À la photosphère solaire est associée une températureeffective de 5 770 K (kelvins). Certaines régions, les taches solaires, sont plus froides que la photosphère avoisinante. Les taches photosphériques, caractéristiques...
Connecticut Yankee - anthology.
This missionary knight's name was La Cote Male Taile, and he said that this castle was the abode of Morgan le Fay, sister of King Arthur, and wife of King Uriens,monarch of a realm about as big as the District of Columbia—you could stand in the middle of it and throw bricks into the next kingdom. “Kings” and “Kingdoms”were as thick in Britain as they had been in little Palestine in Joshua's time, when people had to sleep with their knees pulled up because they couldn't stretch outwithout a passp...
Excerpt from The Old Curiosity Shop - anthology.
'Well!' muttered Quilp, as he marked her earnest look. 'I believe you. Humph! Gone already? Gone in four-and-twenty hours I What the devil has he done with it,that's the mystery!' This reflection set him scratching his head and biting his nails once more. While he was thus employed his features gradually relaxed into what was with him acheerful smile, but which in any other man would have been a ghastly grin of pain, and when the child looked up again she found that he was regarding her with...
Henry VIII
Henry VIII (1491-1547), king of England (1509-1547), the image of the Renaissance king as immortalized by German artist Hans Holbein, who painted him hands on
hips, legs astride, exuding confidence and power.
that was completed by 1540. The crown then took possession of all their property, paying small pensions to the approximately 10,000 monks and nuns who weredeprived of their homes. In a reversal of roles, many towns were forced to assist the same people who had once provided charity to the less fortunate. To pay for hiscontinued wars, Henry sold the former monastic lands to nobles and gentry, who thereby gained an interest in the success of Henry’s reformation and becamedependent upon the king. T...
Henry VIII.
that was completed by 1540. The crown then took possession of all their property, paying small pensions to the approximately 10,000 monks and nuns who weredeprived of their homes. In a reversal of roles, many towns were forced to assist the same people who had once provided charity to the less fortunate. To pay for hiscontinued wars, Henry sold the former monastic lands to nobles and gentry, who thereby gained an interest in the success of Henry’s reformation and becamedependent upon the king. T...
Henry VIII .
that was completed by 1540. The crown then took possession of all their property, paying small pensions to the approximately 10,000 monks and nuns who weredeprived of their homes. In a reversal of roles, many towns were forced to assist the same people who had once provided charity to the less fortunate. To pay for hiscontinued wars, Henry sold the former monastic lands to nobles and gentry, who thereby gained an interest in the success of Henry’s reformation and becamedependent upon the king. T...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
Texte du bac francais (EAF)
ADM Communication Baccalauréat de français Page 2 sur 174 Étude de quarante sonnets.............................................................................................................51 Vers dorés..................................................................................................................................51 Bataille navale...........................................................................................................................52 Midi............
- commentaire composé le chef d'oeuvre inconnu
Lee Strasberg
American acting teacher Lee Strasberg was best known for his association with the Actors Studio, of which he became the
artistic director in 1951.
truthfully felt those emotions at the moment they expressed them. Finding the true feeling in the proper place and time on stage, however, was a problem that Aristotleaddressed less well. He concluded that acting was an occupation for the gifted or insane. How to cross the artistic boundary beyond feigned emotions and flat imitation obsessed many Greek actors. In 315 BC the tragedian Polus carried the real ashes of his recently deceased son in an urn to stimulate a sense of genuine grief when h...
A cornerstone of modern psychoanalytic theory and practice is the concept of anxiety, which institutes appropriate mechanisms of defense against certain dangersituations. These danger situations, as described by Freud, are the fear of abandonment by or the loss of the loved one (the object), the risk of losing the object's love,the danger of retaliation and punishment, and, finally, the hazard of reproach by the superego. Thus, symptom formation, character and impulse disorders, andperversions,...
- Elsewhere by gabriele zevin
À l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie, la France occupe une
position charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Europe du Sud.
Géographie Les conditions naturelles Ni le relief, ni les sols, ni les conditions climatiques n'ont été des obstacles au peuplement et au développement économique. La France n'a certes pas de climat qui permette plusieurs récoltes par an, ni de delta particulièrement fertile, mais elle ne connaît aucun facteur physique trop contraignant, n'est pas affectée d'une grande probabilité de risques naturels majeurs, et bénéficie par ailleurs d'une grande diversité de terroirs. L'évolution géolog...
