2849 résultats pour "for"
- Greta Garbo Greta Garbo (1905-1990), Swedish-American motion-picture actor, noted for her beauty and her reticence, who became a virtual recluse while still at the height of her popularity.
Rice Wins MVP.
him, but not to the point that the Bengals could cover him with one defender, which they tried to do for several plays. “Because of the sprained ankle, Jerry Rice wasoperating on nerve,” Bill Walsh, the 49ers' head coach, said in the press conference after the game, according to the New York Times. ” He said he felt great. But I knew he [didn't]. But they could simply not stay with him man for man.” When the Bengals chose to double-cover Rice, Montana hit Craig and, finally, Taylor. After t...
- Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (englisch Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD), internationale Organisation aus 30 Ländern, die zusammenarbeiten, um u.
Excerpt from The Comedy of Errors - anthology.
DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Ay, sir, and wherefore; for they say every why hath a wherefore. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Why first: for flouting me; and then wherefore:For urging it the second time to me. DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Was there ever any man thus beaten out of season,When in the why and the wherefore is neither rhyme nor reason?Well, sir, I thank you. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE. Thank me, sir, for what? DROMIO OF SYRACUSE. Marry, sir, for this something that you gave me for nothing. ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRA...
- Enyo (1) Greek A goddess of war, specifically known for sacking cities and towns of the enemy; daughter of Zeus and Hera; depicted as the sister, daughter, or mother of the war god Ares, often included as a companion of Ares when he went into battle.
Jets Beat Colts.
Namath, who completed 17 of 28 passes for 206 yards, was named the game's most valuable player, for which he was awarded a Dodge Charger to go along with the$15,000 each of the Jets received for the victory. Snell rushed 30 times for 121 yards, and Sauer caught 8 passes for 133 yards. The Jets' victory was celebrated as amilestone in sports upsets. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Drug Dependence.
these drugs develops rapidly, no withdrawal syndrome is apparent when they are discontinued. Phencyclidine, or PCP, known popularly by such names as “angel dust” and “rocket fuel,” has no medical purpose for humans but is occasionally used by veterinarians asan anesthetic and sedative for animals. It became a common drug of abuse in the late 1970s, and is considered a menace because it can easily be synthesized. Itseffects differ from those of other hallucinogens. LSD, for example, produces deta...
Cotton - biology.
VII COTTONSEED Once a waste-disposal problem for gins, cottonseed is now a valuable by-product. The seed goes to oil mills, where it is delinted of its linters in an operation similar toginning. The bare seed is then cracked and the kernel removed. The meal that remains after the oil has been extracted is high in protein. Linters are used for paddingin furniture and automobiles, for absorbent cotton swabs, and for manufacture of many cellulose products such as rayon, plastics, lacquers, and sm...
whales travel to cool waters near the Arctic or Antarctica every summer. They feed on krill , small animals that look like shrimp. In the winter, baleen whales head for warmer waters near the equator tobreed. Other whales do not migrate. Narwhals, for instance, live year-round in the cool waters of the Arctic andNorth Atlantic oceans. HAVING BABY WHALES After male and female whales mate, it takes from 10 to 16 months for a baby whale to form. The lengthof time depends on the whale species. A wh...
Metalwork, in the fine arts, objects of artistic, decorative, and utilitarian value made of one or more kinds of metal--from precious to base--fashioned by either casting,
hammering, or joining or a combination of these techniques.
Early Bronze DiskThis disk with the head of Acheloos, an Etruscan river god, was made of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, sometime inthe early 5th century bc. It comes from the necropolis of Monte Quaglieri in Tarquinia. Alloys are made by smelting twodifferent metals together.Scala/Art Resource, NY Knowledge of smelting ultimately led to knowledge of mixing different ores together in the smelting process to produce simple alloys. This followed an intermediateperiod, about 3000 BC, when comp...
Animal Courtship and Mating - biology.
activity. These animals frequently copulate in water, and the penis helps transfer sperm before it is carried away by the currents Ostriches and rheas also contain apenis within the cloaca. Virtually all snakes and lizards display yet another variation of internal fertilization. Located in the tail are two penises, called hemepenes, which are covered by spinesand knobs that help lock it into place during mating. The male uses one hemepene at a time for copulation. Male salamanders secrete large...
