185 résultats pour "marks"
- L'humoriste américain Mark Twain a dit que « le secret du rire n'est pas la gaieté mais la tristesse». Vous commenterez cette boutade en étayant votre réflexion sur des exemples empruntés à vos lectures, mais aussi, si vous le jugez utile, à d'autres formes de l'expression artistique.
- Formel-1-Weltmeister JAHR FAHRER LAND MARKE 1950 Giuseppe Farina Italien Alfa Romeo 1951 Juan Manuel Fangio Argentinien Alfa Romeo 1952 Alberto Ascari Italien Ferrari 1953 Alberto Ascari Italien Ferrari 1954 Juan Manuel Fangio Argentinien Maserati/Mercedes 1955 Juan
ROTHKO Mark : Blanc et verts sur fond bleu
ROTHKO Mark Blanc et verts sur fond bleu Né à Dvinsk , Lettonie , 1903 Mort à New York , 1970 Avant de parvenir à ce style extrêmement dépouillé, qui doit son pouvoir fascinant , d'une part , à une recherche tonale raffinée, d'autre part , à la zone imprécise mais vibrante qui limite les plages colorées , Mark Rothko avait expéri menté plusieurs styles. Né en Russie , mais arrivé à l'âge de dix ans à New York (en 1913), il étudia la p...
analyse cinema à travers Forte! de mark Lewis
Fort de Bard, au milieu des montagnes, il interroge le spectateur. Que fait ce bâtiment, à un tel endroit ? Il compare indirectement les gens que l'on peut voir dans le fort, à des fourmis. Pour lui les activités humaines prennent peu de place dans cette grandeur qu'est la nature. (D'ailleurs, la philosophie des luministes et plus précisément de la Hudson river School, précise que « la nature était la manifestation de la puissance et possède un coté quasi divin »). Mais Lewis s'intéresse égaleme...
US Beats USSR in Hockey.
The two sides once again exchanged goals during the first period. Sergei Makarov briefly gave the Soviets a lead when he beat Craig. The goal outraged many in thecrowd who felt that referee Karl Kaisla of Finland missed a holding violation by a USSR player in front of the net. Controversy also played a role in the Americans'game-tying goal at the end of the period. With a few seconds left on the clock, Ken Morrow unleashed an 80-foot slap shot that ricocheted to center Mark Johnson,who deposited...
Kelmscott Chaucer
The Kelmscott Chaucer was published in 1896 by William Morris' company, the Kelmscott Press.
B Medieval European Books Illustration of Saint Mark in the Ebbo GospelsThis is a page from the illuminated manuscript known as the Ebbo Gospels (about 816-835). It depicts Saint Mark lookingheavenward for inspiration as he writes his gospel account, and is drawn in an expressive, energetic style typical ofmedieval art of that period. The full name of the Ebbo Gospels is the Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims. This pagemeasures about 25 by 20 cm (about 10 by 8 in).Bridgeman Art Library, Lo...
Pablo Picasso.
Color juxtapositions—between blue and orange, for instance—are intentionally strident and unharmonious. The representation of space is fragmented and discontinuous. While the left side of the canvas is largely Iberian-influenced, the right side is inspired by African masks, especially in its striped patterns and oval forms. Suchborrowings, which led to great simplification, distortion, and visual incongruities, were considered extremely daring in 1907. The head of the figure at the bottom right,...
Leichtathletik: Medaillengewinner der Weltmeisterschaften.
1983 Eamon Coghlan, IRL Werner Schildhauer, GDR Martti Vainio, FIN 1987 Said Aouita, MAR Domingos Castro, POR Jack Buckner, GBR 1991 Yobes Ondieki, KEN Fita Bayissa, ETH Brahim Boutayeb, MAR 1993 Ismael Kirui, KEN Haile Gebrselassie, ETH Fita Bayissa, ETH 1995 Ismael Kirui, KEN Khalid Boulami, MAR Shem Kororia, KEN 1997 Daniel Komen, KEN Khalid Boulami, MAR Tom Nyariki, KEN 1999 Salah Missou, MAR Benjamin Limo, KEN Mohammed Mourhit, BEL 2001 Richard Limo, KEN Million Wolde, ETH John Kibowen, KEN...
