293 résultats pour "procession"
Bloch, Ernst Simon
with a non-positivist empiricism, which he terms 'process empiricism' . It is thus to be distinguished from a determinist teleology, which, following the analogy of the acorn and the oak, envisages humanity in terms of a fixed, inevitable future growing out of iron historical trends. A fundamental way in which Bloch conceptualizes the dynamic tension at work within matter is by building up composite concepts around the category of 'not' . 'Not' is meant to register the absent and unfinished...
arise from something different' (Aristotle, Physics 204b26, A16). As it stands, the argument is laden with Aristotelian terminology, and does not prove that the apeiron is qualitatively indefinite, only that it is different from the four Aristotelian elements. Its authenticity has been questioned, but it probably has an Anaximandrian kernel, attackingThales ' conception of water as the basic material of the universe using the argument: 'If everything were made of, or originated from, wate...
que, justement le jour où il menait ces mêmes électeurs, sa voiture fut versée précisément
dans cet endroit-là, et tous les voyageurs lancés dans le canal ?
– L’effet neserait-il paslemême sivous vouschargiez delabesogne ? demandaM. Samuel Slumkey. – J’ai peur quenon, mon chermonsieur. Maissivous lefaisiez vous-même, jepense quecela vous rendrait très-populaire. – Très-bien, ditl’honorable SamuelSlumkey d’unairrésigné, ilfaut enpasser parlà,voilà tout. – Arrangez laprocession ! » crièrentlesvingt membres ducomité. Au milieu desacclamations delamultitude, musiciens, constables, membresducomité, électeurs, cavaliers,carrosses prirentleursplaces. Chacu...
Decision engineering
Competitor’s resources. Threat and opportunities from within and without cross impact and external political. Besides, theses changement should be done step by step not sudden, because it’s difficult to change suddenly the things that’s happen today, we should learn the experience caused by it. So, the most important things to do to establish those changements are to consider the future and perspective necessary to correct the mistakes done in the past...
Assisted Suicide.
regardless of the fairness of the procedures used (substantive due process). In the Glucksberg case, the Court indicated that the liberty interest protected by the 14th Amendment does not encompass the right to determine the timing and manner of one’s own death. The Court’s decision means that each state may determine whetheror not to prohibit or permit (and otherwise regulate) assisted suicide. In 2006 the Court upheld Oregon’s law permitting physician-assisted suicide. In a 6-to-3 decision,...
La procession funéraire : le mystérieux « tekenou »
fun érailles se déroulaient se lon les règles, comme le « prê tre lecteur », gardien des rou leaux de cérémonie. Enfin ve naient les porteurs qui emme na ient vers la tombe le mob i lier funéraire -statues, armes, étoffes, amulettes, parures, bâtons, nourriture, etc. -né cessaire à la survie pos thume du défunt . L'adieu à la momie A u terme d'une longue procession qui, théori quement , devait traverser le Nil - les n...
Computer Science.
theoretical research is called algorithmic complexity. Computer scientists in this field seek to develop techniques for determining the inherent efficiency of algorithmswith respect to one another. Another area of theoretical research called computability theory seeks to identify the inherent limits of computation. Software engineers use programming languages to communicate algorithms to a computer. Natural languages such as English are ambiguous—meaning that theirgrammatical structure and vocab...
Reproductive System.
in which the young develop, and a thinner channel, the vagina, which opens exteriorly. V GENITALS In animals that lay their eggs and discharge their sperm into water, the spermatozoa reach the eggs by chemical attraction; the eggs of individuals of a species attractonly the sperm of members of the same species. When eggs and sperm are deposited at great distances from each other, the number of eggs fertilized is small. Manyamphibians and aquatic vertebrates solve this problem by attaching thems...
Indo-Pakistani Wars - History.
wrest Jammu and Kashmīr from India through the use of force. This effort failed as India held its ground, and the war ended in a stalemate after almost two months ofarmed conflict. Although the second war over the territory was shorter than the first, the increased firepower of the two nations resulted in a more deadly war, with atotal of about 6,800 battle casualties. A Events Before the War A number of factors precipitated the second conflict over Jammu and Kashm īr. In the wake of a border w...
