204 résultats pour "pins"
Corpus singularité du poète
Le pin de Landes, Théophile Gautier -Gautier décrit d'abord les Landes puis le pin - Dans la dernière strophe, le poète est comparé au pin. > (V.13) « Le poète est ainsi dans les Landes du monde » - Outil de comparaison: « ainsi » - Vision cruelle du poète > (V.6) « avare bourreau de la création » - Le pin est présenté avec « sa plaie au flanc ». Cela montre que le poète souffre. - Champ lexical de la douleur: « plaie, larme, douloureux, blessé, mourir, blessure, entaille profonde »...
Arkansas - geography.
temperature rises to the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F). C2 Precipitation Arkansas receives about 1,000 to 1,300 mm (about 40 to 50 in) of precipitation a year, and some areas receive even more. Most of the rain comes during winter andspring and at times is so heavy as to cause flooding. Snow is rare in the south but amounts to more than 250 mm (10 in) a year in the mountains. C3 Growing Season Arkansas has a long growing season. It averages 211 days for the state as a whole and ranges from 241...
Arkansas - USA History.
temperature rises to the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F). C2 Precipitation Arkansas receives about 1,000 to 1,300 mm (about 40 to 50 in) of precipitation a year, and some areas receive even more. Most of the rain comes during winter andspring and at times is so heavy as to cause flooding. Snow is rare in the south but amounts to more than 250 mm (10 in) a year in the mountains. C3 Growing Season Arkansas has a long growing season. It averages 211 days for the state as a whole and ranges from 241...
Wisconsin (state) - geography.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Wisconsin (state) - USA History.
-6° C (22° F) in the southeast, along the Lake Michigan shore. During winter extremely cold weather persists for several weeks at a time. C2 Precipitation Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 to 800 mm (28 to 32 in). Rainfall is generally heaviest during the spring and summer, and snowfall is generally moderatein the south, but can be quite heavy in the north. Thunderstorms, sometimes accompanied by devastating tornadoes, are common in spring and summer, particularly inthe southern part...
Alabama (state) - geography.
indentations along the coast are measured, the state’s shoreline is 977 km (607 mi) long. It includes the shores of Mobile Bay, an inlet 56 km (35 mi) long at the mouthof the Mobile River. Barrier beaches partly block the entrance to the bay, leaving narrow openings on either side of Dauphin Island. Dauphin and other islands alongAlabama’s coast west of Mobile Bay are separated from the mainland by Mississippi Sound. D Climate Alabama has a humid subtropical climate, with short, relatively mild...
Alabama (state) - USA History.
indentations along the coast are measured, the state’s shoreline is 977 km (607 mi) long. It includes the shores of Mobile Bay, an inlet 56 km (35 mi) long at the mouthof the Mobile River. Barrier beaches partly block the entrance to the bay, leaving narrow openings on either side of Dauphin Island. Dauphin and other islands alongAlabama’s coast west of Mobile Bay are separated from the mainland by Mississippi Sound. D Climate Alabama has a humid subtropical climate, with short, relatively mild...
Maryland - geography.
Maryland has no large natural lakes. The largest body of water is a reservoir, Deep Creek Lake, which has a surface area of only 18 sq km (7 sq mi). It lies on theAllegheny Plateau, behind a dam on a tributary of the Youghiogheny River. C Coastline The deeply indented shoreline has a length of 5,134 km (3,190 mi), of which only 50 km (31 miles) fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. The most significant coastal feature isChesapeake Bay. In the bay are many islands and Kent Island is the largest. The sta...
Maryland - USA History.
Maryland has no large natural lakes. The largest body of water is a reservoir, Deep Creek Lake, which has a surface area of only 18 sq km (7 sq mi). It lies on theAllegheny Plateau, behind a dam on a tributary of the Youghiogheny River. C Coastline The deeply indented shoreline has a length of 5,134 km (3,190 mi), of which only 50 km (31 miles) fronts on the Atlantic Ocean. The most significant coastal feature isChesapeake Bay. In the bay are many islands and Kent Island is the largest. The sta...
Tennessee (state) - geography.
The climate of Tennessee is characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and abundant rainfall. C1 Temperature Average July temperatures range from less than 21° C (70° F) in the Blue Ridge region to 27° C (80° F) at Nashville and Memphis. Maximum daytime temperatures insummer often rise above 35° C (95° F) in central and western Tennessee. Daytime temperatures in the mountains rarely rise above 32° C (90° F). Summer nights tendto be warm and muggy in central and western Tennessee, but temperatu...
