416 résultats pour "she"
William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare’s reputation today is, however, based primarily on the 38 plays that he wrote, modified, or collaborated on. Records of Shakespeare’s plays begin toappear in 1594, when the theaters reopened with the passing of the plague that had closed them for 21 months. In December of 1594 his play The Comedy of Errors was performed in London during the Christmas revels at Gray’s Inn, one of the London law schools. In March of the following year he received payment for two playsthat had been per...
Excerpt from Northanger Abbey - anthology.
“I will read you their names directly; here they are in my pocket-book. Castle of Wolfenbach, Clermont, Mysterious Warnings, Necromancer of the Black Forest, Midnight Bell, Orphan of the Rhine, and Horrid Mysteries. Those will last us some time.” “Yes; pretty well; but are they all horrid? Are you sure they are all horrid?” “Yes, quite sure; for a particular friend of mine, a Miss Andrews, a sweet girl, one of the sweetest creatures in the world, has read every one of them. I wis...
Canadian Parliament.
government’s legislative program. Members of Commons can also present a motion in response to the Budget Speech, which reviews the government’s economicrecord, taxation, and expenditure plans, and to Supply Motions, which concern budgets for individual departments. If a majority of MPs support a no-confidence motion,the government must resign. Also, if Parliament rejects a significant government proposal, the government is expected to resign and request the governor-general to call an election....
Anne Bonny
good way but they can also be viewed as distractions. Rediker also talks about the harsh attitude of males pirates towards women, which is one of the reasons why so few women actually appeared on pirate ships during the eighteenth century. He also notes that Read and Bonny were brought up in a harsh environment that forced them to become determined and strong. They represented strength and were highly celebrated by lower class women, which I find interesting because it shows class solidarity and...
Frog (animal).
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
Frog (animal) - biology.
which means that their body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding environment. Few species can tolerate temperatures below 4°C (40°F) orabove 40°C (104°F), and many species can survive only within a narrower range of temperatures. In addition, frogs’ thin, moist skin offers little protection againstwater loss, and when on land the animals must guard against drying out. Many frogs are active at night because temperatures are cooler and humidity is higher thanduring the day. In...
Mary Read and Anne Bonny
One of Rediker's insights about piracy describes how sailors saw women as both a fantasy and a threat at the same time: “Any sailors saw women as objects of fantasy and adoration but also as sources of bad luck or, worse, dangerous sources of conflict, potential breaches in the male order of seagoing solidarity” (Rediker 111). I find this insight interesting because it shows that women have the power to influence...
Sandra Day O'Connor.
sex discrimination. VI RETIREMENT AND WRITINGS O’Connor was widely viewed as a likely successor to Rehnquist as chief justice. However, on July 1, 2005, she announced her resignation from the Court, effective uponthe confirmation of a successor. O’Connor’s principal reason for stepping down was reportedly to spend more time with her husband, who was said to have Alzheimer’sdisease. Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., replaced O’Connor on the Court. O’Connor collaborated with her brother, H. Alan Day...
Sandra Day O'Connor - USA History.
sex discrimination. VI RETIREMENT AND WRITINGS O’Connor was widely viewed as a likely successor to Rehnquist as chief justice. However, on July 1, 2005, she announced her resignation from the Court, effective uponthe confirmation of a successor. O’Connor’s principal reason for stepping down was reportedly to spend more time with her husband, who was said to have Alzheimer’sdisease. Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., replaced O’Connor on the Court. O’Connor collaborated with her brother, H. Alan Day...
Portia and Brutus in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Scene
First, Portia says she „insisted“ 1. 246 „ Yet I insisted, yet you answered not“ to know what troubeld her husband, then she kneels down; afterwards, uses guilt to get Brutus tell her his secret „If it be no more, Portia is Brutus' harlot, not his wife“ (l. 288) and finally shows him the wound she inflicted herself on her thigh to show that she will not reveal Brutus secrets even under pain of torture (but I will come back to that motive later.) The fact that Portia has already give...
anglais sujet BAC
6. Among the following adjectives, choose those that best describe Campell’s character. Use the adjectives chosen to explain what sort of man he is. 2 points (adjective suivi de sa justification) cynical – Though Campbell doesn’t know much about stem cell research, he knows it is a matter of controversy and quickly understands that Anna’s case is interesting. He does not defend her for charitable reasons but out of self-interest because he knows he will win the case, which is rather cy...
Krone Wins Belmont Stakes.