Johann Sebastian Bach.
from his duties, and even tossed him into jail for “too obstinately requesting his dismissal.” But after several weeks the duke saw it was of no use and let him go. E Köthen: 1717-1723 Bach’s new employer, Leopold, loved and understood music and could play the violin, viola da gamba, and harpsichord as well as sing bass. The prince held Bach in highregard and stood as godfather for his seventh child. Bach, in turn, named the child Leopold August in his employer’s honor. Bach later said that the...
Festivals and Feasts.
The festivals of many ethnic and national groups are credited with the preservation of unique customs, folktales, costumes, and culinary skills. An interesting recentdevelopment is the merging of the arts, lore, and customs of various regions in Africa in the cultural festival known as Kwanzaa (Swahili kwanza, ”beginnings”). Introduced from Africa into the United States in 1977, this festival is celebrated with feasts and songs in the home for seven days and nights from December 26 toJanuary 1....
Devoir d'anglais correction
particular occasion you lacked the tiny bit that would have made the differenceor, as in the given example, you gave the wrong answer to one essential question.The document suggests that in order to take no chances when preparing for a job interview, you should stick asclosely as possible to the skills and attributes mentioned in the job advertisement. If you don't get the job, youshould be prepared to accept it and move on.Being well aware of the qualities required for a position is vital, but...
Bengali Script
India developed a number of different writing systems over the course of its history.
A Pictographic and Ideographic Systems Early systems of writing used pictures to represent things and then to represent the sounds of those things. Pictographic writing, in which a simplified picture of the sunstood for the word sun, was probably the first step toward a written language. Chinese began as a pictographic language. To represent abstract ideas, the Chinese writing system combined pictographs. For example, the pictographs for sun and tree were combined to represent the concept of...
Henri Duhamel
5, rue la Fontaine
84570 Blauvac
18th November , 1997
XYZ Compagny
Big Street
United States
Dear Sir or Madam,
With reference to your advertisement in today's Financial Times, I wish to apply for the post of economic
I am therefore sending you my resume as well as the names and addresses of referenceswhom you may consult regarding my qualifications and character. As you can see from my resume, my profile fulfills the requirements of the post vailable as ........ I will contact your office in the near future to inquire about the status of my application. Sincerely yours.
Women's Rights.
In 1840 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton traveled to London to attend the World Anti-Slavery Convention. Upon arrival, however, the women were barred fromparticipating in the conference and forced to sit behind a curtain. This experience of discrimination inspired them to organize the first women’s rights convention. Thisconvention met in Seneca Falls, New York, on July 19 and 20, 1848. The Seneca Falls Convention attracted more than 200 women and approximately 40 men. For theconvention,...
Comenius, John Amos
enlightenment, peace, international co-operation and prosperity. This should be helped by the spread of education into all layers of society, and to each individual. The outbreak of the Civil War curtailed Comenius' activities in England. He left for Sweden to reform its educational system, hoping at the same time that Sweden's policy and participation in the Thirty Years' War might result in the liberation of the Kingdom of Bohemia from the rule of the Habsburgs and facilitate the repat...
Frank Lloyd Wright.
C Usonian Houses Wright achieved his goal of low-cost, democratic American architecture with his Usonian houses of the 1930s. Usonia was Wright’s term for the United States of North America, with an i added for a pleasing sound. The Usonian house had a simple design, usually with an L-shaped floor plan. This plan separated the noisier living space on one leg of the L from the quieter bedroom space on the other leg. The floor was made of concrete slabs, typically in a square grid of 4 by 4...
- Lou Gehrig Lou Gehrig (1903-1941), American professional baseball player, also known as the Iron Horse because he established a record for the number of consecutive games played by a professional baseball player, appearing in 2130 games in succession from 1925 to 1939.
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer and one of the world's greatest musical geniuses.
Bach served nine years at the Weimar court, first as organist and then, from 1714, as concertmaster as well. His employer, Wilhelm Ernst, duke of Weimar, was a greatadmirer of the organ, and spurred by the duke’s enthusiasm Bach proceeded to compose a vast number of unprecedented works for the instrument: the Orgelbüchlein (“Little Organ Book”), a collection of small chorale preludes for the church year; the so-called Great Eighteen Chorales of larger size; and a series of dramatic preludes a...