Snake (reptile).
in their heads that conduct sound. They are able to hear low-frequency sounds and to sense vibrations that travel through the ground or water. The majority of snakeshave good eyesight, especially for detecting moving objects, although most burrowing snakes can only distinguish between light and dark. Pit vipers, boas, and pythons have an unusual adaptation for detecting warm-blooded prey and predators. On the heads of these snakes are small pits lined with cellsthat are extremely sensitive to he...
Gravitation, the force of attraction between all objects that tends to pull them toward one another.
precise observations possible, and Galileo was one of the first to use a telescope to study astronomy. In 1609 Galileo observed that moons orbited the planet Jupiter, afact that could not reasonably fit into an earth-centered model of the heavens. The new heliocentric theory changed scientists' views about the earth's place in the universe and opened the way for new ideas about the forces behind planetarymotion. However, it was not until the late 17th century that Isaac Newton developed a theory...
Gravitation - astronomy.
precise observations possible, and Galileo was one of the first to use a telescope to study astronomy. In 1609 Galileo observed that moons orbited the planet Jupiter, afact that could not reasonably fit into an earth-centered model of the heavens. The new heliocentric theory changed scientists' views about the earth's place in the universe and opened the way for new ideas about the forces behind planetarymotion. However, it was not until the late 17th century that Isaac Newton developed a theory...
Flower - biology.
insects. The sepals unfurl as the flower opens and often resemble small green leaves at the flower’s base. In some flowers, the sepals are colorful and work with thepetals to attract pollinators. E Variations in Structure Like virtually all forms in nature, flowers display many variations in their structure. Most flowers have all four whorls—pistil, stamens, petals, and sepals. Botanists callthese complete flowers. But some flowers are incomplete, meaning they lack one or more whorls. Incomplet...
Although never actually denying the existence of the gods, Buddhism denies them any special role. Their lives in heaven are long and pleasurable, but they are in thesame predicament as other creatures, being subject eventually to death and further rebirth in lower states of existence. They are not creators of the universe or incontrol of human destiny, and Buddhism denies the value of prayer and sacrifice to them. Of the possible modes of rebirth, human existence is preferable, because thedeitie...
Mars (planet) - astronomy.
The Martian core is probably much like Earth’s, consisting mostly of iron, with a small amount of nickel. If other light elements, particularly sulfur, exist there as well, thecore may be larger than presently thought. From studying Earth’s magnetic field and core, scientists theorize that the motions of the liquid rock in Earth’s core generateits magnetic field. Mars does not have a significant magnetic field, so scientists believe that Mars’s core is probably solid. However, spacecraft data in...
Ancient Rome .
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
Ancient Rome - USA History.
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
La procession funéraire : les danses en l'honneur des défunts
néraire, de la statue qui doit servir de substitut corporel au défunt au cas où la mom ie se rait détériorée. Dans leur cé lèbre tombeau de Saqqarah, Ti et sa femme président à di verses réjoui ssances organi sées en leur honneu r : le par tage de la nourriture entre les participants aux funé railles se fait au son de la mé lopée entraînante des musi ciens et des chanteurs qui ac compagnent un groupe de danseuse...
Le cérémonial des califes fatimides Dans l’Egypte ancienne
civil Uour de l'an, fêtes en re lation avec la crue du Nil), ces processions avaient des al lures de parade militaire tout en accordant une place à l'élément religieux puisque les récitants du Coran partici paient toujours aux cortèges. Pour la procession du jour de l'an, qui partait de !'Esplana de entre les deux palais, sor tait du Caire par la porte des Conquêtes et atteignait la porte de la Victoire avant de...
PERCEVAL ET SA COUSINE : vers 3452 à 3597, tome 1, p.109 à p.114 (commentaire)
- On se souviendra également que lorsque Perceval se rend au château du Roi Pêcheur ce lieu semble apparaître / disparaître ça relève du merveilleux. - On verra par la suite dans l'œuvre que la maison du Roi Pêcheur sera le lieu de l'épreuve suprême pour Perceval. → Sa blessure: - On apprend dans ce passage que le Roi Pêcheur pêche car c'est l'une des distractions qui lui sont en sa possibilité de pouvoir effectuer car il a été blessé. - La demoiselle nous dit que « il fu an u...
Boyle, Robert
Torricelli and his own conception of the spring (elasticity) of the air. His work was seen by many as a significant improvement upon earlier Aristotelian speculations, yet it was also severely criticized, by Henry More and Thomas Hobbes among others. In 1662 he published responses to his critics in a second edition of New Experiments that also contained the first formulation of Boyle's law, which describes the inverse proportion between the pressure and volume of a gas. Boyle's interests...
