1036 résultats pour "reformes"
- Chine
ser d'eventuelles reclama- bons. Doivent etre affi- ches de maniere lisible et visible, pres de chaque installation : - le prix TTC de l'even- tuel forfait de mise a dis- position ; - le prix TTC de ('unite de base servant au calcul du montant de la presta- tion ;lorsque cette unite est une duree, le prix est affi- che selon la cadence fixee par France Telecom en heu- res pleines ; lorsque le prix depend de la destination, it est affiche en distinguant les des- tinations locales, grande dis- tan...
- sciences politiques l1
------- -- -----· -- · ·- ce qui le concerne lui-même et dans ce qu'il effectue. Les hommes, parce qu'ils sont hommes, trouvaient inté ressant d'étudier des hommes en tant qu'hommes ». Les pionniers : l'humanisme stylistique Quoi qu' i 1 en soit, un.e telle interprétation, qui jette le discrédit sur le Moyen Age, temps d'exil de l'esprit loin de lui-même, a été préparée par ceux-là même qu'on appelait les humanistes. C'est un lieu commun chez eux. d...
- Révolution française
res qu'il faut mettre sur la scène. mais les conditions. Jus qu'à présent. dans la comédie. le caractère a été l'objet principal. et la condition n'a été que l'accessoire; il faut que la condition devienne aujourd'hui l'objet principal et que le caractère ne soit que l'accessoire. C'est du caractère qu'on tirait toute l'i ntri gue . On cherchait en général les circons tances qui le faisaient sortir, et l'on ench aîn ait ces circons tances. C'est la con...
Federal Republic of Germany - country.
B Rivers and Lakes Rivers have played a major role in Germany’s economic development. The Rhine River flows in a northwesterly direction from Switzerland through much of westernGermany and The Netherlands into the North Sea. It is a major European waterway and a pillar of commerce and trade. Its primary German tributaries include theMain, Mosel, Neckar, and Ruhr rivers. The Oder (Odra) River, along the border between Poland and Germany, runs northward and empties into the Baltic; it provides an...
- Insanity planning
- Histoire Des Relations Internationales Contemporaines (1949-1991) - Politique
Guatemala - country.
C Climate The climate of Guatemala varies according to elevation, from hot coastal plains to cold mountain heights. Most of the population lives between 900 and 2,400 m (3,000and 8,000 ft) above sea level, where there are warm days and cool nights with average annual temperatures of 20°C (68°F). The coastal regions are hot and humid,with average annual temperatures of 28°C (83°F). A rainy season, from May through October, is sometimes called “winter” because it brings cloudy afternoons andlower...
- Histoire de l'Europe
L'oeuvre et la vie de MOLIERE
« Honnête Homme » au XVIIe siècle « Un honnête homme » doit avant tout plaire au Prince et aux Grands : à partir du moment où, dès le début de son règne, Louis XIV concentre tousles pouvoirs à Versailles, il oblige la noblesse à y séjourner pour obtenir des postes, maintenir ses avantages, participer si peu que ce soit auxaffaires : l'obligation de plaire devient une contrainte permanente et engendre des conduites qui n'ont plus de l'honnêteté que l'apparence. Lasociété de cour est dès lors fond...
India - country.
delta in the north, are intensely farmed. B Rivers and Lakes The rivers of India can be divided into three groups: the great Himalayan rivers of the north, the westward-flowing rivers of central India, and the eastward-flowingrivers of the Deccan Plateau and the rest of peninsular India. Only small portions of India’s rivers are navigable because of silting and the wide seasonal variation inwater flow (due to the monsoon climate). Water transport is thus of little importance in India. Barrages,...
European Union .
safeguard the interests of the member states, a common assembly with advisory authority only, and a court of justice to settle disputes. D European Economic Community (EEC) In 1957 the participants in the ECSC signed two more treaties, known as the Treaties of Rome. These treaties created the European Atomic Energy Community(Euratom) for the development of peaceful uses of atomic energy and, most important, the European Economic Community (EEC, often referred to as the CommonMarket). The EEC tr...
China - country.
North China lies between the Mongolian Steppe on the north and the Yangtze River Basin on the south. It stretches west from the Bo Hai gulf and the Yellow Sea to theeastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Administratively, North China includes Beijing and Tianjin municipalities; Shandong and Shanxi provinces; most of Hebei, Henan,and Shaanxi provinces; and portions of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Gansu provinces. Humans have lived in the agriculturally rich region of Nor...
