1526 résultats pour "dominance"
Ancient Rome .
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
Ancient Rome - USA History.
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
Monarchie constitutionnelle d'Europe occidentale, les Pays-Bas
forment un « pays creux », constamment menacé par les eaux,
contre lesquelles les habitants mènent un combat séculaire.
Meuse, opération qui a porté le nom de « plan Delta ». Le réseau hydrographique contribue pour beaucoup à la morphologie et à l'économie du pays. Il est essentiellement constitué par le Rhin et la Meuse, exhaussés au-dessus de la plaine sur leurs alluvions fertiles, et par leur delta, qui est le plus vaste d'Europe. Dotés d'une importante façade maritime, les Pays-Bas ont un climat océanique frais, à faibles amplitudes annuelles (moyenne annuelle : 10 oC), et d'une grande humidité...
Drawing, delineation of form upon a surface, usually a plane, by means of lines and tints or shading.
In the monasteries of medieval Europe, religious texts were inscribed on parchment, then embellished with initial letters, decorative borders, and miniature scenes. InRomanesque Europe, drawings served as models to be copied for such manuscript illumination and also as cartoons ( see Cartoon), or studies, for frescoes, sculpture, and other arts. Subjects were usually treated as stylized symbols of religious truths. This viewpoint was countered in the Gothic period; the change was reflected in th...
Nueva Zelanda - geografía.
arenas ferruginosas y minerales industriales como la bentonita, piedra pómez, piedra caliza, arcilla, dolomita, arenas de cuarzo y grava. En bloques aislados, se hanencontrado uranio y torio, aunque es posible que también existan depósitos mayores de estos minerales. Nueva Zelanda cuenta con ricos recursos energéticos; aparte de carbón tiene una meseta volcánica generadora de energía geotérmica, y cuenta además con el considerablepotencial hidroeléctrico que suponen los rápidos del país y los im...
- États-Unis
- Palerme.
- Égypte
Petit essai d'historiographie : Race et Histoire, Claude LEVI-STRAUSS
George Duthuit Peggy Guggenheim., ou encore trois grands de l'ethnologie américaine, Robert Lowie A.L.Kroeber etle retraité Boas ; mais la rencontre décisive du linguiste Jakobson lui fait prendre conscience du potentiel de laméthode structurale. Il enseigne alors au Etats-Unis avant de rentrer en France en 1947, via Londres. L'annéesuivante, il est nommé chercheur au CNRS et soutien sa thèse sur Les structures élémentaires de la parenté (1949) devant le doyen de la Sorbonne, Davy, président du...
Djibouti (country) - country.
l’Unité et de la Démocratie (FRUD; Front for the Renewal of Unity and Democracy) represents the Afar minority. The Parti National Démocratique (PND; Democratic National Party) and the Parti du Renouveau Démocratique (PRD; Democratic Renewal Party) are both small opposition parties favoring democratic reforms. VI HISTORY Djibouti lies at a major global crossroads where, some 100,000 years ago, early humans migrated from Africa to the Middle East. Livestock herding, which remainsimportant...
majorité de feuillus. Les pruniers (ume), blancs et rouges, de même que les cerisiers (sakura), à la floraison précoce, constituent, au même titre que le bambou (take) et le pin (matsu), les symboles traditionnels du pays. On distingue au Japon plusieurs types de paysages. Dans le nord et l’est d’Hokkaido, les conifères forment la majorité de la couverture végétale, associés au bouleau et aufrêne. La forêt tempérée réunit feuillus et conifères (chênes, hêtres, érables, thuyas, pins rouge...
1996 Summer Olympics.
jump, the first African woman ever to win an Olympic field event. In the first Olympic women's soccer competition, the United States returned to world prominence with a 2-1 gold medal victory over China before more than 76,000spectators—believed to be the largest crowd in history for a women's sporting event. The U.S. team won the first women's World Cup in 1991, defeating Norway inthe final match, but had failed to defend the title in 1995 when they lost to the Norwegians in the semifinals...
Initiatrice de la civilisation européenne grâce à l'héritage de
l'Antiquité, puis grâce à l'éclat des principautés de la Renaissance,
l'Italie n'a acquis son unité et son indépendance qu'en 1861.
montagnes calcaires de la Toscane, les reliefs volcaniques du Latium et de la Campanie, coupés de bassins (Florence), précèdent les plaines côtières bonifiées (Maremme). L'Italie insulaire se compose de petits archipels et de deux grandes îles très différentes. La Sicile semble prolonger le relief apennin avec la juxtaposition d'un bourrelet montagneux au nord, du massif volcanique de l'Etna et d'un vaste ensemble de collines monotones dans tout le reste de l'île. A...
