2538 résultats pour "area"
South Africa - country.
The major soil zones are conditioned largely by climatic factors. In the semiarid north and west, soils are alkaline and poorly developed. In the southern part of WesternCape Province, rain falls mostly in the winter months, and soils there form slowly and are generally thin and immature. The moderate temperatures and summer rainfallof the High Veld and eastern coastal areas create conditions for more productive organic decomposition, leading to dark, fertile soils, or chernozems, similar to tho...
Honolulu - geography.
Much of Honolulu’s growth and development has concentrated along the southern coast of Oahu. This area is framed to the east by the remnants of a large extinct volcanoknown as Diamond Head and includes Waikiki, located west of Diamond Head; the downtown area, situated near Honolulu Harbor; Honolulu International Airport; andnewer communities in the western part of the island. Two parallel mountain ranges of volcanic origin, the Koolau and Waianae mountains, run north to south across much ofthe i...
South America - geography.
B Natural Regions Tierra del Fuego, ArgentinaUshuaia, on Argentina’s island of Tierra del Fuego, is the world’s southernmost city. Argentina claims part of the Tierra del Fuegoarchipelago, including the largest island, known as Tierra del Fuego or Great Island, and Staten Island. Chile claims the remainder ofthe islands in the territory.R. Van Nostrand/Photo Researchers, Inc. Rising abruptly from the northwestern and western coasts of the continent are the Andes. They consist of a single chain...
Duck - biology.
from water. When ducks feed they push their tongue against the top of their mouth to squeeze water through the lamellae, leaving the food behind. Mergansers arefish-eating ducks with slender bills that are notched on the edges like the blade of a saw. These saw-toothed beaks help the ducks catch and hold their slippery prey. VI COURTSHIP AND REPRODUCTION Ducks form pairs long enough to mate, but most species find new mates each year. In a few species, including buffleheads and whistling ducks,...
South America - Geography.
South America is dominated by relatively warm climatic regimes. Spanning nearly the entire continent along the equator is a belt of humid tropical climate that grades tothe north and south into broad zones where the length of the rainy season and the amount of rainfall diminish. These zones have wet summers and dry winters and aresubject to prolonged droughts. Droughts are a particularly serious problem in northeastern Brazil and along the northern coast of Venezuela and Colombia. The areas ofra...
a match
two teams playing against each other in a 90-minute game of football
a pitch
the area where footballers play a match
a referee
the person who makes sure that the players follow the rules.
full-time the point of the game when the referee blows the final whistle and the match is over. Normally after 90 minutes and any added injury or stoppage time injury time also called stoppage time, added minutes at the end of the regular playing time at half-time or full-time. Entirely at the referee’s discretion and normally indicated by an official on the sideline (or touchline) extra time if a match has no winner at full-time, 2 x 15 minutes of extra time may be played in some competitions o...
Valley - geography.
B Longitudinal Profile A graph of the slope of a river channel at each point along its course is called a longitudinal profile . In most cases, the slope of a river becomes less steep as it flows from its headwaters to the ocean. Slopes as high as 200 m/km (1000 ft/mi) can be found in mountainous terrain, but slopes of about 2 m/km (10 ft/mi) are more typical in themiddle section of such valleys. Slopes as low as 2 cm/km (1 in/mi) can be found in rivers close to the ocean. In most rivers there...
Goose - biology.
Branta comes from a German word meaning “burned” and all of the geese in this genus have black plumage somewhere on their bodies. The brant, a sea goose that also belongs to this genus, is found on both coasts of North America. Brants are darker than barnacle and Canada geese and similar in size to the smallest Canadageese. Like the Canada and barnacle goose, the brant nests in Arctic regions. But unlike them, it winters chiefly on salt water. Instead of the white cheeks of Canadaand barnacle g...
which can activate computer commands in conjunction with voice recognition software. “Tablet” computers are being developed that will allow users to interact with theirscreens using a penlike device. E The Central Processing Unit Information from an input device or from the computer’s memory is communicated via the bus to the central processing unit (CPU), which is the part of the computerthat translates commands and runs programs. The CPU is a microprocessor chip—that is, a single piece of sil...
South Carolina - geography.
