117 résultats pour "crossé"
céramique - Les techniques de fabrication des céramiques - La faïence commune céramique - Les techniques de fabrication des céramiques - La faïence fine Courteys (Pierre Ier) embryogenèse - L'organogenèse - Les dérivés ectodermiques gothique - Orfèvrerie, tapisserie, peinture grand-feu Limoges Limosin miniature mosaïque - De grandes innovations techniques orfèvrerie - L'orfèvrerie religieuse Palissy Bernard Pénicaud Petitot Jean poissons - Anatomie et physiologie - Les écailles ro...
- La topologie
Daniel Picouly Le Champ de personne, chap. 6 Flammarion, 1995 - Sujet non corrigé
ROMAN • SUJET plus confiant encore que Delac qui ne fait jamais aucune faute, à aucun mot. Il attend, serein, son porte-plume levé comme une lance de chevalier de la Table ronde avant l'assaut. C'est !'Ivanhoé de l'imparfait du sub jonctif. En plus, il le parle couramment, même à la récréation. « Il me ss serait agréable que tu me rendisses mon goûter ». Il peut toujours courir. 1. Calva : abréviation de " calvados », boisson fo...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
ÉPAULÉ, -ÉE, participe passé, adjectif et substantif.
Maintenant (...) s'amorce une compétition réservée aux espoirs poids moyens (...) en trois mouvements classiques : développé, arraché, épaulé-jeté (ARNOUX, Paris, 1939, page 204). — 1re. attestation 1939 idem; composé de épaulé, participe passé substantivé de épauler*, et de jeté, participe passé substantivé de jeter*. Forme dérivée du verbe "épauler" épauler ÉPAULER, verbe transitif. I.— Vieux. Rompre, démettre l'épaule d'un quadrupède et surtout d'un cheval, ou le blesser à l'épaule. Je lui av...
Panama Canal - geography.
LockA lock is a section of a waterway enclosed by gates at either end to allow ships to be raised or lowered to a different water level. Inthis example, a ship enters the upper level and the gates close behind it. The water is then allowed to drain into the lower level,lowering the water level of the lock and the ship. When the water level of the lock equals the level of the lower canal, the lower gateswill open and the ship can proceed.© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The canal’s 1...
Excerpt from The Pickwick Papers - anthology.
“Two or three veeks,” replied the man. “Weeks!” said Mr. Pickwick in astonishment—and out came the note-book again. “He lives at Pentonwil when he's at home,” observed the driver, coolly, “but we seldom takes him home, on account of his veakness.” “On account of his weakness!” reiterated the perplexed Mr. Pickwick. “He always falls down when he's took out o' the cab,” continued the driver, “but when he's in it, we bears him up werry tight, and takes him in werry short, so as heca...
Yangtze - Geography.
A Agriculture and Industry Today about 400 million people, or about one-third of the population of China, live in the Yangtze Basin. Many are engaged in agriculture. The basin contributes nearlyhalf of China’s crop production, although only one-quarter of the basin is arable. The most fertile areas for farming are the Sichuan Basin, the plains between theYangtze and its tributary the Han, and the plains of the lower basin. In all about 40 percent of the cereals, more than 30 percent of the cott...
Mexico City - geography.
The park houses some of Mexico's most important public buildings, including Chapultepec Castle. Construction of the castle began in 1783. Positioned on the park’shighest elevation, the castle functioned as a fortress during colonial times. It once served as the presidential residence and now houses the National Museum of History,which includes murals by 20th-century Mexican painter Juan O'Gorman. Los Pinos, the official residence and working offices of the president, is also on the grounds, buti...
George Bush.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...
George Bush - USA History.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...
Florida - USA History.
accidentally introduced into the region in the 1880s, and it spread with alarming rapidity throughout the upper reaches of the river. The plant is very difficult toeradicate, and it has also clogged the channels of other Florida rivers. To increase drainage of the Everglades, which drain naturally to Florida Bay and the Gulf ofMexico, a number of drainage channels and canals have been built across southern Florida. Among the rivers flowing from the peninsula to the Gulf of Mexico are the Suwanne...
Missouri - geography.
Saint Francois Mountains, at the eastern end of the crest of the dome. Only in these mountains have the sedimentary rocks been sufficiently eroded away so that theunderlying igneous rocks are exposed. They form the rounded, knoblike peaks of an old mountain range. The peaks project, in isolation or in clusters, between 230 and300 m (750 and 1,000 ft) above the surrounding sedimentary basins. One of these knobs, Taum Sauk Mountain, reaches 540 m (1,772 ft) above sea level and is thehighest point...
Missouri - USA History.
Saint Francois Mountains, at the eastern end of the crest of the dome. Only in these mountains have the sedimentary rocks been sufficiently eroded away so that theunderlying igneous rocks are exposed. They form the rounded, knoblike peaks of an old mountain range. The peaks project, in isolation or in clusters, between 230 and300 m (750 and 1,000 ft) above the surrounding sedimentary basins. One of these knobs, Taum Sauk Mountain, reaches 540 m (1,772 ft) above sea level and is thehighest point...
Iraq - country.
The Euphrates begins in Turkey, crosses Syria, and enters Iraq at Abū Kam āl. The flow of the Euphrates into Iraq has been greatly reduced by dams built by Turkeyand Syria. The gradient of the Euphrates above the town of H īt, in west central Iraq, is steep. In the 2,640 km (1,640 mi) from its source in Turkey to H īt, the river fallsfrom 3,000 m (10,000 ft) to a low water elevation of 50 m (170 ft) above sea level, an average drop of 1 m per km (6 ft per mi). In Iraq below H īt the fall is very...
New York - geography.
The Adirondack province consists of a large highland area occupying 26,000 sq km (10,000 sq mi) in the northeastern quarter of the state. The region is domelike inshape, with the higher elevations toward the east. The western Adirondack province is more a rugged hill region and not truly mountainous. Geologically, this area isrelated to the Laurentian Upland, or Canadian Shield, which lies north of the St. Lawrence River, for it is composed of the same very old igneous rocks, principallygranite...
New York - USA History.
The Adirondack province consists of a large highland area occupying 26,000 sq km (10,000 sq mi) in the northeastern quarter of the state. The region is domelike inshape, with the higher elevations toward the east. The western Adirondack province is more a rugged hill region and not truly mountainous. Geologically, this area isrelated to the Laurentian Upland, or Canadian Shield, which lies north of the St. Lawrence River, for it is composed of the same very old igneous rocks, principallygranite...
France - country.
In both the Paris and Aquitaine basins, fertile soils derived from limestone and wind-deposited dust, called loess, have supported prosperous agriculture since ancienttimes. Other lowlands in France are scattered and relatively small. They include the Alsace Plain in the east, bordering Germany, the valley of the Rhône River in thesoutheast, and the Languedoc Plain along the Mediterranean coast. A2 Uplands France contains several regions of uplands, the worn down remains of ancient mountain sys...