Tennessee (state) - USA History.
The climate of Tennessee is characterized by hot summers, mild winters, and abundant rainfall. C1 Temperature Average July temperatures range from less than 21° C (70° F) in the Blue Ridge region to 27° C (80° F) at Nashville and Memphis. Maximum daytime temperatures insummer often rise above 35° C (95° F) in central and western Tennessee. Daytime temperatures in the mountains rarely rise above 32° C (90° F). Summer nights tendto be warm and muggy in central and western Tennessee, but temperatu...
New Hampshire - geography.
Washington. D1 Temperature The coldest parts of the state are in the White Mountains and the extreme north. Average January temperatures range from about -11° C (about 12° F) along theCanadian border to about -3° C (about 26° F) along the coast. July temperatures range from about 17° C (about 63° F) in the mountains to about 21° C (about 70° F)in the south. D2 Precipitation Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year over most of the state. However, the higher peaks of the White Mo...
New Hampshire - USA History.
Washington. D1 Temperature The coldest parts of the state are in the White Mountains and the extreme north. Average January temperatures range from about -11° C (about 12° F) along theCanadian border to about -3° C (about 26° F) along the coast. July temperatures range from about 17° C (about 63° F) in the mountains to about 21° C (about 70° F)in the south. D2 Precipitation Precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year over most of the state. However, the higher peaks of the White Mo...
Virginia (state) - geography.
C Coastline Virginia’s coastline, for both the mainland and the Eastern Shore counties, is 180 km (112 mi) long. The state’s tidal shoreline measures 5,335 km (3,315 mi), includingall bays, inlets, tidal estuaries, and other indentations. Major indentations include Chesapeake Bay; Hampton Roads, the excellent natural harbor on which are locatedNewport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth; and the wide tidal estuaries of the lower Potomac, James, Rappahannock, and York rivers. Cape Henry, in the southe...
Virginia (state) - USA History.
C Coastline Virginia’s coastline, for both the mainland and the Eastern Shore counties, is 180 km (112 mi) long. The state’s tidal shoreline measures 5,335 km (3,315 mi), includingall bays, inlets, tidal estuaries, and other indentations. Major indentations include Chesapeake Bay; Hampton Roads, the excellent natural harbor on which are locatedNewport News, Norfolk, and Portsmouth; and the wide tidal estuaries of the lower Potomac, James, Rappahannock, and York rivers. Cape Henry, in the southe...
Kentucky - geography.
The climate of Kentucky is characterized by warm or hot summers and cool winters. Throughout the year, temperatures do not vary greatly from place to place,although they are generally slightly lower in the Appalachian Plateaus region than elsewhere in the state. Average July temperatures are usually from 24° to 27°C (76°to 80°F) in the central and western areas and from 23° to 24°C (74° to 76°F) in the east. January averages range from below 1°C (34°F) in the northern Bluegrassregion to more tha...
Kentucky - USA History.
The climate of Kentucky is characterized by warm or hot summers and cool winters. Throughout the year, temperatures do not vary greatly from place to place,although they are generally slightly lower in the Appalachian Plateaus region than elsewhere in the state. Average July temperatures are usually from 24° to 27°C (76°to 80°F) in the central and western areas and from 23° to 24°C (74° to 76°F) in the east. January averages range from below 1°C (34°F) in the northern Bluegrassregion to more tha...
Texas - geography.
D Climate Eastern Texas has a humid subtropical climate, while a semiarid low latitude climate prevails in central areas, and an arid low latitude climate in the extreme west. Alongthe coast the climate is much milder, with fewer extremes in temperatures. Hurricanes sometimes hit the coastal areas of Texas from late July through September, andtornadoes are common in north-central Texas in April and May. D1 Temperature Summers are hot throughout the state, and temperatures exceeding 35°C (95°F)...
Texas - USA History.
D Climate Eastern Texas has a humid subtropical climate, while a semiarid low latitude climate prevails in central areas, and an arid low latitude climate in the extreme west. Alongthe coast the climate is much milder, with fewer extremes in temperatures. Hurricanes sometimes hit the coastal areas of Texas from late July through September, andtornadoes are common in north-central Texas in April and May. D1 Temperature Summers are hot throughout the state, and temperatures exceeding 35°C (95°F)...