(20° F) or lower, occur each winter. July temperatures average 27° C (80° F) in most of the state, with temperatures in the lower 20°s C (lower 70°s F) in themountains. Except in the mountains, summer daytime highs throughout South Carolina often enter the lower 30°s C (lower 90°s F). The temperature in July in Columbiaranges from 21° to 33° C (70° to 92° F). D2 Precipitation Central South Carolina has an average annual precipitation (both rainfall and snowfall) of 1,140 mm (45 in). Greater amo...
South Carolina - USA History.
(20° F) or lower, occur each winter. July temperatures average 27° C (80° F) in most of the state, with temperatures in the lower 20°s C (lower 70°s F) in themountains. Except in the mountains, summer daytime highs throughout South Carolina often enter the lower 30°s C (lower 90°s F). The temperature in July in Columbiaranges from 21° to 33° C (70° to 92° F). D2 Precipitation Central South Carolina has an average annual precipitation (both rainfall and snowfall) of 1,140 mm (45 in). Greater amo...
Toronto - geography.
The Hockey Hall of Fame is in downtown Toronto. VI ECONOMY Toronto’s economy has changed over the past several decades, with financial and business services becoming the largest sector. Included in this sector are banks, stockmarkets, insurance, advertising, marketing, accounting firms, and law firms. Toronto ranks third on the continent, behind New York City and Chicago, Illinois, in the numberof major corporations that have their head offices there. Toronto is the leading printing and publish...
Kentucky - geography.
The climate of Kentucky is characterized by warm or hot summers and cool winters. Throughout the year, temperatures do not vary greatly from place to place,although they are generally slightly lower in the Appalachian Plateaus region than elsewhere in the state. Average July temperatures are usually from 24° to 27°C (76°to 80°F) in the central and western areas and from 23° to 24°C (74° to 76°F) in the east. January averages range from below 1°C (34°F) in the northern Bluegrassregion to more tha...
Kentucky - USA History.
The climate of Kentucky is characterized by warm or hot summers and cool winters. Throughout the year, temperatures do not vary greatly from place to place,although they are generally slightly lower in the Appalachian Plateaus region than elsewhere in the state. Average July temperatures are usually from 24° to 27°C (76°to 80°F) in the central and western areas and from 23° to 24°C (74° to 76°F) in the east. January averages range from below 1°C (34°F) in the northern Bluegrassregion to more tha...
Louisiana - geography.
lakes are on the Red River and its tributaries. In addition, small oxbow lakes are numerous in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Oxbow lakes are formed when a river cutsthrough the neck of one of its loops, or meanders, thus establishing a shorter course and leaving the former loop as a lake separate from the river. Louisiana also hassome artificially created reservoirs. C Coastline Louisiana’s long and irregular coastline extends along the Gulf of Mexico from the Pearl River on the east to the S...
Louisiana - USA History.
lakes are on the Red River and its tributaries. In addition, small oxbow lakes are numerous in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Oxbow lakes are formed when a river cutsthrough the neck of one of its loops, or meanders, thus establishing a shorter course and leaving the former loop as a lake separate from the river. Louisiana also hassome artificially created reservoirs. C Coastline Louisiana’s long and irregular coastline extends along the Gulf of Mexico from the Pearl River on the east to the S...
Tokyo - geography.
room for new facilities and container terminals, and improvements to storage and distribution facilities. The largest categories of exports from the port of Tokyo aremachinery, automotive parts, and chemical products. Imports include lumber, machinery, fruits and vegetables, processed foods and beverages, and marine products. Muchof Tokyo’s trade also goes through the port of Yokohama. That city has a better natural harbor and was developed after 1858 for the specific purpose of serving Tokyo wi...
Eye, light-sensitive organ of vision in animals. The eyes of
Several structures, not parts of the eyeball, contribute to the protection of the eye. The most important of these are the eyelids, two folds of skin and tissue, upper andlower, that can be closed by means of muscles to form a protective covering over the eyeball against excessive light and mechanical injury. The eyelashes, a fringe ofshort hairs growing on the edge of either eyelid, act as a screen to keep dust particles and insects out of the eyes when the eyelids are partly closed. Inside the...