C Special Teams Each team has players who enter the game during special plays such as kickoffs, field goals, punts, and returns. The kicker kicks off at the beginning of a game or half,and after his team has scored. The kicker also scores points for the offensive team by kicking the ball through the goalpost’s vertical posts, also known as the uprights;these scores are called field goals. When the offensive team must surrender the ball to the opponents, a punter comes in to kick the ball downfi...
Le Roi Léopold II de Belgique (durée de règne :1865-1909) hérite en 1885 du vaste territoire congolais, potentiellement très riche.
rapports sur l'holocauste perpétré en Afrique Centrale... ». « Le boom du caoutchouc, qui fut à l'origine des pires massacres au Congo, débuta au milieu des années 1890, sous l'administration de Léopold, mais continua après la fin de son régime autocratique. » [3] Crimes, tortures, exactions, telles étaient leurs accusations à l'égard du système mis en place par le monarque belge, reposant sur des témoignages tout à fait crédibles (ceux de missionnaires européens et américains, notamment). L'on...
Réparer la guerre ET RECONSTRUIRE LA PAIX de 1920 à 1929 : Histoire
RÉPARER LA GUERRE ET RECONSTRUIRE LA PAIX. Aristide Briand et Gustav Stresem ann sont les principaux artisans d'une rlconciliation franco-allemande qui n'est pas sans ambigul"u!s. © cie Sr/va-Tu pu bor RÉPARER LA GUERRE ET RECONSTRUIRE LA PAIX. La guerre soviéto-po/onaise naît d'tm conflit territorial que le redécoupage de l'Europe d'après-guerre n'a pu rés o ud re. Ci-contre: des volontaires polonais armés de faux parte/Il pour le front. ©Ut/stein l)nis (...
L'incoercible inflation Allemagne, 1923 (histoire)
A droite: La file d'attente de vant une crémerie . Tous les articles étaient devenus très rares durant la période la plus sombre de l'inflation . Laper te de valeur de l'argent était tellement rapide que la plu part des magasins vendaient à perte. Ci-dessous, à droite: Un grou pe de sans-logis _attend pour recevoir un toit. Les person nes âgées et les pauvres eurent .à souffrir le plus de l'infla tion . Ci-dessous: En Allemagne, des oeuvre...
Commentary The adeventures of Huck Finn
same hundrun is emphasized by the use of the modals « would », « could » and the verbal form « used to ». So, this everyday life is depicted by the narrator as « lovely ». The child describes his habits as sacred ones. The way it is depicted seems mechanical : everything has a time to be done and is done by the time the children are allowing it. For instance, they are eating first, then having a nap, then shaving « soon as it was night ». The actions are ennumerated, which emphasize the idea o...
Le personnage d'HUCKLEBERRY FINN
Mark Twain est considéré comme l'un des fondateurs de la littérature américaine. Ernest Hemingway disait parexemple, à propos des Aventures de Huckleberry Finn, que « toute la littérature moderne en découle ».En fait, Mark Twain s'est trouvé, de différentes façons, à la charnière de deux mondes.Descendant de pionniers, ayant lui-même connu la vie difficile des émigrants en lutte contre les Indiens, il vitapparaître et se développer la civilisation qui, d'Est en Ouest, couvrit en...
Natation (hommes) : palmarès JO - sport.
1900 Frederick Lane(Australie) 2'25'2 Zoltan vonHalmay(Hongrie) 2'31'4 Karl Ruberl(Autriche) 2'32'0 1904 Charles Daniels(États-Unis) 2'44'2 Francis Gailey(États-Unis) 2'46'0 Emil Rausch(Allemagne) 2'56'0 1968 Mike Wenden(Australie) 1'55'2 Don Schollander(États-Unis) 1'55'8 John Nelson(États-Unis) 1'58'1 1972 Mark Spitz(États-Unis) 1'52'78 Steven Genter(États-Unis) 1'53'73 Werner Lampe(Allemagne del'Ouest) 1'53'99 1976 Bruce Furniss(États-Unis) 1'50'29 John Naber(États-Unis) 1'50'50 Jim Mon...
Men's Swimming: Olympic Gold Medalists.
