529 résultats pour "you"
On the Waterfront
On the Waterfront, motion picture about a down-and-out boxer who finds courage to stand up to a corrupt labor union through the friendship of a woman and a priest.
Terry: “You don't understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it. It was you,Charlie.” Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Plante First Goalie to Wear a Mask.
rubber shock, which one player described as “the first cousin to shell shock.” Those with advanced cases have been known to skate off the ice during the middle ofchampionship games. Perhaps as a test of Plante's emotional state, Blake requested that he not wear the mask during the regular season. Plante complied, although hedonned the mask for pregame practice sessions. Early in the season, on November 1, the Canadiens took a seven-game unbeaten streak into a match against the New York Range...
Cognitive Psychology.
full richness of people’s cognitive experiences. Describing the act of remembering as a process of storage and retrieval, for example, neglects the subjective experienceof remembering. Another criticism is that information-processing theory may not reflect how the brain actually works. Newer models, such as the parallel distributedprocessing model, try to address this criticism by drawing on studies of brain structure and function. Psychologists continue to debate the adequacy of the information...
What am I going to do, I need more room,
children's section,themore Ilooked athim, themore unsure Iwas, themore Iwanted itto be him, hadhegone towork instead ofto his death? Myhands shookagainst thechange inmy pockets, Itried nottostare, Itried nottoreach my arms outinfront ofme, could itbe, did herecognize me,he'd written, "Itismy great hopethatourpaths, however long and winding, willcross again." Fiftyyears laterhewore thesame thickglasses, I'dnever seenawhiter shirt,hehad ahard time letting goofbooks, Iwent uptohim. "Idon't speak,"...
It wasn't until the day before we were going to go that the renter asked the obvious question.
I told her, "Ipromise I'mgoing tobe better soon." She said, "There's nothingwrongwithyou." "I'll behappy andnormal." She putherfingers around theback ofmy neck. I told her, "Itried incredibly hard.Idon't know howIcould havetriedharder." She said, "Dad would havebeen veryproud ofyou." "Do youthink so?" "I know so." I cried some more. Iwanted totell her allofthe liesthat I'dtold her. And then Iwanted hertotell me that itwas OK, because sometimes youhave todo something badtodo something good.Andthe...
No. I shook his hand...
"And then I came straight here,
crawl down theoutside ofthe building, whichIsaw avideo ofone person doingonaPolish site,ortrying touse a tablecloth asaparachute, likesome ofthe people whowere inWindows onthe World actually did.There weresomany different waystodie, and Ijust need toknow which washis." He held outhishands likehewanted metotake them. "Arethose tattoos?" Heclosed hisright hand. Iflipped backand pointed at"Why?" Hetook back hishands andwrote, "It'smade things easier. Instead ofwriting yesand noallthe time, I can sh...
Twelve weekends later was the first performance of Hamlet, although it was actually an abbreviated modern version,
because the real Hamlet is too long and confusing, and most of the kids in my class have ADD.
HEAVIER BOOTS Twelve weekends laterwasthefirst performance of Hamlet, although itwas actually anabbreviated modernversion, because thereal Hamlet is too long andconfusing, andmost ofthe kids inmy class have ADD. Forexample, thefamous "To beornot tobe" speech, whichIknow about fromthe Collected Shakespeare set Grandma boughtme,was cutdown so that itwas just, "Tobeornot tobe, that's thequestion." Everyone hadtohave apart, butthere weren't enoughrealparts, andIdidn't gotothe auditions becausemyboot...
DRIVING corrigé du bac
1. Commentaire dirigé 1) Do you agree with the author about the main cause of road accidents? Can you think of other causes? 2) Why can we consider J. B. Priestley a most unusual car owner? 3) Sorne people think that cars are a nuisance in our modem world. To what extent are they right? 4) Would you spend your first year's salary on a car? State your reasons. 2. Version Traduire de "Spend an hour ... " à "up and down the country"....
