249 résultats pour "preventif"
World War I .
and troops to Europe from the United States and other overseas sources. In 1914 Britain implemented a sea blockade of Germany to prevent the delivery of importssuch as food and war materials. The same year, Germany began using submarines to disrupt Allied seaborne traffic and prevent supplies from reaching Britain. In 1915Germany instituted a submarine blockade around Britain. From February 1915 to September 1915 and again in 1917, Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare,sinking ships withou...
Immune System.
The humoral immune response involves a complex series of events after antigens enter the body. First, macrophages take up some of the antigen and attach it to classII MHC molecules, which then present the antigen to T helper cells. The T helper cells bind the presented antigen, which stimulates the T helper cells to divide andsecrete stimulatory molecules called interleukins. The interleukins in turn activate any B lymphocytes that have also bound the antigen. The activated B cells then divide...
Comment est assurée la prévention des incendies sur les lieux de travail ?
à 1 ,50 m, ils doivent être équipés des deux côtés. Une signalisation doit indi quer le chemin vers la sortie la plus proche. Un éclairage de sécurité doit être installé pour per mettre l'évacuation en cas de panne de l'éclairage normal. • Installation de chauffage des locaux : Ne peuvent être utilisés pour le chauffage des lo caux des combustibles liquides dont le « point éclair » est inférieur à 55 oc. Les appar...
Aging - biology.
Different theories have been proposed to explain how SF works. One theory is based on the assumption that aging, and diseases that occur more frequently withadvancing age, are caused by structural damage to cells. This damage accumulates in tiny amounts each time the cell divides, eventually preventing the cell fromcarrying out normal functions. One cause of this damage may be free radicals, which are chemical compounds found in the environment and also generated by normal chemical reactions in...
Diseases of Animals.
infected animal. It may also spread in milk or in garbage that contains contaminated meat. Typical symptoms include blisters that appear on the mouth and feet;animals may become lame when their hooves degenerate. Canine distemper is a highly contagious disease caused by the paramyxovirus, which is transmitted in discharges from the nose and eyes. Symptoms begin with fever,malaise, and nasal and ocular discharges and may progress to convulsions and other nervous system disorders. Parvoviruses aff...
Cat, small, mainly carnivorous animal, Felis silvestris catus, member of
D Coat Colors The domestic cat's original coat color was probably grayish-brown with darker tabby stripes, a color that provides excellent camouflage in a variety of environments. Allother coat colors and patterns are the result of genetic mutations; for example, solid coat colors such as black and blue are the result of a gene that suppresses tabbystripes; an orange coat is the result of a gene that transforms black pigment to orange; and a solid white coat is the result of a gene that complet...
Cat - biology.
D Coat Colors The domestic cat's original coat color was probably grayish-brown with darker tabby stripes, a color that provides excellent camouflage in a variety of environments. Allother coat colors and patterns are the result of genetic mutations; for example, solid coat colors such as black and blue are the result of a gene that suppresses tabbystripes; an orange coat is the result of a gene that transforms black pigment to orange; and a solid white coat is the result of a gene that complet...
Gardening - biology.
of synthetic and organic fertilizers, see Organic Farming.) Fertilizers usually are sold in packages, on which the percentage by weight of the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are listed on thelabel—always in the order N-P-K. For example, a fertilizer that is labeled 10-5-3 is 10 percent nitrogen, 5 percent phosphorus, and 3 percent potassium. V PLANTING AND TRANSPLANTING Before planting seeds, gardeners prepare, or till, the soil using a variety of methods. Some...
Minnesota - geography.
C Climate Minnesota’s climate is classified as humid continental because normally there is a sufficient amount of precipitation to provide at least some surplus for runoff, andbecause Minnesota’s temperature conditions are largely controlled by its location in the interior of the large landmass of North America. The result is extreme seasonaltemperature variations. The average January temperature is about -18°C (about 0°F) in the northwest and about -10°C (about 14°F) in the south, but thetherm...
