109 résultats pour "reporté"
Samuel de Champlain.
From 1616 to 1620 Champlain spent most of each year in France, with brief summer visits to Québec. In France he had to struggle to keep the Canadian enterprisealive, raise capital, and enlist workers. He also had to fight to keep his command over Québec. In 1618 he presented reports on the future of the French colonies inAmerica to the king and to the French Chamber of Commerce. In these reports he proposed that 300 settler families and 15 Récollets be established at Québec, with 300 soldiers to...
Samuel de Champlain - explorer.
From 1616 to 1620 Champlain spent most of each year in France, with brief summer visits to Québec. In France he had to struggle to keep the Canadian enterprisealive, raise capital, and enlist workers. He also had to fight to keep his command over Québec. In 1618 he presented reports on the future of the French colonies inAmerica to the king and to the French Chamber of Commerce. In these reports he proposed that 300 settler families and 15 Récollets be established at Québec, with 300 soldiers to...
Endangered Species - biology.
Red List database assesses the status of, and threats to, animal species worldwide. To add to this and other biodiversity databases, nongovernmental organizationssuch as Conservation International and World Wildlife Fund conduct periodic rapid assessments (focused, intensive evaluations) of biodiversity in varioushotspots— regions like Madagascar that are both rich in endemic species and environmentally threatened. This information is used in the administration of international agreements such...
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens
English author Charles Dickens ranks as one of the most popular writers in the history of world literature.
Papers of the Pickwick Club (1836-1837; 1837); The Adventures of Oliver Twist (1837-1839; 1838); The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (1838-1839; 1839); The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1841; 1841); Barnaby Rudge (1841); The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1844; 1844); Dombey and Son (1846-1848; 1848); The Personal History of David Copperfield (1849-1850; 1850); Bleak House (1852-1853; 1853); Hard Times (1854); Little Dorrit (1855-1857; 1857); A Tale of Tw...
Charles Dickens.
The Old Curiosity Shop broke hearts across Britain and North America when it first appeared. Later readers, however, have found it excessively sentimental, especially the pathos surrounding the death of its child-heroine Little Nell. Dickens’s next two works proved less popular with the public. Barnaby Rudge, Dickens’s first historical novel, revolves around anti-Catholic riots that broke out in London in 1780. The events in Martin Chuzzlewit become a vehicle for the novel’s theme: selfishne...
V HOW HURRICANES ARE DETECTED AND MONITORED Since 1943 U.S. military and civilian aircraft have been flying into hurricanes to measure wind velocities and directions, the location and size of the eye, air pressures,and temperatures in different parts of the storm. A coordinated system of tracking hurricanes was developed in the mid-1950s, and steady improvements have beenmade over the years. In addition to reports from aircraft, geosynchronous weather satellites (since 1966) and ocean buoys tha...
Toronto - geography.
now a museum. In the far northeast side of the City is the Toronto Zoo, a modern zoo covering many acres and with well-designed animal displays. Originally known as the SkyDome, the Rogers Centre is a state-of-the-art stadium complex that opened in 1989. The stadium features a retractable roof that can openin 20 minutes to expose the playing field and most of the 50,000 seats to the open air. It is the home of the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League and theToronto Blue Jays of Majo...
Toronto - Geography.
now a museum. In the far northeast side of the City is the Toronto Zoo, a modern zoo covering many acres and with well-designed animal displays. Originally known as the SkyDome, the Rogers Centre is a state-of-the-art stadium complex that opened in 1989. The stadium features a retractable roof that can openin 20 minutes to expose the playing field and most of the 50,000 seats to the open air. It is the home of the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League and theToronto Blue Jays of Majo...
Italienischer Film.
Democrazia Cristiana bei den ersten demokratischen Wahlen 1948 zum Auseinanderbrechen der antifaschistischen Einheitsfront, die den gemeinsamen ideologischenNenner auch für den Neorealismus gebildet hatte. In den beginnenden fünfziger Jahren reklamierte die Linke das neorealistische Kino für sich und warf Roberto Rossellininach der Entstehung von Stromboli, terra di dio (1949/50; Stromboli ), Francesco, giullare di dio (1950; Franziskus, der Gaukler Gottes ) und Viaggio in Italia (1953;...
cancers, Hodgkin’s disease and leukemia. Unfortunately, human activities have greatly reduced biodiversity around the world. The 20th century encompasses one of the greatest waves of extinction, orelimination of species, to occur on the planet. The greatest threat to biodiversity is loss of habitat as humans develop land for agriculture, grazing livestock, industry,and habitation. The most drastic damage has occurred in the tropical rain forests, which cover less than seven percent of the Earth’...
