896 résultats pour "mëne"
Vietnam War - U.
rigged, since about 150,000 more people voted in Saigon than were registered. Diem then deposed Bao Dai, who had been the only other candidate, and declaredSouth Vietnam to be an independent nation called the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), with himself as president and Saigon as its capital. Vietnamese Communists and manynon-Communist Vietnamese nationalists saw the creation of the RVN as an effort by the United States to interfere with the independence promised at Geneva. III THE BEGINNING OF THE...
- LABYRINTHE DE LA FORTUNE (Le) Juan de Mena (résumé)
- CHANG-MEN FOU (résumé & analyse)
- Dissertation gratuite: Le désir mène-t-il à la souffrance ?
- Amoy (en pinyin Xiamen, en EFEO Hia-men).
- Hérisson du désert: Il mène une existence difficile dans le sable.
Philosophie dissertation n°1 Sujet : La conscience est-elle un privilège ou un fardeau ?
que Descartes a douté de tout, il se trouve confronter à ce qu'il appellera : le Malin Génie. Selon Descartes il pourrait y avoir un Dieu trompeur, qui rendraient les sens de l'homme non fiables, tout ne serait alors qu'illusion. Descartes va alors envisager l'existence d'un malin génie qui aurait emprise sur lui et lui ferait voir une réalité qui n'existerait pas en réalité. C'est alors qu’apparaît une certitude inébranlable aux yeux de Descartes si un malin génie a une emprise sur l'exi...
- Hérisson du désert: Il mène une existence difficile dans le sable.
Bel-Ami, une peinture de la vie mondaine Parisienne
Ainsi, ce cercle privé mène une existence paisible, en marge de la majeure partie de la société composée essentiellement de classes pauvres où le but de la vie est de vivre plus que survivre. Ces pauvres gens ont l’habitude de mener dur labeur afin de se nourrir, eux et leur famille. On peut donc dire que cette sphère sociale mène une existence paisible et oisive, elle goûte aux plaisirs de la vie et laisse finalement la majorité des pauvres travailler à leur place. Elle représente le dé...
ObjetVenger son père par un matricide et par la mort d'Egisthe Aides OpposantsElectre, Apollon, le pédagogue Jupiter, Clytemnestre, Egisthe IV – Ressemblances et différences avec le mythe d'Oreste Tout d'abbord, on remarque que Jean-Paul Sartre pour cette pièce Les Mouches s'inspire du mythe du dernier enfantd'Agamemnon et de Clytemnestre : Oreste, appartenant à la famille des Atrides (famille qui servait de supporthistorique pour le théâtre grec). Personnage au destin tragique (père tué...
- Chine. Luoyang-Long Men, la grotte Juxiah Si.
Apollo, programme - astronomie.
3 LES MISSIONS APOLLO La technique de rendez-vous orbital utilisée pour les missions Apollo comporte plusieurs étapes : lancement du vaisseau spatial sur une orbite terrestre stable ; envoi versla Lune ; mise en orbite autour de la Lune ; alunissage du Lem ; décollage du Lem de la Lune et mise en orbite lunaire ; jonction et amarrage avec le CSM ; et enfin retourdu vaisseau spatial sur Terre. Au cours du retour vers la Terre, le vaisseau spatial est freiné par la résistance de l’air à l’entrée...
campagnes, histoire des
campagnes, histoire des, histoire de l'espace rural, par opposition à l'histoire des villes.
seigneurie apparaît comme le pouvoir local par excellence, mettant en place le système de la vassalité. Le seigneur capte le banum, ou ban, pouvoir royal à l’origine ; il exerce également la justice et peut donc condamner ou arbitrer des conflits ; il prélève des taxes diverses sur le commerce et met en valeur la réserve seigneuriale enpartie grâce à de multiples corvées (charroi, labours) ; il perçoit les banalités qui découlent du monopole qu’il détient sur certaines activités (moulin, four,...
