430 résultats pour "racé"
- La race de Pietrain: elle est faite pour qui aime le maigre, c'est l'art de finir les plats
- La race bretonne pie noire: de petite taille, issue d'un pays rude, cette laitière locale mérite d'être maintenue au patrimoine.
Les gymnastes
Hitler a voulu créer une seule « race » basée sur des critères physiques. On sait aujourd'hui que la notion de race n'a aucune réalité biologique. Tous les hommes possèdent 23 paires de chromosomes et ont tous les mêmes gènes. Par contre, ce sont les allèles qui varient. Hitler a voulu sélectionner un type d'allèles qui est blond aux yeux bleus, ce sont des allèles récessifs. Cette oeuvre porte un message très précis. L'objectif est de mettre la race d'Hitler en valeur sous prétexte que ses ho...
- Prjevalski, Nikolaï Prjevalski, Nikolaï (1839-1888), officier et explorateur russe, qui donna son nom à une race de cheval archaïque redécouverte en Asie centrale.
- Spike Lee Spike Lee, born in 1957, American motion-picture maker, whose works examine race relations in the United States.
physique des Nambikwara nous apparaît moins problématique ; il évoque celui d'une ancienne race dont on connaît les
ossements, retrouvés au Brésil dans les grottes de Lagoa Santa qui sont un site de l'État de Minas Gérais.
(absent àce moment) l’eutabandonnée. Enfin,unjeune ménage, dontlafemme allaitait, setrouvait souslecoup des interdits habituels enpareilles circonstances. Fortsales parce quelesbains derivière leursont défendus, amaigrisà cause delaprohibition frappantlaplupart desaliments, réduitsàl’oisiveté, lesparents d’unenfant nonencore sevréne peuvent participer àla vie collective. L’hommeallaitparfois chasser ouramasser desproduits sauvages, ensolitaire ; la femme recevait sanourriture deson mari oudeses...
Le Débat Coloniale En France Avant 1914 (histoire)
SYNTH È SE : Quels sont les arguments pour et contre l'expansion coloniale de la France ? Certes, des arguments sont pour l'expansion coloniale. À l'aide de la propagande et des journaux. Les colonisateurs français veulent être plus puissants au niveau économique. En effet, ils recherchent des produits bruts agricoles et des matières premières. Cela permet également d'écouler les surplus de production. Il s'agit de trouver des débouchés. Au niveau politique, i...
Rares sont les sociétés humaines qui ne s'accompagnent pas de la présence d'une ou de
plusieurs espèces animales domestiques.
La diversité des origines géographiques tout autant que les multiples orientations de la production ont conduit à la constitution de races à l'intérieur de chaque espèce, dont elles sont autant de variantes. La notion de race fournit un cadre commode pour mettre au point collectivement l'amélioration de l'espèce, et il a été retenu à ce titre dans tous les pays, au moins pour les animaux de ferme de grande taille ou moyenne. Dans chaque espèce, les races se distinguent les unes des autres p...
cheval (faune & Flore).
deux couleurs (séparées ou mélangées) ou de trois couleurs mélangées. Parmi ces nombreuses nuances, les plus communes sont les robes baies, caractérisées par un corpsde couleur marron, une crinière et une queue noire. Le terme « pie » désigne les robes parsemées de grandes tâches blanches. On parle de robe « pie noire », « pie rouge »ou « pie baie ». La robe du cheval peut par ailleurs présenter de nombreuses particularités. La tête comporte souvent une marque blanche et le dos est parfois parco...
cheval (faune & Flore).
deux couleurs (séparées ou mélangées) ou de trois couleurs mélangées. Parmi ces nombreuses nuances, les plus communes sont les robes baies, caractérisées par un corpsde couleur marron, une crinière et une queue noire. Le terme « pie » désigne les robes parsemées de grandes tâches blanches. On parle de robe « pie noire », « pie rouge »ou « pie baie ». La robe du cheval peut par ailleurs présenter de nombreuses particularités. La tête comporte souvent une marque blanche et le dos est parfois parco...