Le retournement temporel
BERNARD Vincent LENA Hugues GR5 Promo 2014 2 At present , unable to use standard optical techniques to maritime space , we had to find a way to detect schools of fish or to explore some areas underwater by another method called time reversal . It is also a physical process known for many years. It allows, under certain conditions, to return a wave to its source . The bibliographic project is to study this phenomenon, its theoretical foundations , i...
Définition du terme:
DAIS, substantif masculin.
Ø 2.... ils accompagnèrent toujours ces figures de supports, de montants et de dais très-saillants, qui, tout en les abritant, leur faisaient un entourage assez coloré pour leur permettre de se détacher en clair. EUGÈNE VIOLLET-LE-DUC, Entretiens sur l'architecture. 1872, page 249. c) LITURGIE. Étoffe tendue, soutenue par deux ou quatre montants, sous laquelle on porte le saint sacrement, surtout dans les processions, ou sous laquelle on recevait les rois, les princes, etc. lorsqu'ils faisaie...
Candide, Chapitre 6 de Voltaire
trembla de nouveau avec un fracas épouvantable ». L'hyperbole utilisée marque, ici, la présence de l'ironie.Il y a aussi le champs lexical de la religion : « san-benito » ; « prêché » ; « bénis » ; « procession » , il y a ici ironie de lacérémonie : « une belle musique en faux bourdon » ; « sermon très pathétique ».Présence au milieu du texte de l'expression : « ni queue, ni griffe » qui nous rappel ni queue ni tête. Montre le non sens de cetauto-da-fé et l'absurdité. B] La dénonciation de...
Desert - geography.
irrigation from rivers or wells. Such transformations of deserts are not without problems. Evaporation of the irrigation water results in the accumulation of salt on thesurface soil, eventually rendering it useless for further crop production. By tapping reservoirs of fossil water deep beneath the desert, humans are, in effect, miningwater. Once this water is gone, it is irreplaceable. Burning and overgrazing of semiarid lands on the periphery of deserts can irreversibly damage the plants thatco...
Desert - Geography.
irrigation from rivers or wells. Such transformations of deserts are not without problems. Evaporation of the irrigation water results in the accumulation of salt on thesurface soil, eventually rendering it useless for further crop production. By tapping reservoirs of fossil water deep beneath the desert, humans are, in effect, miningwater. Once this water is gone, it is irreplaceable. Burning and overgrazing of semiarid lands on the periphery of deserts can irreversibly damage the plants thatco...
ANONYME : Procession de la Ligue en place de Grève, à Paris
ANONYME Procession de la Ligue en place de Grève, à Paris Fin du À'VI" siècle Ce tableau est un document passionnant sur l'un des épisodes les plus troubles de l'histoire de France. Refusant l'édit de Beaulieu qui, en 1576, mit fin à la cinquième guerre de Religion, le parti catholique, manœuvré par les éléments les plus fanatiques du clergé, se constitua en une "ligue" qui visait non seulement à l'élimina tion du protestantis...
Alternative Medicine.
The field of chiropractic was founded by David Daniel Palmer in the 1890s. He believed that joint subluxation, or a partial dislocation, is a causal factor in disease andthat removal of the subluxation by thrusting on the bony projections of the vertebrae restores health. In addition to manipulating and adjusting bone and tissue, particularly in the spinal column, chiropractors use a variety of manual, mechanical, and electrical treatments.Chiropractors are most widely recognized for providing d...
Interstellar Matter - astronomy.
silhouette of a cloud of dust. At other times, it blocks only a percentage of the light from behind it, a process known by astronomers as extinction . The long, narrow dark lanes in the Milky Way as seen from Earth are examples of extinction. The amount of extinction is different for different wavelengths of light. A2 Reddening Starlight that does not get completely absorbed by interstellar dust can still be changed by the dust’s effects. As light passes through less dense patches of interstel...
Stem Cell.
