905 résultats pour "asie"
Fiche de synthèse sur les relations internationales de 1945 à nos jours
• Ostpolitik de W. Brandt inconcevable en dehors du contexte de la Détente• Négociations et accords sur la limitation des armements nucléaires :▪ Traité de Non prolifération 1968▪ SALT 1 : 1972• Conférence d'Helsinki : 1° conférence depuis la 2° GM qui rassemble des Etats européens de l'Est et de l'Ouest qui prennent des engagements visant à apaiser lestensions sur le continent (respect des frontières, respect des droits de l'Homme…) Les limites de la détente1° point important : deux zones de c...
Sistema nervioso - ciencias de la naturaleza.
de organismos. En los animales simples, como los cnidarios, las células nerviosas forman una red capaz de mediar respuestas estereotipadas. En los animales máscomplejos, como crustáceos, insectos y arañas, el sistema nervioso es más complicado. Los cuerpos celulares de las neuronas están organizados en grupos llamadosganglios, que se interconectan entre sí formando las cadenas ganglionares. Estas cadenas están presentes en todos los vertebrados, en los que representan una parteespecial del siste...
economic and demographic trends, and (7) welfare incentives. A Overpopulation Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people with too few resources and too little space, is closely associated with poverty. It can result from highpopulation density (the ratio of people to land area, usually expressed as numbers of persons per square kilometer or square mile) or from low amounts of resources, or from both. Excessively high population densities put stress on available resources....
Genética - ciencias de la naturaleza.
5 HERENCIA CUANTITATIVA Los caracteres que se expresan como variaciones en cantidad o extensión, como el peso, la talla o el grado de pigmentación, suelen depender de muchos genes, así comode las influencias del medio. Con frecuencia, los efectos de genes distintos parecen ser aditivos, es decir, parece que cada gen produce un pequeño incremento o descensoindependiente de los otros genes. Por ejemplo, la altura de una planta puede estar determinada por una serie de cuatro genes: A, B, C y D....
Tiger - biology.
have a simple digestive system designed to process meat so that the nutrients can be readily absorbed into the bloodstream. With the exception of white tigers, which have blue eyes, all tigers have yellow eyes. Tigers mainly use vision to find prey. Although tigers see about as well as humansduring the day, their large eye openings gather more light than do human eyes, making tiger night vision far superior to that of humans. In addition, a special structurein the tiger’s eye, called the tapetu...
- Las flores del mal
démographie, étude de la population humaine, de sa structure et de son évolution, d'un point de vue quantitatif et qualitatif.
8,3 p. 1 000 en Allemagne et 14,1 p. 1000 aux États-Unis) et un indice synthétique de fécondité tournant autour de 2 (1,9 en France en 2006). Le renouvellement des générations (garanti si chaque personne a en moyenne un seul descendant dans la génération suivante) est assuré avec 2,1 enfants par femme(dans les pays industrialisés). 3.3. 2 L’espérance de vie et le taux de mortalité L’espérance de vie à la naissance est la durée de vie moyenne qu’une personne peut espérer atteindre dans un pays d...
Rice - biology.
V HISTORY According to the most widely accepted theory, rice cultivation originated as early as 10,000 BC in Asia. Archaeological evidence shows that rice was grown in Thailand as early as 4000 BC, and over the centuries spread to China, Japan, and Indonesia. By 400 BC rice was cultivated in the Middle East and Africa. The invading armies of Alexander the Great probably introduced rice to Greece and nearby Mediterranean countries around 330 BC. Rice was brought to the American colonies in t...
Cambio climático - geografía.
relevante que influye en la dinámica del clima en la Tierra. El hielo presente en las regiones polares proporciona datos sobre la composición de la antigua atmósfera de la Tierra. Los núcleos de hielo analizados por los científicos,procedentes de las placas de hielo de Groenlandia y de la Antártida, ofrecen información sobre la temperatura y los gases de efecto invernadero presentes en la atmósferade hace cientos de miles de años. Las capas de estos núcleos de hielo formadas por las nevadas esta...
Cambio climático - ciencias de la naturaleza.
relevante que influye en la dinámica del clima en la Tierra. El hielo presente en las regiones polares proporciona datos sobre la composición de la antigua atmósfera de la Tierra. Los núcleos de hielo analizados por los científicos,procedentes de las placas de hielo de Groenlandia y de la Antártida, ofrecen información sobre la temperatura y los gases de efecto invernadero presentes en la atmósferade hace cientos de miles de años. Las capas de estos núcleos de hielo formadas por las nevadas esta...
