673 résultats pour "affectif"
À l'extrémité occidentale de l'Eurasie, la France occupe une
position charnière entre l'Europe du Nord et l'Europe du Sud.
Géographie Les conditions naturelles Ni le relief, ni les sols, ni les conditions climatiques n'ont été des obstacles au peuplement et au développement économique. La France n'a certes pas de climat qui permette plusieurs récoltes par an, ni de delta particulièrement fertile, mais elle ne connaît aucun facteur physique trop contraignant, n'est pas affectée d'une grande probabilité de risques naturels majeurs, et bénéficie par ailleurs d'une grande diversité de terroirs. L'évolution géolog...
Endocrine System.
thermostat. When the heat in a house falls, the thermostat responds by switching the furnace on, and when the temperature is too warm, the thermostat switches thefurnace off. Usually, the change that a hormone produces also serves to regulate that hormone's secretion. For example, parathyroid hormone causes the body toincrease the level of calcium in the blood. As calcium levels rise, the secretion of parathyroid hormone then decreases. This feedback mechanism allows for tight controlover hormon...
Endangered Species - biology.
Red List database assesses the status of, and threats to, animal species worldwide. To add to this and other biodiversity databases, nongovernmental organizationssuch as Conservation International and World Wildlife Fund conduct periodic rapid assessments (focused, intensive evaluations) of biodiversity in varioushotspots— regions like Madagascar that are both rich in endemic species and environmentally threatened. This information is used in the administration of international agreements such...
leukemia, and normal or mildly decreased in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Nearly all chronic leukemia patients have increased white cell counts. In chronic myelocyticleukemia, some of these leukemic white cells are capable of functioning as normal cells do by fighting infectious microbes. Hence, infection is no more common than in ahealthy individual. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia the blood contains large numbers of malignant lymphocytes that do not function normally. Normal lymphocytescoexist...
- Le rôle de l'infirmier dans la prise en
agriculture - agriculture et agroalimentaire.
de travailler vite et dans les meilleures conditions. Le travail de récolte, fondamental puisque une année d’efforts peut être ruinée ou récompensée, a connu la même évolution : récolte manuelle nécessitant des équipesnombreuses employées de façon temporaire, machines à traction animale comme la moissonneuse-lieuse, machines à traction mécanique, puis automotrices (comme lamoissonneuse-batteuse). La contrepartie de cette mécanisation est la nécessité de confier de grandes surfaces à ces machines...
Irlande (île).
En complément, voir les articles langues celtiques et littérature gaélique. 3.2 La progressive domination anglaise 3.2. 1 La bulle Laudabiliter de 1155 En 1155, le roi Henri II d'Angleterre reçoit du pape Adrien IV (un Anglais) la bulle Laudabiliter l'autorisant à prendre possession de l'île irlandaise, contre le versement d'un revenu annuel au trésor papal. Même si historiens considèrent cette bulle comme apocryphe, la situation ne change pas jusqu'à ce que Dermot MacMurrough, le roi d...
C Lotteries Lotteries are another form of gambling. In a lottery, tickets are sold for a set amount and a share of the proceeds is returned to the winners, usually through a randomdraw. Most games allow players to pick their own numbers or let a computer randomly pick for them. Lotteries offer a wide variety of games, including weekly drawings,instant “scratch” tickets, daily games, and superlottos with prizes increasing until there is a winner. Large lottery prizes sometimes exceed $100 millio...
Etude détaillée de l'oeuvre Une Vie, de Maupassant « Une vie » de Maupassant
infinie l'envahit. Elle découvrit brusquement la figure de l'enfant qu'elle n'avait pas encore vue : la fille de son fils. Etcomme la frêle créature, frappée par la lumière vive, ouvrait ses yeux bleus et remuant la bouche, Jeanne se mit àl'embrasser furieusement, la soulevant dans ses bras, la criblant de baisers. Mais Rosalie, contente et bourrue,l'arrêta. « Voyons, voyons, madame Jeanne, finnissez ; vous allez la faire crier. » Puis elle ajouta, répondant sansdoute à sa propre pensée : «...
