1115 résultats pour "collectivement"
début ; puis un jour je les vis tous occupés à tracer sur le papier des lignes horizontales ondulées.
de nature intellectuelle. Lapossession del’écriture multiplieprodigieusement l’aptitudedeshommes àpréserver les connaissances. Onlaconcevrait volontierscommeunemémoire artificielle, dontledéveloppement devrait s’accompagner d’unemeilleure conscience dupassé, doncd’une plusgrande capacité àorganiser leprésent etl’avenir. Après avoiréliminé touslescritères proposés pourdistinguer labarbarie delacivilisation, onaimerait aumoins retenir celui-là : peuplesavecousans écriture, lesuns capables decumule...
Jung and Pauli: A Meeting of Rare Minds
JUNG AND PAU\bI A Meeting \bf Rare Minds BY BEVERLEY ZABR\bSK\bE Readers of the Swiss psychiatrist C. G. Jungare more familiar with Wolfgang Pauli’s unconscious than with his waking life and achievement. Through Jung’s Psych\bl\bgy and Alchemy—an exposition of “the problem of individuation” and “normal development . . . in a highly intelligent person”—depth psychologists have known the Nobel laureate’s dreams, not his professional genius. Meanwhile, the scientists who continue Pauli’s pur- sui...
Si la ville est un fait humain relativement ancien, ses caractères et fonctions ont
beaucoup changé à travers le temps, contribuant de façon durable à l'essor des civilisations.
Occident comme un âge nettement rural, alors qu'en Orient Alexandrie et Constantinople prenaient le relais d'une Rome réduite à n'être plus que la résidence pontificale. L'Inde et l'Extrême-Orient connurent un développement plus continu de leurs villes au début de notre ère. Complétez votre recherche en consultant : Les corrélats architecture - Les fonctions de l'architecture Ccedil;atal Höyük cité habitat - L'habitat urbain - Introduction Inde - Histoire - La préhistoire indienne...
que les inégalités sont nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la société mais, elles doivent pouvoir profiter à tous, particulièrementaux plus démunis. On peut citer par exemple la nécessité d'associer des salaires plus élevés à certains postes névralgiques, parexemple les médecins, puisque ceux-ci procurent un incitatif pour les gens les plus qualifiés et compétents de se diriger vers cespostes[5]. La logique étant qu'un système de santé ayant de bons médecins est une bonne chose puisqu'il perme...
James Joyce
James Joyce
The works of Irish writer James Joyce are
Odysseus’s wife, Penelope. The 18 chapters of Ulysses parallel episodes from the Odyssey, but there are crucial differences between the two books. For instance, most interpretations of the Odyssey credit Penelope with fidelity during her husband’s lengthy absence, while Molly Bloom is unfaithful to her husband. As in Portrait, each chapter in Ulysses has a distinct style that reflects both the exterior and interior lives of the characters and their development as individuals. The fina...
psychothérapie - Mécedine.
D’autres disciples de Freud s’opposent à lui sur des points importants de la théorie et de la technique thérapeutique et fondent leurs propres écoles. 5.1 Jung Une école influente est celle du psychiatre suisse Carl Gustav Jung, pour lequel Freud a exagéré l’importance des instincts sexuels en tant que moteur du comportement ;l’individu doit aussi réaliser ses potentiels non sexuels, sous peine de névrose. Jung élabore la psychothérapie analytique, qui tient compte du caractère de l’individu(in...
J'ai choisi de limiter cette évocation de l'histoire pharaonique à la conquête d'Alexandre parce que l'arrivée des
Macédoniens marque la fin de l'autonomie politique de l'Égypte.
traditionnelles etlanouvelle liaisonduport deBérénice àCoptos etPtolémaïs enMoyenne-Égypte —autant de fondations plusgrecques qu'égyptiennes. Alexandrieestlecreuset oùces apports orientaux côtoientceuxque l'Occident envoieparlesgrandes routesmaritimes, deRhodes, deCarthage oudeRome. Lacivilisation quiy naît ainsi asa propre originalité, quel'onretrouve dansdesœuvres commelesSyracusaines deThéocrite, où les Grandes Adoniesetl'immense brassagedepopulations sontévoqués avechumour. Cettecivilisation...