Woman Suffrage - U.
form the National American Woman Suffrage Association. For many years thereafter the association worked to advance women’s rights on both the state and federallevels. Besides Stone, Anthony, and Stanton, leaders and supporters of the association included the noted American feminists Harriet Beecher Stowe, Julia Ward Howe,Clara Barton, Jane Addams, and Carrie Chapman Catt. Largely as a result of agitation by the association, suffrage was granted in the states of Colorado (1893), Utahand Idaho (18...
- ANONYME: Saint-Apollinaire-le-Neuf Le Christ mené en justice.
Protests in the 1960s - U.
E Youth Culture Young people played an important role in the movements for social change during the 1960s. Numbers alone made them important; more than 76 million babies wereborn during the post-World War II “baby boom.” In addition, these young people spent more years in school and were more affluent than previous generations. In theearly 20th century, most young Americans had moved quickly from childhood to adulthood. In the 1920s only 1 in 5 Americans graduated from high school, and almostal...
modern Lebanon; the Principality of Antioch, in modern Syria; and the County of Edessa, in modern northern Syria and southern Turkey. IV CRUSADES OF THE 12TH CENTURY The Crusades of the 12th century, through the end of the Third Crusade in 1192, illustrate the tensions and problems that plagued the enterprise as a whole. For thelords of Outremer a compromise with the residents and Muslim powers made sense; they could not live in constant warfare. And yet as European transplants theydepended on...
Crusades .
modern Lebanon; the Principality of Antioch, in modern Syria; and the County of Edessa, in modern northern Syria and southern Turkey. IV CRUSADES OF THE 12TH CENTURY The Crusades of the 12th century, through the end of the Third Crusade in 1192, illustrate the tensions and problems that plagued the enterprise as a whole. For thelords of Outremer a compromise with the residents and Muslim powers made sense; they could not live in constant warfare. And yet as European transplants theydepended on...
Lebanon (country) - country.
during the civil war. Within the country, thousands of Shia Muslim refugees fled fighting in southern Lebanon in the 1990s and moved into shantytowns in Beirut’ssouthern suburbs. Lebanon’s major cities were greatly affected by the civil war. Beirut has gradually regained most of its prewar population and remains the country’s largest city. Tripoli,the northern port, is the second largest city. Jūniyah, north of Beirut, was developed as a wartime port and subsequently had a population boom. Za ḩl...
Saudi Arabia - country.
C Natural Resources Some of the world’s largest oil and natural gas fields lie beneath Saudi Arabia and its offshore waters, representing the country’s most economically important naturalresource. In 2007 Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves were estimated at 264 billion barrels. Before the discovery and exploitation of these reserves in the mid-20th century,Saudi Arabia was one of the poorest countries in the world. Its relatively small population subsisted in a harsh environment with little agricultur...
Ancient Rome .
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
Ancient Rome - USA History.
attributed to Numa, including the selection of virgins to be priestesses of the goddess Vesta. He also established a calendar to differentiate between normal workingdays and those festival days sacred to the gods on which no state business was allowed. His peaceful reign lasted from 715 to 673 BC. Under Tullus Hostilius (672–641 BC) the Romans waged an aggressive foreign policy and began to expand their lands by the conquest of nearby cities like Alba Longa. When the warlike King Hostilius co...
Spanish Empire.
Spain’s royal government quickly imposed its own officials, first to collect taxes and then to administer the colony. Its goal was to assert royal control over both settlersand indigenous peoples. In Spain the government established a House of Trade to supervise colonial affairs and to oversee, license, and tax all trade and commerce. Asthe royal government asserted more authority over colonial activities, Columbus lost effective power, and was eventually replaced by other colonial governors. Wi...
Spanish Empire .
Spain’s royal government quickly imposed its own officials, first to collect taxes and then to administer the colony. Its goal was to assert royal control over both settlersand indigenous peoples. In Spain the government established a House of Trade to supervise colonial affairs and to oversee, license, and tax all trade and commerce. Asthe royal government asserted more authority over colonial activities, Columbus lost effective power, and was eventually replaced by other colonial governors. Wi...