The medical profession used adult stem cells to treat diseases long before anyone isolated one. In 1968 scientists performed the first successful bone marrowtransplant, a procedure in which a patient receives an infusion of healthy bone marrow cells. The purpose of such transplants is to restore the blood-making capabilitiesof the patient’s diseased bone marrow after extremely strong chemotherapy has destroyed that bone marrow. From the beginning investigators suspected that stemcells in the inf...
majority systems usually reduce the number of competitive political parties—for example, the mostly two-party system in the United States. Proportional representation systems boost participation by increasing the value of a vote to smaller or more marginal portions of a national population. In the UnitedStates, plurality or majority systems have reduced the incentive to vote of citizens who do not identify closely with the Democratic or Republican Party. Disillusionmentwith the major parties and...
Hazardous Wastes.
A Source Reduction The best way to eliminate hazardous wastes is not to generate them in the first place. For example, improvements have been made in the production of integratedcircuits: The toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons commonly used in the 1970s were replaced in the 1980s by less toxic glycol ethers and in the 1990s by low-toxicity estersand alcohols. B Recycling Recycling is the recovery or reuse of usable materials from waste. About 5 percent of hazardous waste in the United States is re...
Depression (psychology).
IV CAUSES Some depressions seem to come out of the blue, even when things are going well. Others seem to have an obvious cause: a marital conflict, financial difficulty, or somepersonal failure. Yet many people with these problems do not become deeply depressed. Most psychologists believe depression results from an interaction betweenstressful life events and a person’s biological and psychological vulnerabilities. A Biological Factors Depression runs in families. By studying twins, researche...
Cuban Missile Crisis.
inspect ships to determine whether they were carrying weapons. Kennedy warned that if Khrushchev fired missiles from Cuba, the result would be “a full retaliatoryresponse upon the Soviet Union.” Because international law defines a blockade as an act of war, Kennedy and his advisers decided to refer to the blockade as a quarantine. The United States wassupported by other members of the Organization of American States, an organization of nations in the western hemisphere that seek to cooperate on...
Aristotle (384-322
Greek philosopher and scientist, who shares with Plato and Socrates the distinction of being the most famous of ancient philosophers.
succession of individuals. These processes are therefore intermediate between the changeless circles of the heavens and the simple linear movements of the terrestrialelements. The species form a scale from simple (worms and flies at the bottom) to complex (human beings at the top), but evolution is not possible. C Aristotelian Psychology For Aristotle, psychology was a study of the soul. Insisting that form (the essence, or unchanging characteristic element in an object) and matter (the commonu...
succession of individuals. These processes are therefore intermediate between the changeless circles of the heavens and the simple linear movements of the terrestrialelements. The species form a scale from simple (worms and flies at the bottom) to complex (human beings at the top), but evolution is not possible. C Aristotelian Psychology For Aristotle, psychology was a study of the soul. Insisting that form (the essence, or unchanging characteristic element in an object) and matter (the commonu...
Cuban Missile Crisis - U.
inspect ships to determine whether they were carrying weapons. Kennedy warned that if Khrushchev fired missiles from Cuba, the result would be “a full retaliatoryresponse upon the Soviet Union.” Because international law defines a blockade as an act of war, Kennedy and his advisers decided to refer to the blockade as a quarantine. The United States wassupported by other members of the Organization of American States, an organization of nations in the western hemisphere that seek to cooperate on...
Igneous Rock.
As a magma cools, the first crystals to form will be of minerals that become solid at relatively high temperatures (usually olivine and a type of feldspar known asanorthite). The composition of these early-formed mineral crystals will be different from the initial composition of the magma. Consequently, as these growing crystalstake certain elements out of the magma in certain proportions, the composition of the remaining liquid changes. This process is known as magmatic differentiation.Sometime...
John Diefenbaker.
only Conservative elected from Saskatchewan, which had gone solidly to the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), a coalition party dedicated to social andwelfare reforms. In 1952 the Liberals in Saskatchewan abolished Diefenbaker's Lake Centre seat altogether by merging it with the neighboring legislative district of Moose Jaw, where theCCF had a vast majority. In 1953 Diefenbaker decided to run for election in Prince Albert. Again he was the only Conservative returned to Parliament fromSa...
John Diefenbaker - Canadian History.
only Conservative elected from Saskatchewan, which had gone solidly to the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), a coalition party dedicated to social andwelfare reforms. In 1952 the Liberals in Saskatchewan abolished Diefenbaker's Lake Centre seat altogether by merging it with the neighboring legislative district of Moose Jaw, where theCCF had a vast majority. In 1953 Diefenbaker decided to run for election in Prince Albert. Again he was the only Conservative returned to Parliament fromSa...