United States House of Representatives.
Because of the high cost of elections and the short two-year term of office, members of the House campaign almost constantly. They spend much of their time raisingcampaign funds, and they frequently return to their districts to keep in touch with voters. Because the elections are so frequent, House members tend to pay closeattention to how their votes in Congress will be seen in the short term. House members tend to come from wealthier family backgrounds than average Americans. Few working class...
Women's Rights.
In 1840 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton traveled to London to attend the World Anti-Slavery Convention. Upon arrival, however, the women were barred fromparticipating in the conference and forced to sit behind a curtain. This experience of discrimination inspired them to organize the first women’s rights convention. Thisconvention met in Seneca Falls, New York, on July 19 and 20, 1848. The Seneca Falls Convention attracted more than 200 women and approximately 40 men. For theconvention,...
John Adams.
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
John Adams
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
John Adams - U.
the British authorities. The royal governor, aware of Adams's ability and growing influence, offered him the post of advocate general in the admiralty court. Adams declined the appointment,recognizing it as a bribe to bring him over to the side of the British government. A3 Adams and the Boston Massacre Adams generally supported the popular resistance to the British government, but he did not condone violence or mob action. Adams was greatly disturbed by theBoston Massacre of 1770, an incident...
John F.
by the United States, was unable to withstand the advance of Communist forces under Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung). By the end of 1949 government troops had beenoverwhelmingly defeated, and Chiang led his forces into exile on Taiwan. The triumphant Mao formed the People’s Republic of China. Truman’s critics, includingKennedy, charged that the administration had failed to support Chiang Kai-shek against the Communists. Kennedy easily won reelection to Congress in 1948 and 1950. In 1952 he decided to r...
John F.
by the United States, was unable to withstand the advance of Communist forces under Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung). By the end of 1949 government troops had beenoverwhelmingly defeated, and Chiang led his forces into exile on Taiwan. The triumphant Mao formed the People’s Republic of China. Truman’s critics, includingKennedy, charged that the administration had failed to support Chiang Kai-shek against the Communists. Kennedy easily won reelection to Congress in 1948 and 1950. In 1952 he decided to r...
Harry S.
B2 Presiding Judge Political machines, such as the Pendergast organization, were common to both parties in the 1920s. They were based on the spoils system, in which winning politiciansgave government jobs to those loyal party members who had helped them get elected. Using government jobs as rewards, politicians created efficient (and oftenalmost unstoppable) vote-getting “machines,” in which party loyalty was often more important than doing any work. Without local machine support a political ca...
Harry S.
B2 Presiding Judge Political machines, such as the Pendergast organization, were common to both parties in the 1920s. They were based on the spoils system, in which winning politiciansgave government jobs to those loyal party members who had helped them get elected. Using government jobs as rewards, politicians created efficient (and oftenalmost unstoppable) vote-getting “machines,” in which party loyalty was often more important than doing any work. Without local machine support a political ca...
tupperware report
- Internship report
Plusieurs fois reportées, les élections législatives, qui se sont finalement tenues le 4 juillet 2005, ont offert
une majorité de...
Plusieurs fois reportées, les élections législatives, qui se sont finalement tenues le 4 juillet 2005, ont offert une majorité de sièges au principal mouvement rebelle hutu, le CNDD-FDD (Conseil national pour la défense de la démocratie – Forces de défense de la démocratie). Le 19 août, le Parlement a nommé Pierre Nkurunziza (CNDD-FDD) chef de l’État. Depuis la constitution du nouveau gouvernement, des avancées positives ont été notées : mise en veilleuse du clivage ethnique, tentative de lutte...
Bangladesh 2000-2001
Les réformes structurelles à nouveau reportées
Le Bangladesh a poursuivi le lent apprentissage de la démocratie, amorcé en...
Bangladesh 2000-2001 Les réformes structurelles à nouveau reportées Le Bangladesh a poursuivi le lent apprentissage de la démocratie, amorcé en décembre 1990 après la chute du régime autocratique du général Hussein Mohammad Ershad. Les principales forces en présence, la Ligue Awami (au pouvoir) à compter de 1996) et le Parti national du Bangladesh (BNP, au pouvoir de 1991 à 1996), n'ont pas réussi à définir les modalités d'un combat opposant des projets politiques, prisonnières d'une confrontat...