Voyage en Espagne, de Théophile Gautier
208 TEXTES COMMENTÉS ET COMPÂEéS Voici, d'autre part, la poésie que, dans le même temps, lui inspire le même spectacle LE PIN DES LANDES. On ne voit, en passant par les Landes désertes, Vrai Sahara français, poudré de sable blanc, Surgir de l'herbe sèche et des flaques d'eaux pertes D'autre arbre que le pin avec sa plaie au flanc; Car, pour lui dérober ses larmes de résine, L'homme, avare bourreau de la création, Qui ne cil qu'aux dépens de ceux qu'il assassine, Dans son...
C'est une forêt relativement mal connue. Les forêts galeries, le long des fleuves, tels les Varzeas de l'Amazone ou les marécages — gri-gri de Guyane, poto-poto de Côted'Ivoire ou swamp forest du Nigeria — en constituent les faciès floristiques et fauniques les plus riches. Cette forêt dense, appelée aussi forêt pluvieuse, est entourée deforêts dites sèches ou de mousson là où les pluies sont moins abondantes et où apparaît une saison sèche plus ou moins longue. Alors le caractère sempervirent s...
forêt (faune & Flore).
C’est une forêt relativement mal connue. Les forêts galeries, le long des fleuves, tels les Varzeas de l’Amazone ou les marécages — gri-gri de Guyane, poto-poto de Côted’Ivoire ou swamp forest du Nigeria — en constituent les faciès floristiques et fauniques les plus riches. Cette forêt dense, appelée aussi forêt pluvieuse, est entourée deforêts dites sèches ou de mousson là où les pluies sont moins abondantes et où apparaît une saison sèche plus ou moins longue. Alors le caractère sempervirent s...
- Carlo CARRA: Pin sur la mer
Georgia (state) - geography.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
Georgia (state) - USA History.
B Rivers and Lakes Most of the rivers of Georgia drain eastward to the Atlantic Ocean proper or southward to the Gulf of Mexico. Only a few flow northward to the Tennessee River, which isa major tributary of the Mississippi River. Most of the rivers flowing to the coasts are navigable by barges and small craft as far upstream as the Fall Line. The major river flowing to the Atlantic is the Savannah River, which, with the Tugaloo River, one of its headwaters, forms most of the state’s eastern bo...
- Nègre, Paysage du Midi, forêt de pins - photographie.
New Jersey - geography.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
New Jersey - USA History.
C Soils Broadly defined, all of New Jersey’s soils are podzolic soils; that is, they are acidic and contain fairly high amounts of iron oxides. The soils in northern New Jersey areirregular in quality and contain rock fragments and small stones deposited by the continental glaciers of the last Ice Age. The soils of the inner coastal plain, unaffectedby glaciation, are the richest in the state, while those of the outer coastal plain are generally infertile. The newer soil classification system d...
Les forêts de France
survivance d'une époque où le climat était beaucoup moins sec et chaud. Ce microclimat frais, qui fait voisiner hêtres et érables avec des essences plus spécifiquement méditerranéennes (ifs, chênes pubescents, houx ... ), est lié à la présence d'une falaise rocheuse au nord. Celle-ci abrite une grotte (une « baume») où la légende veut que Marie-Madeleine, repentie, se soit retirée après avoir débarqué aux Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. LES FORÊTS FRANÇAISES...
Washington (state) - geography.
The crest of the Cascade Range divides Washington into two distinct climatic regions. The area west of the Cascades, which is exposed throughout the year to rain-bearing winds from the Pacific Ocean, has a temperate marine type of climate that is characterized by mild wet winters and cool summers. The Cascades prevent themoist air blowing in from the Pacific from reaching eastern Washington. The Rocky Mountains on the eastern border also represent a climatic barrier. As a result, thesevere winte...
Washington (state) - USA History.
The crest of the Cascade Range divides Washington into two distinct climatic regions. The area west of the Cascades, which is exposed throughout the year to rain-bearing winds from the Pacific Ocean, has a temperate marine type of climate that is characterized by mild wet winters and cool summers. The Cascades prevent themoist air blowing in from the Pacific from reaching eastern Washington. The Rocky Mountains on the eastern border also represent a climatic barrier. As a result, thesevere winte...
New Mexico - geography.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
New Mexico - USA History.
