168 résultats pour "oranger"
Stuart ou Steward, famille qui régna sur l'Écosse de 1371 à 1714, et sur l'Angleterre de
1603 à 1714.
revendiquer la couronne. En 1715, Jacques III (1688-1766) débarqua en Écosse, où ses partisans, les jacobites, se soulevèrent contre George I er de Hanovre, mais il dut fuir dès 1716. En 1745, son fils Charles Édouard (1720-1788), dit le Jeune Prétendant, mena une expédition jusqu'aux portes de Londres. L'indiscipline de ses partisans highlanders, puis la sévère défaite de Culloden (1746) mirent fin aux prétentions des Stuarts. La dynastie s'éteignit à la mort du frère de Charles Edouard, Henry...
Auguste Bataves Burgondes Caracalla (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Bassianus, dit) Celtes César Jules Clovis - Clovis Ier Constantin - ROME ET BYZANCE - Constantin Ier le Grand Éduens France - Histoire - Des pouvoirs territoriaux à la Gaule romaine Francs Gaule - La Gaule romanisée Germanie Goths Huns invasion latin Lutèce Lyon Narbonnaise Nîmes Orange Postumus Marcus Cassianus Latinus Rome - Histoire - Rome et l'Empire romain Senlis Tetricus Caius Pius Esuvius Tours Mirand...
- Boer War.
Définition: ADVENTIF, -IVE, adjectif.
GASTON BONNIER , Éléments de botanique , Anatomie et physiologie végétales, 1889, page 59. 7. Par suite de circonstances particulières, telles qu'une blessure, ou la présence de champignons, il peut se former en certains points des touffes de tiges anormales. On les appelle tiges adventives. A. PERRIN, Cours de sciences naturelles, Géologie et botanique, Paris, Delagrave, 1899, pages 124-125. 8. Tout bourgeon qui prend naissance hors des aisselles foliaires de la tige est dit « bourgeon a...
Morgain, fée - littérature.
demi-frère et de son royaume. Elle lui vole l’épée Excalibur pour l’offrir à son amant Accolon de Gaul, qui tente de tuer le roi mais échoue ; elle provoque également ses chevaliers en les enfermant dans le Val sans Retour, ou tente de briser son union avec Guenièvre en lui révélant l’infidélité de la reine. Morgain et Arthur s’opposent également d’un point de vue religieux. Morgain, prêtresse d’Avalon, tente désespérément de ramener son frère chrétien vers la vieille religion celte. Quelques te...
- Afrique du Sud
- hominidés (faune & Flore).
South Africa - country.
The major soil zones are conditioned largely by climatic factors. In the semiarid north and west, soils are alkaline and poorly developed. In the southern part of WesternCape Province, rain falls mostly in the winter months, and soils there form slowly and are generally thin and immature. The moderate temperatures and summer rainfallof the High Veld and eastern coastal areas create conditions for more productive organic decomposition, leading to dark, fertile soils, or chernozems, similar to tho...
nucléaires, armes1PRÉSENTATIONnucléaires, armes, engins explosifs conçus pour produire instantanément une grande quantité d'énergie nucléaire et utilisés comme armes de guerre.
3.2. 3 Matière fissile 3.2.3. 1 Isotopes de l’uranium L’uranium-235, isotope fissile de l’uranium, ne représente que 0,7 p. 100 de l’uranium naturel ; le reste est constitué d’uranium-238, plus lourd. Aucun procédé chimique ne permet de séparer l’uranium-235 de l’uranium naturel, car ces deux isotopes ont des propriétés chimiques identiques. Plusieurs techniques ont cependant été mises au point pour les séparer, toutes fondées sur l’utilisation de l’infime différence de poids entre les deux...
Excerpt from A Midsummer Night's Dream - anthology.