Liens Site web http://www.region-alsace.eu modifier La cigogne , symbole alsacien. Architecture traditionnelle alsacienne.
EC1 Textes Etat + questions. L'Etat, la société, la justice, le droit. Textes. Répondre aux questions suivantes à partir des textes en rouge: 1) En quel sens et pour quelle raison Aristote fait-il de l’homme un animal politique ? 2) Qu’est-ce qui légitime l’existence de l’État selon Hobbes ? 3) Quelle est la différence entre liberté naturelle et liberté civile d’après Rousseau dans Du contrat Social ? 4) Comment peut-on définir l’équité ? Appuyez-vous sur le raisonnement aristotélicien...
Les tunnels ainsi formés sont souvent transformés et réutilisés après l’achèvement de l’ouvrage. Si les conditions topographiques empêchent la réalisation de canaux de dérivation, un barrage peut être construit en deux étapes. On établit alors un batardeau sur la moitié de la largeur de la rivière, pendant la construction de la partie basse du barrage. Ce batardeau est ensuite enlevé et un second est établi autour de la partie opposée du site. L’élaboration de grands barrages peut s’étendre sur...
- Quintessence d'Alcools de Guillaume Apollinaire
L’eau qui retourne à la rivière en aval du barrage ne doit pas avoir la possibilité de creuser ou d’éroder ni le lit de la rivière, ni d’affecter la fondation du barrage par effet decavitation. Ainsi, des plans d’eau, appelés bassins de rétention, sont prévus pour réduire la vitesse de l’eau, et donc son énergie cinétique. Ces bassins constituent unélément majeur du barrage. Le bassin en tablier et le bassin à chocs sont des structures courantes, permettant de diminuer l’énergie élevée de la chu...
Chapitre 5 : Médias et opinion publique en France de l'Affaire Dreyfus à nos jours.
© Magnard, 2012 – Histoire Terminales ES, L – Livre du professeur 64 Médias et opinion publique en France de l’Affaire dreyfus à nos jours chapitre 5 Commentaire du document iconographique (p. 129) Le Petit Journal illustre l’essor de la presse populaire à la fin du x i x e siècle. Fondé en 1863 par Moïse Millaud, il dépasse le million d’exemplaires vers 1884. Il propose à ses lecteurs un contenu fédérateur dans lequel les faits divers, abordés de man...
- La société, le droit et l’Etat modernes
Antarctica - geography.
The geographic South Pole lies near the center of the continent in East Antarctica. This point is where all map lines of longitude converge at the southern end ofEarth’s axis of rotation. Distinct from the geographic south pole is the south magnetic pole, where the lines of force of Earth’s magnetic field emerge vertically,arching upward over the planet to enter Earth again at the north magnetic pole. The south-seeking end of a compass needle points to the south magnetic pole. Thesouth magnetic...
Los Angeles - geography.
(2006 population, 472,494), located east of the Port of Los Angeles. The city of Compton (95,701) is located north of Long Beach, on the east side of the AlamedaCorridor. On the other side of the corridor are the cities of Torrance (142,350) and Inglewood (114,914). Northwest of Inglewood and west of downtown Los Angeles are the wealthy and fashionable Santa Monica (88,050) and Beverly Hills (34,979). Both cities are enclaves:Santa Monica is surrounded by the City of Los Angeles to the north, ea...
Los Angeles - geography.