Excerpt from The Pickwick Papers - anthology.
“Two or three veeks,” replied the man. “Weeks!” said Mr. Pickwick in astonishment—and out came the note-book again. “He lives at Pentonwil when he's at home,” observed the driver, coolly, “but we seldom takes him home, on account of his veakness.” “On account of his weakness!” reiterated the perplexed Mr. Pickwick. “He always falls down when he's took out o' the cab,” continued the driver, “but when he's in it, we bears him up werry tight, and takes him in werry short, so as heca...
A suggestion of romance
beast feels for Belle grows stronger every day and every night, he would ask her to marry him only to be refused each time. Belle, dreaming of a prince she is persuaded is kept as a prisonner in this castle, always answer him that she only love the Beast as a friend. After several month, Belle eventually become home sick and asks the Beast if he could let her see her family. He allowed her if she would return after one week and give her a mirror where she could see the Beast at any time she wan...
MY FEELINGS They areannouncing flightsoverthespeakers. Wearenot listening. Theydonot matter tous, because weare not going anywhere. I miss youalready, Oskar.Imissed youeven when Iwas with you.That's beenmyproblem. Imiss what Ialready have, and Isurround myselfwiththings thataremissing. Every timeIput inanew page, Ilook atyour grandfather. Iam sorelieved tosee hisface. Itmakes mefeel safe. His shoulders arepinched. Hisspine iscurved. InDresden hewas agiant. I'mglad thathishands arestill rough....
Oerter Wins Third Gold Medal.
Few expected Oerter to show up for the qualifying rounds. Nevertheless he did, with several parts of his 6-foot-4-inch, 270-pound body wrapped in tape, packed inice, and numbed with Novocain. After doffing his neck brace, he propelled the discus a miraculous 198 ft 7.5 in (60.5 m) in his first effort, achieving anotherOlympic record. Wrenched with pain, Oerter told a teammate before the start of the final round that his only chance to win was with a strong first throw. His initial effort, ho...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Proserpine - anthology.
the furrow, the seed failed to come up; there was too much sun, there was too much rain; the birds stole the seeds—thistles and brambles were the only growth.Seeing this, the fountain Arethusa interceded for the land. 'Goddess,' said she, 'blame not the land; it opened unwillingly to yield a passage to your daughter. I can tellyou of her fate, for I have seen her. This is not my native country; I came hither from Elis. I was a woodland nymph, and delighted in the chase. They praised mybeauty, bu...
discour de steeve jobs a Stanford en 2005
None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If...
Beste RegieJAHR NAME ORIGINALTITEL DEUTSCHER TITEL 1929 Lewis MilestoneFrank Borzage Two Arabian KnightsSeventh Heaven SchlachtenbummlerIm siebenten Himmel 1930 Frank Lloyd The Divine Lady Die ungekrönte Königin 1930 Lewis Milestone All Quiet on the Western Front Im Westen nichts Neues 1931 Norman Taurog Skippy - 1932 Frank Borzage Bad Girl - 1934 Frank Lloyd Cavalcade Cavalcade 1935 Frank Capra It Happened One Night Es geschah in einer Nacht 1936 John Ford The Informer Der Verräter 1937 Frank C...
Anglais devoir 1
81T5 C01 – 2/4 in English, I even practise it with my friends. If I’m going to have to use any words that are new to me, I try to find out how they should be pronounced, although it can be very difficult with some of the technical terms. I know a couple of teachers who are actually from England and when I can, I ask them. Q What advice would you give to anyone who had to give their first presentation in English? A Well, the first bit of advice would be to thoroughly prepare their presenta...
As You Like It - Side Romances
P Side Romances - As You Like It → main plotline in AYLI : about Orlando & Rosalind romance and how they manage to grow up in their mind, accept their nature etc an initially awkward relationship (disguise, weird poems, melodramatic scenes) // a coming of age story which them to become the ideal couple The role of side romances : love is omnipresent in the play and visible under all its form, both positive and negative : a driving force, leads to forgiveness and redemption and allows S...