Krone, her mud-spattered face tracked by tears, was nearly speechless in the winner's circle. “How do you stop crying?” she asked one of Colonial Affair's practiceriders, according to Sports Illustrated. “You don't,” he replied. Krone's triumph represented a personal victory, and it marked a quantum leap forward for women in professional sports. Her win was the first ever by a femalejockey in a Triple Crown race—the Belmont, Kentucky Derby, or Preakness. Krone chose to downplay the issue....
"I wanted to hurt him.
"There's ayoung manhere tosee you," thewoman behindthedesk saidintothephone, anditmade mefeel soweird to think thathewas onthe other endofthe line, even ifIknew Iwas getting confused aboutwho"he" was. "Yes," shesaid, "a very young man."Thenshesaid, "No." Thenshesaid, "Oskar Schell." Thenshesaid, "Yes. Hesays tosee you." "May Iask what thisconcerns?" sheasked me."Hesays hisdad," shesaid intothephone. Thenshesaid, "That's whathe says." Thenshesaid, "OK." Thenshesaid tome, "Go down thehallway. Hisd...
Arendt, Hannah (présentation en anglais)
opinion or judgment. In 1963 Arendt published On Revolution , bubbling with suggestive but sketchily explored ideas and showing signs of hurry. She argued that revolution, one of the highest forms of political action, was modern inorigin and aimed to establish a secure framework of freedom. Since it was political in character, it succeeded in theUSA where it did not overstep its limits, and failed in France where the revolution of 1789 was subverted byconcern over the problem of pove...
It might not matter to you, but my brother was having an affair with my wife.
upon them kissing oneafternoon inthe field behind theshed behind ourhouse. Itmade mesoexcited. Ifelt asifIwere kissing someone. Ihad never kissed anyone. Iwas more excited thanifit had been me.Ourhouse wassmall. AnnaandI shared abed. That night Itold herwhat Ihad seen. Shemade mepromise nevertospeak aword about it.Ipromised her. She said, Whyshould Ibelieve you? I wanted totell her, Because whatIsaw would nolonger bemine ifItalked aboutit.Isaid, Because Iam your sister. Thank you. Can Iwatch you...
5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 6!
new movie? Iwrote, "What's happened?" andshowed itto ayoung businessman watchingthetelevision, hetook asip of his coffee andsaid, "Nooneknows yet,"hiscoffee haunts me,his"yet" haunts me.Istood there, aperson inacrowd, was Iwatching theimages, orwas something morecomplicated happening?Itried tocount thefloors above where the planes hadhit,the fire had toburn upthrough thebuildings, Iknew thatthose people couldn't besaved, andhow many were onthe planes, andhow many wereonthe street, Ithought andth...
mention," I stirred my coffee.
GOOGOLPLEX As for the bracelet Momworetothe funeral, whatIdid was Iconverted Dad'slastvoice message intoMorse code,andI used sky-blue beadsforsilence, maroon beadsforbreaks between letters,violetbeads forbreaks between words,and long andshort pieces ofstring between thebeads forlong andshort beeps, whichareactually calledblips,Ithink, or something. Dadwould haveknown. Ittook menine hours tomake, andIhad thought aboutgivingitto Sonny, the homeless personwhoIsometimes seestanding outsidetheAllia...
Woman in white chapter 5
didn't answer but he smiled. Then the next day the count and his wife were gone to London. Then Percival lied to Laura and said that Marian left the house and was in Cumberland. But that was not true, Percival said that was the only way to make Laura go to Cumberland. Then Eliza left the house. The cook's narrative When Laura arrived at London a Doctor examined and and said that a serious case of heart disease. She won't live much longer. And the next day she died. Then the cook answered tw...
The day after the renter and I dug up Dad's grave, I went to Mr.
longer feltlike Iwas moving inthe direction ofDad. I'mnot even sureIbelieved inthe lock anymore. The lastBlack Ivisited wasPeter. Helived inSugar Hill,which isin Hamilton Heights,whichisin Harlem. Aman wassitting on the stoop whenIwalked uptothe house. Hehad alittle baby onhis knee, whohewas talking to,even though babies don't understand language,obviously. "AreyouPeter Black?" "Who'sasking?" "OskarSchell." Hepatted thestep, which meant Icould sitnext tohim ifIwanted, whichIthought wasnice, butI...
From The Canterbury Tales - anthology.
In Gernade at the sege eek hadde he beOf Algezir, and riden in Belmarye;At Lyes was he and at Satalye,Whan they were wonne; and in the Grete SeeAt many a noble arivee hadde he be. At mortal batailes hadde he been fifteene,And foughten for oure feith at TramisseneIn listes thries, and ay slayn his fo. This ilke worthy knyght hadde been alsoSometime with the lord of PalatyeAgain another hethen in Turkye;And everemore he hadde a soverein pris.And though that he were worthy, he was wis,And of his po...