Pakistán - geografía.
3 POBLACIÓN El sustrato étnico de la población de Pakistán es muy variado, debido en gran medida a que el país se encuentra en una región que ha sido repetidamente invadida desdetiempos inmemoriales. La población proviene de grupos étnicos como drávidas, arios, griegos, escitas, hunos, árabes, mongoles, persas, turcos y afganos. En la actualidad,los punjabíes constituyen la mayoría de la población. 3.1 Características de la población La población de Pakistán (según estimaciones para 2008) era...
dinosaures - paléontologie.
4.1. 1 Stégosaures et ankylosaures Les stégosaures et les ankylosaures forment le groupe des thyréophores. C’étaient des quadrupèdes de taille moyenne (3 à 10 m de long). Les stégosaures étaient surtoutrépandus au jurassique supérieur. Ils étaient caractérisés par un dos bombé portant deux rangées d’épines ou de plaques osseuses de forme plus ou moins triangulaire,dressées le long de l’épine dorsale très voûtée et de la queue. On pense que ces plaques jouaient un rôle dans la régulation thermiq...
Ottoman Empire - history.
Süleyman ISüleyman I, the sultan of the Ottoman Empire during its zenith, became known in the western world as Süleyman the Magnificent. Hewas known among his own people as the Lawgiver because he revised the legal system of the empire. Süleyman had several sons,two of whom he executed after quarreling with them.Culver Pictures Bayazid died in captivity, a suicide according to some accounts, and a struggle for succession to the sultanate broke out among his sons. Muhammad I (reigned 1413-1421)ev...
Monkey (animal) - biology.
traveling in troops, often take turns acting as sentinel, making specific alarm calls to alert their companions to approaching danger. In trees, monkeys have other waysof outwitting their enemies. Capuchins, for example, sometimes fend off inquisitive predators by urinating on them from high above or by jumping up and down tomake dead branches fall on the predators. Most monkeys can breed at any time of the year, so their troops often contain young of many different ages. Courtship is typically...
Shrimp - biology.
shrimp have a maximum length of about 20 cm (8 in). On the West Coast, the Franciscan Bay shrimp is caught commercially. Freshwater shrimp are most common in warm parts of the world. They include river shrimp, edible shrimp that are trapped or farmed in the tropics, and also all trueshrimp that have become adapted for life in caves. Cave shrimp are typically pale, with vestigial (nonfunctioning) eyes, and they find their way mainly by touch. Decapod shrimp also include animals that are rarely ea...
Tectónica de placas - ciencias de la naturaleza.
continentales señalada por el famoso geólogo vienés Eduard Suess, hacia 1880. Reconoció un ‘tipo atlántico’ de margen, identificado por el truncado abrupto de antiguascadenas montañosas y por estructuras hendidas, y un ‘tipo pacífico’, marcado por montañas dispuestas en cordilleras paralelas, por líneas de volcanes y por terremotosfrecuentes. Para muchos geólogos, las costas de tipo pacífico parecen estar localizadas donde los geosinclinales se deforman y se elevan para formar montañas. 3 EXPANS...
Kelmscott Chaucer
The Kelmscott Chaucer was published in 1896 by William Morris' company, the Kelmscott Press.
B Medieval European Books Illustration of Saint Mark in the Ebbo GospelsThis is a page from the illuminated manuscript known as the Ebbo Gospels (about 816-835). It depicts Saint Mark lookingheavenward for inspiration as he writes his gospel account, and is drawn in an expressive, energetic style typical ofmedieval art of that period. The full name of the Ebbo Gospels is the Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims. This pagemeasures about 25 by 20 cm (about 10 by 8 in).Bridgeman Art Library, Lo...
Jakarta - geography.
voluntary movement of families to Indonesia's less populated islands). Jakarta is a magnet for migrants from other areas of Indonesia; during the late 1980s an estimated 250 migrants arrived daily. Most were between the ages of 15 and39 years, many with six years of education or less. There is also a significant number of commuters and seasonal migrants who work in government, manufacturing,and services. In addition, many of these temporary residents are engaged in informal employment as drivers...
Middle East - geography.
years.Spectrum Colour Library Apart from the Nile River, which provides much of the water supply and irrigation systems of Egypt, and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, which supply Iraq, Syria, andTurkey, there are no major rivers or navigable waterways. The Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias) in northern Israel, fed from the north by the shallow, unnavigable JordanRiver, provides Israel’s main source of fresh water. With such a limited water supply, access to water for drinking, irrigation, and hydro...
