6627 résultats pour "socialistes"
Milwaukee - geography.
acts ranging from alternative rock to country music. During the rest of the summer months, the park is the site of weekend festivals staged by Milwaukee’s majorethnic groups: Italian, Irish, German, African American, Polish, Mexican, Native American, and Asian. The Great Circus Parade, featuring the world’s largest collection ofornate circus wagons, is another staple of Milwaukee’s festival season. The Wisconsin State Fair is held annually in nearby West Allis. V RECREATION The largest single u...
Latin American Music
Tito Puente Playing the Drums
Since the 1950s American drummer Tito Puente has popularized Latin American music, especially the mambo, in the
United States.
Panpipe Music of BoliviaWell before the Spanish conquest, native peoples such as the Quechua and Aymara living in the Andes Mountains inBolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, developed a rich musical tradition. Panpipes (set of tuned pipes), made of ceramic, sugarcane,or bone were paired with shell trumpets, cane flutes, and drums, which accompanied dancers during religious and secularceremonies. Large ensembles of 4 to 20 panpipe players are still the norm, and Spanish influences have since beenintegrated...
Koala - biology.
V REPRODUCTION Female koalas become sexually mature around 18 to 24 months of age. They can produce one offspring a year until they reach about 13 years of age. Males begin toproduce sperm around age 2 and, in the absence of older, stronger males, they may breed at that young age. More often, however, a male must grow big enough tocompete with other males for females, and mating generally begins for males at about 4 years of age. The breeding season for koalas is from October to May, during the...
Canadian Architecture
L'Anse aux Meadows
In around ad 1000 Norse Vikings sailed from Greenland to North America and set up a village on the tip of what is now
the island of Newfoundland's Great Northern Peninsula.
IglooSome Inuit peoples in the Arctic regions of Canada live in domed houses of snow, or igloos, which provide good insulationand protection from wind. The word igloo comes from the Inuit iglu, meaning “house.”George Holton/Photo Researchers, Inc. Canada’s original inhabitants are known as the First Nations. At the time of European arrival, about 40 nations were scattered across Canada. Many of them lived alongthe coasts, where they could fish. These nations can be classified into five major gro...
Australia - country.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
Australia - Geography.
itself forms most of the border between New South Wales and Victoria. Considerable lengths of the Murray, Darling, and Murrumbidgee rivers are navigable during thewet seasons. The central plains region, also known as the Channel Country, is interlaced by a network of rivers. During the rainy season these rivers flood the low-lying countryside,but in dry months they become merely a series of water holes. The Victoria, Daly, and Roper rivers drain a section of the Northern Territory. In Queensland...
- Cours de droit Constitutionnel
Lester Pearson.
a vacant seat. The by-election followed a major Liberal victory in September, and as a Liberal Party candidate, Pearson won by a comfortable margin in Algoma East,Ontario. He was reelected to the House of Commons in elections between 1949 and 1965. He was immediately made secretary of state for external affairs in the cabinetof Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. In this post, Pearson set a new standard of frank exchange and cooperation that brought him respect and esteem. However, manyCanadians w...
Lester Pearson - Canadian History.
a vacant seat. The by-election followed a major Liberal victory in September, and as a Liberal Party candidate, Pearson won by a comfortable margin in Algoma East,Ontario. He was reelected to the House of Commons in elections between 1949 and 1965. He was immediately made secretary of state for external affairs in the cabinetof Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent. In this post, Pearson set a new standard of frank exchange and cooperation that brought him respect and esteem. However, manyCanadians w...
- « Philosopher, c'est secouer le joug de l'autorité » En quoi cette définition éclaire-t-elle sur la littérature des lumières ?
- perversion
India - country.
delta in the north, are intensely farmed. B Rivers and Lakes The rivers of India can be divided into three groups: the great Himalayan rivers of the north, the westward-flowing rivers of central India, and the eastward-flowingrivers of the Deccan Plateau and the rest of peninsular India. Only small portions of India’s rivers are navigable because of silting and the wide seasonal variation inwater flow (due to the monsoon climate). Water transport is thus of little importance in India. Barrages,...
