945 résultats pour "division"
Étroitement lié à l'histoire du socialisme, le syndicalisme a été traversé par les mêmes
courants idéologiques et a connu, selon l'état de l'économie et la situation politique, des
phases d'expansion et des moments de crise.
l'organisation de fédérations dans certaines grandes villes. Ainsi furent créées à Paris, à Lyon, à Marseille et à Rouen des Chambres fédérales des sociétés ouvrières, et l'idée d'une fédération élargie fit son apparition. Ce mouvement fut interrompu par la guerre et la répression qui suivit la Commune. En 1872, l'Union syndicale ouvrière de Paris fut dissoute. Cependant, on assista très rapidement à un réveil du mouvement syndical. Dès 1881, on dénombrait cinq cents chambres syndicales dans l'e...
Dictionnaire en ligne:
DONNÉ, -ÉE, participe passé, adjectif et substantif.
retrouver en face d'une édition des oeuvres de Joubert assumée cette fois par Champion... CHARLES DU BOS, Journal, 1924, page 136. III.— Emploi comme substantif. A.— Substantif masculin singulier (avec valeur de neutre) Donné. " Ce qui est immédiatement présenté à l'esprit avant que celui-ci y applique ses procédés d'élaboration " (Vocabulaire technique et critique de la philosophie (ANDRÉ LALANDE)). Synonyme : donnée (voir ce mot C). Le donné s'oppose au construit (LE VOCABULAIRE INTELLECTUEL...
Il commande des travaux de restauration à Bousiris et Elkab et fait rouvrir les carrières du Ouadi Hammamat.
d'Horus quePsammétique Ier . Son règne estplus court etmoins glorieux quecelui deson modèle :Manéthon lui accorde sixans, mais onneconnaît pasdedocument datéau-delà desaquatrième année.Sonactivité est loin d'être négligeable. Ilest bien attesté dansleNord, àTell Tmaï, TellRoba, Tellel-Faraïn, Saqqaraet Memphis, oùunApis estenterré enl'an 2de son règne. Onaretrouvé traceégalement duculte d'une deses statues àAkhmîm, etl'on suppose qu'ilestàl'origine, dansletemple d'Amon-Rê deKarnak, delaconstruct...
Le basket-ball aux États-Unis (Exposé – Sports & Loisirs – Collège/Lycée)
En chiffre absolu -Will Chamberlain ................ 23 924 -Bill Russell ................ ............ 21 620 -Kareem Abdui -Jabbar ........ 17 440 -Elvin Hayes ................... ......... 16 279 -Mose s Malone ...................... 16 279 LES MEILLEURS MARQUEURS DE PANIERS En pourcentage de réussite -Artis Gilmore ........... ................. 59,9 -Mark West ................... ......... .... 58,0 -Shaquille O'Neal ...................... 57,9 -Steve Jo...
- France (histoire)
Petit essai d'historiographie : Race et Histoire, Claude LEVI-STRAUSS
George Duthuit Peggy Guggenheim., ou encore trois grands de l'ethnologie américaine, Robert Lowie A.L.Kroeber etle retraité Boas ; mais la rencontre décisive du linguiste Jakobson lui fait prendre conscience du potentiel de laméthode structurale. Il enseigne alors au Etats-Unis avant de rentrer en France en 1947, via Londres. L'annéesuivante, il est nommé chercheur au CNRS et soutien sa thèse sur Les structures élémentaires de la parenté (1949) devant le doyen de la Sorbonne, Davy, président du...
World War I .
and troops to Europe from the United States and other overseas sources. In 1914 Britain implemented a sea blockade of Germany to prevent the delivery of importssuch as food and war materials. The same year, Germany began using submarines to disrupt Allied seaborne traffic and prevent supplies from reaching Britain. In 1915Germany instituted a submarine blockade around Britain. From February 1915 to September 1915 and again in 1917, Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare,sinking ships withou...
