208 résultats pour "youri"
- Avis d'expédition (3)
- Courrier-type - Refus de délai de paiement (2)
- Refus de délai de paiement (2)
- Conditions de vente - Refus de délai de paiement (2)
- Lettre-type - Demande d'information de la part du représentant
- Modèle de lettre-type (anglais) - Demande d'information de la part du représentant
- Demande d'information de la part du représentant
- Réclamation pour mauvaise conduite d'un employé
- Réclamation pour mauvaise conduite d'un employé
- Version moderne d'un texte de Sheridan
- Courrier-type - Relance pour impayé (proposition de délai)
- Relance pour impayé (proposition de délai)
- Modèle de lettre-type (anglais) - Relance pour impayé (proposition de délai)
Excerpt from The Two Gentlemen of Verona - anthology.
JULIA. Is he among these? HOST. Ay; but, peace! Let’s hear 'em. SONG:Who is Silvia? What is she,That all our swains commend her?Holy, fair, and wise is she;The heaven such grace did lend her,That she might admirèd be. Is she kind as she is fair?For beauty lives with kindness.Love doth to her eyes repair,To help him of his blindness;And, being helped, inhabits there. Then to Silvia let us singThat Silvia is excelling;She excels each mortal thingUpon the dull earth dwelling.To her let us garlands...
- Excuses pour réclamation non fondée
- Lettre-type - Commande et annonce de l'ouverture d'un crédit
- Commande et annonce de l'ouverture d'un crédit
- Lettre type en anglais - Commande et annonce de l'ouverture d'un crédit
- Lettre-type - Réponse à l'offre de service d'un agent commercial (1)
- Réponse à l'offre de service d'un agent commercial
- Réponse à l'offre de service d'un agent commercial (2)
- Lettre type en anglais - Réponse à l'offre de service d'un agent commercial (2)
- Modèle de lettre-type (anglais) - Relance pour non réponse (2)
- Lettre type en anglais - Relance pour non réponse
what did you do?
ceilings, theplates, thewindows, thelampshades! Wasitan act ofrebellion! Anact ofexpression! Werethepaintings good, orwas that beside thepoint! Ineeded tosee itfor myself, andIneeded totell the world about it!Iused tolive for reporting likethat! Stalin found outabout thecommunity andsent histhugs in,just afew days before Igot there, to break alloftheir arms! Thatwasworse thankilling them! Itwas ahorrible sight,Oskar: theirarms incrude splints, straight infront ofthem likezombies! Theycouldn't fe...
- Demande de renseignements (produits) (2)
Twelve weekends later was the first performance of Hamlet, although it was actually an abbreviated modern version,
because the real Hamlet is too long and confusing, and most of the kids in my class have ADD.
HEAVIER BOOTS Twelve weekends laterwasthefirst performance of Hamlet, although itwas actually anabbreviated modernversion, because thereal Hamlet is too long andconfusing, andmost ofthe kids inmy class have ADD. Forexample, thefamous "To beornot tobe" speech, whichIknow about fromthe Collected Shakespeare set Grandma boughtme,was cutdown so that itwas just, "Tobeornot tobe, that's thequestion." Everyone hadtohave apart, butthere weren't enoughrealparts, andIdidn't gotothe auditions becausemyboot...
- Licence
- Microscopic Life.
- Parkour - Dillution
- Lettre-type - Envoi d'informations
- Envoi d'informations
- Conditions de vente - Envoi d'informations
Excerpt from Love's Labour's Lost - anthology.
BEROWNE. I could put thee in comfort—not by two that I know.Thou makest the triumviry, the corner-cap of society,The shape of Love's Tyburn, that hangs up simplicity. LONGAVILLE. I fear these stubborn lines lack power to move.(Reading ) “O sweet Maria, empress of my love!”— These numbers will I tear, and write in prose.He tears the paper BEROWNE. O, rhymes are guards on wanton Cupid's hose;Disfigure not his shop. LONGAVILLE. ( taking another paper ) This same shall go: (Reading ) “Did not the he...
- Courrier-type en anglais - Remerciements à un bon client
- Lettre type en anglais - Remerciements à un bon client
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyam - anthology.
That just divides the desert from the sown,Where name of Slave and Sultán is forgot—And Peace to Mahmúd on his golden Throne! 12A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread—and ThouBeside me singing in the Wilderness—Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow! 13Some for the Glories of This World; and someSigh for the Prophet’s Paradise to come;Ah, take the Cash, and let the Credit go,Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum! 14Look to the blowing Rose about us—”Lo,Laughing,” she say...
devoir d'anglais
deal positively with a rejection is to ask for feedback if the firm doesn't make it clearwhy your application was rejected. It's the best way to find out why you were turned down and therefore makeadjustments for the next job interview. Another positive aspect is to show how motivated you are and how capableyou are of adjusting to the firm's requirements, something useful if you re-apply in the future.The document also highlights the fact that being rejected doesn't necessarily mean that you wer...