São Paulo (city) - geography.
universities include the State University Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1976), and the even larger University of São Paulo (1934), which incorporates the city’s famousand influential Faculty of Law. Important private universities are Mackenzie University, originally founded by Presbyterian missionaries from the United States (1870);the Paulista University (1972); the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1946); and the University São Judas Tadeu (1971). The city is home to the São Pau...
Comment faire du commerce en France
age. France being a part of the so called“Old Continent” is considered a country which has one of the longest and most influential histories. Moreover, the French people are well known for their pessimism and their complaining about the present or the future. Conflicts&Synergies We can take the example of “the age of retirement” as the people nowadays have to work longer than the previous generation in all these three countries, or the fact of losing certain social benefits, as it is in ...
Montréal - geography.
Place Jacques-Cartier, MontréalPlace Jacques-Cartier is named for the French explorer who was one of the first Europeans to venture into Canada in the 16thcentury. It is a popular spot in the city of Montréal, Québec’s largest city.R.E. Murowchick/Photo Researchers, Inc. French influence lasted for a time after the British conquest of 1760, as shown by some late 18th-century houses. British influence came to prevail, however, and most ofOld Montréal is in fact a Victorian Style city, probably th...
Togo - country.
corn, millet, and sorghum. The leading export crops are coffee, cotton, groundnuts, and cacao. Livestock, chiefly sheep and goats, are raised on the northern plateau.Fish are caught in Togo’s rivers and in the Gulf of Guinea. B Mining and Manufacturing Togo is a leading producer of phosphates, which are by far the country’s most significant mineral product. In 2004, 400,000 metric tons of phosphate rock were mined.Industrial activity is limited but growing. The leading manufactures include ceme...
Nevada - geography.
The Truckee, Carson, and Walker rivers flow out of the Sierra Nevada, thread their way around several of the desert ranges, and also end in closed basins. The Walkerflows into Walker Lake, the Carson into Lahontan Reservoir. The major part of the Truckee’s flow is now diverted to Lahontan Reservoir, although as required by lawsome of it empties into Pyramid Lake. Because these three streams flow constantly, the lakes into which they empty never dry up. Winnemucca Lake formerly receivedoverflow w...
Nevada - USA History.
The Truckee, Carson, and Walker rivers flow out of the Sierra Nevada, thread their way around several of the desert ranges, and also end in closed basins. The Walkerflows into Walker Lake, the Carson into Lahontan Reservoir. The major part of the Truckee’s flow is now diverted to Lahontan Reservoir, although as required by lawsome of it empties into Pyramid Lake. Because these three streams flow constantly, the lakes into which they empty never dry up. Winnemucca Lake formerly receivedoverflow w...
Oregon - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes The Columbia River forms most of the Oregon-Washington boundary, and with its tributaries this great river drains a large portion of Oregon. From the point where theColumbia first touches the state, at Wallula Gap, the river runs in a shallow gorge, deepening as it approaches the Cascades. This part of the river once had manyrapids and falls, but is now navigable by large vessels because of dams and locks that have been built along much of its length. An important tributary o...
Oregon - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes The Columbia River forms most of the Oregon-Washington boundary, and with its tributaries this great river drains a large portion of Oregon. From the point where theColumbia first touches the state, at Wallula Gap, the river runs in a shallow gorge, deepening as it approaches the Cascades. This part of the river once had manyrapids and falls, but is now navigable by large vessels because of dams and locks that have been built along much of its length. An important tributary o...
sentence construction, an operation on meanings, such that the meaning of any sentence is mechanically determined by applying the operations on meanings (given by the rules used in constructing the sentence) to the meanings of the simple parts. (Often a host of extra restrictions are incorporated. For example: the operations may be limited to applying function to argument; the order in which operations are applied may be settled by the structure of the sentence.) Some see such principles as prov...
Kangaroo - biology.
ungulates, they have evolved multi-chambered stomachs containing bacteria that can break down plant cell walls and release the nutritious cell contents. V SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Kangaroo social life is poorly understood, as few species have been studied in detail. Small species, such as potoroos, bettongs, and musky rat-kangaroos, tend to besolitary and widely dispersed, with a male's territory encompassing those of several females. The animals come together briefly for mating, and mother and offs...
Bone (anatomy).