BOTTOM: Well, proceed. QUINCE: Robin Starveling, the tailor? STARVELING: Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE: Robin Starveling, you must play Thisbe’s mother. Tom Snout, the tinker? SNOUT: Here, Peter Quince. QUINCE: You, Pyramus’ father; myself, Thisbe’s father; Snug, the joiner, you the lion’s part; and I hope here is a play fitted. SNUG: Have you the lion’s part written? Pray you, if it be, give it me; for I am slow of study. QUINCE: You may do it extempore; for it is nothing but roaring. BOTTOM: Let...
Römische Kunst und Architektur - Geschichte.
Das römische Stadthaus (Domus) entwickelte sich aus dem einfachen Atriumhaus, wie es schon die Etrusker kannten. Es war achsensymmetrisch um einen zentralen Innenhof (Atrium) angelegt, der in der Mitte ein Auffangbecken für Regenwasser (Impluvium) besaß und in den man von der Straße aus durch ein Vestibül (Vestibulum) und eine Eingangshalle (Fauces) gelangte. Darum gruppierten sich der Empfangsraum (Tablinium), der Essraum (Triclinium), die Küche und eine Reihe kleinerer Schlafzimm...
History of Colonial America - U.
Despite the lack of settlement, New France prospered as a vast fur-trading enterprise. French explorers traveled deep into the North American continent seeking newsupplies of deerskins and beaver pelts. In 1673 French missionary Jacques Marquette reached the Mississippi River in present-day Wisconsin. In 1681 explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, traveled down the majestic Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. He honored the reign of King Louis XIV (1643-1715) by creating the newcolony...
Evolution - biology.
genetic diversity to extinction. Sexual reproduction ensures that the genes in a population are rearranged in each generation, a process termed recombination. Although the combinations of genes inindividuals change with each new generation, the gene frequency, or ratio of different alleles in the entire population, remains relatively constant if no evolutionaryforces act on the population. One such force is the introduction of new genes into the genetic material of the population, or gene pool...
Vietnam War.
rigged, since about 150,000 more people voted in Saigon than were registered. Diem then deposed Bao Dai, who had been the only other candidate, and declaredSouth Vietnam to be an independent nation called the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), with himself as president and Saigon as its capital. Vietnamese Communists and manynon-Communist Vietnamese nationalists saw the creation of the RVN as an effort by the United States to interfere with the independence promised at Geneva. III THE BEGINNING OF THE...
Vietnam War - History.
rigged, since about 150,000 more people voted in Saigon than were registered. Diem then deposed Bao Dai, who had been the only other candidate, and declaredSouth Vietnam to be an independent nation called the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), with himself as president and Saigon as its capital. Vietnamese Communists and manynon-Communist Vietnamese nationalists saw the creation of the RVN as an effort by the United States to interfere with the independence promised at Geneva. III THE BEGINNING OF THE...
Vietnam War - U.
rigged, since about 150,000 more people voted in Saigon than were registered. Diem then deposed Bao Dai, who had been the only other candidate, and declaredSouth Vietnam to be an independent nation called the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), with himself as president and Saigon as its capital. Vietnamese Communists and manynon-Communist Vietnamese nationalists saw the creation of the RVN as an effort by the United States to interfere with the independence promised at Geneva. III THE BEGINNING OF THE...
Italy - country.
C Natural Resources Italy is poor in natural resources. Much of the land is unsuitable for agriculture because of mountainous terrain or unfavorable climate. Italy, moreover, lacks substantialdeposits of basic natural resources such as coal, iron, and petroleum. Natural gas is the country’s most important mineral resource. Other deposits include feldspar andpumice. Many of Italy’s mineral deposits on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia had been heavily depleted by the early 1990s. Italy is rich...
Spain - country.
B Natural Resources Spain has a number of mineral resources. The largest known deposits are of iron ore, zinc, and lead. Spain also produces significant quantities of copper and mercury.These deposits are mined mainly in Huelva province in southwestern Spain, around Cartagena on the Mediterranean, and at various points along the Bay of Biscay inthe north. Additionally, uranium is mined in the region of Extremadura, near the Portuguese frontier, where pyrites, fluorspar, gypsum, tungsten, and po...