Définition du terme:
COURONNE, substantif féminin.
En disant ces paroles, il posa sur ma tête la couronne de laurier (STÉPHANIE FÉLICITÉ DUCREST DE SAINT-AUBIN, COMTESSE DE GENLIS, Les Chevaliers du Cygne, tome 2, 1795, page 229 ). SYNTAXE : Couronne civique. Couronne de chêne vert offerte à celui qui, dans un combat, avait sauvé la vie d'un citoyen. Quand par le salut de quelque frère il a droit à la couronne civique (...) qu'il s'asseoie alors parmi les conquérants, et qu'il attende avec confiance le prix de sa valeur (SAINT- MARTIN, Homme dés...
- Livre du professeur 4eme hatier
Introduction à la philosophie
dialogue en confrontant les différents points de vue. La philosophie est en fait non seulement le fait de posséder un savoir, une connaissance, mais aussi une manière de vivre. Ainsi, Socrate est-il un homme vertueux et applique ses théories. « Ce dont il faut faire le plus de cas, ce n'est pas de vivre, mais de vivre bien ». Socrate. Parce qu'il gênait les sophistes, il a été condamné à mort. Plus tard, un de ses élèves a voulu laisser une trace de lui et de sa morale : il s'agit de Platon. Alo...
- Le livre de Thot
chimie - chimie.
3.2. 1 La transmutation des métaux En Égypte, la théorie d’Aristote est admise par les artisans, en particulier à Alexandrie, qui devient, après 300 av. J.-C., le centre intellectuel du monde antique. Selon les artisans, les métaux terrestres tendraient à devenir de plus en plus parfaits et à être ainsi progressivement transformés en or ; en outre, ils pensent pouvoir effectuer plus rapidement cette opération dans leurs propres ateliers et transmuter ainsi les métaux courants en or, métal inalt...
- Poles et aires de puissances
- Génétique et évolution
Koala - biology.
V REPRODUCTION Female koalas become sexually mature around 18 to 24 months of age. They can produce one offspring a year until they reach about 13 years of age. Males begin toproduce sperm around age 2 and, in the absence of older, stronger males, they may breed at that young age. More often, however, a male must grow big enough tocompete with other males for females, and mating generally begins for males at about 4 years of age. The breeding season for koalas is from October to May, during the...
- Chine
Mesopotamian Art and Architecture
Mesopotamian Art and Architecture, the arts and buildings of the ancient Middle Eastern civilizations that developed in the area (now Iraq) between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers from prehistory to the 6th century
arts. III EARLY DYNASTIC PERIOD Figures from Tell AsmarCreated around 2700 bc, these stone figures are from the city of Tell Asmar in what today is Iraq. From the Temple ofAbu, the statuettes stood in watchful prayer with the wide, staring eyes often found in Sumerian sculpture. The figuresare in the Iraq Museum, Baghdād, Iraq.Art Resource, NY The first historical epoch of Sumerian dominance lasted from about 3000 BC until about 2340 BC. While earlier architectural traditions continued, a ne...
L'Apocalypse selon Saint-Jean
(17) A bon entendeur d'écouter ce que l'Esprit dit aux Eglises : Au vainqueur je donnerai de la manne cachée, et je lui remettrai un caillou blanc sur lequel est écrit unnom nouveau que nul ne connaît, sauf celui qui le reçoit. » Message à Thyatire (18) « Note encore pour l'ange de l'Eglise de Thyatire : Voici ce que dit le Fils de Dieu, qui a les yeux flamboyants et les pieds pareils à du bronze fin : (19) Jeconnais ta conduite, ton amour, ta foi, ta serviabilité, ton endurance, et tes oeuvre...
Armenian Massacres .
Some of the Armenian revolutionaries and others hoped that the massacres would provoke the intervention of the European powers (Britain, France, Austria-Hungary,and Germany). Although the leaders of the European powers publicly condemned the actions of the sultan, they failed to intervene. Mutual rivalries and suspicions, aswell as the imprecise terms of Article 61 of the Treaty of Berlin, helped produce this inaction. But these bloody episodes soon paved the way for the rise of a newnationalist...
Jerusalem - geography.