Supers cours pour vraiment progresser en anglais !
L'objectif du jour: >Savoir dire: "je suis content" La solution: > Il faut utiliser l'auxiliaire BE, conjugué au présent. Il faut apprendre ses formes par coeur. On appelle BE auxiliaire car c'est un petit mot qui permet de former des phrases. C'est un mot outil. Vous trouverez sa conjugaison au présent dans la colonne "auxiliaire" ci-dessous. Sa conjugaison dépend bien sûr du pronom / du sujet de la phrase. > Il faut également connaître les pronoms personnels "je", "tu", "il", "nous", "vous",...
Lettre de Insook a SunHee
I miss you my Sun-Hee! I look forward to seeing you!
Heros and legend
‘Relax, Anna,’ he said to her—your dadhad this deep baritone, see, and this British accent.” My grandfathertucks his chin into his neck at this point, to capture the full effect.“ ‘Relax, Anna,’ he said. ‘I only wanted to teach the chap a lessonabout the proper care of other people’s property!’ ”Gramps would start to laugh again until he started to cough,and Toot would mutter under her breath thats he supposed it was a good thing that my father had realized that dropping the pipe had ju...
whether they set out to conquer polio or land a man on the moon, Americans are convinced that initiative, inteUigent planning and hard work will bring about the desired conditions sooner or later. ARTHUR GORDON, Those mystifying Americans. 1. Commentaire dirigé 1) Do you think the writer is fair or one-sided when he speaks of the Americans? 2) What were the problems surrounding "that earl y American" settler? What were the qualities requ...
From The Hunchback of Notre Dame - anthology.
If then we were to attempt to penetrate through this thick and obdurate bark to the soul of Quasimodo; if we could sound the depths of this bungling piece oforganization; if we were enabled to hold a torch behind these untransparent organs, to explore the gloomy interior of this opaque being, to illumine its obscure cornersand its unmeaning cul-de-sacs, and to throw all at once a brilliant light upon the spirit enchained at the bottom of this den; we should doubtless find the wretch in some mi...
I don't know
1. Do you want drink? 2. writer writes books. 3. artist paints pictures. 4. Do you like soccer? 5. Let's go to department store. 6. I like to listen to music. 7 . I like to listen to radio. 8. He studies art and math. 9. I'm sick, I need to see doctor.
To what extent does globalisation influence what you eat ?
Globalization impoverished the cooking and gastronomic food. For example, kebabs have become popular in manyEuropean cities, particularly in Germany due to the presence of a large community from Turkey. Spring rolls fromChina and Japanese sushi have also been marketed in many countries. The hamburger and pizza are a good exampleof globalization. Indeed many McDonald’s have been established in many countries setting up malnutrition but yet itremains very popular especially among young people.But...
- Rodents Did you know that your pet hamster is a rodent?
- What would you do if you discovered an island by accident ?
It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life, motion picture about a man who believes he is a failure because he never left the small town where he grew up, based on the story The Greatest
Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern.
When Uncle Billy leaves George’s house drunk he stumbles over what sounds like trash cans, and says “I’m all right, I’m all right…” In fact, actor Thomas Mitchell wasstumbling over some equipment left by the film crew and he was assuring the crew member he was not hurt. Director Capra left the scene as it was. Quotes Man on Porch: “Why don't you kiss her instead of talking her to death.”Bailey: “You want me to kiss her, huh?”Man on Porch: “Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people!” Bailey: (rega...
courage, lustiness, the natural grasp of things. It would never corne 30 back. 1 would end up in the psychiatrie ward of the country hospi tal, screarning that the bridges, ail the bridges in the world, were falling down. Then a young girl opened the doorof the car and got in. "1 didn 't think anyone would pick me up on the bridge," she said. She car- 35 ried a cardboard suitcase and -believe me - a small harp in a crac ked waterproof. Her str...
Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind, motion-picture epic about a tempestuous Southern belle and the changes in her life due to the American Civil War (1861-1865), based on the bestselling novel by Margaret Mitchell.
Isabel Jewell (Emmy Slattery)William Stack (Minister)Robert Elliott (Yankee major)George Meeker, Wallis Clark (His poker-playing captains)Irving Bacon (Corporal)Adrian Morris (Carpetbagger orator)J. M. Kerrigan (Johnny Gallagher)Olin Howlin (Yankee businessman)Yakima Canutt (Renegade)Blue Washington (His companion)Ward Bond (Yankee captain Tom)Cammie King (Bonnie Blue Butler)Mickey Kuhn (Beau Wilkes)Lillian Kemble-Cooper (Bonnie's nurse)Si Jenks (Yankee on street)Harry Strang (Tom's aide) Award...
D-Day Invasion.
The Allied planners focused on the beaches around Caen and the Cotentin Peninsula in northern France rather than those of Calais, even though it meant the forcewould be crossing at a wider part of the English Channel. That disadvantage was far outweighed by what the site offered: comparatively scanty defensive fortificationsand beachhead ideally suited for successful exits. The clincher was an isolated battlefield that the Germans would have difficulty reinforcing. The date was set for May 1, 19...
From "Resistance to Civil Government" - anthology.
intending it, as God. A very few—as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men—serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it. A wise man will only be useful as a man, and will not submit to be “clay,” and “stop a holeto keep the wind away,” but leave that office to his dust at least: “I am too high born to be propertied,To be a second at control,Or useful serving-man and instr...
- Arachnids You may think that spiders and ticks are insects, but they are not.
I'm going to talk you about the notion Myth and heros.
En effet ce sont les actions qu'ils peuvent effectuer qui les font devenir "Heros" et qui rende le monde meilleur. Ces heros font oublier les problemes quotidiens par leurs actions, leurs revendications etc
- Would you be ready to become an activist for affirmative action ? state your reasons
- ENGLISH : IDEA OF PROGRESS : I’m going to present to you the notion Idea of progress.
- Squirrels You often see them perched on park benches, scampering up trees, or dashing across telephone wires.
- Cat Family Did you know that your pet cat is related to big cats like lions and leopards?
Vous êtes critique littéraire. Le rédacteur en chef d'un quotidien à grand tirage vous demande d'écrire un article pour la page des spectacles de son journal concernant la représentation de la pièce de théâtre : « Pyramus si Thisbé 4 you »
lionne mais laissa tomber son voile. Plus tard, la lionne le découvre et le mit dans sa bouche. Pyrame arriva, et en voyant le voile plein de sang dans la bouche de la lionne, il en déduit que Thisbé était morte. Au pied du mûrier, Pyrame, éprouvant une douleur telement grande à la suite de sa découverte ,plonga son épée dans son sein et la retira, laissant jaillir un jet qui en atteint les fruits. Ainsi les mûres devinrent de couleur pourpre. Thisbé reveint et compris se qu’il venait de se pr...
What we can notice , is that Shakespeare tries to open our eyes on things that we tend to overlook. I personally think he wants us to understand the world better. Shakespeare's work is really special: even though he lived in the 16th century, his words, and his ideas about the society, life, love, feelings...still have an effect on people, no matter which generation they are in (Romeo and Juliet for example, is one of his plays that are still celebrated today. The idea of a man and a woman livin...
dialogue anglais
Dialogue TS : M: Hey I: Hey,Yesterday I won a card-journey for two people but I'm single would you like to come with me ? M: Yes ,what are the destinations ? I: I could choose between five destinations : a week in the sw iss Alps ,a cruise in the mediterranean, a photo safari in Africa,an adventure ca mp in Hawaï and an expedition on a desert island. M: I wouldn't like to stay a week in the swiss Alps becau se I hate snow and I hurt my feet last year in an avalanche . I: And what do you t...