1896 Alfréd Hajós Hungary 1:22.20 1904 1 Zoltán Halmay Hungary 1:02.80 1906 Charles Daniels United States 1:13.40 1908 Charles Daniels United States 1:05.60 1912 Duke Kahanamoku United States 1:03.40 1920 Duke Kahanamoku United States 1:00.40 1924 Johnny Weissmuller United States 59.00 1928 Johnny Weissmuller United States 58.60 1932 Yasuji Miyazaki Japan 58.20 1936 Ferenc Csík Hungary 57.60 1948 Walter Ris United States 57.30 1952 Clarke Scholes United States 57.40 1956 Jon Henricks Austria 55...
Men's Swimming: Olympic Gold Medalists.
1896 Alfréd Hajós Hungary 1:22.20 1904 1 Zoltán Halmay Hungary 1:02.80 1906 Charles Daniels United States 1:13.40 1908 Charles Daniels United States 1:05.60 1912 Duke Kahanamoku United States 1:03.40 1920 Duke Kahanamoku United States 1:00.40 1924 Johnny Weissmuller United States 59.00 1928 Johnny Weissmuller United States 58.60 1932 Yasuji Miyazaki Japan 58.20 1936 Ferenc Csík Hungary 57.60 1948 Walter Ris United States 57.30 1952 Clarke Scholes United States 57.40 1956 Jon Henricks Austria 55...
Roman Empire - history.
the master of Rome. Three years later the Senate proclaimed him Augustus, the supreme ruler. III THE EMPIRE UNDER AUGUSTUS Roman Emperor AugustusAugustus, the first Roman emperor, brought peace, order, and prosperity to Rome after the civil wars that followed the assassinationof Roman leader Julius Caesar. Caesar had adopted the young Octavian, later known as Augustus, as his heir. After a victory overMark Antony and Cleopatra at Actium, Augustus had absolute power over the entire Roman Empire....
Roman Empire .
A Government Augustus did not derive his power from any single office, but from the authority of his name and his victory. In fact, he carefully pieced together a patchwork of powersthat allowed him to be an absolute ruler and yet avoid the hatred Caesar aroused as dictator. In Latin, the name Augustus implies both political authority and religiousrespect. The Romans had for some time called Octavian imperator , a title once awarded to victorious generals that soon became associated with the r...
Roman Empire - History.
A Government Augustus did not derive his power from any single office, but from the authority of his name and his victory. In fact, he carefully pieced together a patchwork of powersthat allowed him to be an absolute ruler and yet avoid the hatred Caesar aroused as dictator. In Latin, the name Augustus implies both political authority and religiousrespect. The Romans had for some time called Octavian imperator , a title once awarded to victorious generals that soon became associated with the r...
Un attentat terroriste sanglant endeuille les « Jeux sereins » de Munich
Le nageur américain Mark Spitz avec cinq des sept médailles d'or qu'il a décrochées aux jeux Olympiques de Munic h, en 1972 Un attentat terroriste sanglant ende uille les « Jeux sereins » de Munic h Les jeux Olympiques d'été de Munich sont placés sous le signe de la tristesse. L'attentat palestinien du 5 septembre 1972 contr e l'équipe israélienne au village olympique , qui fait dix-sept victimes, assombrit durablement les compétitions. ' a...
Le blocus de Berlin
BERLIN, ÉPICENTRE DE LA GUERRE FROIDE Jusqu'à son terme en 1945, la Seconde Guerre mondiale a relégué à l'arrière-plan les antagonismes entre les régimes démocratiques occidentaux et le régime soviétique. Mais ceux-ci se réveillent brusquement Les violations de certaines clauses des accords interalliés, un engrenage de petites épreuves de force dans les années 1945 -1946 conduisent bientôt à une • guerre froide » généralisée. Mais c'est surtout...
Coutumes et traditions des pays anglophones
Etat civil : S'adresser à
Whe n the phone r ings, you pick up the re ceiver and give your number: 6-3–1- 0-9W e say each figur e separately. Whe n you call someone, you identify yourself : - He llo, David speakin g / Hello, this is David / He llo, David here Th en you ask for who you want : - Can I speak to .... ? / I ’d like to speak to . ..I f the pe rson who answers is not the person you want, you’ll p robably hear somethin g like : - Hang o n a minute / Hold on please - I ’m afraid he isn’ t i...