Horse Racing.
interested parties claim the same horse at the same price, lots are drawn to determine the winning offer. Knowledgeable owners and trainers may use claiming races toobtain, at bargain prices, horses whose former owners underestimated the potential of their animals. Two other types of contests are match races and walkovers. A match race pits only two horses, almost always that season’s most successful racers, in a head-to-headduel. A walkover occurs when only one horse has not been scratched (w...
From Plessy v.
We consider the underlying fallacy of the plaintiff's argument to consist in the assumption that the enforced separation of the two races stamps the colored race with abadge of inferiority. If this be so, it is not by reason of anything found in the act, but solely because the colored race chooses to put that construction upon it. Theargument necessarily assumes that if, as has been more than once the case and is not unlikely to be so again, the colored race should become the dominant power inth...
Premier animal à avoir été domestiqué, le chien marque l'histoire humaine de son
omniprésence temporelle et spatiale.
L'évolution de l'espèce Dès l'âge du fer (I er millénaire avant notre ère), la population canine se diversifia, et des variations importantes de la taille apparurent. Avec la civilisation égyptienne, le type du lévrier se développa. Mais c'est à partir de la période romaine qu'émergèrent des types de chiens bien différenciés. On distingua alors les chiens destinés à la chasse, ceux qui étaient employés à la guerre, les gardiens de troupeaux, les chiens de course et de combat (molosses). Puis le...
Mushers are caretakers, but also coaches. Top mushers have large kennels, and their preparation for competition begins by buying and breeding race-specific dogs.They train their dogs, decide which to run on certain days, and make adjustments during races by switching and dropping dogs. Serious competitors run their dogsyear-round, using carts and all-terrain vehicles when there is not enough snow on the ground. During races they decide their strategy, choosing when to rest and whento push ahead....
Considéré de tout temps comme le plus utile compagnon de l'homme, le cheval
domestique a participé avec lui à toutes les aventures qui ont tissé l'histoire de la plupart des
peuples : expéditions, guerres, transports des hommes et des matériaux lointains.
équidés hybridation mulet onagre périssodactyles sabot Anatomie et morphologie La morphologie des équidés diffère plus qu'il n'y paraît de celle des quadrupèdes à quatre ou cinq doigts, comme le chat ou le chien - et plus encore de celle d'un homme marchant « à quatre pattes ». En effet, si l'on considère les membres antérieurs, l'omoplate (notre épaule) et l'humérus (notre bras) sont pris dans la masse du tronc ; l'articulation principale, appelée genou par anthropomorphisme, cor...
gather to cheer the riders as they pedal by on each lap. Unlike stage racing and time trialing, the emphasis in a criterium is on speed and bike handling rather thanendurance. Track racing is done in a stadium-like arena called a velodrome. A modern velodrome is an oval track with steeply banked corners that facilitate high speed. Velodromes can be enclosed or open-air, and the tracks are constructed of wood or concrete. Popular in Europe and the United States at the beginning of the 20th cent...
Automobile Racing.
beginning in 1906 at Le Mans it came to refer to the principal F1 auto race in a given nation, except in the United States, where the term continues to be used lessdiscriminately. After the end of World War I in 1918, when automobile racing blossomed internationally, a series of GP races in several nations became reserved for F1competition, and an annual GP calendar was developed consisting of national races, such as the French Grand Prix and the British Grand Prix. An annual award calledthe Wor...
the sails sweep across the decks of the vessel from one side to the other, and also because of the danger of breaking spars. In wild jibing, control can be lostmomentarily and, if the seas are high, a small boat can broach —that is, veer on its side with danger of swamping or capsizing. An unintentional jibe in a heavy wind frequently has enough force to break the masts of a vessel. When jibing intentionally, careful sailors always haul in on the boom while turning, so that the boom willtravel...