Infections of bones called osteomyelitis usually are caused by bacteria, especially Staphylococcus , which enters the body through open wounds and may destroy bone tissues. Tumors, or abnormal growths, occur in bone tissue, though most are benign. Cancerous tumors can be caused by excessive radiation; many radioactivesubstances have an affinity for bone, particularly the marrow, and are readily stored there. Most cancerous tumors in bones, however, are tumors that spread fromcancer in other par...
Virginia (state) - geography.
C Coastline Virginia’s coastline, for both the mainland and the Eastern Shore counties, is 180 km (112 mi) long. The state’s tidal shoreline measures 5,335 km (3,315 mi), includingall bays, inlets, tidal estuaries, and other indentations. Major indentations include Chesapeake Bay; Hampton Roads, the excellent natural harbor on which are locatedNewport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth; and the wide tidal estuaries of the lower Potomac, James, Rappahannock, and York rivers. Cape Henry, in the southe...
Virginia (state) - USA History.
C Coastline Virginia’s coastline, for both the mainland and the Eastern Shore counties, is 180 km (112 mi) long. The state’s tidal shoreline measures 5,335 km (3,315 mi), includingall bays, inlets, tidal estuaries, and other indentations. Major indentations include Chesapeake Bay; Hampton Roads, the excellent natural harbor on which are locatedNewport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth; and the wide tidal estuaries of the lower Potomac, James, Rappahannock, and York rivers. Cape Henry, in the southe...
Chicago (city, Illinois) - geography.
The Chicago River divides the city into three broad sections, known traditionally as the North, West, and South sides. The North Side is largely residential, interspersed withindustry. The West Side generally is a lower-income residential area and contains numerous industrial, railroad, and wholesale-produce facilities. The South Side occupiesalmost half the city and contains diverse residential neighborhoods, ranging from decayed tenement districts to areas of modest detached houses. The South...
Rhode Island - geography.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
Rhode Island - USA History.
C (73° F). Along the northern state line, the January mean temperature is about 1° C (about 2° F) colder than in Warwick in January. Along the ocean coast, theJanuary mean temperature is -1° C (30° F). Warm season temperatures are also influenced by the ocean and bay, so temperatures are usually cooler along the coastthan in the interior. The difference tends to be greatest in spring and early summer. Winter temperatures in Rhode Island are usually above -7° C (20° F), buttemperatures colder by...
Maryland - geography.
Maryland has no large natural lakes. The largest body of water is a reservoir, Deep Creek Lake, which has a surface area of only 18 sq km (7 sq mi). It lies on theAllegheny Plateau, behind a dam on a tributary of the Youghiogheny River. C Coastline The deeply indented shoreline has a length of 5,134 km (3,190 mi), of which only 50 km (31 miles) fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. The most significant coastal feature isChesapeake Bay. In the bay are many islands and Kent Island is the largest. The sta...
Maryland - USA History.
Maryland has no large natural lakes. The largest body of water is a reservoir, Deep Creek Lake, which has a surface area of only 18 sq km (7 sq mi). It lies on theAllegheny Plateau, behind a dam on a tributary of the Youghiogheny River. C Coastline The deeply indented shoreline has a length of 5,134 km (3,190 mi), of which only 50 km (31 miles) fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. The most significant coastal feature isChesapeake Bay. In the bay are many islands and Kent Island is the largest. The sta...
In-Line Skating.
the foot using a combination of laces and buckles. Many skaters prefer a simple closure system that has laces on the lower portion of the skate and a buckle at the top.The boot liner is made of a soft, padded, cloth portion that fits inside the outer shell. Boot liners should be vented, which keeps the feet cool by allowing perspiration toescape during strenuous workouts or long trips. Attached to the bottom of each skate is the wheel frame. The frame houses from three to five wheels. The wheels...
Washington (state) - geography.
The crest of the Cascade Range divides Washington into two distinct climatic regions. The area west of the Cascades, which is exposed throughout the year to rain-bearing winds from the Pacific Ocean, has a temperate marine type of climate that is characterized by mild wet winters and cool summers. The Cascades prevent themoist air blowing in from the Pacific from reaching eastern Washington. The Rocky Mountains on the eastern border also represent a climatic barrier. As a result, thesevere winte...
Washington (state) - USA History.
