5983 résultats pour "général"
Définition: AFFIRMANT, -ANTE, participe présent, adjectifet substantif.
ont dessiné la queue du pachyderme... RENÉ HUYGHE, Dialogue avec le visible, 1955, page 109. — Par analogie : 4. Presque jamais les métaphores ne se précisent, et jamais l'écrivain n'essaye de rivaliser de « rendu » avec la peinture ou la sculpture. S'il dessine un paysage, c'est d'un trait mince et qui dégage un caractère moral dont les couleurs et les lignes sont le transparent symbole. La période, un peu lente,mais souple, est adaptée au rythme de la parole intérieure qui sort du fond d'un...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
United States History - U.
and improved upon the designs of Arab sailing ships and learned to mount cannons on those ships. In the 15th century they began exploring the west coast ofAfrica—bypassing Arab merchants to trade directly for African gold and slaves. They also colonized the Madeira Islands, the Azores, and the Cape Verde Islands andturned them into the first European slave plantations. The European explorers were all looking for an ocean route to Asia. Christopher Columbus sailed for the monarchs of Spain in 149...
- The way in which companies frame themselves, their products and their clients
Zweiter Weltkrieg - Geschichte.
Mit der Jahreswende 1936/37 begann eine neue Phase nationalsozialistischer Außenpolitik. Galt es bisher, die Isolierung zu überwinden, wurde nun die „Eroberung neuenLebensraumes” zum vordringlichen Ziel. Mit der Verkündung des Vierjahresplanes auf dem Reichsparteitag der NSDAP im November 1936, der eine nochmalige Steigerungder Rüstungsproduktion und eine zukünftige Unabhängigkeit des Reiches von Importen aus dem Ausland anstrebte, nahmen die Kriegsvorbereitungen konkrete Formen an.Nach dem Ansc...
Greece - country.
minerals, such as chromium, copper, uranium, and magnesium, are relatively small. Greece’s small petroleum deposits, located under the Aegean Sea near the island ofThásos, are rapidly being depleted. There are no significant reserves of natural gas. Greece’s forests, probably abundant in ancient times, have been significantly depleted. Subsequent soil erosion has made reforestation efforts difficult. Although muchof Greece’s soil is rocky and dry, the country’s mountains are interspersed with sm...
- Le positivisme en France au XIX
New Jersey - geography.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
New Jersey - USA History.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
- le régime des mesures de polices administratives
- ABSOLU, -UE, adjectif et substantif. Définition.
- stendhal, une sociologie romanesque
Cuba - country.
Only two land mammals, the hutia, or cane rat, and the solenodon, a rare insectivore that resembles a rat, are known to be indigenous. The island has numerous batsand nearly 300 kinds of birds, including vultures, wild turkeys, quail, finches, gulls, macaws, parakeets, and hummingbirds. The bee hummingbird of Cuba is thesmallest bird in the world. Among the few reptiles are tortoises, caimans, the Cuban crocodile, and a species of boa that can attain a length of 3.7 m (12 ft). More than700 speci...
- La france est-elle un Etat unitaire
- Cours d"introduction en droit
AÉR(O)-, AÉRI-, (AÉR-, AÉRO-) élément préfixe.
aéro frein, - Synonyme : frein aérodynamique (ibidem)
AÉR(O)-, AÉRI-, (AÉR-, AÉRO-) élément préfixe.
aéro frein, - Synonyme : frein aérodynamique (ibidem)
Native Americans of North America.
addition to smallpox and measles, explorers and colonists brought a host of other diseases: bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, pleurisy, mumps,diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, yellow fever, and various sexually transmitted infections. Despite the undisputed devastation wreaked on Indian populations after European contact, native populations showed enormous regional variability in their response todisease exposure. Some peoples survived and, in some cases, even...
Native Americans of North America - Canadian History.
addition to smallpox and measles, explorers and colonists brought a host of other diseases: bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, pleurisy, mumps,diphtheria, pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, yellow fever, and various sexually transmitted infections. Despite the undisputed devastation wreaked on Indian populations after European contact, native populations showed enormous regional variability in their response todisease exposure. Some peoples survived and, in some cases, even...
United States Government.