(2006 population, 472,494), located east of the Port of Los Angeles. The city of Compton (95,701) is located north of Long Beach, on the east side of the AlamedaCorridor. On the other side of the corridor are the cities of Torrance (142,350) and Inglewood (114,914). Northwest of Inglewood and west of downtown Los Angeles are the wealthy and fashionable Santa Monica (88,050) and Beverly Hills (34,979). Both cities are enclaves:Santa Monica is surrounded by the City of Los Angeles to the north, ea...
Antilles et Guyanes, littérature des.
2. 3 La spécificité haïtienne et guyanaise La littérature haïtienne naît de son indépendance, en 1804. Le premier janvier de la même année, l’écrivain Louis Boisrond-Tonnerre (1776-1806) rédige la proclamation d’indépendance qui ouvre le champ à une littérature nationaliste. Les récits historiques qui ont été produits à cette période font état d’une époque violente. Alors que se succèdent des poésies glorifiant les hommes de cette époque, des œuvres militantes, telle la Cantate à l’Indépendanc...
Quels outils pour fidéliser les salariés d'aujourd'hui ?
compétition permanent entres salaries d'une même structure.Un autre outil, en lien avec le management rentre en compte pour la fidélisation, c'est l'utilisation des moyens de communication. En effet, la communication interne al'entreprise doit etre présente afin de ne laisser aux rumeurs que peux de place et ainsi diminuer les conflits. Puique ces derniers, aux sein des entreprises sontconsideré comme des freins a la fidélisations des salariés.La rémunérationComme on a pu le constater ci-dessus...
Milieu rural
Qui habite ou vient habiter en milieu rural ? « Après plus d'un siècle d'exode, le solde migratoire des communes rurales est devenu positif dans les années 1970 ». Depuis 1975, « près de 65% des communes rurales ont gagné des habitants ». Si les régions les plus attractives sont dans le Sud de la France et dans les Alpes, « certains territoires demeurent à l'écart des dynamiques d'accueil » et gardent un solde négatif : le Nord, l'Est, le centre de la France, la Basse-Normandie et d'autres z...
- Institutions européennes
Spinoza: L'utilité de la vie sociale.
destins collectifs coïncident pleinement avec les décisions et les destins collectifs. En d'autres termes, et pourprendre un exemple, une abeille n'aura jamais un comportement qui nuit au devenir de son espèce ou même audevenir de sa colonie, précisément parce qu'elle n'a pas à choisir. Elle obéit à une série de comportements qui sont déterminés et non libres . Avec l'apparition de la génétique, nous pourrions dire aujourd'hui que tous les comportements de l'abeille sont issus...
- cours de Philo
IV NEO-CONFUCIANISM After centuries of intellectual and cultural dominance by Buddhism, China began to experience a revival of Confucian thought during the Tang dynasty ( AD 618-907). It was led by poet and essayist Han Yu (Han Yü). Han Yu attacked Buddhism and Daoism, which he believed had kept government officials from seeing how they couldhelp the people. To further public welfare, he urged them to study the way of the ancient sages through the Five Classics . Han Yu almost lost his life f...
Rhythm-and-Blues Music
Tina Turner
American singer Tina Turner began performing rhythm-and-blues music in a band led by her former husband, Ike Turner,
in the 1960s.
thousands of black Americans migrated from the rural South to Midwest, Northeast, and West Coast cities. In popular music, new styles were created to meet thechanging tastes of this demographic group, leading to the development of the urbane sounds of R&B. The profound sociological changes of the World War II period were accompanied by two significant technological developments: the invention of the electric guitar in thelate 1930s and the discovery of the German-invented tape recorder by the mu...
Barbados - country.
Barbados is served by a public library system centered in Bridgetown. B Culture The culture of Barbados combines English institutions, which evolved through more than three centuries of English rule, with a folk culture of African origin. Because ofits English traditions, Barbados is sometimes called “Little England.” Cricket has traditionally been the national game, and the island has produced some of the sport’sgreatest players. Water sports including surfing, swimming, snorkeling, and sailin...