Of mice and men
Essay Of Mice and Men Since we are children, we learned to understand before judging : "learning to know, know to understand, understand to judge”, so if you understand , you wouldn’t judge him like a murder , but like a man who tried to give a dignified death to his friend. I would like to finish with a French proverb which says: "Do not judge the tree by the bark “.
Final speech of George Milton's lawyer during a trial ( Of Mice and Men )
Essay Of Mice and Men Since we are children, we learned to understand before judging : "learning to know, know to understand, understand to judge”, so if you understand , you wouldn’t judge him like a murder , but like a man who tried to give a dignified death to his friend. I would like to finish with a French proverb which says: "Do not judge the tree by the bark “.
skynny en français
And I told you to be patient And I told you to be fine our a little salt, we were never here My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my my Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer I tell my love to wreck it all Cut out all the ropes and let me fall My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my my Right in the moment this order's tall And I told you to be patient And I told you to be fine our a little salt, we were never here My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my my Staring at the sink of blood and crushed ve...
five or fifty minutes.
THE ONLY ANIMAL I read thefirst chapter of A Brief History ofTime when Dadwasstillalive, andIgot incredibly heavybootsabout how relatively insignificant lifeis,and how, compared tothe universe andcompared totime, itdidn't evenmatter ifIexisted at all. When Dadwastucking meinthat night andwewere talking aboutthebook, Iasked ifhe could thinkofasolution to that problem. "Whichproblem?" "Theproblem ofhow relatively insignificant weare." Hesaid, "Well, whatwould happen ifaplane dropped youinthe mid...
to be human is to be in relation
experience that doesn't occur between the world and us but rather within ourselves (Buber p.56). In the I-It relationship, we are only distant observers and fail to be present and engage in relation with the world. The I-You relationship, in contrast, represents the entrance into relation. In this type of relationship, rather than being observers, we become active participants of the world. We no longer use or experience one another but rather get into relation with one another. This, in my op...
Excerpt from Love's Labour's Lost - anthology.
BEROWNE. I could put thee in comfort—not by two that I know.Thou makest the triumviry, the corner-cap of society,The shape of Love's Tyburn, that hangs up simplicity. LONGAVILLE. I fear these stubborn lines lack power to move.(Reading ) “O sweet Maria, empress of my love!”— These numbers will I tear, and write in prose.He tears the paper BEROWNE. O, rhymes are guards on wanton Cupid's hose;Disfigure not his shop. LONGAVILLE. ( taking another paper ) This same shall go: (Reading ) “Did not the he...
How to live a good life according to aristotle and kant
Similarities and differences between them Kant and Aristotle: Kant and Aristotle both agree that for someone to be virtuous they must have good external conditions and that the state/government can help them achieve that and what separates human beings from animals is our capacity to reason. The difference is the way they achieve virtue for Kant it is trough learning the categorical imperative and acting upon it and for Aristotle it is by learning the 2 kinds of knowledge scientific knowledge...
Excerpt from Our Mutual Friend - anthology.
The Podsnaps lived in a shady angle adjoining Portman Square. They were a kind of people certain to dwell in the shade, wherever they dwelt. Miss Podsnap's lifehad been, from her first appearance on this planet, altogether of a shady order; for, Mr Podsnap's young person was likely to get little good out of association withother young persons, and had therefore been restricted to companionship with not very congenial older persons, and with massive furniture. Miss Podsnap's earlyviews of life be...
Lettre en anglais
I'm going to stay until November. These 6 months have gone by so fast! See you soon. Your best friend, Celestine.
Excerpt from A Tale of Two Cities - anthology.
“Good day, citizeness.” “Good day, citizen.” This mode of address was now prescribed by decree. It had been established voluntarily some time ago, among the more thorough patriots; but, was now law foreverybody. “ Walking here again, citizeness?” “You see me, citizen!” The wood-sawyer, who was a little man with a redundancy of gesture (he had once been a mender of roads), cast a glance at the prison, pointed at the prison, andputting his ten fingers before his face to represe...