587 résultats pour "voté"
Cette Assemblée ne voit pas de contradiction entre le suffrage censitaire et la DDHC, et instaure une Constitution qui confère, à la classe bourgeoise, un monopole politique > ségrégation inspirée par des intérêts de classes. MAIS population pas totalement illettrée seulement 60% d’analphabètes en France et des colporteurs passaient les informations du royaume > Pas tous abrutis et avait une connaissance des informations du royaume (même déformés). Dès le début de la Révolution, des...
Jimmy Carter.
B Election of 1976 Carter apparently decided as early as 1972, halfway through his four-year term as governor, that he would seek the presidency of the United States. Soon after the1972 election, his campaign manager drew up a detailed campaign strategy. Carter followed the plan closely, beginning an exhausting schedule of campaigning as soonas his gubernatorial term ended. When Carter formally announced in January 1975 that he was a candidate for president, he had almost no national reputation...
Jimmy Carter
B Election of 1976 Carter apparently decided as early as 1972, halfway through his four-year term as governor, that he would seek the presidency of the United States. Soon after the1972 election, his campaign manager drew up a detailed campaign strategy. Carter followed the plan closely, beginning an exhausting schedule of campaigning as soonas his gubernatorial term ended. When Carter formally announced in January 1975 that he was a candidate for president, he had almost no national reputation...
Dans quelle mesure la IVème république peut-elle être considérée comme un régime instable ?
En effet, cette pratique est facteur d’instabilité gouvernementale car il est possible que même si le Président du conseil est investi à la majorité absolue etnommé, son gouvernement soit rejeté entrainant sa démission et une crise ministérielle. De plus, si le gouvernement est investi, il ne l’est qu’à la majoritésimple ce qui ne lui assure qu’une majorité de soutien relativement fragile. Cette évolution fut prise en compte par le constituant qui opéra en 1954 un retour ala IIIème République en...
exposé emc sur le vote terminale
I.De l’abstention entraine de fait l’exclusion d’une partie de la population du corps électoral A. La progression de l’abstention est une donnée du paysage politique 1. La progression de l’abstention constitue une tendance lourde depuis les années 1970, à de rares et notables exceptions a. L’abstention est un phénomène de masse b. L’élection présidentielle se distingue par la mobilisation qu’elle suscite 2. Elle s’explique à la fois par la hausse du vote intermittent que par celle de l’abs...
Je suis commandant en chef de la colonne expéditionnaire des Côtes-du-Nord.
\24 Asseyez-vous. Le fourrier, commissaire-auditeur, se leva et donna lecture, premièrement, de l'arrêté qui mettait hors la loi le ci-devant marquis de Lantenac ; deuxièmement, du décret de la Convention édictant la peine capitale contre quiconque favoriserait l'évasion d'un rebelle prisonnier. Il termina par les quelques lignes imprimées au bas de l'affiche du décret, intimant défense " de porter aide et secours " au rebelle susnommé " sous peine de mort ", et signées: le commandant en...
East Timor - country.
members are designated by the Superior Council for the Judiciary. This council is the organ of management and discipline of judges and is responsible for judiciaryappointments, transfers, and promotions. VI HISTORY Timor was a destination on ancient Chinese trade routes and was particularly known for its sandalwood. The Portuguese began colonizing Timor in the early 16thcentury as European trade and influence expanded in the region. They exploited Timor for its forest products and spices, and...
Sir Robert Borden.
of the British Empire, Laurier proposed creating a Canadian navy that in case of war could be incorporated into the British navy. The plan was opposed by theConservatives, who thought that Canada should simply provide ships for the British navy. The Québec nationalists also opposed the plan because they did not wantCanada either to participate in the British navy or to have a navy of its own. At the last moment before election day in 1911 it looked as if the Liberals might win. The government ne...
Sir Robert Borden - Canadian History.
of the British Empire, Laurier proposed creating a Canadian navy that in case of war could be incorporated into the British navy. The plan was opposed by theConservatives, who thought that Canada should simply provide ships for the British navy. The Québec nationalists also opposed the plan because they did not wantCanada either to participate in the British navy or to have a navy of its own. At the last moment before election day in 1911 it looked as if the Liberals might win. The government ne...
Les suffragettes anglaises contestent la prédominance des hommes
Campagne des suffragenes en faveur du droit de vote >our les femmes en Grande Bretagne Les suffrag ettes anglaises contestent la prédominance des hommes Près de 250 000 militantes, surnommées suffragettes, prennent part à une vaste manifestation à Hyde Park, à Lond res, Je 21 juin 1908. Leurs revend ications : obt enir Je droit de vote pour les femmes et l'égal ité so ciale avec les hommes. E n rejetant le 12 mai 1905 1a loi donnant le droit de...
