1665 résultats pour "style"
drame et art dramatique - littérature.
Par la suite, les comédies traitant d’un sujet athénien, aussi bien que les tragédies à thème philosophique, perdent de leur attrait. On voit alors se développer une forme de comédie locale (appelée comédie nouvelle), dont il ne subsiste qu’un seul exemple complet : l’Avare ou le Misanthrope (317 av. J.-C.), de Ménandre. Ces pièces sont construites autour d’une situation familiale mêlant amour, argent et quiproquos, et de types sociaux fortement dessinés et faciles à identifier : le père avare...
entreprises et des plus grandes banques. Plus à l’est encore, entre les anciennes villes haute et basse, là même où s’étaient autrefois installés les grossistes venus d’Osaka,se trouve Ginza, le quartier des grands magasins, dont les rues, piétonnes le dimanche, sont bordées de nombreux grands magasins, de boutiques, de restaurants, decinémas et de théâtres. Au-delà de Ginza, vers le nord et l’est ainsi que le long du fleuve, s’étend l’ancienne ville basse, abritant notamment le quartier populai...
La Mort De Gavroche de Victor HUGO
les gardes nationaux qui s'amusent à son jeu, qui "rient en l'ajustant". Le couplet qu'il lance aux soldats est un symbole de savolonté de narguer. Gavroche apparaît ainsi comme un enfant facétieux, "il taquine la fusillade", "joue un jeu de cache-cache avecla mort". Cette accumulation d'expressions enfantines ("pied de nez, pichenette...") expriment le caractère malicieux de l'enfant, etsa volonté de continuer à jouer. On voit donc que cette scène est dramatique, tragique, mais qu'elle est trai...
CHAMBRE, substantif féminin.
— Elliptique et littéraire (emprunté au langage militaire) Trois jours de chambre. Trois jours de consignation dans sa chambre (Confer Hervé Bazin, Vipère au poing, 1948, page 179). — Par métonymie. Mobilier de la chambre (lit, table, chaises, etc.). Chambre de style, Louis XV, Renaissance : Ø 4. Je ne connais pas grand-chose au mobilier, mais sa chambre m'a paru magnifique : un lit d'acajou massif, une armoire à trois portes, très sculptée, des fauteuils recouverts de peluche et sur la cheminé...
Prints and Printmaking
Prints and Printmaking, pictorial images that can be inked onto paper, and the art of creating and reproducing them.
Bewick’s The SkylarkBritish engraver Thomas Bewick’s The Skylark is part of his History of British Birds (2 vols., 1797 and 1804). Bewick wasthe first artist to demonstrate the full potential of wood engraving and is renowned for his fine natural history illustrations.Each illustration shows some of the bird’s natural habitat.Folio Society, London/Bridgeman Art Library, London/New York Historically, the wood engraving was chiefly used for illustrations in magazines and books. It is similar to th...
James Joyce
James Joyce
The works of Irish writer James Joyce are
Odysseus’s wife, Penelope. The 18 chapters of Ulysses parallel episodes from the Odyssey, but there are crucial differences between the two books. For instance, most interpretations of the Odyssey credit Penelope with fidelity during her husband’s lengthy absence, while Molly Bloom is unfaithful to her husband. As in Portrait, each chapter in Ulysses has a distinct style that reflects both the exterior and interior lives of the characters and their development as individuals. The fina...
Initiatrice de la civilisation européenne grâce à l'héritage de
l'Antiquité, puis grâce à l'éclat des principautés de la Renaissance,
l'Italie n'a acquis son unité et son indépendance qu'en 1861.
montagnes calcaires de la Toscane, les reliefs volcaniques du Latium et de la Campanie, coupés de bassins (Florence), précèdent les plaines côtières bonifiées (Maremme). L'Italie insulaire se compose de petits archipels et de deux grandes îles très différentes. La Sicile semble prolonger le relief apennin avec la juxtaposition d'un bourrelet montagneux au nord, du massif volcanique de l'Etna et d'un vaste ensemble de collines monotones dans tout le reste de l'île. A...
Qing Dynasty - history.
ministries and recruited talented Chinese men who had lost confidence in Ming rule to fill some of the posts. In 1635 Abahai renamed his people “Manchu” to give them a sense of a fresh start, free from past ties to the Chinese. In 1636 he declared the beginning of a new dynasty,which he named Qing (Chinese for “pure”). While the Jurchen transformed their social and military organization north of the Great Wall, China to the south faced serious crises. In the 1620s and 1630s, bad weatherruined...
St. John's (city, Newfoundland and Labrador) - Geography.