Thailand - country.
E Natural Resources Thailand possesses a range of mineral resources. Tin is mined in the peninsula. Important gemstones, such as sapphires, are found in the southeast, and coal reserves,particularly lignite, are in the north. Fish are abundant in rivers and coastal waters. In addition to being consumed domestically, fish are also exported. F Climate Thailand experiences a typical monsoon climate. Winds blow from the northeast during the winter months of October to March or April (known as the...
cependant pas indispensable de retracer le contenu de ces projets. Il suffit de rappeler les principales étapes de la construction communautaire. BIBLIOGRAPHIE : - « Institutions européennes » après 2009, qui permettent d’avoir une pratique plus intéressante - « Manuel d’institutions européennes » - « Morau-defarges », AROCOLIN, 2005 : présente de façon très reconnaissante des évolutions politiques de l’UE. - « le puzzle des institutions européennes » : permet de l’ensemble des évolutions politi...
Chile - country.
D Plant and Animal Life The indigenous plant life of Chile varies according to climatic zone. Plant life in the northern region includes brambles and cactus and has little variety. Here, theAtacama provides one of the best examples on Earth of an absolute desert. The more humid Central Valley supports several species of cacti, espino (a thorny shrub),grasses, and the Chilean pine, which bears edible nuts. Dense rain forests are located south of Valdivia with laurel, magnolia, false beech, and v...
À la charnière entre l'Europe occidentale et centrale, entre
l'Europe du Nord et la Méditerranée, ce petit pays montagnard est
maître des voies de passage internationales à travers le Jura et
les Alpes.
à l'accumulation des matériaux morainiques. Les cours d'eau s'écoulent vers le sillon qui longe le Jura ; barrés par des moraines, ils forment de grands lacs (lacs Léman, de Neuchâtel, de Bienne, de Zurich, de Constance). Cette région est la plus riche et la plus peuplée du pays. Au sud, les Alpes occupent les trois cinquièmes du territoire et renferment le cœur historique du pays, qualifié de « réduit alpin ». Le sillon tracé par le Rhône (Valais) et le Rhin sépare deux séries de massifs cris...
- Les manifestations de la place tien an men
droit des affaires
usages adaptés au métier ; ces corporations mettent aussi en œuvre des règles qui régissent l’entrée d’un individu dans la profession. Résulte de ces corporations un encadrement strict et rigide de l’accès à la profession et de l’exercice de la profession . Apparaissent différents évènements : - Découverte du nouveau monde (continent américain) commerce qui s’intensifie, qui porte sur des objets nouveaux (mé...
James A.
Treasury John Sherman, another Ohioan. He went to the Republican national convention as head of his state's delegation and manager of the Sherman campaign. The Republican Party at that time was split into two factions, the Stalwarts, led by Roscoe Conkling, senator from New York, and the Half-Breeds, led by Blaine. The twogroups had few political differences, but disagreed over the division of appointments to federal positions, known as patronage. The Stalwarts wanted control of all federal ap...
- Canada
Hungary - country.
Northern Hungary lacks sufficient water, especially between July and October, when precipitation levels are typically low. Canals irrigate the Great Hungarian Plain,which is subject to drought. Because of the country’s mainly flat terrain, only limited water resources can be harnessed for hydroelectric power. F Environmental Issues Rapid industrialization in Hungary following World War II contributed significantly to a number of major environmental problems, including air, water, and soil pollu...
Latin America.
adequate housing and services, most were forced to live in shantytowns that came to encircle all large Latin American cities. One of the key problems facing Latin America in the late 20th century was the rapid rise of external debt during the 1980s. The borrowed money had been used bycorrupt, or at best inefficient, governments in non-productive projects. These large debts meant that many countries had to spend up to 30 percent of their net incometo pay interest on their loans. Some countries, s...
Wisconsin (state) - geography.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Wisconsin (state) - USA History.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
- presentation de l 'islam
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
- Institutions européennes
Egypt - country.
Egypt has a wide variety of mineral deposits, some of which, such as gold and red granite, have been exploited since ancient times. The chief mineral resource ofcontemporary value is petroleum, found mainly in the Red Sea coastal region, at Al ‘Alamayn (El ‘Alamein) on the Mediterranean, and on the Sinai Peninsula. Otherminerals include phosphates, manganese, iron ore, and uranium. Natural gas is also extracted. D Plants and Animals The vegetation of Egypt is confined largely to the Nile Delta,...
