176 résultats pour "hot"
Wireless Communications.
were large, heavy units. After the invention of the transistor in 1948, radios shrank in size to small handheld radio transceivers. Public two-way radios with severalfrequency options are widely available as well. Usually limited in range to a few miles, these units are great aids for such mobile professionals as construction workers,film crews, event planners, and security personnel. Simpler two-way radios, called walkie-talkies, have been popular children’s toys for years. Most walkie-talkiesb...
Uranus (planet) - astronomy.
V COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE A Interior of Uranus Uranus contains mostly rock and water, with hydrogen and helium (and trace amounts of methane) in its dense atmosphere. Astronomers believe that Uranus, likeNeptune, formed from the same material—principally frozen water and rock—that composes most of the planet’s moons. As the planet grew, pressures andtemperatures in the planet’s interior increased, heating the planet’s frozen water into a hot liquid. Uranus probably has a relatively small roc...
hours, and the snow can be much deeper in places where the wind piles it up in drifts. Extraordinarily deep snows sometimes accumulate on the upwind side ofmountain slopes during severe winter storms or on the downwind shores of large lakes during outbreaks of polar air. VI WIND Wind is the horizontal movement of air. It is named for the direction from which it comes—for example, a north wind comes from the north. In most places near theground, the wind speed averages from 8 to 24 km/h (from 5...
Amphibian (animal) - biology.
strong enough to kill potential predators. C Hearing, Vision, and Vocalizations Amphibians rely on their senses to find food and evade predators. Amphibians lack external ears but have well-developed internal ears. Hearing is most acute in frogs,which typically have a middle ear cavity for transferring sound vibrations from the eardrum, or tympanum, to the inner ear. Frogs and toads also use their keen hearingin communicating with one another. Using a true voice box, or larynx, and a large, exp...
Jazz - Musik.
Pianist und Komponist Jelly Roll Morton. Zu einer der einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten des Jazz sollte später jedoch King Olivers zweiter Trompeter Louis Armstrongwerden. 4.2 Louis Armstrong und sein Einfluss Der erste virtuose Solist des Jazz, der Trompeter und Sänger Louis Armstrong, war ein atemberaubender Improvisator, sowohl in technischer als auch in emotionaler undintellektueller Hinsicht. Er veränderte das Bild des Jazz entscheidend, indem er den Solisten in den Mittelpunkt rückte. Se...
United Arab Emirates - country.
III PEOPLE Most people living in the UAE (known as Emiris) are Arabs, a large majority of whom are city and town dwellers. A small number are nomadic (having no permanent home). The population has grown dramatically since the mid-1960s, largely due to the influx of oil workers to the country. Four-fifths of the UAE’s inhabitants areforeign workers and their families. The UAE also has a very youthful population, due to the large numbers of young foreign workers, a cultural preference for larg...
Light - astronomy.
Each different frequency or wavelength of visible light causes our eye to see a slightly different color. The longest wavelength we can see is deep red at about 700 nm.The shortest wavelength humans can detect is deep blue or violet at about 400 nm. Most light sources do not radiate monochromatic light. What we call white light,such as light from the Sun, is a mixture of all the colors in the visible spectrum, with some represented more strongly than others. Human eyes respond best to greenlight...
First Aid.
IV SEVERE BLEEDING The presence of blood over a considerable area of a person’s body does not always indicate severe bleeding. The blood may ooze from multiple small wounds or besmeared, giving the appearance of more blood than is actually present. The rate at which blood is lost from a wound depends on the size and kind of blood vesselruptured. Bright red, spurting blood indicates injury to an artery while welling or steadily flowing, dark red blood indicates injury to a vein. Welling or spur...
Guatemala - country.
C Climate The climate of Guatemala varies according to elevation, from hot coastal plains to cold mountain heights. Most of the population lives between 900 and 2,400 m (3,000and 8,000 ft) above sea level, where there are warm days and cool nights with average annual temperatures of 20°C (68°F). The coastal regions are hot and humid,with average annual temperatures of 28°C (83°F). A rainy season, from May through October, is sometimes called “winter” because it brings cloudy afternoons andlower...