Kiribati - country.
mainly from Japan, the European Union (EU), and Australia. Kiribati’s only major exports are copra (dried coconut meat), cultivated seaweed, and fish. The United States, Australia, and New Zealand are the leading purchasers ofthe country’s exports. Despite the cultivation of crops for local consumption, Kiribati is heavily dependent upon imported foods. Other imports include machinery andequipment, manufactured goods, and imported fossil fuels, which supply most of the country’s energy. Australi...
Mémoire sur la vertu
REMERCIEMENTS À ma grand-mère Satamba SAGNA. Elle est et restera mon éminence grise, mes ambitions, mon courage, et parfois ma faiblesse. Grâce à elle, j’ai su très rapidement identifier le bien et le mal, la vraie nature de la vie, les vicissitudes de la condition humaine. Je la dédie ce mémoire de second cycle en lui souhaitant longue vie affermie par une santé herculéenne. À ma mère, À mon père, À tous mes professeurs. Je tiens à remercier distinctement et très solennellement le di...
The Gambia - country.
The population of The Gambia (2008 estimate) is 1,735,464, making it one of the least populous countries of Africa. Still, the country has a fairly high overall populationdensity of 174 persons per sq km (449 per sq mi), and the population is increasing at a rate of 2.7 percent a year. Banjul, formerly called Bathurst, is the capital andonly seaport. The largest city is Serrekunda, a transportation hub and commercial center. B Religion and Language The great majority of the people of The Gambia...
C Lotteries Lotteries are another form of gambling. In a lottery, tickets are sold for a set amount and a share of the proceeds is returned to the winners, usually through a randomdraw. Most games allow players to pick their own numbers or let a computer randomly pick for them. Lotteries offer a wide variety of games, including weekly drawings,instant “scratch” tickets, daily games, and superlottos with prizes increasing until there is a winner. Large lottery prizes sometimes exceed $100 millio...
Etude détaillée de l'oeuvre Une Vie, de Maupassant « Une vie » de Maupassant
infinie l'envahit. Elle découvrit brusquement la figure de l'enfant qu'elle n'avait pas encore vue : la fille de son fils. Etcomme la frêle créature, frappée par la lumière vive, ouvrait ses yeux bleus et remuant la bouche, Jeanne se mit àl'embrasser furieusement, la soulevant dans ses bras, la criblant de baisers. Mais Rosalie, contente et bourrue,l'arrêta. « Voyons, voyons, madame Jeanne, finnissez ; vous allez la faire crier. » Puis elle ajouta, répondant sansdoute à sa propre pensée : «...
l'Académie San-Fernando (succès en 1766). Traditionnel voyage en Italie ensuite et participation en 1771 auconcours organisé par l'Académie de Parme avec Annibal passant les Alpes. Lichtenberg fait ses études à Göttingen,et se lie d'amitié avec ses maîtres Meister et Kästner. Mort de Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux le 12 février,à Paris. Voltaire publie son Traité sur la tolérance.1764Ann Radcliffe naît le 9 juillet, à Londres. Départ pour Londres de Johann Heinrich Füssli et début...
- Religion et modernité
Juin 2004
Méthodes d'évaluation du risque cardio-vasculaire global
Tous droits de traduction, d'adaptation et de reproduction par tous procédés, réservés pour tous pays.
Méthodes d’évaluation du risque cardio-vasculaire global Anaes/ Service Évaluation en Santé Publique / Juin 2004 - 3 - Tous droits de traduction, d'adaptation et de reproduction par tous procédés, réservés pour tous pays. Toute reproduction ou représentation intégrale ou partielle, par quelque procédé que ce soit du présent ouvrage, faite sans l'autorisation de l'Anaes est illicite et const...
Italy - country.
C Natural Resources Italy is poor in natural resources. Much of the land is unsuitable for agriculture because of mountainous terrain or unfavorable climate. Italy, moreover, lacks substantialdeposits of basic natural resources such as coal, iron, and petroleum. Natural gas is the country’s most important mineral resource. Other deposits include feldspar andpumice. Many of Italy’s mineral deposits on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia had been heavily depleted by the early 1990s. Italy is rich...