St. John's (city,
coast of Newfoundland and Labrador have brought some hope of potential economic upturn for the port. St. John’s has an international airport, which connects the city to mainland Canada and points outside the country. The city is also the eastern terminus of the Trans-Canada Highway. Although traffic through the city’s harbor has diminished considerably, the port of St. John’s continues to serve as an important Canadian Coast Guarddepot and port of call for container ships. Passenger service on t...
Leonardo da Vinci.
Leonardo's stylistic innovations are even more apparent in The Last Supper, in which he represented a traditional theme in an entirely new way. Instead of showing the 12 apostles as individual figures, he grouped them in dynamic compositional units of three, framing the figure of Christ, who is isolated in the center of the picture.Seated before a pale distant landscape seen through a rectangular opening in the wall, Christ—who has just announced that one of those present will betrayhim—repres...
tchèque, littérature.
néant, qui marque l'origine de la poésie tchèque moderne, ainsi qu'un grand roman, les Tsiganes (1835). Karel Jaromir Erben (1811-1870) s'est lui aussi interrogé sur la destinée tragique de l'homme dans son Florilège des légendes nationales (1853) et dans un recueil de ballades imprégné de morale chrétienne, le Bouquet (1861). Karel Havlíček Borovský (1821-1856) fonda le journalisme libéral tchèque en dénonçant dans ses satires, épigrammes et articles l'absolutisme autrichien. Traductrice...
Johann Sebastian Bach.
from his duties, and even tossed him into jail for “too obstinately requesting his dismissal.” But after several weeks the duke saw it was of no use and let him go. E Köthen: 1717-1723 Bach’s new employer, Leopold, loved and understood music and could play the violin, viola da gamba, and harpsichord as well as sing bass. The prince held Bach in highregard and stood as godfather for his seventh child. Bach, in turn, named the child Leopold August in his employer’s honor. Bach later said that the...
portugaise, littérature.
(1572, « Les Lusiades, ou les fils de Lusus », c'est-à-dire les Portugais). C'est peut-être l'un des plus beaux écrits épiques de la Renaissance, éloge des héros portugais de l'ancien temps et, par extension, de la nation tout entière, petite mais toujours indomptée. La découverte de la route des Indes par Vasco de Gama lui fournit le thème de départ de son poème, qu'il enrichit de référence à la mythologie ancienne. L'œuvre culmine dans la glorification éternelle de la conquête de la nature par...
Shanghai - geography.
language. V EDUCATION AND CULTURE Shanghai is one of China’s leading centers of learning and culture. The metropolitan area is home to more than 40 institutions of higher learning. These include some ofChina’s most famous universities, such as Fudan University (founded in 1905), Tongji University (1907), and the East China Normal University (1951). A large branch ofthe Chinese Academy of Sciences is located in Shanghai, and extensive research is undertaken in areas such as semiconductors, laser...
- Égypte ancienne, art de l'
Que changerait l’affirmation d’un respect envers le vivant ?
la distance du mépris. Respecter autrui c'est /e laisser être lui même et ne pas le réduire à l'état de simple moyen pour nous. Que/ sens le respect peut-il avoir dans notre rapport au vivant en général? S'agit-il seulement de s'abstenir de cruauté? Ou faut-il aller plus loin et s'interdire toute utilisation quelle qu'elle soit:, y compris alimentaire? •Quelles difficultés s'opposent à l'élargissement de la notion de respect? L...
Égypte ancienne, art de l' - peinture.
Sous la III e dynastie, l’architecte Imhotep édifie la nécropole du souverain Djoser (régnant vers 2630-2611 av. J.-C.), le plus grand ensemble architectural de l’époque, sur le site de Saqqarah, non loin de Memphis. Ce complexe funéraire comporte une grande pyramide à degrés — bâtie sur d’anciennes galeries funéraires souterraines et surélevée à plusieurs reprises — et un groupe de chapelles et d'édifices associés. Haute de 60 m, la grande pyramide, dans laquelle est conservée la dépouille d...
Égypte ancienne, art de l' - sculpture.
Sous la III e dynastie, l’architecte Imhotep édifie la nécropole du souverain Djoser (régnant vers 2630-2611 av. J.-C.), le plus grand ensemble architectural de l’époque, sur le site de Saqqarah, non loin de Memphis. Ce complexe funéraire comporte une grande pyramide à degrés — bâtie sur d’anciennes galeries funéraires souterraines et surélevée à plusieurs reprises — et un groupe de chapelles et d'édifices associés. Haute de 60 m, la grande pyramide, dans laquelle est conservée la dépouille d...
- Les oeuvres Théâtrales Anciennes Ne Nous Concernent-Elles Plus ?