Minnesota - USA History.
C Climate Minnesota’s climate is classified as humid continental because normally there is a sufficient amount of precipitation to provide at least some surplus for runoff, andbecause Minnesota’s temperature conditions are largely controlled by its location in the interior of the large landmass of North America. The result is extreme seasonaltemperature variations. The average January temperature is about -18°C (about 0°F) in the northwest and about -10°C (about 14°F) in the south, but thetherm...
- DESCARTES: éviter soigneusement la précipitation et la prévention
- CV et Lettre de motivation : Candidature au poste d'agent de prévention et de sécurité.
- CV et Lettre de motivation : Candidature à un poste d'agent de prévention urbaine.
- CV et Lettre de motivation : candidature à un poste d'agent de prévention et de sécurité.
C Other Health Professionals Medicine is not restricted to physicians. A wide variety of health care practitioners work in this exciting field. By far the largest professional group is nurses. Registerednurses help physicians during examinations, treatment, and surgery. They observe, evaluate, and record patients’ symptoms, administer medications, and provideother care ( see Nursing). Nurse practitioners perform basic duties once reserved for physicians, such as diagnosing and treating common i...
Cancer (medicine).
unable to repair the DNA damage, p53 instructs the cell to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis , putting a stop to runaway cell division before it starts. Programmed cell death is a normal part of cell life and is tightly controlled by many genes, primarily p53. In a cancerous cell, one or more mutations prevent these genes from doing their jobs. When mutated, p53 allows a cell to continue to divide, even with damaged DNA.This can lead to additional mutations in proto-oncogenes or tumor...
Coronary Heart Disease.
when a patient is at rest may indicate that the blood supply of the heart is not normal, and the ECG can often detect damage from a previous heart attack. In anexercise stress test, an ECG is recorded while a patient is performing physical activity such as walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle. As the intensity ofexercise increases, the doctor looks for specific changes in the ECG that indicate the heart is not getting enough oxygen. In cardiac catheterization, a long, thin, flex...
situation. A Cardiac Cycle Although the right and left halves of the heart are separate, they both contract in unison, producing a single heartbeat. The sequence of events from the beginning ofone heartbeat to the beginning of the next is called the cardiac cycle. The cardiac cycle has two phases: diastole, when the heart’s chambers are relaxed, and systole,when the chambers contract to move blood. During the systolic phase, the atria contract first, followed by contraction of the ventricles. T...
Drug, substance that affects the function of living cells, used
normalizing chemical activity in the emotional centers of the brain. Antianxiety drugs, also referred to as tranquilizers, treat anxiety by decreasing the activity in theanxiety centers of the brain. Sedative-hypnotic drugs are used both as sedatives to reduce anxiety and as hypnotics to induce sleep. Sedative-hypnotic drugs act by reducing brain-cell activity.Stimulant drugs, on the other hand, increase neuronal (nerve cell) activity and reduce fatigue and appetite. Analgesic drugs reduce pain...
United States Government.
Article II establishes an executive department headed by a president and vice president. The article further describes the powers of the offices, the manner of election,and the qualifications for office. Of special significance is the president’s constitutional role as commander of the nation’s armed forces, which assures civilian controlover the military. Because the president is the head of the armed forces and only Congress can declare war, the authority of the military is diffused and its po...
Furthermore, experts disagree about whether imprisoning criminals actually prevents further crime. Some critics charge that American prisons simply warehouseviolence—meaning that U.S. prison inmates are confined and incapacitated in large numbers, with little or no effort made to rehabilitate them. Critics have labeled theresult of this process turnstile justice, referring to the fact that most inmates are chronic and persistent offenders and return to prison following conviction for new crime...