L'Anthropologie : La notion de race
Mead, ethnographe et sociologue américaine fort connue, écrivait en 1948 (Male and Fe male, traduction : Les Temps Modernes, n° 69, mai 1951) : c Actuellement, on ser virait beaucoup mieux l'évolution histori que en insistant sur les possibilités de mo dification de l'homme qu'en soulignant ses caractéristiques immuables. :. Rejeter une hypothèse de travail qui peut être féconde et mener à des découvertes biologiques est une méthode...
Track and Field.
VI RUNNING EVENTS Running events are competitions that test athletes’ quickness, speed, and endurance. Athletes win running races by completing the distance or course in the leastamount of time. A Sprints The shortest running events, called sprints or dashes, are the premier events at a track-and-field meet. The outdoor sprints consist of the 100-meter, 200-meter, and400-meter events. Sprints contested at indoor meets include the 50-meter, 60-meter, 200-meter, and 400-meter events. Past champ...
GOBINEAU Joseph Arthur, comte de : sa vie et son oeuvre
Odin et s'achève avec Joseph Arthur de Gobineau; entre les deux, quatre cents pages d'une irréfutable filiation. Si les œuvres littéraires connaissaient Je succès à raison de leur délire, Ottar Jarl serait un monument de notre littérature; encore faut-il qu'elles soient lisibles. On en dirait presque autant d'Amadis, immense poème épique où GobiQ.eau confirme à longueur de vers sa nostalgie du Moyen Age. En 1877, cet esprit frondeur, qui n'a réussi qu...
- DEUX RACES (résumé & analyse)
Hayes Wins Olympic Marathon.
entered the stadium,” Pietri told the New York Times after the race. “When I heard the people cheering and knew I had nearly won, a thrill passed through me and I felt my strength going.” Visibly confused, Pietri stood for a moment before making a wrong turn—heading left instead of following a red cord to the right. Officials tried to redirect thedelirious runner, but only after several attempts did he correctly change his course. “He staggered along the cinder path like a man in a dre...
- Nietzsche la communauté de race
race and postcolonialism
to do things in certain circumstances or not. In each one of the characters this conditioning factor represents itself in very opposite manners. In the character of the wife of troy for example we see that she rather to take the consequences of his husbands mistakes before facing the world by her self. In his oldest son from a previous marriage we can witness the fact that he only stays close to his father when this one holds his paycheck of the month. On the side of Cory however he c...
éternelle. Sa constitution a exigée le contact avec d'autres peuples, ainsi qu'une problématisation explicite durapport entre les peuples. - La thèse relativiste, celle de Montaigne : il y a entre les hommes diversité : " il y a plus de distance de tel hommeà tel homme qu'il n'y a de tel homme à telle beste " (Montaigne, Essais, I, XLII, " De 'inégalité qui est entre nous ").Cette diversité est sans doute le seul critère véritable propre à l'humanité : le genre humain comporte presquea...
values as coming before a radical political transformation. Others argue that a radical political transformation will then be followed by a change in values. Fascists claimthat the nation has entered a dangerous age of mediocrity, weakness, and decline. They are convinced that through their timely action they can save the nation fromitself. Fascists may assert the need to take drastic action against a nation's 'inner' enemies. Fascists promise that with their help the national crisis will end an...
Porcs, moutons et chèvres Il existe plus de 800 races de moutons. Au cours des siècles précédents, la plupart des espèces étaient choisies en fonction de la qualité de leur laine. De nos jours, la qualité de leur chair entre également en ligne de compte et beaucoup de races �ont choisies pour leur aptitude à don ner le jour à des jumeaux. Certaines races de moutons offrent le double avantage de fournir de la bonne laine et de la bonne viande,...
Extreme Sports.
racing events are the Raid Gauloises and the Eco-Challenge. Created in 1989 by French journalist Gerard Fusil, the Raid Gauloises is a grueling two-week adventure racein which five-person teams cross rugged and remote terrain. The inaugural Raid was held in New Zealand, and subsequent races have been staged in Costa Rica,Madagascar, Borneo, and Chile. The race has five separate stages designed to fit each location’s unique terrain. Stages may require horseback riding, white-waterpaddling, mounta...