Cape Verde - country.
station and a submarine cable station at Mindelo still attracted many ships until World War I. Trade increased again toward the middle of the 20th century. In an attempt to avert growing nationalism, Portugal in 1951 designated its African colonies, including Cape Verde, as overseas provinces. The provincial status gaveCape Verdeans access to higher education, but lack of job opportunities and poverty in the islands forced many of the educated to take administrative jobs on theAfrican mainland....
Gardening - biology.
of synthetic and organic fertilizers, see Organic Farming.) Fertilizers usually are sold in packages, on which the percentage by weight of the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are listed on thelabel—always in the order N-P-K. For example, a fertilizer that is labeled 10-5-3 is 10 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphorus, and 3 percent potassium. V PLANTING AND TRANSPLANTING Before planting seeds, gardeners prepare, or till, the soil using a variety of methods. Some...
Eleanor Roosevelt.
disliked Washington, D.C., which she found only slightly less provincial than Albany. Moreover, she feared that the role of first lady would be a confining one. “I neverwanted to be a president’s wife,” she privately declared just after the election. At the time of Franklin’s election Eleanor was an independent journalist, making money from a monthly column in Woman's Home Companion and from radio broadcasts, where she regularly spoke out on controversial political issues. She sat on the board...
Eleanor Roosevelt - USA History.
disliked Washington, D.C., which she found only slightly less provincial than Albany. Moreover, she feared that the role of first lady would be a confining one. “I neverwanted to be a president’s wife,” she privately declared just after the election. At the time of Franklin’s election Eleanor was an independent journalist, making money from a monthly column in Woman's Home Companion and from radio broadcasts, where she regularly spoke out on controversial political issues. She sat on the board...
THE CONTRACT (droit anglais)
REQUIREMENT FOR TERMS OF A CONTRACT Although contracts can be interpreted as almost any monetary exchange for goods or services, the terms of an agreement are often required so that compensation can be obtained if one party fails in its responsibilities. Without such specifications, it becomes almost impossible to seek reparations; for example, "we agree to sell/purchase a car for a fair price" is too vague for any decision to be reached at a later date. That being said, many contracts of a ve...
World Wide Web.
browser does not display the URL for the user. Instead, to indicate that an item is selectable, the browser changes the color of the item on the screen and keeps theURL associated with the link hidden. When a user clicks on an item that corresponds to a selectable link, the browser consults the hidden information to find theappropriate URL, which the browser then follows to the selected page. Because a link can point to any page in the Web, the links are known as hyperlinks. See also Hypermedia...
industrializing societies. Governments typically financed social insurance programs with tax funds and direct levies on the wages of potential recipients. Social insurancereplaced part of incomes lost when workers became disabled, were laid off, or had reached an age that forced them out of the labor market. Later, governments of Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, and other countries developed forms of social insurance that provided population-wide, or universal,coverage. Such forms included chil...
Ice Skating.
cold climate. Competitors for these events are chosen from the best skaters in each participating country, usually through preliminary national competitions. Speedskaters also compete on a World Cup circuit, which pits the world’s best skaters against one another during the year. A Figure Skating The major types of competitive figure skating are individual men’s and women’s competitions, pairs skating, ice dancing, and precision skating. In individualcompetitions a single skater performs requir...
Prohibition - U.
B Movement Toward Repeal In the late 1920s, however, more and more Americans found the idea of repeal increasingly attractive. The reasons for this were numerous and complex, thegovernment’s failure to enforce the law being only one of them. Most Americans were happy that the old-time saloon had been abolished, but they felt that a newsociety was emerging in the 1920s—a primarily urban and industrial society of great geographic and social mobility and great ethnic and religious diversities, in...
The most common form of ownership is a sole proprietorship —that is, a business owned by one individual. At the beginning of the 21st century, there were more than 17 million sole proprietorships in the United States. These businesses have the advantage of being easy to set up and to dissolve because few laws exist to regulatethem. Proprietors, as owners, also maintain direct control of their businesses and own all their profits. On the other hand, owners of proprietorships are personallyrespon...