Popular and Social Dance
The Cakewalk
The cakewalk, a dance of African American origin, was intended to lampoon high-strutting whites at fancy dress balls.
master. The dance manuals published between 1550 and 1630, written by Thoinot Arbeau of France, Cesare Negri of Italy, and other dancing masters, describe dances such asthe pavane, galliard, allemande, courante, saltarello, and volta, as well as circular branles and progressive longways dances (for a line of couples, in which each couplerepeats the pattern with one new couple after another; see Country Dance). The sense of order and harmony so important during the Renaissance gave rise to forma...
Vietnam - country.
E Natural Resources Vietnam’s most valuable natural resource is its land, particularly the fertile, alluvial soils in the Red and Mekong deltas. Some 29 percent of the land is currently beingcultivated. Vietnam has some valuable mineral resources, including gold, iron, tin, zinc, phosphate, chromite, apatite, and anthracite coal. Most deposits are located in the northernpart of the country. Few attempts were made to extract these minerals until the French takeover of Vietnam at the end of the 1...
doctrine that Christ was both divine and human. The Council of Chalcedon condemned Monophysitism in 451, and since that time the Coptic Church has beenindependent of other Christian churches. After the Council of Chalcedon, priests who continued to teach Monophysitism were persecuted in the eastern Roman Empire, and many migrated to Aksum. The influxof priests, along with the support of the royal family, strengthened missionary efforts in Aksum. Many churches and monasteries were founded after 4...
Illustration, pictorial material appearing with a text and amplifying or enhancing it.
Hypnerotomachia PoliphiliThe Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (The Strife of Love in a Dream), a work attributed to Dominican monk Francesco deColonna, was first published in Venice, Italy, in 1499 by Aldus Manutius. Its text and its beautiful woodcut illustrationsinfluenced Renaissance art and architecture. This illustration shows the book’s protagonist, Poliphilus, asleep under a tree.The Pierpont Morgan Library/Art Resource, NY The first illustrated book with a text printed from movable type was pro...
Cairo (Egypt) - geography.
Prize-winning author and Cairo native Naguib Mahfouz, whose fiction has provided a chronicle of the city. VI POINTS OF INTEREST The pyramids of Egypt, which served as tombs for the ancient pharaohs, and the statue of the Sphinx, which dates from about 2500 BC and is probably the country's most famous monument, are located just west of Cairo in the suburb of Giza. Depite the desert background usually depicted in photographs, the pyramids areextremely close to Cairo and are likely to be affecte...
Précocement indépendants, nés des courants migratoires les
plus variés fondus grâce au melting-pot, épris de libertés
démocratiques, persuadés de la supériorité du capitalisme libéral,
dotés de ressources abondantes, les États-Unis conservent leur
rôle de superpuissance.
suprême s'appelle la « Court of Appeals », les cours d'appel prennent le nom de « Appelate Courts » et les tribunaux de première instance, celui de « Supreme Courts ». Il n'existe pas de vraie hiérarchie entre les tribunaux fédéraux et les tribunaux des États de l'Union. Toutefois, en cas de divergence profonde sur un point de droit important entre les différents États, la Cour suprême des États-Unis peut accepter de juger une affaire sur pourvoi contre une décision de Cour suprême d'un...
- Grand cours: LE POUVOIR (c/g)
Confucian philosophy, Japanese
1 Confucian philosophy in early Japan The earliest extant Japanese histories record that in AD 285 - the actual date was probably a century or so later - Wani, of the Korean kingdom of Paekche, brought copies of the Analects (Lunyu ; in Japanese, Rongo ) of Confucius and the Qianziwen (Thousand Character Classic; Senjimon in Japanese) from Korea to Japan ( Confucian philosophy, Korean ). Even though most scholarship on Japan tends to identify this introduction of Confucian texts with...
- Texte de Merleau-Ponty. Sens et compréhension
canadienne, littérature.
Canada (1845-1848), ce dernier s’attache en effet à démentir l’affirmation du gouverneur général lord Durham selon laquelle le Canada français ne possède ni histoire ni littérature. Après cet éclat, François-Xavier Garneau devient la référence des poètes, des romanciers, des historiens et des journalistes canadiens de langue française de la génération suivante. Ceux-ci se retrouvent régulièrement à Québec, dans la librairie du poète Octave Crémazie, qui leur tient lieu de salon littéraire, pou...
Japan - country.
island’s fertile soils support agriculture and provide the vast majority of Japan’s pasturelands. In addition, Hokkaidō contains coal deposits, and the cold currents off itsshores supply cold-water fish. Winters are long and harsh, so most of Hokkaid ō is lightly settled, housing about 5 percent of Japan’s population on approximately 20 percent of its land area. However,its snowy winters and unspoiled natural beauty attract many skiers and tourists. Hokkaid ō is thought of as Japan’s northern fr...