Kansas - geography.
at the adjoining cities of Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. Its chief headstreams are the Republican and Smoky Hill rivers, which join to form the KansasRiver at Junction City. Each of the headstreams has numerous tributaries. The Kansas River proper is only 270 km (170 mi) long, but the Smoky Hill River has a lengthof 870 km (540 mi), and the Republican River has a length of 720 km (450 mi). The main tributary flowing into the Kansas River is the Big Blue River. The Arkansas Rive...
Kansas - USA History.
at the adjoining cities of Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. Its chief headstreams are the Republican and Smoky Hill rivers, which join to form the KansasRiver at Junction City. Each of the headstreams has numerous tributaries. The Kansas River proper is only 270 km (170 mi) long, but the Smoky Hill River has a lengthof 870 km (540 mi), and the Republican River has a length of 720 km (450 mi). The main tributary flowing into the Kansas River is the Big Blue River. The Arkansas Rive...
Florida - USA History.
accidentally introduced into the region in the 1880s, and it spread with alarming rapidity throughout the upper reaches of the river. The plant is very difficult toeradicate, and it has also clogged the channels of other Florida rivers. To increase drainage of the Everglades, which drain naturally to Florida Bay and the Gulf ofMexico, a number of drainage channels and canals have been built across southern Florida. Among the rivers flowing from the peninsula to the Gulf of Mexico are the Suwanne...
Illinois - geography.
the state before joining the Mississippi River at Grafton. The Illinois has been deepened and straightened and forms part of the Illinois Waterway. The watershed between rivers that flow into the Mississippi river system and rivers that flow into the Great Lakes is low and in many places is not easily discernible. Inwhat is now the Chicago area, explorers had little difficulty portaging, or carrying, their canoes over the low watershed between the Des Plaines River, which flows intothe Illinois,...
Illinois - USA History.
the state before joining the Mississippi River at Grafton. The Illinois has been deepened and straightened and forms part of the Illinois Waterway. The watershed between rivers that flow into the Mississippi river system and rivers that flow into the Great Lakes is low and in many places is not easily discernible. Inwhat is now the Chicago area, explorers had little difficulty portaging, or carrying, their canoes over the low watershed between the Des Plaines River, which flows intothe Illinois,...
Iraq - country.
The Euphrates begins in Turkey, crosses Syria, and enters Iraq at Abū Kam āl. The flow of the Euphrates into Iraq has been greatly reduced by dams built by Turkeyand Syria. The gradient of the Euphrates above the town of H īt, in west central Iraq, is steep. In the 2,640 km (1,640 mi) from its source in Turkey to H īt, the river fallsfrom 3,000 m (10,000 ft) to a low water elevation of 50 m (170 ft) above sea level, an average drop of 1 m per km (6 ft per mi). In Iraq below H īt the fall is very...
Australia - country.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
Australia - Geography.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
Cell (biology) - biology.
proteins, or other proteins required by the cell. While relatively simple in construction, prokaryotic cells display extremely complex activity. They have a greater range of biochemical reactions than those found in theirlarger relatives, the eukaryotic cells. The extraordinary biochemical diversity of prokaryotic cells is manifested in the wide-ranging lifestyles of the archaebacteria andthe bacteria, whose habitats include polar ice, deserts, and hydrothermal vents—deep regions of the ocean un...
Missouri - geography.
Saint Francois Mountains, at the eastern end of the crest of the dome. Only in these mountains have the sedimentary rocks been sufficiently eroded away so that theunderlying igneous rocks are exposed. They form the rounded, knoblike peaks of an old mountain range. The peaks project, in isolation or in clusters, between 230 and300 m (750 and 1,000 ft) above the surrounding sedimentary basins. One of these knobs, Taum Sauk Mountain, reaches 540 m (1,772 ft) above sea level and is thehighest point...
Missouri - USA History.