Ecuador - country.
F Natural Resources Ecuador’s main mineral wealth is in petroleum. Other mineral resources of the country include gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc. Forests cover 38.3 percent of thecountry. G Plants and Animals Along the northern part of the Ecuador coast, and within the inner portion of the southern coast, tropical jungles abound. In some places the jungles extend up theslopes of the Andes as wet, mossy forests. Dense forests cover both flanks of the Cordilleras, as well as the Oriente, u...
Slovenia - country.
Democratic Party of Slovenia, the Christian Democratic Party, United List, the Slovenian National Party, the Democratic Party of Slovenia, and Greens of Slovenia. Slovenia has eight trial courts, four appellate courts, and a Supreme Court. The Assembly appoints all judges, including the justices of the Supreme Court. Slovenia hasan extensive network of social service programs sponsored by the government, including low-cost medical coverage and retirement pensions. Slovenia had an army of 6,550 a...
Japan - country.
island’s fertile soils support agriculture and provide the vast majority of Japan’s pasturelands. In addition, Hokkaidō contains coal deposits, and the cold currents off itsshores supply cold-water fish. Winters are long and harsh, so most of Hokkaid ō is lightly settled, housing about 5 percent of Japan’s population on approximately 20 percent of its land area. However,its snowy winters and unspoiled natural beauty attract many skiers and tourists. Hokkaid ō is thought of as Japan’s northern fr...
France - country.
In both the Paris and Aquitaine basins, fertile soils derived from limestone and wind-deposited dust, called loess, have supported prosperous agriculture since ancienttimes. Other lowlands in France are scattered and relatively small. They include the Alsace Plain in the east, bordering Germany, the valley of the Rhône River in thesoutheast, and the Languedoc Plain along the Mediterranean coast. A2 Uplands France contains several regions of uplands, the worn down remains of ancient mountain sys...
Benin - country.
French is the official language of Benin, but most people speak an African language. Each of the country’s ethnic groups has its own language. Fon is the most widelyspoken language. About 52 percent of the population professes traditional religious beliefs, chiefly Vodun, a belief in spirits. Arab merchants introduced Islam to the region, and today it isthe religion of some 20 percent of the people, most of whom live in the north. Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism, is the religion of ab...
À l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie, la France occupe une
position charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Europe du Sud.
Géographie Les conditions naturelles Ni le relief, ni les sols, ni les conditions climatiques n'ont été des obstacles au peuplement et au développement économique. La France n'a certes pas de climat qui permette plusieurs récoltes par an, ni de delta particulièrement fertile, mais elle ne connaît aucun facteur physique trop contraignant, n'est pas affectée d'une grande probabilité de risques naturels majeurs, et bénéficie par ailleurs d'une grande diversité de terroirs. L'évolution géolog...
cours S2 L1 droit de la famille
INTRODUCTION I - L’identification du droit de la famille On a tendance à considérer qu’il existe trois piliers du droit civil : la famille le contrat la propriété Le contrat (art 1100-1) et la propriété (art 544) ont une définition dans le Code civil mais la notion de famille ne dispose pas de définition. Le livre 1er du code civil “Des personnes” va parler du mariage, du divorce, de la filiation, de l’autorité parentale. Cela relève du droit de la famille mais ils ne sont pas ab...
Switzerland - country.
formation over higher elevations. The wind reverses direction about sundown and moves down the valley as a cool downdraft. The foehn, which occurs during the wintermonths, is a dry and relatively warm airflow that is drawn northward over the Alps. The foehn can quickly melt snow and ice, increasing the risk of mudslides andavalanches. D Natural Resources Waterpower is the chief natural resource of Switzerland. The principal source of water is runoff from the considerable annual precipitation th...
Middle Ages .
Saints were very important in Late Antiquity. They were considered both models of virtue and powerful miracle workers. One of the most well-known saints of the periodwas Saint Anthony. Anthony gave away all his possessions and left his hometown in Egypt to live alone in the desert and pray. Anthony was one of the first Christianmonks. The word monk comes from a term meaning 'alone.' Gradually Anthony attracted followers, and he eventually became the center of a whole community of monks who wis...