Excerpt from The Old Curiosity Shop - anthology.
'Well!' muttered Quilp, as he marked her earnest look. 'I believe you. Humph! Gone already? Gone in four-and-twenty hours I What the devil has he done with it,that's the mystery!' This reflection set him scratching his head and biting his nails once more. While he was thus employed his features gradually relaxed into what was with him acheerful smile, but which in any other man would have been a ghastly grin of pain, and when the child looked up again she found that he was regarding her with...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: The Trojan War - anthology.
As in a dream. Dimly I could descryThe stern black-bearded kings, with wolfish eyes,Waiting to see me die. 'The tall masts quivered as they lay afloat,The temples and the people and the shore;One drew a sharp knife through my tender throatSlowly,—and—nothing more.' The wind now proving fair the fleet made sail and brought the forces to the coast of Troy. The Trojans came to oppose their landing, and at the first onset Protesilaus[mythological king of Phylace, in Thessaly] fell by the hand of...
Theseus - Mythology.
claim his birthright from his father, the king. Aethra took Theseus, when he was 16, to the rock, which the lad lifted easily, and sent him on his way to Athens. Theseus had many adventures on his journey and entered Athens as a hero. Warmly welcomed by his father, Theseus then went on to his greatest adventure, the slaying of the Minotaur, the dreaded bullmonster of King Minos of Crete. Every year, Minos demanded seven men and seven maids from Athens to be sacrificed to the Minotaur, thus bring...
I did not know if the baby was making me sick or if your grandfather was.
For himself? I pulled thebook fromhim.Itwas wetwith tears running downthepages, asifthe book itselfwere crying. Hehid hisface in his hands. Letme see you cry,Itold him. I do not want tohurt you, hesaid byshaking hishead lefttoright. It hurts mewhen youdonot want tohurt me,Itold him. Letme see you cry. He lowered hishands. Onone cheek itsaid YESbackward. Onone cheek itsaid NObackward. Hewas stilllooking down. Now thetears didnot run down hischeeks, butfellfrom hiseyes tothe ground. Letme see you...
From The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - anthology.
'Wherebouts?' says I. 'Down to Silas Phelps's place, two mile below here. He's a runaway nigger, and they've got him. Was you looking for him?' 'You bet I ain't! I run across him in the woods about an hour or two ago, and he said if I hollered he'd cut my livers out—and told me to lay down and stay where Iwas; and I done it. Been there ever since; afeard to come out.' 'Well,' he says, 'you needn't be afeard no more, becuz they've got him. He run off f'm down South, som'ers.' 'It'...
Greek Mythology
Temple of Apollo at Didyma
The Greeks built the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, Turkey (about 300 bc).
A1 The Creation of the Gods According to Greek myths about creation, the god Chaos (Greek for “Gaping Void”) was the foundation of all things. From Chaos came Gaea (“Earth”); the bottomlessdepth of the underworld, known as Tartarus; and Eros (“Love”). Eros, the god of love, was needed to draw divinities together so they might produce offspring. Chaosproduced Night, while Gaea first bore Uranus, the god of the heavens, and after him produced the mountains, sea, and gods known as Titans. The Tita...
Criminal Procedure.
B State Criminal Procedure A person prosecuted in the courts of a particular state on a charge of violating the criminal laws of that state is subject to state criminal procedure. State criminalprocedure is found in the constitution, statutes, rules, and judicial decisions of that state. Furthermore, portions of the U.S. Constitution are applicable to state criminaldefendants. State constitutions generally guarantee a state criminal defendant most of the same rights that a federal defendant is...
American Literature: Drama
American Literature: Drama, literature intended for performance, written by Americans in the English language.
American plays, while still a minority, began to appear in the theater repertory in the 19th century. Although American plays were still styled after British models, theirsubject matter came to be based on specifically American incidents or themes. In the United States as in Britain, many plays reflected the influence of romanticism , a European literary and artistic movement. Melodrama, with its outpourings of emotion, was the most prevalent dramatic form in the 19th century. Gothic melodramas...
From The Sound and the Fury - anthology.
'You'd better slip on your pants and run,' he said. He went out. I got up and moved about, listening to him through the wall. He entered the sitting-room, toward the door. 'Aren't you ready yet?' 'Not yet. Run along. I'll make it.' He went out. The door closed. His feet went down the corridor. Then I could hear the watch again. I quit moving around and went to the window and drew thecurtains aside and watched them running for chapel, the same ones fighting the same heaving coat-s...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Prometheus and Pandora - anthology.