Greenhouse Effect.
addition, humans cut down huge tracts of trees for lumber or to clear land for farming or building. This process, known as deforestation, can both release the carbonstored in trees and significantly reduce the number of trees available to absorb carbon dioxide. As a result of these human activities, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is accumulating faster than Earth’s natural processes can absorb the gas. By analyzing airbubbles trapped in glacier ice that is many centuries old, scientists have d...
Excerpt from Dombey and Son - anthology.
light. Rivers and seas were formed to float their ships; rainbows gave them promise of fair weather; winds blew for or against their enterprises; stars and planetscircled in their orbits, to preserve inviolate a system of which they were the centre. Common abbreviations took new meanings in his eyes, and had sole reference tothem. A.D. had no concern with anno Domini, but stood for anno Dombei—and Son. He had risen, as his father had before him, in the course of life and death, from Son to D...
IV RIVER PATTERNS River patterns, or general shapes, depend on the geologic zone and the climate of the location. There are four river patterns: meandering, braided, anastomosing, andstraight. A meandering pattern follows a winding, turning course. A braided pattern has connected channels that resemble a hair braid. An anastomosing river patterncombines features of the meandering and braided patterns. Some river patterns are simply straight channels. Meandering and braided are the most common...
River - Geography.
IV RIVER PATTERNS River patterns, or general shapes, depend on the geologic zone and the climate of the location. There are four river patterns: meandering, braided, anastomosing, andstraight. A meandering pattern follows a winding, turning course. A braided pattern has connected channels that resemble a hair braid. An anastomosing river patterncombines features of the meandering and braided patterns. Some river patterns are simply straight channels. Meandering and braided are the most common...
Genetics - biology.
construct identical buildings. Just as each contractor would require a full copy of the blueprint to construct a complete building, each new cell needs a complete copy ofan organism’s genetic information to function properly. Organisms use two types of cell division to ensure that DNA is passed down from cell to cell during reproduction. Simple one-celled organisms and other organisms thatreproduce asexually—that is, without the joining of cells from two different organisms—reproduce by a proces...
Ear, organ of hearing and balance. Only vertebrates, or animals
line or rotates in any direction. Each canal also contains sensory areas with sensory hair cells that project into a cone-shaped cap of gelatin. Two of the semicircularcanals are in a vertical position and are used to detect vertical movement, such as jumping or falling. The third canal is horizontal and detects horizontal movement,such as turning or spinning. The action of the canals depends on the inertia of the fluid inside. When the motion of the body changes, the fluid lags behind, causing...
Ocean and Oceanography.
of sediment. When studied in sedimentary core samples, which can represent many millions of years of deposits, they provide a detailed and continuous history of theearth’s environmental changes. The record is particularly informative for the most recent 2 million to 5 million years, during which major fluctuations in global climatehave occurred. Successive ice ages can be traced by the relative scarcity or abundance of the shells of warm-water and cold-water diatoms in various layers of asedimen...
Ocean and Oceanography - Geography.
of sediment. When studied in sedimentary core samples, which can represent many millions of years of deposits, they provide a detailed and continuous history of theearth’s environmental changes. The record is particularly informative for the most recent 2 million to 5 million years, during which major fluctuations in global climatehave occurred. Successive ice ages can be traced by the relative scarcity or abundance of the shells of warm-water and cold-water diatoms in various layers of asedimen...
- Cours droit bancaire
The Art of Theater
BBC Worldwide Americas, Inc.
Theater at EpidaurusAncient Greek dramas were performed in open-air theaters like this one in Epidaurus, Greece, which was designed byPolyclitus the Younger in 350 bc. A festival of ancient Greek drama is still held in the summer in this 14,000-seat theater.Roger Wood/Corbis Fundamental to the theater experience is the act of seeing and being seen; in fact, the word theater comes from the Greek word theatron , meaning 'seeing place.' Throughout the history of world cultures, actors have used...
Mars (planet) - astronomy.
The Martian core is probably much like Earth’s, consisting mostly of iron, with a small amount of nickel. If other light elements, particularly sulfur, exist there as well, thecore may be larger than presently thought. From studying Earth’s magnetic field and core, scientists theorize that the motions of the liquid rock in Earth’s core generateits magnetic field. Mars does not have a significant magnetic field, so scientists believe that Mars’s core is probably solid. However, spacecraft data in...
- Madame bovary
- la division du travail