TOBEY Mark : Unknown journey
TOBEY Mark Unknownjourney Né à Centt;rville, 1890 Mort à Bâle, 1976 Né dans le Wisconsin en 1890, c'est jusqu'en 1940 un figuratif, actif à Chicago et New York dans la mode, mais dès 1923, attiré par l'art et la philosophie de l'Orient. Il voyage alors beau coup et loin et rencontre Pearl Buck, Huxley et Tagore qui partagent ses intérêts. Après des années à Bâle, il meurt en 1976. Comme Mondrian, il a été fasciné par les l...
Reiten: Medaillengewinner der Olympischen Sommerspiele.
1968 GBR: Derek Allhusen(Lochinvar), RichardMeade (Cornishman V),Reuben Jones (ThePoacher) USA: Michael Page (Foster),James Wolford (Kilkenny), J.Michael Plumb (Plain Sailing) AUS: Wayne Roycroft(Zhivago), Brien Cobcroft(Depeche), William Roycroft(Joburg) 1972 GBR: Richard Meade(Laurieston), MaryGordon-Watson(Cornishman V), BridgetParker (Cornish Gold) USA: Kevin Freeman (GoodMixture), Bruce Davidson(Plain Sailing), J. MichaelPlumb (Free and Easy) FRG: Harry Klugmann(Christopher Rob), Ludwi...
Cat, small, mainly carnivorous animal, Felis silvestris catus, member of
D Coat Colors The domestic cat's original coat color was probably grayish-brown with darker tabby stripes, a color that provides excellent camouflage in a variety of environments. Allother coat colors and patterns are the result of genetic mutations; for example, solid coat colors such as black and blue are the result of a gene that suppresses tabbystripes; an orange coat is the result of a gene that transforms black pigment to orange; and a solid white coat is the result of a gene that complet...
Cat - biology.
D Coat Colors The domestic cat's original coat color was probably grayish-brown with darker tabby stripes, a color that provides excellent camouflage in a variety of environments. Allother coat colors and patterns are the result of genetic mutations; for example, solid coat colors such as black and blue are the result of a gene that suppresses tabbystripes; an orange coat is the result of a gene that transforms black pigment to orange; and a solid white coat is the result of a gene that complet...
President of the United States.
Democrats and Republicans—select delegates to attend their party conventions. Primary voters and caucus participants choose delegates who will support their favoredcandidate at the convention. The party conventions, held in the summer before the November general election, formally nominate the winner of the primaries andcaucuses. Would-be candidates crisscross the states that hold the earliest primaries, especially New Hampshire, which holds the country’s first primary, usually in mid-February....
natation - départ de dos crawlé, page 3381, volume 6 Les disciplines se rattachant aux épreuves de natation. Le plongeon (tremplin de 1,3 m, et de 10 m pour le haut vol), admis au programme olympique depuis 1900, s'identifie plus à un sport gymnique qu'à un sport nautique. Comme les gymnastes, les plongeuses et plongeurs sont tenus de présenter à un jury un certain nombre de figures classées par ordre de difficultés selon des critères techniques et esthétiques. Une centaine de figures différen...
Euro (Symbol EUR), gemeinsame Währung der Staaten der Europäischen Union
Haushaltsdefizit-Marke und die 3-Prozent-Marke für die Neuverschuldung. Hieraus ergab sich die Diskussion, ob diese Marken exakt erreicht werden müssten oder ob eineAnnäherung an diese Marken ausreichend sei.3. Vor allem von deutscher Seite wurde am Anfang die Befürchtung ausgesprochen, der Euro würde eine weiche Währung, die Europäische Zentralbank sei nicht in derLage, die straffen Kriterien der Deutschen Bundesbank weiterhin durchzusetzen, und daher angemahnt, es herrsche keine gemeinsame Sta...
FRANCE de 1990 à 1994 : Histoire
Pierre Bértgovoy symbolise la continuité de la gestion socialiste. Son su ic id e suscitera une très vive émotion. ©James Andanson • Sygma 1992, après avoir atteint des records d'impopularité, elle est remplacée par Pierre Bérégovoy. Fort de sa réputation de gestionnaire pragmatique et honnête, d'origine modeste, ce dernier ne parvient toutefois pas à empêcher la défaite annoncée du PS aux législatives de mars 1993. Au-delà des stratégies politiques...