Saint Francois Mountains, at the eastern end of the crest of the dome. Only in these mountains have the sedimentary rocks been sufficiently eroded away so that theunderlying igneous rocks are exposed. They form the rounded, knoblike peaks of an old mountain range. The peaks project, in isolation or in clusters, between 230 and300 m (750 and 1,000 ft) above the surrounding sedimentary basins. One of these knobs, Taum Sauk Mountain, reaches 540 m (1,772 ft) above sea level and is thehighest point...
Iran - country.
Zagros mountains. In the more arid central part of the country, wild pistachio and other drought-resistant trees grow in areas that have not been disturbed by humanactivity. Tamarisk and other salt-tolerant bushes grow along the margins of the Dasht-e Kavir. A wide variety of native mammals, reptiles, birds, and insects inhabit Iran. Many species of mammals—including wolves, foxes, bears, mountain goats, red mountainsheep, rabbits, and gerbils—continue to thrive. Others—including Caspian tigers,...
Arizona - geography.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
Arizona - USA History.
of the Mogollon Rim, the Little Colorado draws very little water from a relatively large watershed, usually containing a mere trickle of water in its riverbed. The ColoradoRiver’s principal tributary is the Gila River, which flows all the way across the southern part of the state from New Mexico to the California border. From the mountainsand plateaus of central Arizona, the Gila River receives the Salt, Agua Fria, and Hassayampa rivers. The Salt River is itself fed by the Verde River. The Gila...
to find the corresponding relative humidity and dew-point temperature. III SPECIAL METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS Meteorologists have developed several sophisticated instruments that measure multiple physical characteristics of the air simultaneously and at more than one location.The most important of these special instruments are radiosondes, Doppler radar, and weather satellites. A Radiosonde A radiosonde measures air temperature, air pressure, and humidity from the earth’s surface up to an alt...
California - geography.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...
California - USA History.
The Basin and Range province is an arid area of mountain ranges, basins, and deserts. In California it is represented primarily by parts of the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections. Within the Great Basin lies Death Valley, whose lowest elevation, 86 m (282 ft) below sea level, is the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. TheSonoran Desert section is characterized by numerous flat plains separated by low but rugged ranges. It includes the extensive Mojave, or Mohave, Desert. Also in thisprov...
Palau est devenue le 182e membre du FMI le 17 décembre 1997. Hôte des Jeux...
Palau est devenue le 182e membre du FMI le 17 décembre 1997. Hôte des Jeux...
In bono hospite atque amico quaestus est quod sumitur
Ce que l'on dépense pour un hôte ou un ami est...
In bono hospite atque amico quaestus est quod sumitur Ce que l'on dépense pour un hôte ou un ami est un gain Cette expression empruntée à un passage où Plaute (Miles, 674) comparait les dépenses effectuées pour un ami aux dépenses occasionnées par une mauvaise épouse ou par un ennemi. Horace (Ep., 1, 12, 24) affi1111ait quant à lui qu'il suffisait de peu de choses pour s'acheter des amis, lorsque les gens avaient besoin de quelque chose, et Martial (5, 42, 7 sq.) que seules les richesses que nou...
Burkina Faso 1995-1996
Hôte en décembre 1996 du 19e sommet franco-africain, le pays a confirmé sa
volonté d'affirmer son influence...
Burkina Faso 1995-1996 Hôte en décembre 1996 du 19e sommet franco-africain, le pays a confirmé sa volonté d'affirmer son influence diplomatique; sa capitale, Ouagadougou, siège de l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA), ayant déjà accueilli les premiers conseils des ministres de l'organisation. Fidèle à ses pairs, le président et capitaine Blaise Compaoré a chaleureusement salué le retour au pouvoir, au Bénin, du général Mathieu Kérékou, au terme des élections de mars 1996, et...
- parasitisme.
- phorésie.
- Le Ténia inerme
En quoi l'hospitalité reflète-t-elle un rapport particulier à autrui ?
justice ou des hommes hospitaliers craignant les dieux ». La réponse d’Homère à cette question détermine les lieux qui lui apparaissent civilisés et ceux où règne la barbarie. 2. En outre, celui qui, sans les reconnaître, accueille des visiteurs divins en est largement récompensé. (Les Grecs craignaient que l’étranger leur demandant l’hospitalité ne cache en fait un dieu qui le punirait s’il ne recevait pas un bon accueil).Refuser son hospitalité à qui se présente est une impiété. Cette concepti...