Léon IX
une série de voyages à travers l'Europe pour tenir, ailleurs qu'à Rome, des conciles et des assemblées dont lesdécisions, prises pour la plupart en présence des intéressés et dans leur pays, jouiront d'un autre prestige que cellesdes lointaines réunions romaines. Prestige d'autant plus grand que la réputation personnelle du pape est solidementétablie. Dès le milieu de mai 1049, Léon est à Pavie, puis il passe les Alpes, et le voilà en Saxe, à Cologne, à Liège, àTrèves, à Toul, où il séjou...
Lettland - geographie.
Die Landwirtschaft basiert im Wesentlichen auf Viehzucht und Milchwirtschaft. Angebaut werden vor allem Getreide, Kartoffeln, Flachs und Zuckerrüben. Der Fischfang istebenfalls ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor, gefangen werden überwiegend Kabeljau und Hering. Die Verarbeitung von Holz ist in Lettland bedeutend; Verwendung findet esvor allem in der Bauindustrie und bei der Papierherstellung. Aufgrund der Rohstoffarmut des Landes zählen Energieträger wie Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle zu den wichtigsten I...
Elizabeth I
Elizabeth I (1533-1603), queen of England and Ireland (1558-1603), daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn.
Catholic challenges and plots persisted through much of Elizabeth’s reign, and Elizabeth reacted to them strongly. In 1569 a group of powerful Catholic nobles innorthern England rose in rebellion but were savagely repressed. The northern earls were executed, their property and those of their followers was confiscated, and theirheirs were deprived of their inheritance. In 1570 the pope excommunicated Elizabeth, sanctioning Catholic efforts to dethrone her. In 1571 an international conspiracywas u...
Elizabeth I.
Catholic challenges and plots persisted through much of Elizabeth’s reign, and Elizabeth reacted to them strongly. In 1569 a group of powerful Catholic nobles innorthern England rose in rebellion but were savagely repressed. The northern earls were executed, their property and those of their followers was confiscated, and theirheirs were deprived of their inheritance. In 1570 the pope excommunicated Elizabeth, sanctioning Catholic efforts to dethrone her. In 1571 an international conspiracywas u...
Elizabeth I .
Catholic challenges and plots persisted through much of Elizabeth’s reign, and Elizabeth reacted to them strongly. In 1569 a group of powerful Catholic nobles innorthern England rose in rebellion but were savagely repressed. The northern earls were executed, their property and those of their followers was confiscated, and theirheirs were deprived of their inheritance. In 1570 the pope excommunicated Elizabeth, sanctioning Catholic efforts to dethrone her. In 1571 an international conspiracywas u...
- Histoire du droit cours complet deuxième semestre L1
John Macdonald.
dissolution of the existing Union. The Atlantic colonies, which consisted of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland, were considering the question of their own union andplanned to meet at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on September 1, 1864. Macdonald saw his opportunity and secured an invitation for the Canadians to attend.The delegates of the Atlantic colonies put off their own discussion until they had heard the Canadians. Macdonald spoke of the advantages in...
John Macdonald - Canadian History.
dissolution of the existing Union. The Atlantic colonies, which consisted of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland, were considering the question of their own union andplanned to meet at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on September 1, 1864. Macdonald saw his opportunity and secured an invitation for the Canadians to attend.The delegates of the Atlantic colonies put off their own discussion until they had heard the Canadians. Macdonald spoke of the advantages in...
John Macdonald - Canadian History.
dissolution of the existing Union. The Atlantic colonies, which consisted of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland, were considering the question of their own union andplanned to meet at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, on September 1, 1864. Macdonald saw his opportunity and secured an invitation for the Canadians to attend.The delegates of the Atlantic colonies put off their own discussion until they had heard the Canadians. Macdonald spoke of the advantages in...
Le modèle soviétique et son évolution de 1945 à 1991. Histoire
dans les relations internationales avec la guerre en Afghanistan de 1979, mettant presque fin à la détente. Enfin, en 1982, Brejnev meurt d'une crise cardiaque,mettant fin à son règne fantomatique, et laissant le pays en grande difficulté... Les dernières tentatives de réforme et le démantèlement de l'URSS. A) La perestroïka. A partir de 1985: Gorbatchev => politique de réformes inspirée par Alexandr Iakovlev. Proget qui se veut global et radical: concerne non seulement l'économie maisaussi la p...