- should illetrate people vote ?
Trente-cinq jours de suspense
Thanksgiving) et c'est ce qui sera invoqué par la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis pour renvoyer leur copie aux magistrats deTallahassee. En vertu de quels textes, la Cour suprême de Floride a-t-elle pu autoriser un délai autre que celui de sept jours quifigure dans la loi et se substituer au législateur ?, interrogent les neuf juges de Washington. On compte donc et on recompte pendant le week-end férié. Mais avec des fortunes diverses. Le comté de Broward donne567 voix de plus à Gore, bien que le...
La Révolution française Ils sont soutenus dans leur action par la noblesse, qui pour défendre ses privilèges a eu J'habileté de se présenter à l'opinion publique comme défen dant les libertés face à la monarchie absolue. En 1788, la crise devient politique avec la révol te des parlements, que le roi veut exiler. Des troubles éclatent, aggravés par une crise écono mique due à de mauvaises récoltes qui accroît Je chômage dans les villes. Le...
30 juillet 1894 : Vote des
UN RÉGIME VRAIMENT IMMORTEL? Conformément à une disposition particulière des lois de septembre 1835, dites « lois scélérates », qualifier Louis-Philippe (qui a été duc d'Orléans) d'usurpateur (au trône des Bourbons de la branche aînée) est désormais considéré comme un crime, conférant ainsi l'immortalité à un régime né d'une émeute. Le journaliste républicain Louis Blanc, pour sa part, y voit autant d'arbitraire que d'incohérenc...
United States House of Representatives.
Because of the high cost of elections and the short two-year term of office, members of the House campaign almost constantly. They spend much of their time raisingcampaign funds, and they frequently return to their districts to keep in touch with voters. Because the elections are so frequent, House members tend to pay closeattention to how their votes in Congress will be seen in the short term. House members tend to come from wealthier family backgrounds than average Americans. Few working class...
54 Économie, préparation au bac 84 3) Dans un ouvrage paru en 1933, les économistes A. Berle et G. Means ont mis en pleine lumière le clivage entre propriété et direction qui caractérise la grande société par actions, la corporation : > L'analyse des 200 plus grandes sociétés non financières les conduisait à distinguer cinq types. 1. Affaires entièrement privées, c'est-à-dire administrées par les déten teurs de 80 % au moins des actions do...
Vice President of the United States.
naval operations. Located in northwest Washington at Massachusetts Avenue and 34th Street, the three-story Queen Anne-style house is within easy driving distance ofCapitol Hill and the White House. The vice president receives an annual salary of $189,300. The vice president has a staff and offices in the Everett M. Dirksen Senate Office Building, near the Capitol, toassist with legislative matters, as well as a personal office near the Senate lobby. The vice president also has staff and offices...
Constitution of the United States.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
Constitution of the United States - U.
chief executive should have the power to veto legislation, should be elected by Congress or the people, should be eligible to run for reelection, and should command thearmed forces. Some delegates even hoped for a limited monarchy. Not until September 8, more than three months after the convention started, did the final shape ofthe presidency emerge: a single leader, elected to a four-year term and eligible for reelection, with authority to veto bills enacted by Congress. The president was alsog...
cours de droit constitutionnel l1 s2
républicain tr ès mod éré assez proche des monarchistes . Il a été plusieurs fois ministre et pr ésident du conseil sous la monarchie de Juillet 20 ans auparavant. A une exp érience po tr ès forte. Assure la gestion des affaires urgentes, charg é de n égocier la paix avc l'All et charg é de diriger l'exe jusqu' à l' élaboration d'une C. Thiers va b énéficier des circonstances. Il va etre confront é à la commune de Paris, soul èvement du peuple parisien le 18 Mars 1871 con...
Lyndon B.
A1 First Years in Office Johnson quickly made a two-fold reputation. He was a firm supporter of Roosevelt’s program, both domestic and foreign, and he was also a tireless worker on behalf ofthe voters he represented. Often the two activities coincided, as was the case when he helped to bring public power into Texas through the Rural ElectrificationAdministration and the Lower Colorado River Authority. He also secured funds for the building of dams, roads, and other public improvements in his di...
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th president of the United States (1861-1865) and one of the great leaders in American history.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Abraham Lincoln - USA History.
fence in 4 hectares (10 acres) to grow corn. Then he hired out to neighbors, helping them to split rails. That year, Lincoln attended a political rally and was persuaded tospeak on behalf of a local candidate. It was his first political speech. A witness recalled that Lincoln “was frightened but got warmed up and made the best speech of theday.” In 1831 Lincoln made a second trip to New Orleans. He was hired, along with his stepbrother and a cousin, by Denton Offutt, a Kentucky trader and specul...