- Article de presse: Le triple péché des lois Auroux
Dog, mammal generally considered to be the first domesticated animal.
French word for butterfly because it has ears that resemble butterfly wings, is a happy, friendly dog, suitable for small living spaces. The final dog group, nonsporting ,includes a wide variety of purebreds that differ in size, coat, overall appearance, and personality, from the shorthaired spotted dalmatian to the curly-haired poodle. V DOG BEHAVIOR Instinctive behaviors of the domestic dog are comparable to those of its wild relatives, the wolf, coyote, fox, and jackal. Unlike trained behavi...
Dog - biology.
French word for butterfly because it has ears that resemble butterfly wings, is a happy, friendly dog, suitable for small living spaces. The final dog group, nonsporting ,includes a wide variety of purebreds that differ in size, coat, overall appearance, and personality, from the shorthaired spotted dalmatian to the curly-haired poodle. V DOG BEHAVIOR Instinctive behaviors of the domestic dog are comparable to those of its wild relatives, the wolf, coyote, fox, and jackal. Unlike trained behavi...
United States (Overview) - country.
parts. IV UNITED STATES PEOPLE When Europeans first reached North America in the 1520s, they encountered other people—Native Americans—and they also encountered a new geography. Someimagined they were entering “a howling wilderness”—an environment filled with exotic flora and fauna but sparsely populated. In reality, they found their way to alandmass that was widely settled. But soon after the Europeans’ arrival, the population of the Americas plummeted, largely because Native Americans lacked...
Intact dilation and extraction, also referred to as a partial birth abortion, consists of partially removing the fetus from the uterus through the vaginal canal, feet first,and using suction to remove the brain and spinal fluid from the skull. The skull is then collapsed to allow complete removal of the fetus from the uterus. III SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES Abortion has become one of the most widely debated ethical issues of our time. On one side are pro-choice supporters—individuals who favor a...
- Catalogue Concours administratifs
1896 - 1921: Histoire des Etats-Unis
mondiale. I:intervention du pouvoir fédéral se fait plus pesante : 10 milliards de dollars sont prêtés aux Alliés et 26 milliards sont consacrés aux dépenses de guerre (matériel, équipements et approvisionnement, soldats). Ce renforcement de l'État fédéral est la prin cipale revendication des progressistes, la guerre devient leur alliée temporaire. Pour faire face à la guerre, le Congrès renforce les pouvoirs du président : direction de...
- Fiche de lecture le rouge et le noir
Les Antilles contemporaines
en ramenant Aristide au pouvoir en 1994. • la situation s'améliore sous la première présidence de René Préval, entre 1996 et 2000 . À cette date , Aristide revient au pouvoir~ l'issue d'élections frauduleuses . • Dés la fin de 2002 , le pays renoue avec l'Instabilité . Des manifestations et des journées de gréve générale se succèdent pour demander la démission du président accusé de dilapider les fonds publics et de laisser la population dans la mis...
cours S2 L1 droit de la famille
INTRODUCTION I - L’identification du droit de la famille On a tendance à considérer qu’il existe trois piliers du droit civil : la famille le contrat la propriété Le contrat (art 1100-1) et la propriété (art 544) ont une définition dans le Code civil mais la notion de famille ne dispose pas de définition. Le livre 1er du code civil “Des personnes” va parler du mariage, du divorce, de la filiation, de l’autorité parentale. Cela relève du droit de la famille mais ils ne sont pas ab...
allemande, littérature.