Metabolismo - ciencias de la naturaleza.
Tanto los sistemas mecánicos como los orgánicos desprenden también grandes cantidades de energía calorífica y proporciones pequeñas de energía útil. El músculo animalrinde casi una caloría útil por cada cuatro desprendidas en forma de calor. Pero, en los organismos animales el calor no se desperdicia por completo, pues es muy necesario—sobre todo en los animales de sangre caliente— para conservar la temperatura del cuerpo y para inducir las reacciones metabólicas, que a temperaturas más bajas se...
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar (100-44
Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal in Rome's transition from republic to empire.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
Julius Caesar.
V CROSSING THE RUBICON In 52 BC, with Crassus out of the way, Pompey was made sole consul. Combined with his other powers, this gave him a formidable position. Jealous of his younger rival, he determined to break Caesar’s power. To achieve this objective, he first needed to deprive Caesar of the forces he commanded in Gaul. Pompey ordered him toreturn to Rome without his troops. To protect himself, Caesar suggested that he and Pompey both lay down their commands simultaneously, but this propos...
L'Empire perse
cadres nationaux, il a divisé son empire en vingt satrapies. Il a unifié la monnaie en faisant frapper la darique d'or. Ila unifié l'impôt en prélevant 10 % du revenu des terres. Il a favorisé le commerce en construisant des routes et encreusant des canaux. Il a achevé le canal commencé par le roi d'Égypte, Néchao II, reliant la mer Rouge à laMéditerranée, et mettant ainsi en rapport l'économie des Indes et celle de la Méditerranée. Il veut que son empiredomine l'économie universelle, mai...
Vertebrados - ciencias de la naturaleza.
tarde originará el cerebro) es pequeño con respecto al resto del encéfalo (cerebro, cerebelo y tronco cerebral) y se encarga de recibirinformación procedente de los sentidos. En reptiles y anfibios, el telencéfalo es más grande en proporción y comienza a enlazar lasinformaciones recibidas y a procesarlas. Las aves tienen unos lóbulos ópticos que están bien desarrollados; por ello el telencéfalo esmás grande. En los mamíferos, el telencéfalo predomina en la estructura cerebral. El más desarrollad...
Canadian Pacific Railway - Canadian History.
roads constructed inland from the lakeshore. However, this changed with the outbreak in Saskatchewan of the Northwest Rebellion by Louis Riel and his supportersagainst the authority of the Canadian government in March 1885. Despite the fact that the railway was not completed, a contingent of troops was able to reachWinnipeg from Montréal in only seven days, much faster than they could have gone overland, and get from there to Saskatchewan in time to successfully put down therebellion. This actio...
- Chine
Ave - ciencias de la naturaleza.
© Microsoft Corporation. Reservados todos los derechos. Las mandíbulas de las aves actuales se alargan como picos sin dientes y están cubiertas con una capa córnea llamada la ranfoteca. En la mayoría de las especies es dura,pero también puede ser correosa, como en los andarríos y en los patos. La ausencia de dientes reduce el peso del cráneo. Anatomía del alaNomenclatura de las distintas plumas del ala de un ave. Las plumas de las alas son responsables tanto de la elevación como de lapropulsión...
Aegean Civilization .
warlike. The styles are also more formal and geometric than those of earlier examples, anticipating the art of classical Greece. A typical Mycenaean city had, at its center, the fortress palace of the king. The cities were fortified with massive structures of unevenly cut stones, known as Cyclopeanwalls. The Linear B tablets from this time include names of Greek gods, such as Zeus, and contain detailed records of royal possessions. The gold masks, weapons, andjewelry found by Schliemann at the r...
Aegean Civilization - USA History.
warlike. The styles are also more formal and geometric than those of earlier examples, anticipating the art of classical Greece. A typical Mycenaean city had, at its center, the fortress palace of the king. The cities were fortified with massive structures of unevenly cut stones, known as Cyclopeanwalls. The Linear B tablets from this time include names of Greek gods, such as Zeus, and contain detailed records of royal possessions. The gold masks, weapons, andjewelry found by Schliemann at the r...
- Japon
Moscow (city, Russia) - geography.