Swaziland (1998-1999): Dégradation de la situation économique
Le report des élections primaires, devant en partie désigner les candidats à la...
Swaziland (1998-1999): Dégradation de la situation économique Le report des élections primaires, devant en partie désigner les candidats à la législation (certains députés sont désignés par le roi) et qui ont finalement eu lieu le 24 octobre 1998, a semblé être à l'origine de l'attentat perpétré en novembre 1998 contre le bureau du vice-premier ministre Arthur Khoza, personnage clé du royaume depuis trente ans. Cet acte terroriste, qui a fait un mort et neuf blessés et a été revendiqué par un g...
Bosnie-Herzégovine 1997-1998
Comme l'année précédente, 1997 a été une année électorale. Les élections
municipales, reportées à plusieurs reprises, se sont...
Bosnie-Herzégovine 1997-1998 Comme l'année précédente, 1997 a été une année électorale. Les élections municipales, reportées à plusieurs reprises, se sont tenues les 13 et 14 septembre. Contrairement aux élections générales du 15 septembre 1996, qui avaient confirmé l'hégémonie des trois partis nationalistes, musulman (Parti de l'action démocratique - SDA), serbe (Parti démocratique serbe - SDS) et croate (Communauté démocratique croate - HDZ), elles ont signalé leur essoufflement. Dans la Fédé...
Croatie 2004-2005
Accès au bilan annuel le plus récent
Report des négociations d’adhésion à l’UE
Le 16 janvier 2005, les...
Croatie 2004-2005 Accès au bilan annuel le plus récent Report des négociations d’adhésion à l’UE Le 16 janvier 2005, les Croates ont réélu Stipe Mesic (HNS, Parti populaire croate) à la Présidence. En remportant 66 % des suffrages au second tour, le chef de l’État a amélioré son résultat de l’année 2000 d’une dizaine de points, prouvant ainsi que son assise transcendait les clivages politiques. La cohabitation engagée depuis les élections législatives de novembre 2003 avec une majorité parlem...
Côte-d'Ivoire 2001-2002
Vers la paix sociale ?
Après plusieurs reports, le Forum de réconciliation nationale a clôturé ses travaux le...
Côte-d'Ivoire 2001-2002 Vers la paix sociale ? Après plusieurs reports, le Forum de réconciliation nationale a clôturé ses travaux le 18 décembre 2001 à Abidjan. Ouvert le 9 octobre, outre les plus de 750 représentants du monde politique et de la société civile, il a réuni surtout les quatre principaux protagonistes de la crise ivoirienne : le président Laurent Gbagbo, son prédécesseur Henri Konan Bédié (rentré au pays le 15 octobre 2001 après 22 mois d'exil à Paris), le général putschiste Robe...
Reagan Ronald Wilson
Homme d'Etat américain
* 6.2.1911, Tampico, Illinois
D'abord reporter, puis acteur (il préside le "Screen Actors Guild",...
Reagan Ronald Wilson Homme d'Etat américain * 6.2.1911, Tampico, Illinois D'abord reporter, puis acteur (il préside le "Screen Actors Guild", syndicat des acteurs d'Hollywood, de 1947 à 1952 et en 1959), Reagan n'entre en politique qu'en 1962 au sein du parti républicain. Gouverneur de Californie de 1967 à 1974, il remporte en novembre 1980 les élections présidentielles et succède à Jimmy Carter (il sera réélu en 1984). D'orientation ultralibérale, sa politique conduit l'Etat à réduire considéra...
Article 1442 du Code civil : commentaire
L'indivision post- communautaire : A la dissolution du manage, la communaute est automa- tiquement transform& en un bloc de biens indivi- sibles : indivision entre le marl et la femme, indivi- sion entre le conjoint sur- vivant et les coheritiers en cas de deces. Des lors, a moins d'organi- ser une gestion plus legere, aucun bien ne peut plus sortir ni entrer de la masse sans l'accord unanime de tous les co-indivisaires. A moins que ceux-ci n'en aient unanimement decide autrement, chaque co-in-...
Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe : CHATEAUBRIAND, Le Port de Brest.
CHATEAUBRIAND 61 inconnus; mon imagination se jouait dans ces espaces. Souvent assis sur quelque mât qui gisait le long du quai de Recouvrance, je regardais les mouvements de la foule : constructeurs, matelots, militaires, douaniers, forçats passaient et repassaient devant moi. Des voyageurs débarquaient et s'embarquaient, des pilotes comman daient la manœuvre, des charpentiers équarrissaient des pièces de bois, des cordiers filaient des câbles; des m...