There are many other artifacts in the city, tied to various periods of history; those of Canaanite, Israelite, Greek, Roman, Arab, Crusader, and Ottoman origin areamong the more prominent. Modern attractions include the Israel Museum (completed in 1965), which houses the Shrine of the Book, where the Dead Sea Scrolls areexhibited; the Rockefeller Museum (opened in 1938), which contains archaeological finds; the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum; the Museum of Biblical Archaeology; theMuseum of Islamic...
Burundi - country.
D Way of Life Most Burundians live in self-contained compounds of small round grass huts scattered over the country’s many hills. The rugo , the traditional Tutsi hut, is divided into sections and surrounded by an enclosure and cattle corrals. Families farm scattered plots of land on different soils at different altitudes to minimize crop failure. Thefloors of valleys are avoided due to higher temperatures and tsetse fly infestation. Social roles are largely determined by ethnicity, with the T...
- Histoire de l'art en Grèce
Atlantic Slave Trade.
members of the planters’ society. Through most of the years of the Atlantic trade, prices for Africans remained favorable in relation to the price of the crops theyproduced. They were, thus, the best economic solution for plantation owners seeking inexpensive labor. The Atlantic slave trade began as a trickle in the 1440s and grew slowly through the 17th century. By 1700, 25,000 slaves, on average, were crossing the Atlantic everyyear. After 1700 the trade grew much more rapidly to a peak in the...
Bhutan - country.
languages ( see Indo-Iranian Languages) and follow Hinduism. Nepalese people constitute a significant portion of Bhutan’s population. They are the most recent settlers, occupying south central and southwestern Bhutan. TheNepalese are mainly Rai, Gurung, and Limbu ethnic groups from the eastern mountains of Nepal. Nepalese immigration has been banned since 1959, when theBhutanese government feared the minority would become too populous. Nepalese are not permitted to live in the central Middle Hi...
À l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie, la France occupe une
position charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Europe du Sud.
Géographie Les conditions naturelles Ni le relief, ni les sols, ni les conditions climatiques n'ont été des obstacles au peuplement et au développement économique. La France n'a certes pas de climat qui permette plusieurs récoltes par an, ni de delta particulièrement fertile, mais elle ne connaît aucun facteur physique trop contraignant, n'est pas affectée d'une grande probabilité de risques naturels majeurs, et bénéficie par ailleurs d'une grande diversité de terroirs. L'évolution géolog...
Italy - country.
C Natural Resources Italy is poor in natural resources. Much of the land is unsuitable for agriculture because of mountainous terrain or unfavorable climate. Italy, moreover, lacks substantialdeposits of basic natural resources such as coal, iron, and petroleum. Natural gas is the country’s most important mineral resource. Other deposits include feldspar andpumice. Many of Italy’s mineral deposits on the islands of Sicily and Sardinia had been heavily depleted by the early 1990s. Italy is rich...
Abolitionist Movement.
The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), widely seen as revolutions by citizens against oppressive rulers, transformed thisEnlightenment assertion into a call for universal liberty and freedom. The successful slave revolt that began in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791 was part of this revolutionary age. Led by François Dominique ToussaintLouverture, black rebels overthrew the colonial government, ended slavery in the colony, and in 1804 established th...
Abolitionist Movement - U.
The American Revolution (1775-1783) and the French Revolution (1789-1799), widely seen as revolutions by citizens against oppressive rulers, transformed thisEnlightenment assertion into a call for universal liberty and freedom. The successful slave revolt that began in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791 was part of this revolutionary age. Led by François Dominique ToussaintLouverture, black rebels overthrew the colonial government, ended slavery in the colony, and in 1804 established th...
Slavery in the United States - U.
tripled, from about 1.2 million to almost 4 million in 1860. The natural growth of the slave population meant that slavery could survive without new slave imports. Natural population growth also hastened the transition from an African to an African American slave population. By the 1770s, only about 20 percent of slaves in thecolonies were African-born, although the concentration of Africans remained higher in South Carolina and Georgia. After 1808 the proportion of African-born slavesbecame tin...
Suffit-il de savoir pour pouvoir ?
mode d'alimentation des plantes etc. Tout cela dans le but de pouvoir s'approprier la faculté de faire sespropres récoltes, en quantité suffisante et dans des endroits qui lui conviennent. L'homme doit doncconnaître les règles de la nature et s'y conformer pour pouvoir utiliser la nature à son avantage. Ainsi,obéir, n'est ce pas suivre des règles strictes et sans échappatoire possible? L'homme doit obéir à lanature, suivre ses modes de fonctionnement pour pouvoir ensuite l'utiliser, la ma...