Arcaro Wins the Triple Crown.
that Citation was the class of the field, regardless of track condition. Citation, the overwhelming favorite at odds of 1-to-10, came out of the gate first, pulled aheadby two lengths on the backstretch, and romped to the finish six lengths ahead of the second-place horse, Vulcan. Arcaro used the whip only twice: at the entrance ofthe backstretch and just outside the eighth pole. According to the New York Times, ”Citation got the idea, and kept pulling away from the others through the final ya...
langage de ceux que les
C’est seulement au Pays de Dun que les Hommes de cette race avaient conservé leur ancien parler et leu rs coutumes d’autrefois : une peuplade mystérieuse, furtive, hostile aux Dúnedain et haïssant les Rohirrim. Dans ce livre, leur langue n’est point mentionnée, sauf pour le nom, Forgoil , dont ils désignaient les Rohirrim (et qui signifie, dit -on, Têtes -de -P aille). Les Rohirrim, eux, les appelaient gens du Pays de Dun , ou Ceux du Pays de Dun parce qu’ils avaient le teint basané...
Olympic Games.
the next decade nearly all the ISFs abolished the distinction between amateurs and professionals, accepting so-called open Games. One of the most visible examples of the policy change came in 1992, when professional players from the National Basketball Association (NBA) were permitted to play inthe Summer Games in Barcelona, Spain. Professionals from the National Hockey League (NHL) became eligible to participate beginning with the 1998 Winter Olympics inNagano, Japan. V CEREMONIES The Olymp...
Segregation in the United States - U.
acts of discrimination. Writing for the court, Justice Joseph Bradley declared: “When a man has emerged from slavery, and by the aid of beneficent legislation ... theremust be some stage in the progress of his elevation when he takes the rank of a mere citizen, and ceases to be the special favorite of the laws, and when his rights as acitizen, or a man, are to be protected in the ordinary modes by which other men’s rights are protected.” Rather than being the “special favorites” of the law, blac...
Parler de nature humaine cela a-t-il encore un sens aujourd'hui ?
pour un autre pays. - On appelle « ethnocentrisme » la tendance que chaque peuple a de se considérer comme la référence de l'humanité, et de voir son pays comme le centre du monde. Il s'agit d'un préjugé universelqui exalte la seule culture à laquelle on appartient et méprise les autres cultures au point de leur dénierleur caractère de suite de borborygmes (étymologie grecque de barbare), les lois que l'on a sont lesseules justes, etc. Il semble donc que cette idée de n...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Meleager and Atalanta - anthology.
Althea, when the deed was done, laid violent hands upon herself. The sisters of Meleager mourned their brother with uncontrollable grief; till Diana, pitying thesorrows of the house that once had aroused her anger, turned them into birds. Atalanta The innocent cause of so much sorrow was a maiden whose face you might truly say was boyish for a girl, yet too girlish for a boy. Her fortune had been told, and itwas to this effect: 'Atalanta, do not marry; marriage will be your ruin.' Terrified...
Indianapolis - geography.
Amateur athletic competitions are frequent in Indianapolis. Each summer it is the site for the finals of the Hoosier State Games, with athletes of all ages and skill levelscompeting in 21 sports. In 1987 Indianapolis hosted the Tenth Pan American Games, and is often the site for numerous Olympic trials and collegiate sportschampionships. Among the many sports facilities are those for tennis, bicycle racing, skating, and track and field. The city’s professional football team, the Indianapolis Col...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Prometheus and Pandora - anthology.
The world being thus furnished with inhabitants, the first age was an age of innocence and happiness, called the Golden Age. Truth and right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any magistrate to threaten or punish. The forest had not yet been robbed of its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men builtfortifications round their towns. There were no such things as swords, spears, or helmets. The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without his labour inplo...