Médecine: Les maladies tropicales
à la lutte contre six maladies : le paludisme, la bilharziose, la maladie du sommeil, la lèpre, la filariose et la leishmaniose. Il s'agitd'une part de soigner et de vacciner, d'autre part d'éduquer et d'informer les populations. Le paludisme Le paludisme touche environ 200 millions de personnes et en tue encore 1 million par an. On peut soigner le paludisme par desmédicaments, comme la chloroquine ou le quinghaosu (quinine) venu de Chine, mais la meilleure solution reste la prévention. Celle-...
- Rituel de l'hospitalité dans l'odyssée
Anglais aquae sullis
Changing Rooms and Saunas In these East baths you will find a sequence of heated rooms, swimming pools and changing rooms, and a display on Roman bathing throughout the Empire. The Roman Baths were in use for four hundred years and underwent many changes. To help visitors understand the way the bath house was used, they have suspended new walls on this east part of the site above the Roman walls that existed in the fourth century AD. Dans ces bains de l'Estvous trouverez une sér...
trypanosome (faune & Flore).
L’infestation par des trypanosomes provoque les maladies parasitaires groupées sous le nom de trypanosomiases, qui touchent le bétail et l’homme. Chez ce dernier, il enexiste deux : la maladie du sommeil ou trypanosomiase humaine africaine et la maladie de Chagas ou trypanosomiase américaine. Pour une présentation complète de cesmaladies, voir les articles maladie du sommeil et maladie de Chagas. 5 ÉLÉMENTS DE CLASSIFICATION Les trypanosomes forment le genre Trypanosoma de la famille des tryp...
Les greffes d'organes, ou transplantations (Travaux Personnels Encadrés – Médecine & Santé – TS)
(insuffisance rénale , stimulation de la pousse des poils, gonflement des gencives, toxicité pour le fœtus ... ) et, de manière incontournable , elle favorise l'apparition de certaines pathologies en diminuant les défenses immunitaires . La prise de tous ces médicaments est contraignante . Elle doit s'accompagner d'une bonne hygiène de vie, en particulier alimentaire (régime sans sel, repas équilibrés ... ) , mais aussi d'une prévention des infectio...
Grand oral du bac : LES PLANTES PARASITES
Les plantes parasites feuilles étant réduites à un réseau de minces fila ments incolores qui, comme le mycélium des champignons, est enfoncé dans les tissus de l'hôte. Le réceptacle floral constitue chez lui la seule masse de cellules importan-te et, comme son appareil végétatif est réduit au minimum, il utilise la majeure partie de l'énergie qui lui est fournie pour produire des graines. Le gui n'est, pour sa part, que partiellement une plante para...
L'oeuvre de Böll
sacrement du buffle, qui avait corrompu les cœurs et les esprits, le sacrement de l'agneau a éclairé les âmes inquiètes. C'est le drame de tous les personnages de les Enfants des morts (Haus ohne Hüter), de Rentrez chez vous, Bogner ... (Und sagte kein einziges Wort) et du Pain des jeunes années (Das Brot der frühen Jahre) que cette nécessité de franchir une convalescence de la conscience, et de trouver place dans une so...
VÉNUS D'ILLE (la). Nouvelle de Prosper Mérimée
dominés par une religiosité craintive, pour qui la statue est une et d'un pédant devenu la proie de son délire interprétatif -Mérimée prend ici des modèles dans la réalité -, on peut discerner un pôle parodiq ue. Celui-ci part de M. de Peyrehorade et de ses élu cubrations innocentes -après tout, il lui suffit de tout compliquer pour croire avoir tout compris -et irradie autour de lui ; le narrateur parisien se moque alors des mœurs provinciales...
Les champignons coins du monde. Les champignons qui parasitent d'autres organismes ne leur sont pas toujours nui sibles. Ceux qui vivent dans les racines de cer tains arbres leur fournissent un supplément de sels minéraux. La symbiose est aussi profitable à l'hôte qu'au parasite qui vivent alors en harmonie. Les germes d'orchidées ne peuvent se développer dans la nature qu'en présence d'un champignon. Les champignons comestibles Le champignon comestib...