Grand oral du bac : Les méningites (Histoire de la médecine)
quelques jours et sont fortement contagieuses. Elles apparaissent après infection par différentes espèces bactériennes dont les principales sont les pneumocoques {Stnptococcus pneu-ltl), les méningocoques de type A. B et C (Neisseria meningitidis) et la souche Hoemophilius influenza de type B. Ces organismes nichent essentiellement dans les voies aériennes supérieures (nez, bouche, gorge) et transitent d'un individu à l'autre par 17ntermédiaire de petites...
- Cycle 3 Veiller à sa sécurité à la maison Prévention et protection Préalables 1 La
- Cycle 3 Veiller à sa sécurité dans la nature Prévention et protection Préalables 1 La
- Cycle 3 Veiller à sa sécurité dans la rue Prévention et protection Préalables 1 La
Toutefois, le meilleur moyen de contrer la prostitution juvéniledemeure sans aucun
doute la prévention.
Le hic, c’est que la pornographiejuvénile est déjà illégale au Canada. Le Devoir.com Si vous n’êtes pas d’accord avec la décision du président relative à la nouvelle cotisation et que cette décision se rapporte à des marchandises obscènes, à de lapornographie juvénile ou à de la propagande haineuse, vous avez le droit d’interjeter appel auprès d’une cour provinciale. Agence des services frontaliers du Canada La prison, gérée par une compagnie privée, peut accueillir une quarantaine de...
days and disappear in seven to ten days. However, coughing and fatigue may persist for two or more weeks. Death from influenza itself is rare. But influenza can aggravate underlying medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease. Invading influenza viruses produceinflammation in the lining of the respiratory tract, damage that increases the risk that secondary infections will develop. Common complications include bronchitis,sinusitis, and bacterial pneumonia, occurring most frequently in olde...
Parkinson Disease.
III SYMPTOMS Parkinson disease most notably affects motor control (muscle activity). The disease progresses differently for each individual—symptoms develop swiftly in some peopleand slowly in others. Some Parkinson patients may develop problems that affect their intellect or ability to reason, or they may suffer from depression or anxiety. A Motor Control Problems Doctors look for the presence of four principal symptoms in patients they suspect may have Parkinson disease. Tremor (the involun...
Bird, animal with feathers and wings. Birds are the only
B Physical Adaptations for Flight The internal body parts of all birds, including flightless ones, reflect the evolution of birds as flying creatures. Birds have lightweight skeletons in which many of themajor bones are hollow. A unique feature of birds is the furculum, or wishbone, which is comparable to the collarbones of humans, although in birds the left and rightportions are fused together. The furculum absorbs the shock of wing motion and acts as a spring to help birds breathe while they...
Bird - biology.
B Physical Adaptations for Flight The internal body parts of all birds, including flightless ones, reflect the evolution of birds as flying creatures. Birds have lightweight skeletons in which many of themajor bones are hollow. A unique feature of birds is the furculum, or wishbone, which is comparable to the collarbones of humans, although in birds the left and rightportions are fused together. The furculum absorbs the shock of wing motion and acts as a spring to help birds breathe while they...
Ice Hockey.
Each period begins with a face-off at the blue dot at center ice. During the face-off one player from each team lines up at the dot with the stick blade on the ice. After the referee drops the puck, the two players attempt to gain possession of it. Quick hands and strength are essential qualities for players participating in the face-off. Once the puck is dropped, it is in play until an official’s whistle stops it, a goal is scored, or time expires. The team on offense tries to move the puck f...
Comparative Anatomy.
In comparing two species, anatomists have to be careful to differentiate between homologous structures, which are ones that have evolved from a shared ancestor, andanalogous structures, which have developed from different origins. Homologous structures are built on the same underlying plan. A human arm, a bat’s wing, and awhale’s flipper look quite different from the outside, but the bones inside reveal that these limbs all have the same basic structure. Analogous structures, by contrast,often l...
- Raids sur les bases de V-1: Bombardements préventifs (histoire de la seconde guerre mondiale).