Somalia - country.
A Agriculture Livestock raising is the principal occupation in Somalia. The size of livestock herds began to recover in the mid-1990s after falling during the country’s civil war. Sheepand goats are the most numerous livestock, with smaller numbers of cattle. The principal crops grown are corn, sorghum, sugarcane, cassava, and bananas. B Forestry and Fishing While most wood is cut for fuel, Somalia’s major forestry export products before the 1990s were frankincense and myrrh. Fish is an import...
- Le siècle de Louis XIV
Peter the Great
Peter the Great or Peter I (1672-1725), tsar and, later, emperor of Russia (1682-1725), who is linked with the Westernization of Russia and its rise as a great power.
V LATER REIGN Before long, however, these and other reform measures had to cede center stage to the prosecution of the Great Northern War (1700-1721) against Sweden. Peter’sjourney west did not result in a great alliance against the Ottomans, but it led to one against Sweden. Russia fought together with Denmark and the union of Polandand Saxony against Sweden to win the Baltic coastline, the 'window into Europe,' and to break Swedish dominance over the northern part of the continent. At the tim...
Peter the Great.
V LATER REIGN Before long, however, these and other reform measures had to cede center stage to the prosecution of the Great Northern War (1700-1721) against Sweden. Peter’sjourney west did not result in a great alliance against the Ottomans, but it led to one against Sweden. Russia fought together with Denmark and the union of Polandand Saxony against Sweden to win the Baltic coastline, the 'window into Europe,' and to break Swedish dominance over the northern part of the continent. At the tim...
- États-Unis
Diving (sport).
water that creates a larger, more noticeable splash after the diver’s body displaces water under the surface. To minimize this upjet, top-level divers make a quickswimming motion by releasing their hands and collapsing their arms as they submerge. Instead of a large splash, the surface of the water appears to boil as the airbubbles rise from the diver’s entry. For feetfirst entries, which are rare in top-level competitions, divers place their legs and feet together while pointing their toes down...
Portraiture, visual representation of individual people, distinguished by references to the subject's character, social position, wealth, or profession.
CaracallaCaracalla is a Roman portrait bust in marble of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, probably done circa ad 215. Theson of Septimius Severus, Caracalla (as he was known) was a brutal man whose qualities come through in this piece withits dramatic realism. The bust, which is now in the Louvre, Paris, evidently served as the inspiration for Michelangelo’sbust of Brutus more than one thousand years later.Bridgeman Art Library, London/New York The first representations of identifiable ind...
Vitamin B 1, or thiamine, promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates, enabling these nutrients to release their energy. Thiamine also plays a role in the functioning of the nervous system, muscles, and heart. The body does not store thiamine and people who are malnourished may develop thiamine deficiency. Mild thiamine deficiency cancause fatigue, muscle weakness, and loss of appetite. Severe thiamine deficiency causes beriberi, a disease characterized by muscle weakness, swelling of the heart,and...
Fish - biology.
pectoral fins provide fine movements, add forward thrust, or, together with the pelvic fins, serve as brakes. Typically, fins consist of a thin membrane stretched over afanlike series of thin rods called spines or rays. Most fish breathe underwater with the help of special respiratory organs called gills. Gills are made of a series of thin sheets or filaments through which blood circulates.As water moves into a fish’s mouth and passes over the gills, dissolved oxygen passes across the thin gill...
Angola (country) - country.
Portugal in 1975, it had approximately 400,000 Portuguese settlers. The vast majority of the Portuguese community has since departed for Portugal. A Population Characteristics The 2008 estimated population of Angola, including Cabinda, was 12,531,357. The population distribution, however, was uneven, with about 70 percent of thepopulation concentrated in the north and along the coast. The rate of population increase was 2.1 percent annually in 2008. The population is overwhelmingly rural; only3...
Tunisia - country.
mixture of Berber and Arab stock, and they regard themselves as Arabs. Nearly everyone speaks Arabic. The population of Tunisia is concentrated in the coastal plain. It is fairly dense in the hilly north, but the arid plateau, basin, and south are thinly settled. About two-thirds of the country’s people live in urban areas. A Principal Cities The capital and largest city of Tunisia is the seaport of Tunis. Other important cities include Sfax, a port and center of trade on the eastern coast; Sūs...