- Le roman et ses personnages : visions de l’homme et du monde
- Droit commercial
- Cours de droit Constitutionnel
Kuwait (country) - country.
Oil revenues have allowed Kuwait to build an extensive educational system, yielding a literacy rate of 84 percent. Public school is free and compulsory from the age of 6to 13, and several private schools also teach this age group. Kuwait University (founded in 1966) is also free and offers programs in a wide range of professional andscientific fields at several campuses. Both the extensive library system at Kuwait University and the collection at Kuwait National Museum (1957) were heavily damage...
- Book Collecting.
Introduction Droit Civil
Selon cette vision des choses on va avoir des infos très importantes sur la fonction centrale de la Constitution. Fonction centrale de la Constitution. C'est un auteur célèbre qui a synthétisé cette fonction centrale de la Constitution. C'est l'autrichien Hans KELSEN qui en 1934 écrit un ouvrage dans lequel il synthétise le rôle de la Constitution en matière de l'organisation de l'ordre juridique. "La théorie pure du droit" Ici KELSEN il indique que la fonction organisationnelle de la Consti...
National Socialism .
VII THE PARTY IN THE REICHSTAG The movement grew rapidly, recruiting thousands of discharged civil servants, ruined shopkeepers and small-business owners, impoverished farmers, workersdisillusioned with the Socialist and Communist parties, and a host of frustrated and embittered young people of all classes, brought up in the postwar years and withouthope of personal economic security. In the Reichstag elections of 1930 the National Socialists polled almost 6.5 million votes (more than 18 perce...
- Littérature française
Iceland - country.
III PEOPLE Icelanders are one of the most homogenous peoples in the world. They are predominantly of Nordic origin, descendants of the hardy people who emigrated fromNorway to Iceland in the Middle Ages. There are also some Celtic influences from Irish and Scottish immigrants who arrived from the British Isles ( see Celts). The population of Iceland (2008 estimate) is 304,367. Numerous times in its history, Iceland has suffered major population losses due to epidemics, volcanic eruptions, and...
Birding - biology.
swallows, and rock doves nest on buildings in cities, towns, and farms. The chimney swift has abandoned hollow trees for chimneys as a nest site in urban areas.Mallards and Canada geese—once exclusively wild, migratory species—now live year-round in the open spaces found in city parks and golf courses. Nearly all purplemartins, a songbird species that once used the abandoned nests of woodpeckers or the natural cavities of cliffs or dead trees, now live primarily in structures specificallyconstru...
Animal Behavior - biology.
The first motor program analyzed in much detail was the egg-rolling response of geese. When a goose sees an egg outside its nest, it stares at the egg, stretches itsneck until its bill is just on the other side of the egg, and then gently rolls the egg back into the nest. At first glance this seems a thoughtful and intelligent piece ofbehavior, but it is a mechanical motor program; almost any smooth, rounded object (the sign stimulus) will release the response. Furthermore, removal of the egg on...
for cooking. In other regions, the earliest ceramics are more sophisticated technically and aesthetically. At around 1800 BC in the Pacific coastal region of Soconusco (in what is now southeastern Chiapas State, Mexico), the earliest pottery was very complex both in forms and decoration. It seems to have had a social function and beenused primarily for ritual feasting. III MAJOR CIVILIZATIONS Over a period of 3000 years, beginning in about 1500 BC, a number of important cultures emerged in M...
À l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie, la France occupe une
position charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Europe du Sud.
Géographie Les conditions naturelles Ni le relief, ni les sols, ni les conditions climatiques n'ont été des obstacles au peuplement et au développement économique. La France n'a certes pas de climat qui permette plusieurs récoltes par an, ni de delta particulièrement fertile, mais elle ne connaît aucun facteur physique trop contraignant, n'est pas affectée d'une grande probabilité de risques naturels majeurs, et bénéficie par ailleurs d'une grande diversité de terroirs. L'évolution géolog...