- Le siècle de Louis XIV
Martin Luther King, Jr.
disorder that local white officials would be forced to end segregation to restore normal business relations. The strategy did not work in Albany. During months ofprotests, Albany’s police chief jailed hundreds of demonstrators without visible police violence. Eventually the protesters’ energy, and the money to bail out protesters,ran out. The strategy did work, however, in Birmingham, Alabama, when SCLC joined a local protest during the spring of 1963. The protest was led by SCLC member FredShut...
Martin Luther King, Jr.
disorder that local white officials would be forced to end segregation to restore normal business relations. The strategy did not work in Albany. During months ofprotests, Albany’s police chief jailed hundreds of demonstrators without visible police violence. Eventually the protesters’ energy, and the money to bail out protesters,ran out. The strategy did work, however, in Birmingham, Alabama, when SCLC joined a local protest during the spring of 1963. The protest was led by SCLC member FredShut...
- The way in which companies frame themselves, their products and their clients
Brian Mulroney.
At the party convention Mulroney was one of the candidates who ran against Clark. This time Mulroney did not have to contend with a rival candidate from Québec. Healso had the support of the remnants of the Diefenbaker faction—who disliked Clark even more than they disliked Mulroney. Mulroney was also endorsed by asubstantial group of members of Parliament; this endorsement helped allay concerns about whether he could provide effective leadership in Parliament. Mulroney waselected leader of the...
Brian Mulroney - Canadian History.
At the party convention Mulroney was one of the candidates who ran against Clark. This time Mulroney did not have to contend with a rival candidate from Québec. Healso had the support of the remnants of the Diefenbaker faction—who disliked Clark even more than they disliked Mulroney. Mulroney was also endorsed by asubstantial group of members of Parliament; this endorsement helped allay concerns about whether he could provide effective leadership in Parliament. Mulroney waselected leader of the...
Fungus - biology.
Many fungi can reproduce by the fragmentation of their hyphae. Each fragment develops into a new individual. Yeast, a small, single-celled fungus, reproduces bybudding, in which a bump forms on the yeast cell, eventually partitioning from the cell and growing into a new yeast cell. V CLASSIFICATION OF FUNGI Scientists have long disagreed about how to classify fungi, and the classification systems are still developing. The first description of fungi was published in 1729 byItalian botanist Pier...
romain, art - peinture.
2.3. 1 Les temples Les temples romains présentent des formes variées, dans lesquelles s’expriment les héritages étrusque et grec, mais aussi un goût original pour l’ampleur des volumes, la richesse du décor, la mise en scène. Les plus nombreux sont rectangulaires, mais il existe aussi des temples ronds. Le cœur du temple est la cella, salle qui abrite la statue de culte. Dans un temple courant, un vestibule (le pronaos) précède la cella ; des portiques bordent certaines faces ou entourent l...
romain, art - sculpture.
2.3. 1 Les temples Les temples romains présentent des formes variées, dans lesquelles s’expriment les héritages étrusque et grec, mais aussi un goût original pour l’ampleur des volumes, la richesse du décor, la mise en scène. Les plus nombreux sont rectangulaires, mais il existe aussi des temples ronds. Le cœur du temple est la cella, salle qui abrite la statue de culte. Dans un temple courant, un vestibule (le pronaos) précède la cella ; des portiques bordent certaines faces ou entourent l...
Library of Congress.
manuscripts, books, and films. The Digital Library’s eventual goal is to make available 80 million items from the Library of Congress’s collection that are not easilyavailable elsewhere. V ORGANIZATION AND FUNDING The librarian of Congress serves as the director of the institution. Tradition, politics, and strong personalities have shaped the function of this office. Although the Libraryof Congress was established in 1800, the office of librarian was not created until passage of a law in 1802....
Guyana - country.
European patterns of living. People of mixed African and European ancestry form a distinct group in Guyana, maintaining closer social ties to the European communitythan to the African Guyanese community. Asians from the Indian subcontinent began to arrive in the 19th century, following the abolition of slavery in Guyana, to work as indentured and contract laborers. Theycontinued to arrive until 1917, when Britain outlawed indentured servitude. Thousands of Indians chose to remain in Guyana after...
Richard Nixon.