The world being thus furnished with inhabitants, the first age was an age of innocence and happiness, called the Golden Age. Truth and right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any magistrate to threaten or punish. The forest had not yet been robbed of its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men builtfortifications round their towns. There were no such things as swords, spears, or helmets. The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labour inplo...
The Other Side of Truth
o If he goes to London he’ll be able to go on writing articles and inform people and defend the truth. o He’ll be safe and his children would have his father. Grief is the only thing at that moment. The references to Uncle Tune’s job are very important; the conversation between him and Folarin is quite aggressive and look like a trial. L.90, l.92. As a lawyer he knows how to make people react and how to convince them to be careful. L.6, l.11. It shows importance of justice while t...
The Uses of Sidewalks: Safety and Contact
2 First, a distinction between “the public and the private spaces”; second, streets must be constantly watched, and third sidewalk must be occupied by users: "Once a street is well equipped to handle strangers, once it has both a good, effective demarcation between private and public spaces and has a basic supply of activity and eyes, the more strangers the merrier" (40). By this quote, Jacobs means that people will have no apprehension by using a street or a sidewalk that meet the requirements...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Hercules - anthology.
'…amidst the gardens fairOf Hesperus and his daughters three,That sing about the golden tree.' The poets, led by the analogy of the lovely appearance of the western sky at sunset, viewed the west as a region of brightness and glory. Hence they placed in it theIsles of the Blest, the ruddy Isle Erytheia, on which the bright oxen of Geryon were pastured, and the Isle of the Hesperides. The apples are supposed by some to bethe oranges of Spain, of which the Greeks had heard some obscure account...
Spider (arthropod) - biology.
The spider’s abdomen is soft and saclike. On the underside of the tip of the abdomen are three pairs of spinnerets. Each spinneret is studded with many fine, hairliketubes called spigots, which produce a variety of silk threads. The spigots lead to several large silk glands inside the abdomen. Silk is formed as a liquid inside theseabdominal glands. As the silk is drawn out through the spigots, protein molecules within the silk line up parallel to one another, causing the silk to harden and form...
black south african english
‘She said she had come looking for me.’ Comment: certain contexts (e.g. a subordinate clause preceded by a main clause with past tense verbs) the simple past corresponds to the past perfect of StE: Modality 8. how am I going to construct a good sentence so as this person can be able to hear me clearly. ‘ … so that this person can understand me clearly.’ Comment: other modals ( shall, must, may, might, will, would, should ), which all allow collocations with be able 9. it can be in Computer Sci...
The Beatles - Musik.
1963 Please, Please Me Please, Please MeLove Me DoI Saw Her Standing ThereTwist and Shout 1963 With The Beatles It Won't Be LongAll My LovingPlease Mister PostmanRoll Over BeethovenI Wanna Be Your Man 1964 Meet The Beatles I Want To Hold Your HandThis Boy 1964 Something New Things We Said TodayAnd I Love Her 1964 A Hard Day's Night A Hard Day's NightCan't Buy Me LoveI Should Have Known Better 1964 Beatles for Sale I'm A LoserEight Days A WeekEverybody's Trying To Be MyBaby 1965 Help! Help!Youre...
President of the United States.
Democrats and Republicans—select delegates to attend their party conventions. Primary voters and caucus participants choose delegates who will support their favoredcandidate at the convention. The party conventions, held in the summer before the November general election, formally nominate the winner of the primaries andcaucuses. Would-be candidates crisscross the states that hold the earliest primaries, especially New Hampshire, which holds the country’s first primary, usually in mid-February....
Bill Clinton.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
Bill Clinton - USA History.
When Arkansas governor David Pryor ran for the U.S. Senate in 1978, Clinton ran for governor. He promised to improve the state’s schools and highways and toimprove economic conditions so that more jobs would be created. At that time, the average income of people in Arkansas ranked 49th among the 50 states. Clinton woneasily, receiving 60 percent of the vote against four opponents in the Democratic primary election and 63 percent against the Republican candidate, Lynn Lowe, in thegeneral election...
Hera (Lady) Greek Queen of Olympus, sister
and wife of Zeus, daughter of Cronus and Rhea.
union was born Centaurus, father of the Centaurs. Ixion was bound to a fiery wheel and doomed to whirl perpetually through the sky. Hera and Io One of the loves of Zeus was the maiden Io. Zeus turned Io into a beautiful white cow to protect her from Hera, but Hera was not deceived. She demanded to be given the heifer and Zeus could not refuse her. Hera then tied up the heifer and the hundred-eyed Argus guarded her. The god Hermes rescued Io by using songs and stories to close all the eyes of A...