Article II establishes an executive department headed by a president and vice president. The article further describes the powers of the offices, the manner of election,and the qualifications for office. Of special significance is the president’s constitutional role as commander of the nation’s armed forces, which assures civilian controlover the military. Because the president is the head of the armed forces and only Congress can declare war, the authority of the military is diffused and its po...
The highest elevations in Africa are found in the various ranges of East Africa. After Kilimanjaro, the next highest peaks are Mount Kenya (5,199 m/17,057 ft), north ofKilimanjaro in central Kenya; Margherita Peak (5,109 m/ 16,762 ft) in the Ruwenzori Range on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC); Ras Dashen (4,620 m/ 15,157 ft) in the Ethiopian Highlands of northern Ethiopia; Mount Meru (4,565 m/ 14,977 ft), close to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; and MountElgon (4,...
Africa - Geography.
The highest elevations in Africa are found in the various ranges of East Africa. After Kilimanjaro, the next highest peaks are Mount Kenya (5,199 m/17,057 ft), north ofKilimanjaro in central Kenya; Margherita Peak (5,109 m/ 16,762 ft) in the Ruwenzori Range on the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC); Ras Dashen (4,620 m/ 15,157 ft) in the Ethiopian Highlands of northern Ethiopia; Mount Meru (4,565 m/ 14,977 ft), close to Kilimanjaro in Tanzania; and MountElgon (4,...
Définition du terme:
COURONNANT, -ANTE, participe présent et adjectif.
Eût de sa noble main Posé le vert laurier sur le front d'un vilain. (À Hélène). Couronnez-le, madame. Il lui remet la couronne. HÉLÈNE, avec élan, allant à Pâris, Ah! de toute mon âme. Elle le couronne. LE CHOEUR, pendant le couronnement. Gloire à Pâris victorieux! HENRI MEILHAC, LUDOVIC HALÉVY, La Belle Hélène, 1865, I, 11, page 211. b) Récompenser les lauréats des concours académiques, les premiers élèves d'une classe au cours de la distribution des prix, ou une personne de grand mérite intel...
- Diderot, Le Neuveu de Rameau
Libertés et Droits fondamentaux
a. Hobbes L'Etat social sauve l'Homme d'une mort certaine. L'Etat de nature est mortel. Conséquence : le citoyen ne peut pas contester le pouvoir politique parce que la société l'a sauvé d'une mort certaine. b. Locke L'organisation de la société politique est plus efficace lorsqu'elle s'accompagne de plusieurs libertés ( notamment la séparation des pouvoirs ). Locke accepte une certaine organisation du pouvoir politique et atténue la domination. c. Rousseau Contrat social : l'Homme n'...
Israel (country) - country.
harbor in the northern part of the country, and Ashdod, an artificial deepwater port to the south, serve as the main seaports on the Mediterranean. The port of Elat onthe Gulf of Aqaba provides Israel’s only access to the Red Sea, making it extremely important to the country’s shipping interests. D Natural Resources Although much of Israel’s desert regions contain poor soils, the northern Negev, the coastal plains, and the interior valleys provide patches of productive soils. Anestimated 18 per...
- Paraguay
- kratch 1929 (histoire)
- Canada
- L'oeuvre d'art la perception
- Un Roland Barthes entre le texte et l'oeuvre
ENCYCLOPEDIE: Régime (gouvernement)
• la Constitution française (1958) obéit aux mécanismes fondamentaux du régime parlementaire : le gouvernement, dirigé par un Premier ministre , est responsable devant l'Assemblée nationale , et celle-ci peut être dissoute par le Chef de l'État (président de la République) . • Mais dés 1959 , le général de Gaule impose un style présidentiel au régime : le gouvernement n'est que l'exécutif de sa volonté , en particulier en matière de politique extérie...
du deces a effectuer a la mairie sous 24 h ;for- malites de succession : de- vant notaire ;formalites de securite sociale : en- voyer le bulletin de deces ou la copie de race de deces aux organismes d'af- filiation du defunt. - Fiches d'etat civil : s'adresser a n'importe quelle mairie, muni(e) de votre livret de famille (fiche familiale) ou d'un extraft de naissance ou de votre carte d'identite en cours de valiclite. - Liste electorate :ins- cription obligatoire pour tous les Francais a partir...