Définition et Usage du mot:
APPEL, substantif masculin.
?MILE ZOLA, Au Bonheur des dames, 1883, page 657. 3. INSTITUTIONS POLITIQUES. Appel nominal. Action d'appeler successivement ? haute voix chacun des membres d'une assembl?e afin qu'il exprime son vote?: ? 4. Celui qui l'a ?mis a donc eu r?ellement, dans ce moment et pour cette circonstance, le vouloir et le faire. Il a donc ?t? le pouvoir du jour et du moment, et que le vote ait ?t? public ou secret, qu'on ait vot? par appel nominal ou par assis et lev?, il a prononc? entre les votans, comme...
Citations avec amendement, nom masculin.
Le Devoir.com Il le somme de convoquer le Parlement, de ne pas démissionner et de voter l’ amendementconstitutionnel . Libération.fr En septembre 2004, le Parlement, dominé par les alliés de Damas, a adopté un amendementconstitutionnel prolongeant son mandat de 3 ans. L’Express.fr L’amendement constitutionnel annoncé cette semaine n’aura probablement pas d’effet sur les prochaines élections, qui auront lieu au printemps. Le Devoir.com La reconnaissance du multipartisme par un amendement co...
Reconstruction (U.
Instead, Congress began a lengthy debate over Reconstruction policy. The program eventually enacted resulted from a series of compromises among Republicanfactions; the Radicals were never powerful enough to gain everything they sought. Still, fueled by anger at the president's refusal to compromise and at the appearanceof former Confederates returning to power throughout the South, members of Congress moved increasingly toward the Radicals. The key Reconstruction measuresenacted aimed to produce...
Pour les plus petites entreprise ils auront une SARL ( société a responsabilité limité ) ( la boulangerie du coin ). Si on veut racheter une entreprise je regarde la valeur des actifs. L'avantage de la société anonyme sur une SARL ( on peut avoir 100 associer maximum.) Une Société anonyme permet de multiplier sont nombre d'associés. Pour développer une société il faut développer son capital circulant ( actif ). Un entrepreneur peut empreinte de l'argent...
droit constitutionnel
Pour les plus petites entreprise ils auront une SARL ( société a responsabilité limité ) ( la boulangerie du coin ). Si on veut racheter une entreprise je regarde la valeur des actifs. L'avantage de la société anonyme sur une SARL ( on peut avoir 100 associer maximum.) Une Société anonyme permet de multiplier sont nombre d'associés. Pour développer une société il faut développer son capital circulant ( actif ). Un entrepreneur peut empreinte de l'argent...
droit constitutionnel
Pour les plus petites entreprise ils auront une SARL ( société a responsabilité limité ) ( la boulangerie du coin ). Si on veut racheter une entreprise je regarde la valeur des actifs. L'avantage de la société anonyme sur une SARL ( on peut avoir 100 associer maximum.) Une Société anonyme permet de multiplier sont nombre d'associés. Pour développer une société il faut développer son capital circulant ( actif ). Un entrepreneur peut empreinte de l'argent...
« La responsabilité du gouvernement devant le Parlement depuis la loi constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 » (droit)
Cette réforme a voulu corriger les erreurs du passé. Pour cela, il convenait alors d'appuyer sur un point important dans l'équilibre des pouvoirs : la responsabilité dugouvernement. A) Un exécutif plus encadré par le Parlement Et c'est sur ce point que la réforme insiste. La révision de l’article 34/1 de 2008 apporte une nouveauté : elle permet aux assemblée parlementaire de voter desrésolutions, mais pour éviter les dérives qui s’étaient produites sous la 3e et la 4e République, la reforme a en...
- 1790 Vote de la constitution civile du clergé.
- 1790 Vote de la constitution civile du clergÈ.
John Tyler.
A “His Accidency” Tyler was summoned to Washington, D.C., as acting president. The Constitution seemed unclear as to whether Tyler should now merely assume the duties of thepresident until new elections were held, or whether he should in fact assume the office of president. Tyler chose the latter view and on April 6 had himself sworn in aspresident. This procedure, later taken for granted, exposed Tyler to much censure and abuse. Throughout his term, Whigs and Democrats alike denounced his acti...
John Tyler
A “His Accidency” Tyler was summoned to Washington, D.C., as acting president. The Constitution seemed unclear as to whether Tyler should now merely assume the duties of thepresident until new elections were held, or whether he should in fact assume the office of president. Tyler chose the latter view and on April 6 had himself sworn in aspresident. This procedure, later taken for granted, exposed Tyler to much censure and abuse. Throughout his term, Whigs and Democrats alike denounced his acti...