Yellowstone National Park - geography.
1976 and a World Heritage Site in 1978 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Administered by the National Park Service.Area, 898,317 hectares (2,219,791 acres). Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Grand oral du bac : Les greffes d'organes, ou transplantations (Histoire de la médecine)
(insuffisance rénale, stimulation de la pousse des poils, gonflement des gencives, toxicité pour le fœtus ... ) et, de manière incontournable, elle favorise l'apparition de certaines pathologies en diminuant les défenses immunitaires. La prise de tous ces médicaments est contraignante. Elle doit s'accompagner d'une bonne hygiène de vie, en particulier alimentaire (régime sans sel, repas équilibrés ... ), mais aussi d'une prévention des infections (toi...
Le Corricolo
Comme nous l'avons dit, le descendant des Goths n'etait pas tres fort sur le francais.
C'etait un peintre! repeta le petit paysan, comme en se parlant a lui-meme. Oui, c'etait un peintre, et de quelque talent, j'ose vous en repondre. Mais moi je suis peintre aussi, s'ecria le pauvre garcon d'un air exalte, son pittore anchio, ou plutot je le serai, car je suis trop jeune encore pour avoir un etat. Eh bien, mon cher, vous voyez que, pour un collegue, vous ne vous etes pas montre trop aimable, et si c'eut ete en pays civilise, on eut pu croire que vous vous connaissiez. Ah! par...
Le Corricolo
Ma sincerite d'historien m'oblige a faire un aveu, quelque effort qu'il en coute a mon amitie.
sainte Anne. Dans l'exces de sa reconnaissance, il prend une eponge et commence a laver les nombreuses couches de poussiere qui lui cachent les traits de sa celeste protectrice. Tous les yeux sont fixes sur le tableau, toutes les levres repetent des prieres, lorsque sur la toile mise a nu on voit apparaitre tout a coup... Devinez qui, monsieur?... Le portrait d'un vieil avocat en robe noire! A dater de ce jour, on m'a laisse tranquille! Votre histoire est parfaite, mon cher maitre; mais, en ver...
Stephenson me confirma tout ce que Tess avait déjà pigé.
conscience, sinonlamémoire etdes traits decaractère ?Mais nous avons encore beaucoup detravail àfaire avant depouvoir leprouver… pourautant quecesoit possible. Etc’est d’autant plusdifficile quedans notre pays, intellectuellement, c’estunsujet tabou. Onpense quec’est réservé auxscénarios defilms d’horreur et aux émissions detélévision. Maisdans denombreuses cultures,laréincarnation n’estpasuntabou. Ellefait partie delaculture, delareligion. Leproblème, iln’existe quechez nous. Ici…jeveux dire,au...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
END(O)-, (END-, ENDO-) élément préfixe.
paléoneurologie, qui repose sur l'étude des moulages endocrâniens, fournit (...) des résultats précieux sur l'évolution de la morphologie externe du cerveau des vertébrés (Histoire générale des sciences (sous la direction de René Taton) tome 3, volume 2, 1964, page 711) endoénergétique. - (Réaction) endoénergétique. " Qui se produit avec absorption d'énergie ". Antonyme : exoénergétique. La photosynthèse s'exprime par une réaction endoénergétique : elle a besoin d'un apport d'énergie pour se dér...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
DIAPHRAGME, substantif masculin.
des volumes dans certains instruments; membrane entrant dans le fonctionnement de certains appareils, de certaines machines. Pompe à diaphragme. La carcasse [de la torpille vigilante] est divisée en trois compartiments par deux diaphragmes en tôle percés en leur milieu d'ouvertures circulaires livrant passage au cylindre de charge (ALFRED LEDIEU, ERNEST CADIAT, Le Nouveau matériel naval, page 591 ). Les panneaux [des fours mobiles] reposent sur un socle (...) comportant des diaphragmes permettan...
- cas batipro