She looked at him. "Michael, you won't let him persuade you, will you?" "No, 1 won't." She turned and went off up the avenue, going towards the shops 30 on the high street. He unlocked the front door and went into the hall. A phone was ringing upstairs. He looked at his watch. lt was just after five. He began to run upstairs, pushing past a little red-haired man who was also on his way up. "Sorry ," he said. ''That's all right, guv. 2...
Don't cry, I said, by putting my fingers on my face and pushing imaginary tears up my cheeks and back into my eyes.
Say something. He took hispen from hisshirt pocket andthetop napkin fromthestack onthe table. He wrote, Youwere happy whenIwas away. How could youthink that? We arelying toourselves andtoeach other. Lying about what? Idon't careifwe're lying. I am abad person. I don't care.Idon't carewhat youare. I can't. What's killingyou? He took another napkinfromthestack. He wrote, You'rekillingme. And then Iwas silent. He wrote, Youremind me. I put myhands onthe table andtold him, Youhave me. He took anothe...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Adventures of Aeneas - anthology.
out of his way. Hearing the oars, Polyphemus shouted after them, so that the shores resounded, and at the noise the other Cyclopses came forth from their caves andwoods and lined the shore, like a row of lofty pine trees. The Trojans plied their oars and soon left them out of sight. Æneas had been cautioned by Helenus to avoid the strait guarded by the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. There Ulysses, the reader will remember, had lost six of hismen, seized by Scylla while the navigators were wh...
British History and Civilization: Political Ideas, the State and Society
Crown and set out the rights of Parliament. That is the main reasons why she said the Bill of Rights enabled to establish a new type of monarchy. The second argument can be seen through the battle that happened from 1688 to 1689 because during that time the king was very criticized which result to a less powerful king in the Bill of Right. For example we can see in the article the King “was denied the power to suspend laws or their execution without the consent of Parliament” t...
role of king and the parliament. It changed the role of the king and the parliament so that is why it's a radical document and not a traditional. It brought changes and not continuity. More power for the parliament was wanted. The Bill of Rights marked a dramatic turning point in English history. The monarchy was new which proved the rights of English subjects were no longer to be dispensed on King's decision. It was a new monarchy because new laws were added to the Bill and it marked a chan...
Katy Perry
Katy Perry started singing at the age of 9, in her parents’ church. She appeared gifted in singing and took lessons at the Music Academy of the West . When she was 15, she learned how to play the guitar. At the same time, she recorded her first gospel album, which didn’t encountered any success. Then, she started making pop music and changed her stage name from Katy Hudson to Katy Perry (Perry is her mother’s maiden name). The reason she did that was because Katy Hudson sounded too mu...
The Great Gatsby chapter VII
takes the blame of the accident. Nick checks if everything is alright when he saw Daisy and Tom reconciled. Nick through: “They weren’t happy, and yet they weren’t unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy…” Transition: The reader attends to another description of the Buchanans’ house. 2. II- The Buchanans’ house description faithful to previous description: At the end of the chapter 8 we notice the desc...
From A Vindication of the Rights of Woman - anthology.
Ignorance is a frail base for virtue! Yet, that it is the condition for which woman was organized, has been insisted upon by the writers who have most vehementlyargued in favour of the superiority of man; a superiority not in degree, but essence; though, to soften the argument, they have laboured to prove, with chivalrousgenerosity, that the sexes ought not to be compared; man was made to reason, woman to feel: and that together, flesh and spirit, they make the most perfect whole, byblending hap...
Excerpt from Martin Chuzzlewit - anthology.
But there is one other piece of evidence, bearing immediate reference to their close connextion with this memorable event in English History, which must carryconviction, even to a mind (if such a mind there be) remaining unconvinced by these presumptive proofs. There was, within a few years, in the possession of a highly respectable and in every way credible and unimpeachable member of the Chuzzlewit Family (for hisbitterest enemy never dared to hint at his being otherwise than a wealthy man...
Elephant - biology.
B Trunk An elephant's nose and upper lip are combined in a long, limber trunk, an exceptionally supple appendage with an estimated 150,000 muscles. The versatile trunk actslike a hand for grasping low-growing shrubs and other food and placing it into the mouth; an arm for breaking off tree branches; or a snorkel for breathing when theelephant's body is submerged. Elephants also use their trunks to suck up water and squirt it into their mouths for drinking or over their bodies for bathing. Nostr...