Atlantic Slave Trade.
members of the planters’ society. Through most of the years of the Atlantic trade, prices for Africans remained favorable in relation to the price of the crops theyproduced. They were, thus, the best economic solution for plantation owners seeking inexpensive labor. The Atlantic slave trade began as a trickle in the 1440s and grew slowly through the 17th century. By 1700, 25,000 slaves, on average, were crossing the Atlantic everyyear. After 1700 the trade grew much more rapidly to a peak in the...
Aux vitraux diaprés des sombres basiliques, Théophile Gautier (commentaire)
A la Cathedra le gothique sont consacres le premier quatrain, le deuxieme vets du second et le premier tercet. Des les premiers mots on se sent en presence d'un artiste a exerce apte a salmi* l'aspect fugitif des choses au moment précis oil elles offrent.leur maximum de beaute. Deux notes justes evoquent aussitet dans la partie de notre memoire ou se conservent les images, les cathedrales que nous avons pu visiter, celles du moins qui, comme Chartres et Bourges, ont garde leurs verrieres merveil...
- science et vie politique
Définition et usage du mot:
BEAU, BEL, BELLE, BEAUX, adjectif et substantif.
· [En parlant d'une collectivité, d'un groupe] Une belle race (de personnes, d'animaux). · Locution périphrastique. Le beau sexe. Les femmes. Synonyme : le sexe féminin : Ø 7. Ainsi sous la domination de l'homme, le beau sexe était tout pareil à un troupeau bien conduit, et si bien morigéné, que ce troupeau en était arrivé à faire lui-même sa police, et à chasser spontanément de sa masse toutes les têtes indociles, toutes les brebis galeuses. VALÉRY LARBAUD, Fermina Marquez, 1911, page 67. SY...
Définition et usage du mot:
BEAU, BEL, BELLE, BEAUX, adjectif et substantif.
312658 figure le bel effet! du reste, tout cela se mêlait chez lui à de grandesprétentions d'élégance, de toilette et de belle mine. VICTOR HUGO, Notre-Dame de Paris, 1832, page 281. Ø 9.... Jules se sentit plus à l'aise, plus libre de ses mouvements, plus spirituel et plus gracieux; en se séparant des deux actrices, il leur fit mêmeun salut qu'il jugea d'une distinction charmante. C'est qu'à son insu il avaitle bel aplomb de l'homme qui paie et qui est convaincu qu'on l'estime;... GUSTAVE FLAUB...
covered. In spring the snow cover begins to melt in the lower reaches, exposing the ice surface. As temperatures increase, the melting moves up the glacier. Thesnowline is the highest position the melting reaches during the year. Firn is old granular snow. The firn limit may not exactly coincide with the annual snowline since insome years rapid melting leaves behind firn patches below the snowline. Some glaciers exhibit features called ice streams and icefalls. Ice streams are valley glaciers th...
- Droit privé 1er Semestre L1
Cyprus - country.
40,000 cubic meters (1.4 million cubic feet) of salt water into fresh water per day, opened at Dhekelia in 1997, and a second larger plant opened at Larnaca in 2001. III PEOPLE OF CYPRUS The combined population of the Greek and Turkish sectors (2008 estimate) is 792,604. The overall population density is 86 persons per sq km (222 per sq mi). About69 percent of the island’s inhabitants live in urban areas. Greek-speaking Cypriots make up approximately 85 percent of the population. About 12 perc...
- La royauté homérique
Depuis le VI e siècle avant J.
créant ainsi une action théâtrale dialoguée entre des acteurs, et non plus seulement restreinte au dialogue entre le coryphée et le chœur. Les acteurs n'en continuèrent pas moins à jouer chacun plusieurs personnages, en fonction des besoins de la pièce. Quant à la comédie, on lui attribue plusieurs précurseurs, mais elle n'atteignit sa plénitude qu'avec Aristophane dont les pièces, à caractère politique, apparurent dans la seconde moitié du Ve siècle avant J.-C. ( les Acharniens , 425)....