Devoir d'anglais
That day, he had met God First, we can notice the progression of the religious domain, in opposition to the magical one. One might think that this represents the victory of christianism against paganism. The very beginning of the story (“Once upon a time” l.1) introduces a fairy tale, a magical world. Then, the vanity in the place is “displayed” (l.5), as if it had his own will. In comparison, in this first part of the text, there...
Analyse des déterminants socioculturels des perceptions et stratégies d'adaptation des agro- éleveurs face aux changements climatiques
pierreux. Ensuite viennent l'exploitation des bas-fonds et la petite irrigation en saison sèche. En élevage, les producteurs font le stockage des résidus de récoltes et la culture fourragère, utilisent le foin et les sous produits agro-industriels, pratiquent l'embouche bovine et la transhumance afin de réduire les risques liés à l'alimentation de leur bétail en saison sèche. L'adoption de ces stratégies d'adaptation prises dans leur ensemble est déterminée par les habitudes culturelles et le st...
Article de presse: Les deux jours qui ont lancé l'euro
millions d'emplois sur la période 1997-1999. Ce dynamisme économique retrouvé en Europe cache toutefois d'importantes disparités. " Les économies candidates àl'adoption de la monnaie unique ne sont pas en phase d'un point de vue conjoncturel, notent les analystes de la société de BourseAurel. Certaines, à l'image de celles de la Péninsule ibérique, de la Finlande ou des Pays-Bas, sont déjà engagées dans une phasede croissance solide alors que d'autres sortent tout juste d'une longue période d...
Major League Baseball: Rookie of the Year by Season.
Rookie of the Year (American League).Year Player Team 1949 Roy Sievers (of) St. Louis Cardinals 1950 Walt Dropo (1b) Boston Red Sox 1951 Gil McDougald (3b) New York Yankees 1952 Harry Byrd (p) Philadelphia Athletics 1953 Harvey Kuenn (ss) Detroit Tigers 1954 Bob Grim (p) New York Yankees 1955 Herb Score (p) Cleveland Indians 1956 Luis Aparicio (ss) Chicago White Sox 1957 Tony Kubek (of/inf) New York Yankees 1958 Albie Pearson (of) Washington Senators 1959 Bob Allison (of) Washington Senators 196...
Major League Baseball: Rookie of the Year by Season
Rookie of the Year (National League).
Year Player Team 1949 Roy Sievers (of) St. Louis Cardinals 1950 Walt Dropo (1b) Boston Red Sox 1951 Gil McDougald (3b) New York Yankees 1952 Harry Byrd (p) Philadelphia Athletics 1953 Harvey Kuenn (ss) Detroit Tigers 1954 Bob Grim (p) New York Yankees 1955 Herb Score (p) Cleveland Indians 1956 Luis Aparicio (ss) Chicago White Sox 1957 Tony Kubek (of/inf) New York Yankees 1958 Albie Pearson (of) Washington Senators 1959 Bob Allison (of) Washington Senators 1960 Ron Hansen (ss) Baltimore Orioles 1...
Forensic Science.
barbiturates, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin. When a body is discovered in a lake, stream, river, or ocean and the lungs are found to be filled with water, the medical examiner must determine if the drowningoccurred where the body was found or elsewhere. A standard microscope that can magnify objects to 1500 times their actual size is used to look for the presence orabsence of diatoms, single-celled algae that are found in all natural bodies of water. The absence of diatoms raises the possi...
américaine, littérature.
le moi, la nature et la mort, se situe entre la tradition romantique américaine et la tradition calviniste de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. 3. 2 La guerre de Sécession américaine et la fin du XIX e siècle Non sans humour, Abraham Lincoln parlait de l’auteur de la Case de l’oncle Tom (1852), Harriet Beecher-Stowe, comme de « la petite femme qui a provoqué cette grande guerre ». Plus qu’une grande œuvre littéraire, ce roman fut surtout l’expression du profond sentiment abolitionniste des Nordistes....
From Robinson Crusoe - anthology.
How strange a Chequer-Work of Providence is the Life of Man! and by what secret differing Springs are the Affections hurry'd about as differing Circumstancespresent! To Day we love what to Morrow we hate; to Day we seek what to Morrow we shun; to Day we desire what to Morrow we fear; nay even tremble at theApprehensions of; this was exemplify'd in me at this Time in the most lively Manner imaginable; for I whose only Affliction was, that I seem'd banished from humanSociety, that I was alone, cir...