CINÉ, substantif masculin.
Journaliste sp?cialis? dans le reportage film? (Cin?-Journal, 12 octobre 1912, 4/1 dans GIRAUD) ? 1re. attestation 1912 idem; de cin? et de reporter*. 5. Cin?(-)roman, substantif masculin a) Film ? ?pisodes comparable au roman feuilleton. Le cin?-roman rappelle parfois le film ? ?pisodes (F. Hoveyda dans Cahiers du cin?ma, tome 10, no. 58, avril 1956, page 12). b) Film comparable au roman en ce qu'il donne la primaut? au r?cit et ? l'action, souvent mouvement?e (confer GIRAUD 1956). Les cin?-...
Fiche de lecture Bel-Ami
Suzanne Walter : Fille de Mme Walter, c’est une adolescente passionnée de romantisme. Elle épouse Bel -Ami. Rival : Chroniqueur. Norbert de Varenne : Poète solitaire et pessimiste aux tendances suicidaires. Laurine : Fille de Mme Marelle, elle est à l’origine du surnom de Bel -Ami. Rachel : Prostituée amoureuse de Georges, ce dernier la rencontre aux Folies Bergères, elle ne le fai t pas payer. Louis Langremont : Journaliste au journal La Plume , concurrent d...
Dfinition: AGONIE, substantif fminin.
1.... je me reportai en pense cette nuit, veille de la rdemption du genre humain, o le Messager divin avait bu jusqu' la lie le calice de l' agonie, avant de recevoir la mort de la main des hommes, (...). (...) je me reprsentai l'ocan d' angoisses qui dut inonder le coeur du Fils de l'homme quand il contempla d'un seul regard toutes les misres, toutes les tnbres, toutes les amertumes, toutes les vanits, toutes les iniquits du sort de l...
Louis Battles Schmeling.
overpowered, Schmeling managed only to land three lackluster blows. “It was no fight,” wrote a New York Daily News reporter. “It was a slaughter, so one-sided and ending so abruptly, expert and customer alike felt cheated of thrills.” To the endless delight of most Americans, this time it was Schmeling who could not leave the ring under his own power. Louis's savage body blows literally brokeSchmeling's back in two places. Schmeling's performance was so disastrous that his handlers disable...
MERCIER Louis-Sébastien: sa vie et son oeuvre
selon Grimm, « extravagant », selon Dussault, >, selon Jules Lemaitre, « phrasier sentencieux », selon Nodier -tous ces auteurs lui reconnaissant par ailleurs vertu et courage. Mercier est bien, comme Je dit Geneviève Bollème, qui a fait de lui le plus chaleureux des portraits, un auteur qui «n'écrit qu'à l'extrémité», qui « a tout dit, tout écrit, au nom du bonheur que les hommes se doivent les uns les autres et à eux-mêmes >>. Avec lui, nous so...
- DÉPORT2, substantif masculin.
USA - Iraq War - History.
B Making the Case for War B1 “Neoconservatives” and the Bush Doctrine Long before President George W. Bush took office in 2001, elements in or close to the Republican Party had called repeatedly for firmer U.S. steps against Iraq,including a war if necessary to force a regime change. One such group authored a white paper in 1996 called A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm , which was later sent to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of Israel’s Likud Party. It advocated...
U.S.-Iraq War - U.S. History.
U.S.-Iraq War, military action begun in
B Making the Case for War B1 “Neoconservatives” and the Bush Doctrine Long before President George W. Bush took office in 2001, elements in or close to the Republican Party had called repeatedly for firmer U.S. steps against Iraq,including a war if necessary to force a regime change. One such group authored a white paper in 1996 called A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm , which was later sent to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of Israel’s Likud Party. It advocated...
liaisons dangereuses
Des Lumières à Hollywood Objectif : Pourquoi adapter au cinéma le roman de Laclos en 1988 ? 2 Les Liaisons dangereuses unfilm de Stephen Frears Fiche pédagogique 1›La parution du roman Les Liaisons dangereuses ,une œuvre des Lumières On se reportera utilement au dossier littéraire de l’édition Folioplus classiques pour montrer comment le roman de Laclos s’inscrit dans le mouvement littéraire et culturel des Lumières, dont il reprend les valeurs essentielles (lucidité, sociabilité, éducat...