LE DROIT LA JUSTICE (cours de philo complet)
- I - Corrélation du droit et du devoir. Le devoir, c'est le sentiment d'une obligation . La règle -si règle il y a - est perçue comme s'imposan t à la bonne volonté. Le droit, c'est la même règle mais revendiquée pour justifier une action qu'on a l'intention de faire. Il est curieux de voir comment une même règle devient • devoir • ou « droit • lorsqu'on change de poin t de vue et lorsque l'initiative change de camp. En effet dans le...
American Civil War.
free state to keep the balance in the Senate. It also provided that slavery would be excluded from the still unorganized part of the Louisiana Territory. A line was drawnfrom Missouri’s southern boundary, at the latitude of 36°30’, and slavery would not be allowed in the territory north of that line,with the exception of Missouri. B Compromise of 1850 Agitation against slavery continued in the North. The South reacted by defending it ever more strongly. The Mexican War, by which the United Stat...
American Civil War - U.
free state to keep the balance in the Senate. It also provided that slavery would be excluded from the still unorganized part of the Louisiana Territory. A line was drawnfrom Missouri’s southern boundary, at the latitude of 36°30’, and slavery would not be allowed in the territory north of that line,with the exception of Missouri. B Compromise of 1850 Agitation against slavery continued in the North. The South reacted by defending it ever more strongly. The Mexican War, by which the United Stat...
- 1875 : Vote de la Constitution établissant la République.
Zachary Taylor.
army fled back across the Río Grande into Mexico. When Polk got word of the victories, he promoted Taylor to major general. Congress awarded him two gold medals. B1 Battle of Monterrey In September 1846, Taylor began an invasion of northern Mexico. His army of 6000 consisted of regulars and volunteers. On September 21 he attacked the fortifiedcity of Monterrey, which was defended by more than 7000 Mexicans under General Pedro de Ampudia. Taylor divided his army, giving Brigadier General William...
Zachary Taylor
army fled back across the Río Grande into Mexico. When Polk got word of the victories, he promoted Taylor to major general. Congress awarded him two gold medals. B1 Battle of Monterrey In September 1846, Taylor began an invasion of northern Mexico. His army of 6000 consisted of regulars and volunteers. On September 21 he attacked the fortifiedcity of Monterrey, which was defended by more than 7000 Mexicans under General Pedro de Ampudia. Taylor divided his army, giving Brigadier General William...
Herbert Hoover.
E Postwar Work Even after the armistice, the Allies continued their blockade around Germany. Hoover, in Europe again, worked to have it relaxed. He was appointed chairman of theAmerican Relief Administration to assist in the economic restoration of Europe, receiving from the U.S. Congress $100 million to fight famine and plague. In this officialrole, and afterward as a private citizen, Hoover oversaw the distribution of 46 million tons of food to people in 30 countries. He controlled shipping,...
Herbert Hoover
E Postwar Work Even after the armistice, the Allies continued their blockade around Germany. Hoover, in Europe again, worked to have it relaxed. He was appointed chairman of theAmerican Relief Administration to assist in the economic restoration of Europe, receiving from the U.S. Congress $100 million to fight famine and plague. In this officialrole, and afterward as a private citizen, Hoover oversaw the distribution of 46 million tons of food to people in 30 countries. He controlled shipping,...
Protests in the 1960s - U.
E Youth Culture Young people played an important role in the movements for social change during the 1960s. Numbers alone made them important; more than 76 million babies wereborn during the post-World War II “baby boom.” In addition, these young people spent more years in school and were more affluent than previous generations. In theearly 20th century, most young Americans had moved quickly from childhood to adulthood. In the 1920s only 1 in 5 Americans graduated from high school, and almostal...
- 1790 Vote de la constitution civile du clergé.
- 1996 : Le vote démocrate de Saint-Pétersbourg
- Introduction du droit de vote des femmes en Suisse
La place de la femme dans la vie politique française depuis 1914 (histoire)
proposer de donner le droit de vote aux femmes veuves et aux mères de soldats morts mais cette proposition sera refusée. Même si certaines espèrent tirer profil de ce loyalisme, le lendemain de guerre sera un retour à la vie normale et aux valeurs traditionnelles pour de nombreuses femmes. Cependant, suite à la première Guerre Mondiale, certaines femmes vont d’affranchir, se libérer. A l’inverse de nombreux pays tel...
La place de la femme dans la vie politique française depuis 1914 (histoire)
lendemain de guerre sera un retour à la vie normale et aux valeurs traditionnelles pour de nombreuses femmes. Cependant, suite à la première Guerre Mondiale, certaines femmes vont d’affranchir, se libérer. A l’inverse de nombreux pays tels que l’Allemagne, les Etats-Unis ou encore la Turquie, les femmes n’obtiennent pas le droit de vote. Bien qu’il y ait une large majorité de voix en faveur du suffrage des femmes à la Chambre des...