Colleges and Universities.
and (3) large universities that include undergraduate programs in addition to graduate and professional schools. D Graduate and Professional Schools Professional schools are typically divisions of large universities. They offer specialized education in a variety of professional fields, such as education, business, medicine,law, social work, agriculture, journalism, architecture, fine arts, nursing, engineering, and music. Some professional schools offer four- or five-year programs leading toa b...
Golf, outdoor game in which individual players use specially designed
caddie or caddy. (Caddies, once an integral feature of the game, have now been replaced on many courses by motorized carts and pull carts.) In England the game was made popular by the attention given it by James VI of Scotland, later James I of England, and his son Charles I. In the 18th century the first golf associations were established. They included the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers (founded 1744) in Edinburgh, Scotland;the Saint Andrews Society of Golfers (1754) in Saint Andrew...
White House - geography.
Each Thanksgiving, the pardoning of the turkey takes place in the Rose Garden. This ceremony of rescuing a turkey and sending it to a petting zoo began during HarryTruman’s term, although Abraham Lincoln is said to have set a precedent by sparing his son’s pet turkey from the oven. III INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE A large complex is needed for the many activities that take place at the White House. The White House has 132 rooms, 4 dining rooms, 35 bathrooms, 8 staircases, 3elevators, a clinic, a den...
Domestic Violence.
socialization teaches boys and girls a belief system that devalues women—especially unmarried women—and creates a sense of female responsibility for themaintenance of the family. Women who believe that the end of a relationship or of a marriage represents a personal failure are less likely to leave abusive relationships. V TREATMENT AND PREVENTION A variety of programs and services, both for victims and offenders, exist to treat and prevent domestic violence. Since 1964, more than 1800 shelters...
"A Modest Proposal" - anthology.
I SHALL now therefore humbly propose my own Thoughts; which I hope will not be liable to the least Objection. I HAVE been assured by a very knowing American of my Acquaintance in London; that a young healthy Child, well nursed, is, at a Year old, a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome Food; whether Stewed, Roasted, Baked, or Boiled; and, I make no doubt, that it will equally serve in a Fricasie, or Ragoust. I DO therefore humbly offer it to publick Consideration, that of...
Library (institution).
rooms, special galleries for exhibitions, auditoriums for lectures or concerts, computer rooms, children’s rooms, photocopy rooms, and classrooms. A3 Lending Materials As part of their mission to provide information resources to the community, public libraries allow users to borrow items from their collections for limited amounts of time.To be eligible to borrow public library materials, a user must register her or his name, address, and other basic information with the local library’s circulat...
Community and communitarianism
makes fundamental ethical criticism's of one's own community impossible. The success of communitarianism as a political theory depends upon whether it can be demonstrated that liberal political institutions cannot provide adequate conditions for the flourishing of community or secure appropriate support for persons' identities so far as their identities are determined by their membership in communities. 1 Community If I am a member of a community, I conceive of the goals and values I shar...
Sustainability 2019,11 , 189 2 of 24Since the 1980s, many research was conducted to minimize the error of prediction through a method dubbed as gradient descent. This method is referred to as a Backpropagation algorithm for the training of the ANNs and it was applied to solve problems in different domains using few hidden layers [ 5,6]. Today, the availability of data has introduced the concept of machine learning as a subcategory to AI. Machine learning implies coding the computers to behave l...
The idea of progress (oral d'anglais TL, TES, TS)
Trait selection can be a service, it sounds like a business, a transaction, a deal. Pr oviding people with a service could be positive. The problem is that no everybody would agree. Even I have trouble setting a limit. Think it can become bad, when it stops become non medical. It definitely sounds bad, unethical when doctor offer to craft a baby. - In a r ecent U.S. survey of 999 people who sought genetic counseling, a majority said they supported prenatal genetic tests for the elimin...