New Mexico’s major river is the Río Grande, originating in southern Colorado, and flowing southward for 760 km (470 mi) through the state. Between the San LuisValley and Española Valley the river flows in a deep canyon known as the Río Grande Gorge; then, below White Rock Canyon, it flows through several valleys containingagricultural land. Most of the water of the Río Grande is used to irrigate these valleys. The Río Grande’s waterflow in New Mexico is extremely low. One of the major tributarie...
« Voyage en Espagne » de Théophile Gautier (commentaire composé)
avec son entaille d'où coule la résine. Cette large blessure, dont la couleur saumon tranche avec les tons gris de l' écorce, donne un air on ne peut plus lamentable à ces arbres sou ffrete ux et privés de la plus grande partie de leur sève. On dirait une forêt injustement égor gée qui lève les bras au ciel pour lui demander justice. » Voici, d au tre part, la poésie que, dans le même temps, lui inspir e le même spectacle : L E PIN DES...
- ARTICLE DE PRESSE: Alain Juppé, le pin des Landes
Oklahoma - geography.
portion and the Panhandle are classified as a steppe, where precipitation, typically 250 to 500 mm (10 to 20 in), is the controlling characteristic. January is usually the coldest month with an average of about 3°C (38°F) and extremes from -33°C (-27°F), the lowest ever recorded, to 33°C (92°F). Summer arelong and hot with temperatures in the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F) common from May until September across the state. The growing season varies from less than 180days in the western Panhandle to...
Oklahoma - USA History.
portion and the Panhandle are classified as a steppe, where precipitation, typically 250 to 500 mm (10 to 20 in), is the controlling characteristic. January is usually the coldest month with an average of about 3°C (38°F) and extremes from -33°C (-27°F), the lowest ever recorded, to 33°C (92°F). Summer arelong and hot with temperatures in the upper 30°s C (lower 100°s F) common from May until September across the state. The growing season varies from less than 180days in the western Panhandle to...
Tree - biology.
The major parts of a tree are its roots, trunk, leaves, flowers, and seeds. These components play vital roles in a tree’s growth, development, and reproduction. A Roots Trees are held in place by anchoring organs called roots. In addition to anchoring the tree, roots also absorb water and minerals through tiny structures called roothairs. From the roots the water and mineral nutrients are carried upward through the wood cells to the leaves. Although the internal structure of most kinds of roots...
Maine - geography.
temperatures range from 17° to 21°C (62° to 70°F) with the southern interior being the warmest and the east coast and north the coolest. However, daytime summertemperatures may reach the lower 30°s C (lower 90°s F), and temperatures in winter have fallen as low as -44°C (-48°F) in the interior. D2 Precipitation Precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) in Maine is evenly distributed throughout the year. Most areas receive from 860 to 1,020 mm (34 to 40 in) yearly, although parts ofthe coast are som...
Maine - USA History.
temperatures range from 17° to 21°C (62° to 70°F) with the southern interior being the warmest and the east coast and north the coolest. However, daytime summertemperatures may reach the lower 30°s C (lower 90°s F), and temperatures in winter have fallen as low as -44°C (-48°F) in the interior. D2 Precipitation Precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) in Maine is evenly distributed throughout the year. Most areas receive from 860 to 1,020 mm (34 to 40 in) yearly, although parts ofthe coast are som...
Louisiana - geography.
lakes are on the Red River and its tributaries. In addition, small oxbow lakes are numerous in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Oxbow lakes are formed when a river cutsthrough the neck of one of its loops, or meanders, thus establishing a shorter course and leaving the former loop as a lake separate from the river. Louisiana also hassome artificially created reservoirs. C Coastline Louisiana’s long and irregular coastline extends along the Gulf of Mexico from the Pearl River on the east to the S...
Louisiana - USA History.
lakes are on the Red River and its tributaries. In addition, small oxbow lakes are numerous in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain. Oxbow lakes are formed when a river cutsthrough the neck of one of its loops, or meanders, thus establishing a shorter course and leaving the former loop as a lake separate from the river. Louisiana also hassome artificially created reservoirs. C Coastline Louisiana’s long and irregular coastline extends along the Gulf of Mexico from the Pearl River on the east to the S...
- Hoplie farineux: Les larves s'attaquent aux hêtres, peupliers, saules, aulnes, aubépines et pins.
- Bausch (Philippine Bausch, dite Pina) Danseuse et chorégraphe allemande (Solingen, 1940).