V RECREATION About 30 percent of Moscow’s territory is occupied by parks and public gardens, which were important elements of Soviet city planning. Gorky Park, which providesactivities such as amusement rides and boating, sits on the right bank of the Moscow River; the park’s display of a retired Soviet space shuttle dominates the riverside.The Moscow Zoo is located just west of the city center. The Botanical Gardens, administered by the Russian Academy of Sciences, offers a diverse display of...
Fiches de synthèse Vaisse Relations internationales
CHAPITRE 1 : NAISSANCE ET CONFRONTATION D’UN MONDE BIPOLAIRE (1945-1955) Introduction : La Seconde Guerre mondiale affaiblit le continent européen qui perd son rôle prééminent. - cela confirme les conséquences de la Première Guerre mondiale - ce déclin est dû au fait que les combats ont particulièrement affecté l’Europe. Cela se traduit par : - la perte de puissance des grands pays européens (Fr, Ang …) - l’émergence de deux supergrands pouvant faire figures de modèles...
- El tiempo en el cine
Indian Literature
Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things
Indian author Arundhati Roy poses with a copy of her acclaimed first novel, The God of Small Things (1997).
Mathura BuddhaMany of the earliest texts of Indian literature were religious writings of Buddhism. This Buddha figure carved out ofsandstone is from Mathura, a city in northern India that was at the center of Buddhist sculptural activity from the 2ndcentury bc to the 6th century ad.Angelo Hornak/Corbis The sacred Vedas were composed in Old Sanskrit by Aryan poet-seers between about 1500 BC and about 1000 BC. The Vedas are compilations of two major literary forms: hymns of praise to nature deit...
India - country.
delta in the north, are intensely farmed. B Rivers and Lakes The rivers of India can be divided into three groups: the great Himalayan rivers of the north, the westward-flowing rivers of central India, and the eastward-flowingrivers of the Deccan Plateau and the rest of peninsular India. Only small portions of India’s rivers are navigable because of silting and the wide seasonal variation inwater flow (due to the monsoon climate). Water transport is thus of little importance in India. Barrages,...
Slavery in Africa.
The spread of Islam from Arabia into Africa after the religion’s founding in the 7th century AD affected the practice of slavery and slave trading in West, Central, and East Africa. Arabs had practiced slave raiding and trading in Arabia for centuries prior to the founding of Islam, and slavery became a component of Islamic traditions.Both the Qur'an (Koran) (the sacred scripture of Islam) and Islamic religious law served to codify and justify the existence of slavery. As Muslim Arabs conquered...
Japan - country.
island’s fertile soils support agriculture and provide the vast majority of Japan’s pasturelands. In addition, Hokkaidō contains coal deposits, and the cold currents off itsshores supply cold-water fish. Winters are long and harsh, so most of Hokkaid ō is lightly settled, housing about 5 percent of Japan’s population on approximately 20 percent of its land area. However,its snowy winters and unspoiled natural beauty attract many skiers and tourists. Hokkaid ō is thought of as Japan’s northern fr...
organizations as the League of Nations in 1920 and the United Nations in 1945, and détente (suggested for scaling down the cold war). See Arms Control. Modern antiwar sentiment and organized peace movements are derived in large part from the beliefs of religious sects such as the Society of Friends and the MennoniteChurch. The first peace societies in history were established in the U.S. in 1815, and since then pacifists have actively opposed wars and conscription, and promoted thecause of con...
Roman Mythology.
Her temple on the Aventine Hill in Rome was a center for organizations of skilled craftspeople. According to tradition, in 509 BC the dynasty of Etruscan kings ended and the Roman Republic was founded. The republic was ruled by two chief magistrates, called consuls, who were elected by the people to one-year terms. During the time of the republic, the Capitoline temple became the most important public shrine of theRoman people and the focus of public worship. Each January, the new consuls offer...
Dolphin (aquatic mammal) - biology.
Scientists have observed dolphins displaying three types of caregiving behaviors: standing by, excitement, and supporting. In standing-by behavior, dolphins remain inthe vicinity of an injured or ill companion without offering aid. In excitement behavior, dolphins swim swiftly in circles around an injured dolphin, responding aggressivelytoward threats to the injured animal. For instance, they may bite harpoon lines or charge boats that come too close to the animal. In supporting behavior, one or...
modern Lebanon; the Principality of Antioch, in modern Syria; and the County of Edessa, in modern northern Syria and southern Turkey. IV CRUSADES OF THE 12TH CENTURY The Crusades of the 12th century, through the end of the Third Crusade in 1192, illustrate the tensions and problems that plagued the enterprise as a whole. For thelords of Outremer a compromise with the residents and Muslim powers made sense; they could not live in constant warfare. And yet as European transplants theydepended on...