Arthur Miller
Arthur Miller
American playwright Arthur Miller began writing plays while a student at the University of Michigan.
devoted his life to the pursuit of “success.” His misguided philosophy has ruined the lives of his wife and two sons. When Loman is too old to travel, he loses his job. In aseries of scenes, brilliantly dramatized by the playwright, Loman relives his experiences. Eventually his mind begins to fail, and he commits suicide. Although Miller generally wrote in a realistic style ( see Realism), much of Death of a Salesman is conveyed expressionistically ( see Expressionism) through Willy Loman’s mi...
James A.
Treasury John Sherman, another Ohioan. He went to the Republican national convention as head of his state's delegation and manager of the Sherman campaign. The Republican Party at that time was split into two factions, the Stalwarts, led by Roscoe Conkling, senator from New York, and the Half-Breeds, led by Blaine. The twogroups had few political differences, but disagreed over the division of appointments to federal positions, known as patronage. The Stalwarts wanted control of all federal ap...
Frederick Douglass.
proslavery document. In Britain and later in Rochester, however, Douglass met political abolitionists, who believed that it was possible to use the political system to fightslavery. They organized the antislavery Liberty Party, and called for the election of abolitionists to public office. Garrison believed the North should secede, if necessary,to free itself from the moral stain of slavery. In contrast, Douglass became convinced that this course of action would only abandon slaves to their mast...
of a day, contributing to the development of obesity. V TREATMENTS FOR OBESITY Obesity can become a chronic lifelong condition caused by overeating, physical inactivity, and even genetic makeup. No matter what the cause, however, obesity can beprevented or managed with a combination of diet, exercise, behavior modification, and in severe cases, weight-loss medications and surgery. A Diets The most common and conservative treatment for obesity utilizes a nutritionally balanced, low calorie diet...
Frederick Douglass - USA History.
proslavery document. In Britain and later in Rochester, however, Douglass met political abolitionists, who believed that it was possible to use the political system to fightslavery. They organized the antislavery Liberty Party, and called for the election of abolitionists to public office. Garrison believed the North should secede, if necessary,to free itself from the moral stain of slavery. In contrast, Douglass became convinced that this course of action would only abandon slaves to their mast...
Public Education in the United States.
opportunities for them to break out from whatever social or economic circumstances constrained their development. IV HIGHER EDUCATION During the 20th century participation in higher or postsecondary education in the United States increased as dramatically as it did in American high schools. At thebeginning of the century about 2 percent of Americans from the ages of 18 to 24 were enrolled in a college. There were fewer than 1,000 colleges then, with enrollmenttotaling about 157,000 students. N...
Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901).
homesteaders against pressure from the powerful railroads. He fought vigorously for Civil War veterans, supported high taxes on imports (called tariffs), payments todisabled and opposed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped Chinese immigration to the U.S. for 10 years ( see Immigration: From 1840 to 1900 ). He also introduced 101 special pension and relief bills in six years. Harrison's name was well known by the Republican National Convention in 1884. In spite of this, Congressman and forme...
Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) - Histoire
homesteaders against pressure from the powerful railroads. He fought vigorously for Civil War veterans, supported high taxes on imports (called tariffs), payments todisabled and opposed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which stopped Chinese immigration to the U.S. for 10 years ( see Immigration: From 1840 to 1900 ). He also introduced 101 special pension and relief bills in six years. Harrison's name was well known by the Republican National Convention in 1884. In spite of this, Congressman and forme...
Excerpt from Henry IV - anthology.
PRINCE HAL. Or an old lion, or a lover's lute. FALSTAFF. Yea, or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe. PRINCE HAL. What sayest thou to a hare, or the melancholy of Moorditch? FALSTAFF. Thou hast the most unsavoury similes, and art indeed the most comparative rascalliest sweet young prince. But Hal, I prithee trouble me no more withvanity. I would to God thou and I knew where a commodity of good names were to be bought. An old lord of the Council rated me the other day in the street aboutyou, sir,...
Franklin D.
Roosevelt entrusted his campaign management to the journalist Louis McHenry Howe. Howe, a genius at politics, performed brilliantly. Henceforth, Roosevelt and Howewere to be almost inseparable, and Howe, a wizened and colorful little man, guided the political fortunes of the Hyde Park aristocrat. B Assistant Secretary of the Navy Even before his reelection to the New York legislature, Roosevelt had entered the national political arena by taking part in the campaign of Governor Woodrow Wilson of...