African Literature
African Literature, oral and written literature produced on the African continent.
that few scholars of African culture know any African languages, and few Africans know an African language other than their own. The best-known literatures in Africanlanguages include those in Yoruba and Hausa in West Africa; Sotho, Xhosa, and Zulu in southern Africa; and Amharic, Somali, and Swahili in East Africa. In West Africa, Yoruba writing emerged after Bishop Ajayi Crowther, a former slave, developed a script for the language and in 1900 published the first Yorubatranslation of the Bible...
Armenia (country) - country.
because of ethnic tension brought on by a secessionist conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region inhabited predominantly by Armenians in western Azerbaijan. In thereverse direction, many Armenian refugees entered Armenia from Azerbaijan during the conflict. Armenia’s official state language is Armenian, an Indo-European language with no surviving close relatives. It has a unique 38-letter alphabet that dates from the early5th century. Of its many spoken dialects, the most important are Eastern or Y...
Bear - biology.
programs sponsored by zoos or other breeding centers have attempted to breed giant pandas in captivity, although most of these programs have proved unsuccessful.Among the difficulties faced by captive breeders has been the problem of encouraging a female giant panda to mate with a selected male during the two to three daysof the year when she is most fertile, a period known as estrus. B Spectacled Bear Creamy-white rings surrounding the eyes give the spectacled bear its name. Its shaggy coat of...
- histoire du droit
industrializing societies. Governments typically financed social insurance programs with tax funds and direct levies on the wages of potential recipients. Social insurancereplaced part of incomes lost when workers became disabled, were laid off, or had reached an age that forced them out of the labor market. Later, governments of Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, and other countries developed forms of social insurance that provided population-wide, or universal,coverage. Such forms included chil...
Native American Art.
folding, braiding or weaving, could also be sewn onto the hide. The production of decorated clothing and bags increased after contact with Europeans as a greater variety of textiles and other materials became available throughtrade. Imported glass beads inspired native women, who quickly adapted quillwork techniques for the creation of beaded apparel. European curvilinear and floraldesigns of the 19th century proved as meaningful for the native women who worked with them as they were for the non...
New Orleans - geography.
D Metropolitan Region The New Orleans metropolitan region covers 8,800 sq km (3,400 sq mi) and includes the counties—known in Louisiana as parishes— of Orleans, Jefferson, Saint Bernard, Saint Charles, Saint John the Baptist, Saint Tammany, Saint James, and Plaquemines. At the center is the city of New Orleans, which is coextensive withOrleans Parish. It has a land area of 468 sq km (181 sq mi). Extending from this base are numerous suburban towns in the surrounding parishes. Metairie, Harahan...
Spain - country.
B Natural Resources Spain has a number of mineral resources. The largest known deposits are of iron ore, zinc, and lead. Spain also produces significant quantities of copper and mercury.These deposits are mined mainly in Huelva province in southwestern Spain, around Cartagena on the Mediterranean, and at various points along the Bay of Biscay inthe north. Additionally, uranium is mined in the region of Extremadura, near the Portuguese frontier, where pyrites, fluorspar, gypsum, tungsten, and po...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
escape into space of the infrared energy radiated back out by Earth. This process is referred to as the greenhouse effect. These gases, primarily carbon dioxide,methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor, insulate Earth’s surface, helping to maintain warm temperatures. Without these gases, Earth would be a frozen planet with anaverage temperature of about -18°C (about 0°F) instead of a comfortable 15°C (59°F). If the concentration of these gases rises, they trap more heat within theatmosphere, caus...
China - country.
North China lies between the Mongolian Steppe on the north and the Yangtze River Basin on the south. It stretches west from the Bo Hai gulf and the Yellow Sea to theeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Administratively, North China includes Beijing and Tianjin municipalities; Shandong and Shanxi provinces; most of Hebei, Henan,and Shaanxi provinces; and portions of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Gansu provinces. Humans have lived in the agriculturally rich region of Nor...