1109 résultats pour "prince"
Japanese Literature
Japanese Literature, literature of Japan, in written form from at least the 8th century
to the present.
The Man’yō’sh ū contains about 4,500 poems, most of them composed in the Nara period (710-784). Some of the poems are far older, however, and some of the verses date to earlier collections that have not survived. The work demonstrates a gradual change from basic verses on simple subjects to more sophisticated expressions with a broad range of subject matter. This text also shows the development of poetic forms such as the tanka (short poem), a form structured around alternating lines of 5 an...
Paix Damilaville Commentaire
(l.1). La guerre est assimilée à la maladie et la paix à la bonne santé : « il n'est en santé » (l.2), « dans son état naturel » (l.2), « désordre » (l.6), « négliger » (l.9), « guerre sacrifie » (l.10), « plaies profondes » (l.10) et « peut guérir » (l.10). De plus, on peut remarquer que l'articulation est au centre du paragraphe afin de donner les images désastreuses de la guerre comme le montre mon relevé précédent : « La guerre, au contraire, … » (l.5). La structure binaire du premier...
Latin American Independence.
be inferior and were not permitted a university education. In the lowest caste were the African slaves. As the Spanish monarchy tried to increase its authority, it was hampered by the power of the Catholic Church. The church, including various religious orders, hadacquired great wealth, including large holdings of land, in the colonies. The Jesuit order especially had gained extraordinary wealth and political influence, and it alsocontrolled much of the university and high school education in th...
Russian Revolutions of 1917 (Histoire) .
as Marxists. They believed that the working class—with its struggles to organize trade unions and to bring about political reforms of benefit to the majority ofpeople—would become the primary force for revolutionary change. The Russian Marxists formed the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) in 1898. By 1903,however, the RSDLP had split into two factions. The faction called the Bolsheviks (from the Russian word for “majority”), led by Vladimir Ilich Lenin, favored a more centralized a...
Alaska - geography.
depression surrounded by highlands and have the coldest winter and hottest summer temperatures in Alaska. Once the Kuskokwim River passes through theKuskokwim Mountains, it forms the southern edge of a vast lake-studded alluvial plain bounded on the north by the Yukon River. This water-logged lowland is a majorsummer nesting area for birds. Fairbanks is the major city in this region, while Fort Yukon is the major community in the Yukon Flats and Bethel the largest settlementon the Lower Kuskokwi...
Alaska - USA History.
depression surrounded by highlands and have the coldest winter and hottest summer temperatures in Alaska. Once the Kuskokwim River passes through theKuskokwim Mountains, it forms the southern edge of a vast lake-studded alluvial plain bounded on the north by the Yukon River. This water-logged lowland is a majorsummer nesting area for birds. Fairbanks is the major city in this region, while Fort Yukon is the major community in the Yukon Flats and Bethel the largest settlementon the Lower Kuskokwi...
Réforme et contre-Réforme
UNE NOUVELLE tGUSE • le succès oblige Luther à définir en 1529 une Ëglise réformée . le Petit et le Grand Catéchisme fournissent la profession de foi des réformés. la foi est un don gratuit de Dieu ; elle est justification totale et elle apporte l'espérance et la charité . les fidèles interprètent I'Ëcriture selon la volonté de l'Esprit-Saint. Cette foi s'exprime par l'abandon à Dieu dans la certitude du sa lu~ la réception des deux sacrements, les...
du deces a effectuer a la mairie sous 24 h ;for- malites de succession : de- vant notaire ;formalites de securite sociale : en- voyer le bulletin de deces ou la copie de race de deces aux organismes d'af- filiation du defunt. - Fiches d'etat civil : s'adresser a n'importe quelle mairie, muni(e) de votre livret de famille (fiche familiale) ou d'un extraft de naissance ou de votre carte d'identite en cours de valiclite. - Liste electorate :ins- cription obligatoire pour tous les Francais a partir...