"You've been trying for months without any success," Nailles 30 said. "Y ou keep saying that you' li try to eut down and all you do is to watch more and more. Your intentions may have been good but there haven't been any noticeable results. Out it goes". "Oh please don't, Eliot," Nellie cried. "Please don't. He loves bis television. Can't you see that he loves it?" 35 "I know that he loves it," Nailles said. "That's why I'm going to thro...
Excerpt from Timon of Athens - anthology.
Ha? A drum? Th' art quick,But yet I'll bury thee. Thou'lt go, strong thief,When gouty keepers of thee cannot stand.Nay, stay thou out for earnest. He keeps some of the gold, and buries the rest Enter Alcibiades, with drum and fife, in warlike manner; and Phrynia and Timandra ALCIBIADES. What art thou there? Speak. TIMON. A beast, as thou art. The canker gnaw thy heartFor showing me again the eyes of man! ALCIBIADES. What is thy name? Is man so hateful to theeThat art thyself a man? TIMON. I am M...
- The Alchimist
Pau lo C oelh o - T he A lc h em is t 2 o f 6 8 w ho l iv ed i n t h e v illa g e t h ey w ould r e ach i n a b out f o ur d ay s. H e h ad b een t o t h e v illa g e o nly o n ce, t h e y ear b efo re . T he m erc h an t w as t h e p ro prie to r o f a d ry g oods s h op, a n d h e a lw ay s d em an ded t h at t h e s h eep b e s h eare d i n h is p re se n ce, s o t h at h e w ould n ot b e c h eate d . A f r ie n d h ad t o ld t h e b oy a b out t h e s h op, a n d...
Excerpt from Barnaby Rudge - anthology.
Mr. Dennis rolled lazily over upon his breast, and resting his chin upon his hand in imitation of the attitude in which Hugh lay, said, as he too looked towards thedoor: “ Ay, ay, you knew him, brother, you knew him. But who'd suppose to look at that chap now, that he could be the man he is! Isn't it a thousand cruel pities, brother,that instead of taking his nat'ral rest and qualifying himself for further exertions in this here honourable cause, he should be playing at soldiers like a boy?...
- Steve Jobs, Annoce A Stanford University
folk, musique
saynètes, de la danse et de la musique. Ces descendants de troubadours sont des Blancs au visage grimé avec du cirage, ou de véritables Noirs. L’histoire a notamment retenu les noms de Frank Bower, Dick Pelham, Billy Whitlock et surtout du joueur de fiddle (un genre de violon) et de banjo Dan Emmett, auteur du célèbre « Dixie ». vers la fin du XIX e siècle et le début du XXe siècle, ce creuset de chansons populaires subit également l’influence du blues, de la ballade...
Don't cry, I said, by putting my fingers on my face and pushing imaginary tears up my cheeks and back into my eyes.
Say something. He took hispen from hisshirt pocket andthetop napkin fromthestack onthe table. He wrote, Youwere happy whenIwas away. How could youthink that? We arelying toourselves andtoeach other. Lying about what? Idon't careifwe're lying. I am abad person. I don't care.Idon't carewhat youare. I can't. What's killingyou? He took another napkinfromthestack. He wrote, You'rekillingme. And then Iwas silent. He wrote, Youremind me. I put myhands onthe table andtold him, Youhave me. He took anothe...
5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 6!
new movie? Iwrote, "What's happened?" andshowed itto ayoung businessman watchingthetelevision, hetook asip of his coffee andsaid, "Nooneknows yet,"hiscoffee haunts me,his"yet" haunts me.Istood there, aperson inacrowd, was Iwatching theimages, orwas something morecomplicated happening?Itried tocount thefloors above where the planes hadhit,the fire had toburn upthrough thebuildings, Iknew thatthose people couldn't besaved, andhow many were onthe planes, andhow many wereonthe street, Ithought andth...
- lean management
Excerpt from Henry VI - anthology.
SON. Ill blows the wind that profits nobody.This man whom hand to hand I slew in fightMay be possessèd with some store of crowns;And I, that haply take them from him now,May yet ere night yield both my life and themTo some man else, as this dead man doth me.—Who's this? O God! It is my father's face,Whom in this conflict I, unwares, have killed.O, heavy times, begetting such events!From London by the King was I pressed forth;My father, being the Earl of Warwick's man,Came on the part of York, pr...
- Excuses pour produits endommagés (4)