Cette mutation correspond à l’épanouissement d’un idéal, celui de la chevalerie. Le récit courtois atteint son apogée avec les œuvres de Hartmann von Aue, le premier des grands classiques du genre, qui introduit dans son pays les romans de la Table ronde et du roi Arthur ( voir cycle arthurien), ainsi que dans les œuvres de Gottfried de Strasbourg, de Wolfram von Eschenbach et de Heinrich von Veldeke. Bien que les ouvrages d’écrivains français comme Chrétien de Troyes, entre autres, aient serv...
Vice President of the United States.
naval operations. Located in northwest Washington at Massachusetts Avenue and 34th Street, the three-story Queen Anne-style house is within easy driving distance ofCapitol Hill and the White House. The vice president receives an annual salary of $189,300. The vice president has a staff and offices in the Everett M. Dirksen Senate Office Building, near the Capitol, toassist with legislative matters, as well as a personal office near the Senate lobby. The vice president also has staff and offices...
Trinidad and Tobago - country.
III PEOPLE The history of Trinidad and Tobago is reflected in the makeup of its population, among the most ethnically diverse in the Caribbean. Blacks of African ancestry andAsians of Indian ancestry each make up about 40 percent of the population. The remainder is mainly of mixed ancestry, although there are also small groups of peopleof Chinese, European, South American, and Middle Eastern descent. The ethnic diversity of Trinidad and Tobago owes its origins to slavery and its abolition. Afr...
- « Philosopher, c’est secouer le joug de l’autorité » En quoi cette définition éclaire-t-elle sur la littérature des lumières ?
- Devoir
Secrète, souvent repliée sur elle-même, la Chine depuis des
siècles fascine et inquiète l'Occident.
Himalaya Huang He Mandchourie Mongolie-Intérieure Shaanxi Shandong Shanxi Sichuan Tian Shan Tibet Xinjiang (région autonome ouïgoure du) Yangzi Jiang Les livres Chine - karst à tourelles, au Yunnan, page 1059, volume 2 Chine - Huang He (Le fleuve Jaune), page 1062, volume 2 Les aspects humains La population du pays, qui est composée à 92 % de Chinois Hans, et, pour les 8 % restants, de cinquante-quatre peuples, appelés minorités nationales, est très inégalement répartie. La côt...
- Algérie
- Le mariage de Figaro
- Le mariage de Figaro (Acte IV) - Beaumarchais
Commercial campgrounds serve as campsites for RV and car campers on the outskirts of national and state parks and along highways throughout North America.Owners of commercial campgrounds charge campers on a daily or weekly basis, and provide campsites equipped with hookups for electricity and water. They may alsoprovide such amenities as showers, laundry facilities, or a swimming pool. Many commercial campgrounds belong to a club or network that allows its members toreserve campsites in advance....
- Cours d"introduction en droit
Droit Judiciaire Privé
l’insuffisance de moyens alors que la demande est considérable et s’accroît de jour en jour. Dans un procès le rôledu DJP est souvent déterminant sur l’issue d’un litige, d’un contentieux car il est fréquent que des affaires ne soientpas tranchées sur le fond en raison de blocages procéduraux (erreurs d’assignation). II) Les caractères du DJP : Le DJ est coloré de deux traits principaux : le formalisme et le caractère impératif. A) Le formalisme : La procédure civil...
Armenia (country) - country.
because of ethnic tension brought on by a secessionist conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region inhabited predominantly by Armenians in western Azerbaijan. In thereverse direction, many Armenian refugees entered Armenia from Azerbaijan during the conflict. Armenia’s official state language is Armenian, an Indo-European language with no surviving close relatives. It has a unique 38-letter alphabet that dates from the early5th century. Of its many spoken dialects, the most important are Eastern or Y...
Les grands courants de la philosophie
Les grands courants philosophiques Idéalisme : Il s’agit d’une doctrine philosophique qui nie l’existence du monde extérieur, et réduit celui-ci aux représentations de la subjectivité. Autrement dit, les idéalistes pensent que le monde n’existe pas sans sujet pour le penser. Les idéalistes considèrent que le vrai monde, le monde réel, est celui des Idées ; le monde intelligible. Ils l’opposent au monde sensible, qui est celui de l’ignorance et de l’illusion. L'idéalisme est une doctrine q...