Les éruptions volcaniques: Danger et prévention (Travaux Personnels Encadrés – Géographie - Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires)
leur température , elles enflamment par contact forêts, habitations , réservoirs d'essence et autres produits pétrolier s. Elles brûlent également les poumons des hommes et des animaux qui les respirent. Quelques éruptions célèbres : • VÉSUVE: en l'an 79, l'éruption du Vésuve détruit les villes de Pompéi et Herculanum, ensevelissant les habitants sous les cendres. Cette éruption a coûté la vie à l'auteur latin Pline l'Ancien et a été décrite par son...
L’Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques a publié le 10 octobre 2012, un rapport qui, en rassemblant de nombreuses études statistiques, fait le point sur la situation des immigrés et de leurs descendants en matière de démographie, de flux migratoires, d’éducation, d’emploi et de conditions de vie. Il apparaît que la France occupe une position originale en Europe en raison de sa longue histoire de terre d’immi...
questions sociales
L’Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques a publié le 10 octobre 2012, un rapport qui, en rassemblant de nombreuses études statistiques, fait le point sur la situation des immigrés et de leurs descendants en matière de démographie, de flux migratoires, d’éducation, d’emploi et de conditions de vie. Il apparaît que la France occupe une position originale en Europe en raison de sa longue histoire de terre d’immi...
La lutte et la prévention contre l'incendie
A droite : Les pompiers à l'oeuvre lors d' un incendie à Londres, en 1971. Les pom piers de Londres reçoivent plus de cent mille appels par an. Ci-dessous: Cette invention française est destinée à sauver des vies humaines lors des incendies de gratte-cie/ . Elle consiste en un long tube de toile et de nylon. A l'inté rieur , il y a des câbles de sou tien et des ressorts spiralés. Quand une personne glisse à l'intérieur du tube, elle p...
TPE : Les effets préventifs de l'aspirine
survie après un infarctus. Cette étude a été menée en double-aveugle car ni les patients ni les médecins nesavaient quels médicaments été administrés.. Cette expérience a été menée dans 17 pays, soit plus 17 000 patientshospitalisés car ils présentaient des symptômes de la phase aigue de l'infarctus du myocarde. Il y avait différentsgroupes de traitement : - Groupe 1 : les patients ont reçu 160 mg d'acide acétylsalicylique sur 1 mois. - Groupe 2 : les patients ont reçus une perfus...
broad, and most studies suggest a positive relationship between physical fitness and mental achievement. The relationship between regular aerobic exercise and cardiovascular health and longevity is well established. Regular exercise leads to a reduction in the risk ofcoronary heart disease, in which fatty deposits (plaque) form in blood vessels supplying the muscular wall of the heart, compromising oxygen delivery to the heartmuscle. In addition, with regular exercise the efficiency of the heart...
Genetic Engineering.
Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterium. The genetically altered Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterium produces light in proportion to the amount of its activity in breaking down the naphthalene, thus providing a way to monitor the efficiency of the process ( see Bioremediation). A3 Medicine In 1982 the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for the first time the medical use of a recombinant DNA protein, the hormone insulin, whichhad been cloned in large quantities by inserting th...
Physical therapy helps patients with paralytic polio stretch and move affected muscles. This movement minimizes the atrophy, or shrinkage, of affected muscles andlimbs and builds strength. Exercises can also retrain working muscles to compensate for other muscles that have permanently lost the ability to move. Rehabilitativetherapy trains patients to use braces, crutches, and other devices that provide support and aid mobility. V PREVENTION OF POLIO Immunization with polio vaccine is the best w...
Fruit - biology.
from a flower with several pistils. The ovary may have a single compartment, or carpel, which houses the ovule or ovules. Or the ovary may consist of two or morecarpels, each of which may contain one or more ovules. A drupe develops from an ovary with a single carpel and is characterized by an edible exocarp and mesocarp and an inedible, hard endocarp, or pit that encloses asingle seed. Cherries, peaches, apricots, and plums are examples of drupes. Almonds also are classified as drupes, but in a...