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
Richard Nixon
As President Eisenhower neared the end of his second term, his vice president emerged as his logical successor, and the president endorsed Nixon in March. Nixonreceived an impressive vote in party primaries, and at the Republican National Convention, held in Chicago in July, he received all but ten of the delegates’ votes on thefirst ballot. Nixon chose as his running mate the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts. An unusual feature of the campaign wasa serie...
- Livre du professeur 4eme hatier
Myanmar - geographie.
Die Amtssprache ist das Birmanische, das zu den siehe sinotibetischen Sprachen gehört und von etwa zwei Dritteln der Bevölkerung gesprochen wird. Das birmanische Alphabet stützt sich auf das Sanskrit und auf eine Form des Alphabets der Pali- Sprache, in der die heiligen Schriften des Buddhismus überliefert sind ( siehe indische Sprachen). Rund 15 Prozent der Bevölkerung sprechen Shan und Karen, der übrige Teil spricht Mon; gebildete Birmanen sprechen außerdem Englisch. Zudem gibt es einebeac...
- guerre froide
modern Lebanon; the Principality of Antioch, in modern Syria; and the County of Edessa, in modern northern Syria and southern Turkey. IV CRUSADES OF THE 12TH CENTURY The Crusades of the 12th century, through the end of the Third Crusade in 1192, illustrate the tensions and problems that plagued the enterprise as a whole. For thelords of Outremer a compromise with the residents and Muslim powers made sense; they could not live in constant warfare. And yet as European transplants theydepended on...
Crusades .
modern Lebanon; the Principality of Antioch, in modern Syria; and the County of Edessa, in modern northern Syria and southern Turkey. IV CRUSADES OF THE 12TH CENTURY The Crusades of the 12th century, through the end of the Third Crusade in 1192, illustrate the tensions and problems that plagued the enterprise as a whole. For thelords of Outremer a compromise with the residents and Muslim powers made sense; they could not live in constant warfare. And yet as European transplants theydepended on...
St. Louis (city) - geography.
St. Louis (city) or Saint Louis,
Between 1940 and 1990 the black population in metropolitan St. Louis nearly tripled. Blacks are most heavily concentrated in three areas in the St. Louis metropolitanregion: East Saint Louis, the North Side close to downtown, and an east-west belt extending from the waterfront to beyond Forest Park. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, areas to the north and south of the central business district were settled by immigrant working families from Germany, Ireland,and many Eastern European countrie...
- Belgique
À l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie, la France occupe une
position charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Europe du Sud.
Géographie Les conditions naturelles Ni le relief, ni les sols, ni les conditions climatiques n'ont été des obstacles au peuplement et au développement économique. La France n'a certes pas de climat qui permette plusieurs récoltes par an, ni de delta particulièrement fertile, mais elle ne connaît aucun facteur physique trop contraignant, n'est pas affectée d'une grande probabilité de risques naturels majeurs, et bénéficie par ailleurs d'une grande diversité de terroirs. L'évolution géolog...
Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire, political entity of lands in western and central Europe, founded by Charlemagne in
800 and dissolved by Emperor Francis II in 1806.
acquired the imperial title and an area running from the North Sea through Lotharingia (Lorraine) and Burgundy to northern Italy; Louis II received East Francia (theGerman duchies of Saxony, Swabia, and Bavaria). In 870 Lothair’s middle kingdom was divided by the Treaty of Mersen, which gave Lotharingia to East Francia and therest to West Francia. This division created the foundation for today’s states of Germany and France, respectively; however, in the 9th century these were highly fractured d...
Holy Roman Empire .
acquired the imperial title and an area running from the North Sea through Lotharingia (Lorraine) and Burgundy to northern Italy; Louis II received East Francia (theGerman duchies of Saxony, Swabia, and Bavaria). In 870 Lothair’s middle kingdom was divided by the Treaty of Mersen, which gave Lotharingia to East Francia and therest to West Francia. This division created the foundation for today’s states of Germany and France, respectively; however, in the 9th century these were highly fractured d...