Excerpt from Much Ado About Nothing - anthology.
BEATRICE. Alas, he gets nothing by that. In our last conflict four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one; so that if he havewit enough to keep himself warm, let him bear it for a difference between himself and his horse; for it is all the wealth that he hath left, to be known a reasonablecreature. Who is his companion now? He hath every month a new sworn brother. MESSENGER. Is't possible? BEATRICE. Very easily possible: he wears his faith but as the fashio...
Primate - biology.
The primate order includes a handful of species that live entirely on meat (carnivores) and also a few that are strict vegetarians (herbivores), but it is composed chieflyof animals that have varied diets (omnivores). The carnivorous primates are the four species of tarsiers, which live in Southeast Asia. Using their long back legs, thesepocket-sized nocturnal hunters leap on their prey, pinning it down with their hands and then killing it with their needle-sharp teeth. Tarsiers primarily eat in...
John Quincy Adams.
man of my whole country.” When President Thomas Jefferson requested Senate approval of his treaty for the purchase of the French colony of Louisiana, Adams was the only New EnglandFederalist to vote in favor of it. He realized that the power and influence of his own New England would be reduced if the vast territory were added to the nation, but hewas convinced that the national interest would best be served by the purchase of Louisiana ( see Louisiana Purchase). Adams again broke with his New...
John Quincy Adams
man of my whole country.” When President Thomas Jefferson requested Senate approval of his treaty for the purchase of the French colony of Louisiana, Adams was the only New EnglandFederalist to vote in favor of it. He realized that the power and influence of his own New England would be reduced if the vast territory were added to the nation, but hewas convinced that the national interest would best be served by the purchase of Louisiana ( see Louisiana Purchase). Adams again broke with his New...
Safety is very important to all skiers, and all Alpine resorts have a ski patrol. The ski patrol’s responsibility is to take care of injured skiers, to mark hazardous spots ontrails, to make sure that trails are in good condition before opening them, and, at times, to act as traffic police in congested areas. Skiers are also responsible for takingtheir own safety into consideration, as well as that of others. Anyone who participates in the sport should be aware of the Skier’s Responsibility Code...
Human Sexuality.
About six weeks after conception, if a Y chromosome is present in the embryo's cells (as it is in normal males), a gene on the chromosome directs the undifferentiatedgonads to become testes. If the Y chromosome is not present (as in normal females), the undifferentiated gonads will become ovaries. If the gonads become testes, they begin to produce androgens (male hormones, primarily testosterone) by about eight weeks after conception. These androgens stimulate development of the one set of the...
loose soil in this region, known as the Fertile Crescent, was easily scratched for planting, and an abundance of trees was available for firewood. By 5000 BC, farming communities were established in areas known today as Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Greece, and the islands of Crete and Cyprus. Agricultural societies in these places constructed stone buildings, used the sickle to harvest grain, developed a primitive plowstick, and advanced their skills inmetalworking. Trade in flint al...
Arctic - Geography.
The Arctic is not a frozen desert devoid of life on land or sea, even during the cold, dark winter months. Spring brings a phenomenal resurgence of plant and animal life.Low temperatures are not always the critical element—moisture, the type of soil, and available solar energy are also extremely important. Some animals adapt well toArctic conditions; for instance, a number of species of mammals and birds carry additional insulation, such as fat, in cold months. Arctic summers with extended dayli...
Ice Hockey.
Each period begins with a face-off at the blue dot at center ice. During the face-off one player from each team lines up at the dot with the stick blade on the ice. After the referee drops the puck, the two players attempt to gain possession of it. Quick hands and strength are essential qualities for players participating in the face-off. Once the puck is dropped, it is in play until an official’s whistle stops it, a goal is scored, or time expires. The team on offense tries to move the puck f...
Orthodox Church.
formally defined by an ecumenical council, as it was in Catholicism, some Orthodox theologians have taught that the act of becoming a monk or the service of burial canalso be sacraments. The sacramental practice of the Orthodox differs in many details from Western customs. Baptism is administered by immersing the child or adult three times under thewater, each time in the name of one of the persons of the Trinity. It is followed immediately by anointment with chrism, a sacred perfumed oil that r...
- Mark Tobey