Crusades .
modern Lebanon; the Principality of Antioch, in modern Syria; and the County of Edessa, in modern northern Syria and southern Turkey. IV CRUSADES OF THE 12TH CENTURY The Crusades of the 12th century, through the end of the Third Crusade in 1192, illustrate the tensions and problems that plagued the enterprise as a whole. For thelords of Outremer a compromise with the residents and Muslim powers made sense; they could not live in constant warfare. And yet as European transplants theydepended on...
Thailand - geographie.
Staatliche Feiertage sind der Neujahrstag, das chinesische Neujahrsfest, der Chakri-Tag (6. April), der Krönungstag (5. Mai), der Geburtstag der Königin (12. August), derChulalongkorn-Tag (23. Oktober), der Geburtstag des Königs (5. Dezember), der Verfassungstag (10. Dezember) und Silvester. Von Bedeutung sind auch diebuddhistischen Feiertage Makha Bucha, Asalaha Bucha und Visakha Bucha, die an wichtige Ereignisse in der Geschichte des Buddhismus erinnern und von Jahr zu Jahr auf unterschie...
George Herbert Walker Bush.
Lebanon. More troubling was the disclosure that agents operating under direct White House supervision used profits from the arms sales to buy weapons for thecontras, a group of anti-government Nicaraguan rebels, despite an explicit congressional ban on such aid. Bush later claimed that he opposed the arms-for-hostagesdeal, but offered little evidence to back his claims ( see Iran-Contra Affair). C 1988 Presidential Election While the Reagan-Bush program helped produce prosperity for the wealth...
George Herbert Walker Bush - USA History.
Lebanon. More troubling was the disclosure that agents operating under direct White House supervision used profits from the arms sales to buy weapons for thecontras, a group of anti-government Nicaraguan rebels, despite an explicit congressional ban on such aid. Bush later claimed that he opposed the arms-for-hostagesdeal, but offered little evidence to back his claims ( see Iran-Contra Affair). C 1988 Presidential Election While the Reagan-Bush program helped produce prosperity for the wealth...
Library (institution).
rooms, special galleries for exhibitions, auditoriums for lectures or concerts, computer rooms, children’s rooms, photocopy rooms, and classrooms. A3 Lending Materials As part of their mission to provide information resources to the community, public libraries allow users to borrow items from their collections for limited amounts of time.To be eligible to borrow public library materials, a user must register her or his name, address, and other basic information with the local library’s circulat...
loose soil in this region, known as the Fertile Crescent, was easily scratched for planting, and an abundance of trees was available for firewood. By 5000 BC, farming communities were established in areas known today as Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Greece, and the islands of Crete and Cyprus. Agricultural societies in these places constructed stone buildings, used the sickle to harvest grain, developed a primitive plowstick, and advanced their skills inmetalworking. Trade in flint al...
Yemen - country.
port. Al Ḩudaydah (155,110), in the Tih āmah, is the second largest port. Ta‘izz, (178,043), in the highlands above Aden, is an important commercial and light industrialcenter. Among Yemen’s larger towns are Şa‘dah, far to the north; Dham ār, Yarim, and Ibb, in the middle region; Al Mukall ā, on the southern coast; and in Hadhramaut,the towns of Shib ām, Say‘ ūn, and Tar īm. C Language Nearly all Yemenis speak Arabic. However, the country’s extremely rugged terrain, widely separated population...
In many traditional societies, marriage typically involved transfers of property from the parents to their marrying children or from one set of parents to the other. Thesecustoms persist in some places today and are part of the tradition of arranged marriages. For example, in some cultures the bride’s parents may give property (knownas a dowry) to the new couple. The practice of giving dowries has been common in countries such as Greece, Egypt, India, and China from ancient times until thepresen...
Olympic Games.
the next decade nearly all the ISFs abolished the distinction between amateurs and professionals, accepting so-called open Games. One of the most visible examples of the policy change came in 1992, when professional players from the National Basketball Association (NBA) were permitted to play inthe Summer Games in Barcelona, Spain. Professionals from the National Hockey League (NHL) became eligible to participate beginning with the 1998 Winter Olympics inNagano, Japan. V CEREMONIES The Olymp...