III SURGICAL PROCEDURES Surgical procedures are classified as optional, required, elective, urgent, and emergent based on the patient’s medical condition. Optional surgery consists of operationsthat are not required but which the patient chooses to undergo as with some types of cosmetic surgery. Required surgery is performed when only surgery will correct aproblem—such as cataracts—but the surgery can be delayed for a period of weeks or months. Elective surgical procedures usually involve cond...
censorship. Congress passed 20 obscenity laws between 1842 and 1956, most of which were variations of or amendments to the original Comstock Law. Later, Congress passed aseries of antipornography and anti-indecency laws dealing with new forms of technology and with the protection of children. The Protection of Children Against SexualExploitation Act of 1977 prohibits anyone from employing or inducing a minor to participate in sexual conduct or in the making of pornography. In 1988 Congresspassed...
pitcher or argue a call with an umpire. Two or more coaches, positioned closer to the field, assist the manager by communicating with the players. For example,managers may decide what pitches should be thrown, when batters should swing at a pitch, and how runners should move around the bases. The manager relays thesedecisions through special hand signals that the coaches repeat to communicate to the players. Umpires are responsible for interpreting and enforcing the rules of play. They rule on...
Health Insurance.
needs services. Essentially, individuals make regular payments to the plan rather than having to pay especially large sums at any one time in the event of sudden illnessor injury. In this way, the group as a whole funds expensive treatments for those few who need them. Many people believe that in addition to providing financial stability, health insurance can promote good health. Supporters of this idea claim that by lowering thepersonal cost of services, insurance induces individuals to seek he...
Oklahoma - geography.
portion and the Panhandle are classified as a steppe, where precipitation, typically 250 to 500 mm (10 to 20 in), is the controlling characteristic. January is usually the coldest month with an average of about 3°C (38°F) and extremes from -33°C (-27°F), the lowest ever recorded, to 33°C (92°F). Summer arelong and hot with temperatures in the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F) common from May until September across the state. The growing season varies from less than 180days in the western Panhandle to...
Oklahoma - USA History.
portion and the Panhandle are classified as a steppe, where precipitation, typically 250 to 500 mm (10 to 20 in), is the controlling characteristic. January is usually the coldest month with an average of about 3°C (38°F) and extremes from -33°C (-27°F), the lowest ever recorded, to 33°C (92°F). Summer arelong and hot with temperatures in the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F) common from May until September across the state. The growing season varies from less than 180days in the western Panhandle to...
Commentaire : arrêt 2ème chambre civile, 15 mai 2008 (droit)
sa réalisation soit certaine ou qu'il constitue la prolongation certaine et directe d'un état de chose actuel. Si cen'est pas le cas, le dommage qualifié d'hypothétique ne peut être indemnisé.Mais en l'espèce, la Cour de cassation en a déduit que le préjudice est réparable car il est sur le point de se réaliseret que donc sa réalisation est certaine.Ainsi, les dépenses réglées à titre préventif pour éviter un dommage imminent constituent un préjudice ouvrant droità réparation. On indemnise le pr...
Commentaire d'extrait (§459 - §470) de l'arrêt CIJ 26 février 2007 « Application de la Convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide » (Bosnie-Herzégovine c. Serbie et Monténégro)
république serbe autoproclamée en sécession de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, qui avait donné l'ordre d'éliminer les enclaves musulmanes de Srebrenica et de Zepa et legénéral Ratko Mladic qui s'était chargé de sa mis en œuvre et dont les forces ont attaqué l'enclave le 11 juillet 1995, terrorisant la population et procédant àl'exécution sommaire de près de 7.900 Musulmans Bosniaques entre le 13 juillet et le 19 juillet 1995.Au jour d'aujourd'hui les autorités serbes n'ont pas encore arrêté et extradé le...