Greek Art and Architecture - history.
powerful independent city-states. From 334 to 323 BC, Alexander the Great extended his father's empire into Asia Minor (now Turkey), Syria, Egypt, Persia, Afghanistan, and as far as India. D The Hellenistic Period (323-31 BC) Although Alexander the Great extended Greek civilization far beyond the Greek mainland and the boundaries of the Aegean Sea, his empire did not survive his death in 323.After Alexander died, his generals and successors divided the empire into a number of kingdoms: Ptolem...
India - country.
delta in the north, are intensely farmed. B Rivers and Lakes The rivers of India can be divided into three groups: the great Himalayan rivers of the north, the westward-flowing rivers of central India, and the eastward-flowingrivers of the Deccan Plateau and the rest of peninsular India. Only small portions of India’s rivers are navigable because of silting and the wide seasonal variation inwater flow (due to the monsoon climate). Water transport is thus of little importance in India. Barrages,...
The Merchant of Venice By William Shakespeare
The Duke decides to spare Shylock's life, but he does give half of Shylock's money to Antonio, and he gives the rest of it to the state. Antonio says that he will not accept the money if Shylock will agree to become a Christian and if, in his will, he will agree to leave his money to his daughter, Jessica, and her new husband, Lorenzo. Shylock, broken and defeated, agrees to all these conditions and leaves the court. Overjoyed, Antonio and his friends offer to pay the young lawyer whatev...
V oir la carte
État insulaire d'Europe occidentale, densément peuplé et
fortement urbanisé, le Royaume-Uni est une vieille monarchie
parlementaire qui fait partie de l'Union européenne.
rencontrent dans le Sud-Est), et connaissent des maxima de 2 100 mm sur les massifs écossais. Elles sont très régulières et bien réparties : 165 jours à Londres, plus de 200 sur les massifs montagneux. Le degré d'humidité se traduit aussi par l'importante nébulosité et par la fréquence des brumes et des brouillards. La combinaison de ces phénomènes naturels ( fog ) avec les émissions de fumées ( smoke ) provoqua les célèbres brouillards polluants ( smog ) dans les agglomérations indus...
Nicaraguan Revolution.
Directorate. Within a year Robelo and Violeta Chamorro left the junta, and the Council of State was reorganized to guarantee an overwhelming Sandinista majority.Elections were postponed, restrictions were placed on the media, and relations with the Roman Catholic Church became increasingly tense. Two non-Sandinistasreplaced Robelo and Chamorro on the junta, but they had little power, and the government’s relations with opposition political parties and the private business sectordeteriorated. A D...
française, littérature.
Les romans courtois — nés sous l’influence de la poésie des troubadours chantant la fin’amor — proposent une nouvelle vision des relations sociales, fondées sur le respect que le chevalier doit à son seigneur et à sa Dame (le « service d’amour »). Les premiers textes qui s’inscrivent dans le cycle arthurien — relatant les hauts faits du roi légendaire Arthur et de ses chevaliers — apparaissent vers le XIe siècle, c’est-à-dire à une époque antérieure à la courtoisie. La légende d’Arthur ne ce...
Illuminations de Rimbaud (résumé & analyse)
qui peuvent être franchement ludiques ( « H ») ou déso lées ( « Angoisse », «Solde>>). Une création verbale, artificielle, tend à se substituer au monde créé. Mais elle est perpétuellement menacée par le chaos , comme le fragment est cerné par le silence. Au moment même où il construit son monde, le poète des Illuminations nous parle de 1' « écroulement des apo théoses »,des « avalanches », des «éclats mortels >> dont se pare la mer céleste («Villes...
Compte rendue de lecture ) La mise en scène de la vie quotidienne: chapitre 2,Tome 2:le territoire du moi
individualité deviennes de plus en plus visible avec l’éparpillement du groupe ,jusqu’à la dissolution de ce dernier ou, l’ensemble n'existe plus,bien qu'il puisse se reformer spontanément,et revenir a l’état d'unité. L'auteur insiste aussi sur le contexte dans lequel on lieux les regroupement ou non ,lors de « manifestation sociale » qui peut aussi bien être une manifestation politique ,qu'un soirée entre amis ,les groupes sont influence ici par les contraintes sociales inhéren...