Ship, vessel that is buoyant in the water and used
B1 Biremes Experience soon proved that longer ships posed a new set of problems: They were weaker structurally, more difficult to maneuver, and presented a larger target to anyenemy ship with a ram. In the 8th century BC Mediterranean shipbuilders eliminated these problems with the bireme , a war galley built to accommodate two levels, or banks , of oarsmen. Oarsmen on the lower level rowed oars from ports cut into the side of the vessel, while those above rowed from the deck. This arrangemen...
- exposé : Bullying and young men suicide
Great Depression in the United States - U.
prices would continue to rise and they could soon sell their stocks at a profit. The widespread belief that anyone could get rich led many less affluent Americans into the market as well. Investors bought millions of shares of stock “on margin,” arisky practice similar to buying products on credit. They paid only a small part of the price and borrowed the rest, gambling that they could sell the stock at a highenough price to repay the loan and make a profit. For a time this was true: In 1928 the...
Nicolas II
alors s’il avait déjà eu une entrevue avec le tsarévitch, à quoi de Witte répondit par la négative. Alexandre eu alors les mots suivants : « Mais c’est tout à fait un enfant ; il n’a que des jugements puérils ; comment pourrait-il être président de ce Comité ? ». Certes Alexandre III forme son fils à la diplomatie en lui faisant rencontrer des ministres étrangers (Suède et Japon) cependant il favorise son penchant pour les arts tout en le laissant se consacrer à son passe te...
- Cloporte: Méprisé, mais en réalité peu connu, il mène une vie cachée.
Women in decision-making positions may also be important in creating a more peaceful society-at least until both sex roles are more humanized, and men feel less need to prove their masculinity with confrontation, toughness and even mass violence. Feminism brings something else to the poUtical scene that's very important: a sense that change must start at the bottom, organically. 1t may be attached to theory, of course, but radical or revo...
- Héron pourpré: Il mène une vie très cachée parmi les roseaux.
Excerpt from Henry IV - anthology.
PRINCE HAL. Or an old lion, or a lover's lute. FALSTAFF. Yea, or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe. PRINCE HAL. What sayest thou to a hare, or the melancholy of Moorditch? FALSTAFF. Thou hast the most unsavoury similes, and art indeed the most comparative rascalliest sweet young prince. But Hal, I prithee trouble me no more withvanity. I would to God thou and I knew where a commodity of good names were to be bought. An old lord of the Council rated me the other day in the street aboutyou, sir,...
TPE sur l'illettrisme et les solutions envisageables
avec les structures qui travaillent quotidiennement avec les personnes en difficultés au niveau de la lecture et de l’écriture. Le but est d’élaborer une offre à proposerà ceux qui s’occupent d’accompagnement social et professionnel des jeunes et des adultes. Des projets et des initiatives originales peuvent ainsi être pensés. Pours’engager dans une telle démarche, il convient tout d’abords d’identifier les partenaires sociaux, les points d’accueil et les personnes relais qui pourront êtremobili...
- Tu trembles, carcasse, mais tu tremblerais bien davantage si tu savais où je vais te mener.
Quelle est, selon Freud, la voie royale qui mène à la connaissance de l'inconscient ?
sexuel pur), dans la formation des névroses et de ses symptômes. Sous l'influence de la pression sociale, del'éducation, l'individu fuit sa propre sexualité, la « refoule ». Mais, à la suite des diverses circonstances, le « refoulé» qui constitue une dynamique très forte de notre vie inconsciente, tend à resurgir (à propos de conflits divers,d'échecs sentimentaux, de chagrins comme un deuil, etc.). Il ne le peut à cause de la force du refoulement, maispasse en contrebande si l'on peut dir...
Battle of Waterloo.
In the meantime, Grouchy had failed to overtake Blücher's army. At about 10 PM on June 17, Grouchy's scouts informed him that the Prussians, instead of retreating east to Namur, had turned northwest, seeking apparently a juncture with Wellington. Grouchy's message of warning to Napoleon brought the reply, sent at 10 AM on June 18, that Grouchy should keep trying to make contact with the Prussians. Grouchy's pursuit was slovenly and unhurried, and he failed to locate the enemy. On the morning o...
- Men's Individual Gymnastics: Olympic Gold Medalists.