Shang Dynasty - History.
The dynastic ancestors belonged to an elaborate religious pantheon that also included various nature powers and the Shang high god, Di. The higher powers were lessconcerned with the well-being of Shang society than the ancestors were. Di, whose wishes were often hard to determine, could even cause the Shang harm. The naturepowers could occasionally influence the wind, rain, and harvests, but only Di could actually order the weather. For an agricultural society such as the Shang, this wasperhaps...
Fossil Fuels.
water molecules. This crystalline solid is known as gas hydrate. Because technology for the commercial extraction of gas hydrates has not yet been developed, this typeof fossil fuel is not included in most world energy resource estimates. However, in February 2007 the U.S. Department of Energy completed the drilling of a well toretrieve core samples of gas hydrates found in the Prudhoe Bay region of Alaska’s North Slope. By identifying the nature of these gas hydrates, the Energy Departmenthoped...
Geography - Geography.
Geographers have developed a standard pattern of map symbols for identifying such cultural features as homes, factories, and churches; dams, bridges, and tunnels;railways, highways, and travel routes; and mines, farms, and grazing lands. C Analyzing Geographic Information Techniques that use mathematics or statistics to analyze data are known as quantitative methods. The use of quantitative methods enables geographers to treat a largeamount of data and a large number of variables in an objectiv...
an input of nutrients exceeding the capability of the ecosystem to process them. Nutrients eroded and leached from agricultural lands, along with sewage and industrialwastes accumulated from urban areas, all drain into streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. These pollutants destroy plants and animals that cannot tolerate theirpresence or the changed environmental conditions caused by them; at the same time they favor a few organisms more tolerant to changed conditions. Thus,precipitation filled...
Ecology - biology.
an input of nutrients exceeding the capability of the ecosystem to process them. Nutrients eroded and leached from agricultural lands, along with sewage and industrialwastes accumulated from urban areas, all drain into streams, rivers, lakes, and estuaries. These pollutants destroy plants and animals that cannot tolerate theirpresence or the changed environmental conditions caused by them; at the same time they favor a few organisms more tolerant to changed conditions. Thus,precipitation filled...
Invertebrate - biology.
animals with a five-pointed design. They live in the sea and move with the help of tiny fluid-filled feet—another feature found nowhere else in the animal world. Zoologists recognize several different groups of worms. The phylum known as flatworms contains the simplest animals possessing heads. Nerves and sense organs areconcentrated in the head. Most flatworms are paper-thin and live in a variety of wet or damp habitats, including the digestive systems of other animals. Roundwormsrepresent anot...
Invertebrate - biology.
animals with a five-pointed design. They live in the sea and move with the help of tiny fluid-filled feet—another feature found nowhere else in the animal world. Zoologists recognize several different groups of worms. The phylum known as flatworms contains the simplest animals possessing heads. Nerves and sense organs areconcentrated in the head. Most flatworms are paper-thin and live in a variety of wet or damp habitats, including the digestive systems of other animals. Roundwormsrepresent anot...
São Paulo (city) - geography.
universities include the State University Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1976), and the even larger University of São Paulo (1934), which incorporates the city’s famousand influential Faculty of Law. Important private universities are Mackenzie University, originally founded by Presbyterian missionaries from the United States (1870);the Paulista University (1972); the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1946); and the University São Judas Tadeu (1971). The city is home to the São Pau...
Cold War.
With this, all the countries of Eastern Europe were under Communist control, and the creation of the Soviet bloc was complete. The events of 1948 contributed to agrowing conviction among political leaders in both the United States and the USSR that the opposing power posed a broad and fundamental threat to their nation’sinterests. The Berlin blockade and the spread of Communism in Europe led to negotiations between Western Europe, Canada, and the United States that resulted in the NorthAtlantic...
Cold War .
With this, all the countries of Eastern Europe were under Communist control, and the creation of the Soviet bloc was complete. The events of 1948 contributed to agrowing conviction among political leaders in both the United States and the USSR that the opposing power posed a broad and fundamental threat to their nation’sinterests. The Berlin blockade and the spread of Communism in Europe led to negotiations between Western Europe, Canada, and the United States that resulted in the NorthAtlantic...