- Callot, Jacques (Nancy 1592-1635).
before eruption. Very violent explosive eruptions are called Plinian eruptions, after Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder. These eruptions can last for several hours to daysand eject a large amount of pyroclastic material. Some volcanoes can produce much more energetic eruptions that eject materials farther from the vents because oftheir andesitic and dacitic composition. Andesitic and dacitic lava is generally thicker than basaltic lava. Stiff lava generally produces more-explosive eruptions. B No...
Snake (reptile).
in their heads that conduct sound. They are able to hear low-frequency sounds and to sense vibrations that travel through the ground or water. The majority of snakeshave good eyesight, especially for detecting moving objects, although most burrowing snakes can only distinguish between light and dark. Pit vipers, boas, and pythons have an unusual adaptation for detecting warm-blooded prey and predators. On the heads of these snakes are small pits lined with cellsthat are extremely sensitive to he...
Athens (Greece) - geography.
At the heart of the modern city is Syntagma (Constitution) Square, located east of the Acropolis. The square is bordered by the national Parliament Building, originally aroyal palace completed in 1842 for King Otto I. Nearby is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which features a daily changing of the guard. Several of the city’s principalhotels as well the offices of major banks and airline companies also face the square. Behind the Parliament Building is the National Gardens, a public park that i...
Kansas City (Missouri) - geography.
Major institutions of higher education in Kansas City are a branch (established in 1929) of the University of Missouri, Avila College (1916), Rockhurst College (1910),DeVry Institute of Technology (Missouri) (1931), and the Kansas City Art Institute (1885). Schools in neighboring suburbs include Park University (1875), in Parkville,and William Jewell College (1849), in Liberty. Baptist, Nazarene, and Methodist theological schools are also located in the area. Midwest Research Institute, one of t...
Chinese Literature
Chinese Literature, writings of the Chinese people, with a continuous history of more than 3,000 years.
(Huang) River basin region in the north. The verses are in lines of four characters (or syllables) and use rhyme and alliteration (repetition of the initial letter). Confuciusquoted them in his works. Because he described them as “without depraved thoughts,” all the verses in the Shi jing have been treated as moral allegories. (4) The Li ji (Book of Ritual ) contains detailed discussions of the principles of conduct at court and in private ceremonies. Although the Han dynasty and later ruler...
Chinese Literature
Chinese Literature, writings of the Chinese people, with a continuous history of more than 3,000 years.
(Huang) River basin region in the north. The verses are in lines of four characters (or syllables) and use rhyme and alliteration (repetition of the initial letter). Confuciusquoted them in his works. Because he described them as “without depraved thoughts,” all the verses in the Shi jing have been treated as moral allegories. (4) The Li ji (Book of Ritual ) contains detailed discussions of the principles of conduct at court and in private ceremonies. Although the Han dynasty and later ruler...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
À l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie, la France occupe une
position charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Europe du Sud.
Géographie Les conditions naturelles Ni le relief, ni les sols, ni les conditions climatiques n'ont été des obstacles au peuplement et au développement économique. La France n'a certes pas de climat qui permette plusieurs récoltes par an, ni de delta particulièrement fertile, mais elle ne connaît aucun facteur physique trop contraignant, n'est pas affectée d'une grande probabilité de risques naturels majeurs, et bénéficie par ailleurs d'une grande diversité de terroirs. L'évolution géolog...
American Literature: Poetry
Phyllis McGinley
American poet and author Phyllis McGinley composed light, witty verse, much of which deals with family life.
Taylor, a poet of great technical skill, wrote powerful meditative poems in which he tested himself morally and sought to identify and root out sinful tendencies. In“God's Determinations Touching His Elect” (written 1680?), one of Taylor’s most important works, he celebrates God's power in the triumph of good over evil in thehuman soul. All of Taylor’s poetry and much of Bradstreet’s served generally personal ends, and their audience often consisted of themselves and their family andclosest frie...
Georgia (country) - country.
1917. During the subsequent Soviet period, religious practice was strongly discouraged because the Soviet state was officially atheistic; however, the GeorgianOrthodox Church was allowed to function openly. Orthodox Christianity is the religion of about 58 percent of the Georgian population. Muslims represent about 19 percent of the country’s population, with ethnicAzerbaijanis, Kurds, and Ajars comprising the principal Muslim groups. Ajars are ethnic Georgians who converted to Islam in the 17th...
Bangladesh - country.
F Environmental Issues Waterborne diseases such as cholera are a serious threat to public health in Bangladesh. Until the 1970s, many of Bangladesh’s people became sick from drinkingpolluted water drawn from surface rivers. Aid agencies such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) built shallow wells throughout the country to help provide asafe source of drinking water to Bangladesh’s poor. In the 1990s, however, it was discovered that many of these wells were contaminated by arsenic, a...