September 11 Attacks - U.
around and flew it back toward Washington, D.C. Flying low and fast, the airplane hit the Pentagon at 9:37 AM. In a bit of good fortune, the plane crashed into the west side of the building, which had recently been reinforced with stronger construction and blast-resistant windows in order to withstand a terrorist attack. Even so, theplane penetrated three of the Pentagon’s five concentric rings, taking a chunk out of the building and incinerating dozens of offices and the people who worked in t...
- Men's Alpine Skiing: Olympic Gold Medalists.
NCAA Basketball Men's Division I Champions.
2. Now Oklahoma State.3. Now Texas-El Paso.4. Standing vacated because team included ineligible players. Source: National Collegiate Athletic Association.
cr i t ique va deveni r l 'a r me p r i v i légiée du camp des "ph i losophes". Pu is des au teu rs von t s’associer et écr i t : L’E ncyclopéd ie. c)1) D i rec teu rs de l'œuv re E ncyclopéd ie (de D idero t et d'A lembe r t), en t rep r ise édi to r ia le, ph i losoph ique et scien t i f ique menée pa r Den is D i de rot et d'A lembe r t dans l 'esp r i t de l a ph i losoph ie des L u m iè res et pa r ue en t re 1751 et 1766. D i de rot...
- L'adversité, la douleur, la pauvreté sont de grandes tentations menant l'homme à violer son devoir.
- L'adversité, la douleur, la pauvreté sont de grandes tentations menant l'homme à violer son devoir.
FREUD: L'interprétation des rêves est la voie royale qui mène à l'étude de l'inconscient...
préconscient-conscient où dominent les valeurs classiques de la pensée éveillée, de l'attention, du raisonnement, dujugement, de l'action maîtrisée. Y sont à l'oeuvre, dit Freud, autour du Moi, des processus psychiques secondairesfonctionnant selon le « principe de réalité ». D'autre part, le système inconscient où domine un fonctionnementmental très différent des processus de pensée qui s'offrent à l'observation psychologique traditionnelle. Là, l'énergiepsychique, fournie par les pulsions, est...
- Certaines manières d'accéder à la connaissance ont-elles plus de chance de mener à la vérité ?
Définition du terme:
DANSE, substantif féminin.
Au figuré. Mener la danse. Diriger une action collective. Santerre irait tranquillement se coucher seul, attendant son heure, menant la danse, en gaillard prudent qui se ménage (ÉMILE ZOLA, Fécondité, 1899, page 72 ). 2. Manière générale de danser : Ø 2. Christine (...) plaçait le talon droit dans la concavité du pied gauche — une, deux, trois. — Puis, demi- courbée, et ensuite redressée en un long glissement de danse, elle se retrouvait le talon gauche dans la concavité du pied droit, — quatre...
Fur Trade in North America - Canadian History.
Injured by the competition from the North West Company, the Hudson’s Bay Company changed its methods in the late 18th century and began extending its operationsinland. After a period of intense and often violent conflict, the two companies merged in 1821 under the charter of the Hudson’s Bay Company. The trade monopoly andpower to govern that had been originally given to Hudson’s Bay in 1670 were extended to all British-held territory west of Rupert’s Land. The company dominated mostof present-d...
Excerpt from The Merry Wives of Windsor - anthology.
MISTRESS FORD. O sweet Sir John! FALSTAFF. Mistress Ford, I cannot cog, I cannot prate, Mistress Ford. Now shall I sin in my wish: I would thy husband were dead. I'll speak it before the best lord, Iwould make thee my lady. MISTRESS FORD. I your lady, Sir John? Alas, I should be a pitiful lady. FALSTAFF. Let the court of France show me such another. I see how thine eye would emulate the diamond. Thou hast the right arched beauty of the brow thatbecomes the ship-tire, the tire-valiant, or any tir...
- Moïse a mis 40 ans à nous mener au seul endroit du Moyen Orient où il n’y ait pas de pétrole.
- En terminologie bilingue, on doit mener le dépouillement de chaque corpus indépendamment l'un de l'autre. Jean-Claude Corbeil, l'Embarras des langues, Québec Amérique