Latvia - country.
The population of Latvia is about 2,245,423 (2008 estimate), yielding an average population density of 35 persons per sq km (91 per sq mi). Latvia is highly urbanized.Some 66 percent of the population lives in urban areas, with nearly one-third of the total population residing in the capital, Rīga. Other important cities includeDaugavpils, an industrial center in the southeast, on the Daugava River; Liep āja, an important port on the Baltic Sea; Jelgava, an industrial center near Rîga; J ūrmala,...
Slovakia - country.
The country is divided informally into the three regions of Western Slovakia, Central Slovakia, and Eastern Slovakia, corresponding to administrative divisions that wereabolished in 1989. Most of Slovakia’s 600,000 Hungarians live in the southern parts of Western and Central Slovakia, which served as the cultural center of Hungary forseveral centuries after Hungary proper was invaded by the Ottomans in the 16th century. The Ruthenian and Ukrainian minorities are concentrated in the northernregio...
Tajikistan - country.
by more than 100 percent due to a high birth rate and improvements in medical care. During the early 1990s, however, the growth rate began to decline due to civilwar and emigration. A Ethnic Groups and Languages Tajiks constitute the largest ethnic group in Tajikistan, making up about 65 percent of the population. The peoples who live in Gorno-Badakhshan, located in the Pamirs,are classified as Tajiks, although their languages and customs are distinct. The largest minority group in the country...
Le France entre les deux guerres: Des années folles ettragiques
1927 : LA CllSE INDUSTllEW • La stabilisation du franc stoppe la croissance. Les industries exportatrices -textile, automobile, sidérurgie - entrent en crise. • Janv. Le pape Pie XI condamne l'Action française. • Mars Les dernières troupes françaises quittent la Sarre. • Sept. Les « Mousquetaires » du tennis français -Borotra, Lacoste, Cochet et Brugnon -offrent à la France sa première coupe Davis. • Déc. Henri Bel'fSOn (1859-1941) reçoit le prix Nobe...
Supreme Court of Canada.
whether the leave to appeal will be granted and the case heard by the Court. The Court has no specified criteria by which it determines whether to grant leave, and the Court does not give reasons for its decision. The key factor appears to be acase’s degree of national importance. Other factors might include the impact of uncertainty in the challenged law, the case’s appropriateness for developing the law torespond to changing social needs, and the presence of a split decision at the court of ap...
Sydney (Australia) - geography.
blocks in the eastern suburbs and around railway stations elsewhere; and homes on large lots in the outer suburbs, especially those to the northwest. For publichousing, the state government built a number of high-rise apartment blocks in run-down inner suburbs after World War II (1939-1945). These housing projects weresoon deemed unsuccessful and were discontinued because they fostered crime and other social problems. More recently, public housing has taken the form of separateor semidetached ho...
- FAIT, substantif masculin.
Ghana - country.
times of depressed cacao prices, Ghana has significantly increased exports of timber to generate needed revenue. In 1988 Ghana initiated a conservation plan called the Forest Resource Management Project. In 1989 Ghana restricted the export of 18 tree species, and in 1994 thecountry banned the export of raw logs. About 4.8 percent (1997) of the country’s land is officially protected, but illegal logging threatens Ghana’s remaining forests. Deforestation, overgrazing, and periodic drought have led...
- Primo Levi, Si c'est un homme
Laos - country.
by the year 2025. About one-quarter of Laos’s people live in mountainous regions. The rest live in upland valleys or on the flood plains of the Mekong and its tributaries.Just over three-quarters of the population live in rural areas, although the proportion of people living in urban areas is steadily increasing. Vientiane is the capital and largest city of Laos. Louangphrabang, the former royal capital, is an increasingly popular tourist destination. Other major cities are theregional capitals...
- zola l'oeuvre incipit