110 résultats pour "lady"
King Arthur
Legend and lore surround the life of Arthur, a medieval king of the Britons.
Arthur Receiving ExcaliburAccording to legend, soon after King Arthur became ruler of Britain, he received his magnificent sword Excalibur from ahand that rose mysteriously from a lake. With Excalibur, Arthur led his armies to many victories over Britain’s enemies.Corbis Because of his humble origins, Arthur must overcome strong opposition from the British nobles to his royal claim, but eventually he is crowned. To help him in his taskof leading Britain, he receives a great sword, Excalibur, off...
William Shakespeare: Romeo und Julia (Sprache & Litteratur).
For then, I hope, thou wilt not keep him long,But send him back.L a d y C a p u l e t. [Within.] Ho, daughter! are you up? J u l i e t. Who is’t that calls? is it my lady mother?Is she not down so late, or up so early?What unaccustom’d cause procures her hither? FÜNFTE SZENE Juliens Zimmer. (Romeo und Julia.) J u l i a. Willst du schon gehn? Der Tag ist ja noch fern.Es war die Nachtigall und nicht die Lerche,Die eben jetzt dein banges Ohr durchdrang;Sie singt des Nachts auf dem Granatbaum dor...
George Gershwin
American pianist, songwriter, and composer George Gershwin was one of the most important figures in popular song in
the 1920s and 1930s.
C Extravaganzas Another predecessor of musical comedy, the extravaganza, evolved soon after the American Civil War (1861-1865) from traditional English pantomime. Extravaganzaswere typically based on fairy tales and Mother Goose. They introduced some of the elements—songs, dances, and comedy combined with spectacular stage sets andeffects—that American musical comedy later became known for. The first and most famous extravaganza show was The Black Crook (1866), often described as America’s fi...
From The Canterbury Tales - anthology.
In Gernade at the sege eek hadde he beOf Algezir, and riden in Belmarye;At Lyes was he and at Satalye,Whan they were wonne; and in the Grete SeeAt many a noble arivee hadde he be. At mortal batailes hadde he been fifteene,And foughten for oure feith at TramisseneIn listes thries, and ay slayn his fo. This ilke worthy knyght hadde been alsoSometime with the lord of PalatyeAgain another hethen in Turkye;And everemore he hadde a soverein pris.And though that he were worthy, he was wis,And of his po...
Chronik der Oper.
Hector Berlioz(1803-1869) Les Troyens(Die Trojaner) Komponist, nach Vergil (1. Teil:)La Prise de Troie(Die Eroberung von Troja) Karlsruhe,6. Dezember 1890(in deutscher Sprache) (2. Teil:)Les Troyens à Carthage(Die Trojaner in Karthago) Paris, Théâtre-Lyrique,4. November 1863 Michail IwanowitschGlinka(1804-1857) Ruslan i Ljudmila(Ruslan und Ludmilla) V. F. Schirkow, N. V.Kukolnik, M. A.Gedeonow, N. A.Markewitsch undKomponist(nach Puschkin) Sankt Petersburg,Kaiserliches Theater,9. Dezember 1...
Rio de Janeiro (city) - geography.
were coronated; and Our Lady of Candelária Church, thought by some to be the city’s most beautiful church. Another building of interest is the Imperial Palace, located several blocks west of Santos Dumont Airport. Originally constructed as Brazil’s colonial governor’s capitol in1743, it was converted to the royal palace during the city’s period as an imperial capital. It has recently been restored and now houses a cultural center. Otherimpressive 19th-century palaces include Itamaraty and Catete...
From Bulfinch's Mythology: Cupid and Psyche - anthology.
waters, and fast by, a magnificent palace whose august front impressed the spectator that it was not the work of mortal hands, but the happy retreat of some god.Drawn by admiration and wonder, she approached the building and ventured to enter. Every object she met filled her with pleasure and amazement. Golden pillarssupported the vaulted roof, and the walls were enriched with carvings and paintings representing beasts of the chase and rural scenes, adapted to delight the eye of thebeholder. Pro...
Kentucky - geography.
The climate of Kentucky is characterized by warm or hot summers and cool winters. Throughout the year, temperatures do not vary greatly from place to place,although they are generally slightly lower in the Appalachian Plateaus region than elsewhere in the state. Average July temperatures are usually from 24° to 27°C (76°to 80°F) in the central and western areas and from 23° to 24°C (74° to 76°F) in the east. January averages range from below 1°C (34°F) in the northern Bluegrassregion to more tha...
Kentucky - USA History.
The climate of Kentucky is characterized by warm or hot summers and cool winters. Throughout the year, temperatures do not vary greatly from place to place,although they are generally slightly lower in the Appalachian Plateaus region than elsewhere in the state. Average July temperatures are usually from 24° to 27°C (76°to 80°F) in the central and western areas and from 23° to 24°C (74° to 76°F) in the east. January averages range from below 1°C (34°F) in the northern Bluegrassregion to more tha...
Fiche de lecture : Macbeth.
----------------·--·---------------- 46 FICHE N° 6 est interrompue, et Macbeth cède à une autre inquiétude : Macduff était aussi ab sent à ce banquet. Du côté des nobles, il apparaît que sa nature de