The crest of the Cascade Range divides Washington into two distinct climatic regions. The area west of the Cascades, which is exposed throughout the year to rain-bearing winds from the Pacific Ocean, has a temperate marine type of climate that is characterized by mild wet winters and cool summers. The Cascades prevent themoist air blowing in from the Pacific from reaching eastern Washington. The Rocky Mountains on the eastern border also represent a climatic barrier. As a result, thesevere winte...
treatments to reduce the risk of tooth decay; clear plastic coatings painted on the teeth, called dental sealants, and applications of the mineral fluoride, which fortifiestooth enamel, are two such treatments. Fluoride is also added to public water supplies in a process called fluoridation, which benefits more than 150 million Americans. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a progressive condition that worsens with age. Gum disease occurs when bacteria eat away at gum tissue, causing it to p...
Kansas City (Missouri) - geography.
Major institutions of higher education in Kansas City are a branch (established in 1929) of the University of Missouri, Avila College (1916), Rockhurst College (1910),DeVry Institute of Technology (Missouri) (1931), and the Kansas City Art Institute (1885). Schools in neighboring suburbs include Park University (1875), in Parkville,and William Jewell College (1849), in Liberty. Baptist, Nazarene, and Methodist theological schools are also located in the area. Midwest Research Institute, one of t...
Kuwait (country) - country.
Oil revenues have allowed Kuwait to build an extensive educational system, yielding a literacy rate of 84 percent. Public school is free and compulsory from the age of 6to 13, and several private schools also teach this age group. Kuwait University (founded in 1966) is also free and offers programs in a wide range of professional andscientific fields at several campuses. Both the extensive library system at Kuwait University and the collection at Kuwait National Museum (1957) were heavily damage...
electronic circuits. The resistors are made from carbon mixtures, metal films, or resistance wire and have two connecting wires attached. Variable resistors, with anadjustable sliding contact arm, are often used to control volume on radios and television sets. E Capacitors Capacitors consist of two metal plates that are separated by an insulating material ( see Capacitor). If a battery is connected to both plates, an electric charge will flow for a short time and accumulate on each plate. If th...
Tiger - biology.
have a simple digestive system designed to process meat so that the nutrients can be readily absorbed into the bloodstream. With the exception of white tigers, which have blue eyes, all tigers have yellow eyes. Tigers mainly use vision to find prey. Although tigers see about as well as humansduring the day, their large eye openings gather more light than do human eyes, making tiger night vision far superior to that of humans. In addition, a special structurein the tiger’s eye, called the tapetu...
their atoms into laser light. Consequently, they are the most powerful continuous wave (CW) lasers—that is, lasers that emit light continuously rather than in pulses. C Liquid Lasers The most common liquid laser media are inorganic dyes contained in glass vessels. They are pumped by intense flash lamps in a pulse mode or by a separate gas laserin the continuous wave mode. Some dye lasers are tunable, meaning that the color of the laser light they emit can be adjusted with the help of a prism lo...
covered. In spring the snow cover begins to melt in the lower reaches, exposing the ice surface. As temperatures increase, the melting moves up the glacier. Thesnowline is the highest position the melting reaches during the year. Firn is old granular snow. The firn limit may not exactly coincide with the annual snowline since insome years rapid melting leaves behind firn patches below the snowline. Some glaciers exhibit features called ice streams and icefalls. Ice streams are valley glaciers th...
Cameroon - country.
seminomadic herders of the north. Cattle, goats, and fowl are the most commonly raised animals. B Forestry and Fishing Timber is traditionally one of Cameroon’s most valuable exports, consisting mainly of mahogany, ebony, and teak. The timber cut in 2006 amounted to 11.4 million cu m(401 million cu ft). Most of the fish caught in Cameroon come from the country’s rivers and lakes and are consumed locally. However, deep-sea fishing activity isincreasing, especially from the port of Douala. Some 1...
London (England) - geography.
D The East End and Docklands The East End, beyond the City of London and the Tower, has long been the home of London’s docks and immigrants. It has frequently been characterized by slums, poverty,and crime. This is the area where the notorious criminal Jack the Ripper prowled. Some portions, such as Bethnal Green, were slums during the Victorian period. Manypoorer immigrants and working-class Londoners still reside in the East End, but its weekend street markets are very popular, especially Pet...
Georgia (state) - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Georgia (state) - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...