Malthus, nature's check was “positive”: “The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must insome shape or other visit the human race.” The shapes it took included war, epidemics, pestilence and plague, human vices, and famine, all combining to level theworld's population with the world's food supply. The only escape from population pressure and the horrors of the positive check was in voluntary limitation of population, no...
Cosmology - astronomy.
In 1917 American scientist Harlow Shapley measured the distance to several groups of stars known as globular clusters. He measured these distances by using amethod developed in 1912 by American astronomer Henrietta Leavitt. Leavitt’s method relates distance to variations in brightness of Cepheid variables, a class of starsthat vary periodically in brightness. Shapley’s distance measurements showed that the clusters were centered around a point far from the Sun. The arrangement of theclusters was...
Czech Republic - country.
enforcement of environmental regulations. Environmental considerations have also led some government officials to promote nuclear energy as a key source of powerfor the country’s future. The Czech Republic produces most of its energy by burning domestic coal. Much of the coal burned is low quality with a high ash and sulfur content—a key componentof acid rain—producing high levels of air pollution. Forests in the Czech Republic are among the most seriously affected by acid rain in all of Europe....
Labor Unions in the United States - U.
National Guard troops were used against the strikers, with the result that the strike was lost and the union that conducted it virtually destroyed. In 1894 a strike by theAmerican Railway Union against the Pullman Palace Car Company was defeated by an injunction issued under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which made acombination or contract in restraint of trade illegal. Thereafter employers used injunctions with increasing frequency and effectiveness as an antistrike weapon. See also Hours...
- La société, le droit et l’Etat modernes
James Madison.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
James Madison - USA History.
In the spring of 1784 Madison again ran for election to the Virginia assembly, and won. He served nearly three years there, pursuing the same objectives he had foughtfor in Congress. He advocated strengthening the federal government, which was an unpopular position in Virginia, as it was in most of the states. He consistentlysupported measures, at both state and national levels, that would best safeguard the rights of the individual. Madison also continued to oppose any connection betweenchurch...
- Insanity planning
Russian Revolutions of 1917 (Histoire) .
as Marxists. They believed that the working class—with its struggles to organize trade unions and to bring about political reforms of benefit to the majority ofpeople—would become the primary force for revolutionary change. The Russian Marxists formed the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) in 1898. By 1903,however, the RSDLP had split into two factions. The faction called the Bolsheviks (from the Russian word for “majority”), led by Vladimir Ilich Lenin, favored a more centralized a...
Mexico City - geography.
The park houses some of Mexico's most important public buildings, including Chapultepec Castle. Construction of the castle began in 1783. Positioned on the park’shighest elevation, the castle functioned as a fortress during colonial times. It once served as the presidential residence and now houses the National Museum of History,which includes murals by 20th-century Mexican painter Juan O'Gorman. Los Pinos, the official residence and working offices of the president, is also on the grounds, buti...
Segregation in the United States - U.
acts of discrimination. Writing for the court, Justice Joseph Bradley declared: “When a man has emerged from slavery, and by the aid of beneficent legislation ... theremust be some stage in the progress of his elevation when he takes the rank of a mere citizen, and ceases to be the special favorite of the laws, and when his rights as acitizen, or a man, are to be protected in the ordinary modes by which other men’s rights are protected.” Rather than being the “special favorites” of the law, blac...
history of architecture. See Basilica; Church; Early Christian Art and Architecture;Prayer. C Christian Life The instruction and exhortation of Christian preaching and teaching concern all the themes of doctrine and morals: the love of God and the love of neighbor, the twochief commandments in the ethical message of Jesus (see Matthew 22: 34-40). Application of these commandments to the concrete situations of human life, bothpersonal and social, does not produce a uniformity of moral or polit...
Indian Treaties in Canada - Canadian History.
Pontiac led an attack on British forts in the Great Lakes area to end British domination and to reinforce Indian autonomy. In response, British king George III issued theRoyal Proclamation of 1763 to try to appease the Indians of the interior. The proclamation set aside land for the Indians west of the Appalachian Mountains anddescribed this land as “lands reserved to [Indians] … as their Hunting Grounds.” The proclamation not only recognized Indian land ownership, but also required thattreaties...