In February 1868 the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution of impeachment against President Andrew Johnson and appointed a committee to preparearticles of impeachment. The House passed 11 articles of impeachment against Johnson in March 1868. Ten of the articles concerned the president’s alleged violation ofthe Tenure of Office Act, an 1867 statute that required the president to seek congressional approval before dismissing officials confirmed by the Senate. The othercharge against J...
Cuban Missile Crisis.
inspect ships to determine whether they were carrying weapons. Kennedy warned that if Khrushchev fired missiles from Cuba, the result would be “a full retaliatoryresponse upon the Soviet Union.” Because international law defines a blockade as an act of war, Kennedy and his advisers decided to refer to the blockade as a quarantine. The United States wassupported by other members of the Organization of American States, an organization of nations in the western hemisphere that seek to cooperate on...
Cuban Missile Crisis - U.
inspect ships to determine whether they were carrying weapons. Kennedy warned that if Khrushchev fired missiles from Cuba, the result would be “a full retaliatoryresponse upon the Soviet Union.” Because international law defines a blockade as an act of war, Kennedy and his advisers decided to refer to the blockade as a quarantine. The United States wassupported by other members of the Organization of American States, an organization of nations in the western hemisphere that seek to cooperate on...
Federal Reserve System.
and their powers were also expanded. For example, discount rates now had to be approved periodically by the board. Sales and purchases of governmentsecurities—the open-market operation that previously had been managed solely at the discretion of the presidents of the reserve banks—were centralized in the FederalOpen Market Committee (FOMC), consisting of the seven governors, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and four other reserve bank presidentsserving on a rotating basis....
W. L. Mackenzie King.
W. L. Mackenzie King (1874-1950), tenth prime
V SECOND TERM AS PRIME MINISTER By the election of 1925 most of the rifts in the Liberal Party were healed. Little had been achieved by King's government except for some tariff reduction and thereorganization of Canadian railroads, but no mistakes had been made. The real issue of the election was the personalities of the party leaders, King and the brilliant butarrogant Conservative, Arthur Meighen. The Conservatives swept English-speaking Canada, and they won 116 seats. The Liberals won 101, a...
Galileo (1564-1642), Italian physicist and astronomer who, with German astronomer Johannes Kepler, initiated the scientific revolution that flowered in the work of
English physicist Sir Isaac Newton.
V WORK IN ASTRONOMY During most of his time in Padua, Galileo showed little interest in astronomy, although in 1595 he declared in a letter that he preferred the Copernican theory that Earthrevolves around the Sun to the assumptions of Aristotle and Ptolemy that planets circle a fixed Earth ( see Astronomy: The Copernican Theory ; Ptolemaic System). A Observations with the Telescope In 1609 Galileo heard that a telescope had been invented in Holland. In August of that year he constructed a t...
V WORK IN ASTRONOMY During most of his time in Padua, Galileo showed little interest in astronomy, although in 1595 he declared in a letter that he preferred the Copernican theory that Earthrevolves around the Sun to the assumptions of Aristotle and Ptolemy that planets circle a fixed Earth ( see Astronomy: The Copernican Theory ; Ptolemaic System). A Observations with the Telescope In 1609 Galileo heard that a telescope had been invented in Holland. In August of that year he constructed a t...
George Bush.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...
George Bush - USA History.
1986 it was folded into Harken Energy Corporation, another Texas petroleum company. Bush served as a consultant and a member of Harken’s board of directors. In 1987 Bush relocated his family to Washington, D.C., to assist his father in his bid to become president. He worked as a campaign adviser at his father’s nationalcampaign headquarters, serving as a liaison to the media and to conservative and Christian leaders. He was a trusted confidant of his father and mother, whosometimes dispatched Bu...
James Polk.
1824. Jackson had won a plurality of the popular and electoral votes. But because he lacked a majority of the electoral votes, the House of Representatives had todecide the election among the three candidates with the highest number of electoral votes. When Henry Clay, the candidate who had come in fourth, swung his supportto Adams, Adams won the election. Polk, with his firm belief in democratic rule, held that the election of Adams was a violation of the people's will. In his first speech befo...
James Polk
1824. Jackson had won a plurality of the popular and electoral votes. But because he lacked a majority of the electoral votes, the House of Representatives had todecide the election among the three candidates with the highest number of electoral votes. When Henry Clay, the candidate who had come in fourth, swung his supportto Adams, Adams won the election. Polk, with his firm belief in democratic rule, held that the election of Adams was a violation of the people's will. In his first speech befo...