Science de gestion
Au niveau de termes juridiques diff é rents, l ’ entreprise est diff é rente selon le type de propri é t é que ce soit public, priv é ou encore coop é ratif. Elle est diff é rente selon la personnalit é juridique: morale et physique. Du point de vue des dimensions é conomiques, le statut de l ’ entreprise varie: • selon les effectifs avec d ’ un cot é PME (entreprises qui ont moins de 249 salari é s) et les grandes entreprises: micro entreprise (1 à 9 salari é s), petites entrepri...
Albania - country.
Joining the international community in its concern over the degradation of the environment, Albania is party to international agreements concerning biodiversity, climatechange, and wetlands. III THE PEOPLE OF ALBANIA In 2008 Albania’s population estimate was 3,619,778, resulting in an average density of 132 persons per sq km (342 per sq mi). More and more people have left ruralareas for urban ones, particularly in the northern districts, such that in 2005 some 45 percent of the population live...
- Italie
Ireland - country.
F Plants and Animals Ireland’s animal life does not differ markedly from that of England or France. Over many centuries of human settlement almost all of Ireland’s natural woodlands werecleared, and indigenous animals such as bear, wolf, wildcat, beaver, wild cattle, and the giant Irish deer (a type of fallow deer) gradually disappeared. However, thehardy and versatile Connemara pony, Ireland’s only native pony breed, has been used by Irish farmers since prehistoric times. The great auk, or gar...
President of the United States.
Democrats and Republicans—select delegates to attend their party conventions. Primary voters and caucus participants choose delegates who will support their favoredcandidate at the convention. The party conventions, held in the summer before the November general election, formally nominate the winner of the primaries andcaucuses. Would-be candidates crisscross the states that hold the earliest primaries, especially New Hampshire, which holds the country’s first primary, usually in mid-February....
Afghanistan - country.
D Climate Most of Afghanistan has a subarctic mountain climate with dry and cold winters, except for the lowlands, which have arid and semiarid climates. In the mountains and afew of the valleys bordering Pakistan, a fringe effect of the Indian monsoon, coming usually from the southeast, brings moist maritime tropical air in summer.Afghanistan has clearly defined seasons: Summers are hot and winters can be bitterly cold. Summer temperatures as high as 49°C (120°F) have been recorded in thenorth...
Native Americans of Middle and South America.
A line that snakes across central Mexico near the Tropic of Cancer forms the northern boundary of Mesoamerica; north of this line rainfall sharply declines and theclimate is much drier. The ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica all arose and developed in the area between this line and the Guatemalan highlands far to the south. Richvolcanic soils are found throughout much of the region. A2 People and Languages Mesoamerica was a great melting pot, home to many peoples and interrelated cultures. In...
COUPE1, substantif féminin.
IV, 5, page 30 ). B.— Spécialement. SPORTS. Prix décerné au vainqueur d'une compétition sportive et consistant en une coupe ou, par analogie, quelque autre objet d'art de métal précieux. Dans toutes les devantures (...) des coupes de victoire sont exposées parmi les palmiers (PAUL MORAND, New-York, 1930, page 256 ). — Par métonymie. La compétition sportive elle-même. La coupe Davis; gagner, courir la coupe. Les grands triomphateurs des huitièmes de finale de la coupe de France (JEAN GUÉHENNO, Jo...
United Kingdom - country.
B Natural Regions and Topography The island of Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions—the highland zone and the lowland zone. The highland zone is an area of high hills andmountains in the north and west. The lowland zone in the south and east consists mostly of rolling plains. The zones are divided by an imaginary line running throughEngland from the River Exe on the southwest coast to the mouth of the River Tees on the northeast coast. The lowland zone has a milder climat...
- Histoire Des Relations Internationales Contemporaines (1949-1991) - Politique
sur scène pour modifier la pensée des gens. Par exemple l'espèce de morale dans Le Tartuffe de Molière est que lesfaux dévots finissent toujours mal et la justice gagne toujours. Donc en quelque sorte le théâtre doit êtrereprésenté pour refléter les défauts de la société.Enfin, la représentation est aussi favorisé par le fait d'être spectateur et pouvoir aller au théâtre sentir les émotionsdevant soi, contrairement a lire tout seul. De même au théâtre il ne faut pas lire de didascalies pui...
- Cours d'institutions juridictionelle
- Droit administratif