Le XXème siècle
Le XX ème siècle 3. Lidéologie nazie Le racisme scientifique Les nazis se fondent sur la domination au 20 ème des peuples européens sur le monde pour faire valoir la supériorité biologique de la race blanche, en parti culier celle des Aryens (variété la plus pure de lespèce humaine). Ce racisme biologique se réfère aux théories sur le s groupes sociaux et linguistiques mises en circulation par les travaux de Gobineau (« Essai su r linégalité...
chien domestique (faune & Flore).
Alimentation équilibrée, exercice et affection sont autant d’éléments indispensables au bien-être du chien. Pour qu’il soit bien intégré à la cellule familiale et apprécié detous ses membres, un chien doit être choisi en fonction de son aspect (taille, poil long ou ras, sexe), de sa race et des exigences qu’il impose ; il ne faut pas choisir un chiensportif si l’on est sédentaire, ni un chien de grande taille si l’on habite un petit appartement. 5.1 Le chiot Les chenils de bonne réputation info...
- Maurice Paléologue Un diplomate racé.
- Maurice Paléologue Un diplomate racé.
From Scott v.
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. The general words above quoted would seem to embrace the whole human family, and if they were used in a similar instrument at this day would be so understood.But it is too clear for dispute that the enslaved African race were not intended to be included, and formed no part of the people who framed and adopted thisdeclaration, for if the lang...
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945), German political and military leader and one of the 20th century's most powerful dictators.
A Economic Collapse At the end of World War I, the Allies (those countries who had fought against Germany) had demanded that Germany pay reparations—that is, payments for wardamages. The government refused to pay all that was demanded by the Allies. When Germany failed to pay enough, France and Belgium occupied the coal mines in theRuhr industrial area in west central Germany in January 1923. In protest, the German government halted all reparation payments and called for passive resistance by a...
Adolf Hitler.
A Economic Collapse At the end of World War I, the Allies (those countries who had fought against Germany) had demanded that Germany pay reparations—that is, payments for wardamages. The government refused to pay all that was demanded by the Allies. When Germany failed to pay enough, France and Belgium occupied the coal mines in theRuhr industrial area in west central Germany in January 1923. In protest, the German government halted all reparation payments and called for passive resistance by a...
Adolf Hitler .
A Economic Collapse At the end of World War I, the Allies (those countries who had fought against Germany) had demanded that Germany pay reparations—that is, payments for wardamages. The government refused to pay all that was demanded by the Allies. When Germany failed to pay enough, France and Belgium occupied the coal mines in theRuhr industrial area in west central Germany in January 1923. In protest, the German government halted all reparation payments and called for passive resistance by a...
George Bush.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...
George Bush - USA History.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...
Holocaust, the almost complete destruction of Jews in Europe by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II (1939-1945).
relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. Hewrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal. IV UNIQUENESS OF NAZI ANTI-SEMITISM The linking of anti-Semitic accusations to race struggle is what made Nazism so genocidal. The Nazis believed the Jews were responsible for what they regarded as thedegeneracy of modern...
Holocaust .
relation to the Jews. He claimed that the Jews had achieved economic dominance and the ability to control and manipulate the mass media to their own advantage. Hewrote of the need to eradicate their powerful economic position, if necessary by means of their physical removal. IV UNIQUENESS OF NAZI ANTI-SEMITISM The linking of anti-Semitic accusations to race struggle is what made Nazism so genocidal. The Nazis believed the Jews were responsible for what they regarded as thedegeneracy of modern...
Affirmative Action.
hiring, purchasing, and other government business. In 1998 Washington State voters passed Initiative 200, a measure that banned affirmative action in state and localgovernment hiring, contracting, and education. Around the same time, federal courts began considering lawsuits from white students denied admission to state universities with affirmative action programs. In somecases, the courts have invalidated such programs on the grounds that they promote reverse racial discrimination. For example...